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Error: "Loading a class or package in a group. \usepackage" with .cls file

I am writing my thesis with .cls file. This morning, everything worked well, and suddenly, my dumb brain decided to mess around with the MikTeX Console. And of course, I could not compile with the ....
l.ngn's user avatar
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latex on Arch Linux can't see packages installed via tlmgr

I've freshly installed texlive on Arch linux and tried to make it work using VS Code LaTeX Workshop. Unfortunatelly, when building (in VS Code or in CMD with latexmk command), I get this error: LaTeX ...
ms4rkl's user avatar
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2 answers

using faktor package in a Lyx document

I'm trying to use the faktor package in LyX for the quotient operator. However, LyX doesn't recognize the \faktor command, even though I've installed the package using Tex Live. I'm fairly new to LyX ...
userא0's user avatar
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What packages are new to TeXlive 2024? [closed]

As it seems there is no comprehensive document that explains the new changes to TeXlive 2024 (released on 13 March 2024), could anyone address the list of the packages added to this release, and the ...
Abbas's user avatar
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TeXmaker fails to recognize new TeX Live installation

I have an older TeX Live 2019 version installed on macOS (10.12.6). Recently I have installed TeX Live 2023 via MacPorts. I am using Sphinx v7.2.6 for generating a pdf file using command make latexpdf....
Stop War's user avatar
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pdflatex can't find an installed package

I installed texlive on Fedora. I'm trying to move from Overleaf to (Doom) Emacs + AucTeX, and so I downloaded one of my already written files from Overleaf and tried to run it through pdflatex. ...
kohdy's user avatar
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Placing custom .sty files on a Dropbox directory [duplicate]

I have recently switched computer (Mac OSVentura) and installed TexLive 1.54. I have my custom .sty files in a Dropbox directory which is sync across devices: ~/Dropbox/software/Tex/texmf/tex/latex/...
mariodrumblue's user avatar
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Installing (and updating) TeXLive packages from behind a Firewall?

I downloaded & installed a minimal TeXLive 2023 on a (Windows) machine I'm working. Now, I want to install a bunch of packages. However - this machine is behind a rather nastily restrictive ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to update dvisvgm to the last release not yet availble in texlive 2023

In my previous question about creating svg file with the animate package it is sugested that I upgrade dvisvgm to version 3.1 which is available on ctan but not in texlive 2023. Unfortunately I don't ...
Hafid Boukhoulda's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to "fake packages" for TeX Live on Arch Linux?

How to "fake packages" for TeX Live on Arch Linux? I installed TeX Live directly from the script rather than the Arch packages. However pacman is unaware that I installed it and tries to ...
imd54497's user avatar
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Where does TeX Live download packages from?

When researching this, I found this answer which led me to try tlmgr option repository. This worked and returned Default package repository (repository): ...
Marc Miller's user avatar
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I installed vanilla TeX Live on Debian but apt still tries to install "texlive-" packages although I tricked packages

I had TeX Live 2022 installed and upgraded to TeX Live 2023. I followed this wonderful guide: Remove old installation sudo apt-get purge texlive* sudo rm -rf /usr/local/texlive/* sudo rm -rf ~/....
vby374792's user avatar
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Package repository not verified: pubkey missing

Am getting the following error when I try to do tlmgr install package: package repository (not verified: pubkey missing) It appears I need ...
Revise's user avatar
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Installation of texlive packages ubuntu 20.04

I'm kindly asking for your help. I'm trying to install texlive on Ubuntu 20.04. I tried to find information on how to install it, but I found out there are several packages: texlive-full,texlive-latex-...
fany's user avatar
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LaTex font not found after upgrading linuxmint

I can't get working the font "Comicneue" with LaTex since I upgraded my linuxmint version. All was working fine before the upgrade. I have the package Comicneue I downloaded from CTAN in ~/...
erwanerwan's user avatar
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How can I install a font from TexLive 2021 in 2022?

I am using Pandoc to convert from Markdown to LaTeX and then to PDF. I am using the Gentium font family. TeX is installed using TeXLive 2022, and I have installed the gentium-tug package package. ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
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How to find missing externals for a new package

I am currently trying to install packages glossaries and glossaries-extra. Everything is fine until I try to compile (using pdflatex) a .tex document. Each time the compiler requests that I add a new ...
Clinton Winant's user avatar
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Will TeXLive Utility update a package if I manually updated it?

The mismath package v2.1 caused a conflict with \DeclarePairedDelimiter. The problem is resolved with mismath v2.2. (See: mismath.sty bug?) The new version of mismath has been posted to CTAN but ...
murray's user avatar
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Error when using pst-poker: rungs not found? (texlive)

After installing the 2022 edition of texlive I get the following error when trying to use the pst-poker package: C:\texlive\2022\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:858: no appropriate script or program found: ...
J823's user avatar
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Cannot use enumitem-zref

I have following MWE: % ------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{...
texrec's user avatar
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Creating texlive package with installable dependencies [duplicate]

For my first latex package (called dummy), i have a basic TDS structure ready and running. I want to install it with tlmgr. dummy │ └───tex │ │ │ └───latex │ │ │ └───dummy │ │...
flymg's user avatar
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How do linux users manage unmet dependencies?

I use Tex live on Debian. While I have no issues using the stable repository, I also want to try out the latest packages and changes that are only available on testing/sid. Unfortunately, when I ...
qiym8663's user avatar
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Can I use article template that exist in MikTeX or TexLive?

OK, the question is simple and perhaps a bit silly, but I cannot find an exact answer so here it is: I'm writing an article for a journal which has recommended article class, say elsarticle. The ...
X.Arthur's user avatar
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3 answers

Metric (TFM) file not found when using the initials package in LaTeX

I have installed the initials package from CTAN, using these steps on Ubuntu. I want to use the Acron font, but when I run the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lettrine, Acorn} \...
Shayan's user avatar
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Package xurl not found

I need a package xurl and not found in TeXstudio. I use TeX Live Manager 2016 and I want to install manually but not found. How to solve this problem?
Ongky Denny Wijaya's user avatar
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Is there something related to font size that has been changed in the recent update?

This morning I updated my TeX Live 2022 installation, most notably the packages latex and kpfonts-otf. And all of a sudden my document, previously (by "previous" I mean "yesterday")...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Unable to load repositories in Tex Live manager

It shows an error No backend and closes the manager on clicking "OK". I tried loading different repositories but it was the same. I was wondering maybe I should install the newer version of ...
Vaishnav's user avatar
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Curiosities about libsynctex

I've browsed through the CTAN repository, and there's no package called libsynctex, and that's also the case with the install script. However, when using linux distributions, e.g. texlive-bin of Arch ...
ygy's user avatar
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How to manually remove LaTeX packages in Ubuntu (installed from Debian Repositories)

My laptop (OS: Ubuntu xenial) has a very small disk space (16 GB) so I installed one of the texlive packages (via Debian Repositories using apt). I needed certain features that forced me to download ...
Jesús Isea's user avatar
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Installing packages on PopOS with TeXLive's tlmgr

I am trying to install tcolorbox package but getting this, I am using PopOS $tlmgr install tcolorbox (running on Debian, switching to user mode!) (see /usr/share/doc/texlive-base/README.tlmgr-on-...
TheBlapse's user avatar
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Latex error: File tgtermes.sty not found

I installed BasicTex.pkg in OS X to generate pdf file of a sphinx documentation. When I ran make latexpdf, it throws the error LaTeX Error: File tgtermes.sty' not found`. I tried to install it using ...
arunppsg's user avatar
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Pdflatex does not find packages installed with tlmgr

I installed TinyTeX on Mac OS Mojave. After I compiled some tex file, I got missing package error, though I installed it correctly using "tlmgr" command. I compiled with PDFLaTex and got ...
hmitcs's user avatar
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Texlive: ! LaTeX Error: File `IEEEtrantools.sty' not found

I want to compile this file: \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{IEEEtrantools} \begin{document} • \end{document} But get that error: ! LaTeX Error: File `IEEEtrantools.sty' not found. ...
thyhmoo's user avatar
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Error when trying to install packages with tlmgr in Linux

Hello to you all and thanks for reading! For a while I've been using LaTeX to type university math reports and such using TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2015/Debian, installed using apt) in my laptop with ...
Jesús Isea's user avatar
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! Font \milstd=milstd not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found

I tried to install the milstd package to use the logical gates. I didn't know how to do it so I used this tutorial. I didn't have any .ins or .dtx file so I started on step 3. I had a .sty, a .tex and ...
Dunno's user avatar
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How to install individual package (like commath) in LaTex? [duplicate]

I have trouble understanding how LaTex deals with packages, so this is a rather general question that arose from my specific problem with the commath package. I want to use the commath package, and so ...
AlphaOmega's user avatar
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TeXlive2020 TEXMFHOME doesn't exist

I am trying to install the "dropping" package from CTAN to compile a template in TeXstudio, using TeXlive2020 on Windows 10. The dropping.sty file cannot be found, as the error log in ...
Christian Flannery's user avatar
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Getting a specific old version of a package as a .sty file

The Problem I'm trying to submit a manuscript to a journal hosted on, which, as far as I can tell, use a very old TexLive distribution. Naturally, this is out of my control. ...
Landak's user avatar
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Do I need to download Pullquotes.sty?

If I have texlive, do I need to download Pullquotes.sty? If yes, from where? And what should I do after download? I want to run this code:
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I install packages in TeXLive on Windows 10

I tried to install packages like numinsec.sty to Texlive on Windows 10 by copying the files in ‪C:\texlive\texmf-local\tex\latex\numinsec.sty. But Texlive can not find it when compiling. What is the ...
Eugene Zhang's user avatar
4 votes
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TeX Live 2020 - tlmgr cannot load perl-tk although it is installed

I installed TeX Live 2020 on my Linux system. When I try to invoke tlmgr --gui I get the error message tlmgr: Cannot load Tk, thus the GUI cannot be started! The Perl/Tk module is not shipped with the ...
Robert's user avatar
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Manage packages in TEXMFHOME with tlmgr [duplicate]

I am using TeX Live on a Linux system. My current OS version is a bit old and the Tex Live packages shipped are not the most recent. I need to use a custom texmf in TEXMFHOME for some CTAN packages. ...
Cyker's user avatar
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how to install minion pro under ubuntu [duplicate]

I will want to install minion pro under ibuntu but I did not succeed, because it asks me for the .otf file that I do not have, I am looking for a step by step method to install minion pro very clear ...
Frih Osmane's user avatar
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How can I get TeX Live to stop using the wrong package version (oscola)?

When attempting to use the OSCOLA style with biblatex I receive the error '! Package biblatex Error: Option 'url' already defined.' during compilation (running pdflatex from the command line). ...
08915bfe02's user avatar
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How to update a LaTeX package?

I have the Tex Live 2017 in Trisquel, I installed from the compact disc. I need to update the tkz-euclide package, for that I entered the tlmgr window: When I order the update, I get this result: ...
Arnold Fernández's user avatar
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How do I add packages on TeX Live 2018?

I'm trying to install a package using TeX Live, and I already created the .sty file but I don't succeed in actually using the package, how do I add and use it?
oria's user avatar
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TeXStudio not recognizing installed packages

When I install a new package to the TeX system using tlmgr, Texstudio is never able to find the package. The package is missing despite me being able to see the package on my system. Even weirder, ...
user8972341's user avatar
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Dependencies of xparse package

Recently I have used a xparse package, and, surely some preprint servers doesn't have this package in their system, like, for example, While you try to submit [to arXiv] the ...
Petro Kolosov's user avatar
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general strategy to work around LaTeX packages inconsistencies

The motivating question is actually this one. I am still struggling to regenerate my Bison draft report from this Bismon github GPLv3+ software repository (using make latexdoc on Linux/Debian/Sid or ...
Basile Starynkevitch's user avatar
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Lua package submission to ctan

I have created some useful stuff for Mathematics with lua. So far I have the following files. my package.sty file1.lua file2. lua readme documentation.tex documentation. pdf The read me file ...
user61681's user avatar
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