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Display Issue with Handwriting Simulation

I wanted to make my LaTeX notes look handwritten. I found an approach from this site which uses: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
Lex_i's user avatar
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Font shape '...'in size <16> not available - changes to do in Springer Nature template

I am getting font errors especially with Springer Nature Template. The font shapes 'OT1/cmr/m/n', 'OML/cmm/m/it', 'OMS/cmsy/m/n' and 'U/rsfs/m/n' are shown not available in the template. I have used a ...
Aishwarya Rao IITGN's user avatar
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Comma in the decimal numbers (Italian notation) [duplicate]

I wanted to ask this question a few months ago, and I don't know if there is a duplicate. I have searched but couldn't find anything. Here there is a minimal working example: \documentclass[a4paper,...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How to Use (Install) the igo (CTAN) Package

Up to a few days ago, all of my knowledge about importing packages was based on using \usepackage{} with the packages installed by whatever distribution you'd end up using. Now, I'm kind of confused ...
psygo's user avatar
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Must I install cm-super to get a smooth CM Bright font?

I've been using the CM Bright font for some homework assignments. I've found its very pixelated when zooming in. I hope these images display that. I've found a similar post post asking for help, but ...
Abdullah Mustafa's user avatar
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Different font packages besides mathbb [duplicate]

I am new to LaTeX. I only know of the mathbb package since that one is ubiquitous. I am trying to replicate this typeface here. Can someone please tell me what package to use for this? And from where ...
alyosha's user avatar
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\textbf \texttt \textit is not working anymore

I am trying latex for the first time to write an essay for school, in the beginning the \textbf \texttt and \textit worked normaly. But i started to use more and more different packages and copied ...
Gijs van Asten's user avatar
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Metric (TFM) file not found for manually installed package

On Kubuntu 22.04, I installed manually the yhmath package. I downloaded the zip file, extracted and ran make in the package. It is now in the directory ~/texmf/tex/latex/yhmath. I ran texhash ~/texmf ...
Gribouillis's user avatar
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LaTex font not found after upgrading linuxmint

I can't get working the font "Comicneue" with LaTex since I upgraded my linuxmint version. All was working fine before the upgrade. I have the package Comicneue I downloaded from CTAN in ~/...
erwanerwan's user avatar
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Package fontspec Error: The font "CharisSIL-R" cannot be found

I have a package, suppose mydummypackage . When I compile the package I get the following errors: Line 10: ! Package fontspec Error: The font "CharisSIL-R" cannot be found. Line 12: ! ...
Ishrat Hossain's user avatar
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What is this font, please? [duplicate]

I found this note on the internet, does anyone know what the font is in it (and how to use it in latex), thanks
pushhhhh's user avatar
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Alegreya SC in LaTeX

Does anyone know how to use the font Alegreya SC in LaTeX? I am aware of the package Alegreya, but it does not seem to provide the right capitalization. Any ideas?
sam wolfe's user avatar
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What is the usefulness of the package "erewhon"?

I'm using a preset overleaf project for MSc thesis and I found that the package erewhon produces numbers that do not align with the text. In my thesis I have many numbers that are not necessarily ...
g_don's user avatar
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How do you specify a bold font to use for Computer Concrete?

I'm using the Computer Concrete fonts using \usepackage{concmath}. I really like how text and math are rendered using this font; but a major downside is that it does not have bold variants, and falls ...
Akhilesh Balaji's user avatar
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To which class of calligraphic fonts does the following `\mathcal{K}` correspond to?

In one of the research articles I was reading I noticed this special calligraphic \mathcal{K} What class of fonts (package) is this font generated from?
SPARSE's user avatar
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What is the name of the font when labeling an inference rule?

What is the font of Foo in this inference rule? The package being used for the inference rule is The example is found on page 7. Another question if somebody ...
Rakozay's user avatar
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Package fontspec Error: The font "Lato-Lig" cannot be found. \setsansfont

I get this error Package fontspec Error: The font "Lato-Lig" cannot be found. \setsansfont when I run this code: %!TEX TS-program = xelatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[hmargin=1.25cm,...
Scott Ad.'s user avatar
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Trying to get the correct letter l lowercase

I would like to get the $l(g)$ of the left side, but using \mathcal{} I get the right side: Please, what package can I use? Thanks in advance!
LH8's user avatar
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Issues with libertine package [duplicate]

I would like to print a file (in Linux) and I get the following error I have tried manually installing libertine but I have failed to do so. When I dowloaded the zip folder, I extracted it, and then ...
Maths Wizzard's user avatar
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Using virtual font files in .sty package

I'm using virtual fonts to generate a "script-r" symbol, exactly following the accepted answer of this post. I am assembling together a .sty file containing code I frequently use, and would ...
Henry Shackleton's user avatar
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Cannot use courier package and Times New Roman?

For whatever reason, when I try to use Times New Roman (i.e., via \setmainfont{Times New Roman}) and the courier package together, LaTeX does not use Courier in \texttt... it looks like it uses the ...
TheProgrammer's user avatar
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Good combination of sans serif font text and math mode using beamer class

Starting from this MWE, \documentclass[10pt]{beamer} \usetheme{Warsaw} \usecolortheme[RGB={063,098,031}]{structure} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{cmbright,...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How do I reduce the size of inference rule?

I am using package mathpartir, with environment mathpar. In the environment I am using command \inferrule to write down some inference rules. The problem is that this rules are just too big, and I ...
Ignacio Tiraboschi's user avatar
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Change the font style in all equations of entire document

I'd like to change my font style in all equations of one document, not just a single equation. The font applied now is I found the same question here, but it isn't working for me. How can I change ...
Sam's user avatar
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Combining different fonts

I am writing a note and I tried to combine two different fonts taken from The latex fonts catalogue here. These fonts are New TX for the text style and GFS Artemisia with Euler math for math style. ...
InsideOut's user avatar
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Can use font on my tex editor, but not on sharelatex, why? [duplicate]

So I can write using Georgian font on my computer's TeX programme (I think MikTex?). For this I needed to write the command "\usepackage [georgian]{babel}" and allow my computer to download ...
user208878's user avatar
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Is there a style to print crochet patterns

I think I have seen a style file, to print crochet patterns within LaTeX, but I can't find it any more. Crochet patterns are a visual description on how to knot your yarn. Something like this example....
Jan's user avatar
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The font "IBMPlexSerif-Light" cannot be found

I try to use “IBM Plex Sans Light” font then I just try to follow what describe here. So my MWE is the given LaTeX source founded in that page. I just put in my MWE’s directory the plex-otf packages. ...
fauve's user avatar
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umranda: non-existent package?

On page 205 of the symbols-a4 (2020) page table 527 mentions umranda Decorative Borders. This package is useful for drawing the fish. Does this package not exist anymore? This code: \documentclass[...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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\mathcal and \mathscr output the same thing in my template [duplicate]

In my template compiled by XeLaTeX, \mathcal and \mathscr output the same thing. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{arydshln} \...
p7gap's user avatar
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Problem adding package mbtimes

This a question of a beginner. I would like to have old-fashioned Greek letter $ \varphi $. For instance, as the number 12 in the list in the question A whole list of math fonts for greek letters in ...
XIII's user avatar
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font, text style etc [duplicate]

This might be awkward to ask but just wonder if by any chance one could inform me: I just like very much the font and the text style used in this report here
Ramen's user avatar
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How to use package is part of texlive-music for write V and R of Versicle and Response?

I need only the traditional V and R characters for Versicle and Response. In this answer is recommended to use the gregoriotex package. When trying to install it on Ubuntu, the message from TexLive ...
A. Cedano's user avatar
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A little blank space using an MWE with newtxtext, newtxmath and mathalfa

Giving an answer for this question Typing Latex symbol the user @Lazy squirrel have noticed that there is a blank spacing between the character M and R. Why? What is the reason? \documentclass[a4paper,...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Why can I not use the "superiors" package with any options?

I am trying to compile the following document: \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[supstfm=libertinesups,supscaled=1.2,raised=-.13em]{superiors} \begin{document} a \end{document} The ...
user505117's user avatar
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What does the \usepackage {nimbusmononarrow} command do?

I know what the command \usepackage{} does but I don't know what kind of package nimbusmononarrowis.
Kasisus's user avatar
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Correct preamble with T1 font encoding

I am wondering if I have set up a correct preamble. In particular I must use T1 encoding, because I am writing in Portuguese. \documentclass[english,portuguese]{article} \usepackage[portuguese]{babel} ...
Mrcrg's user avatar
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tipfr package: how to write some buttons (request: only pdfLaTeX)

Related of this my previous question here: Search for a package to generate graphic displays of calculators I'm searching to write something as \sin^{-1} for my students similar to this picture taken ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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A small display of a scientific calculator

Starting from LCD package (one page) of documentation, looking in particular this question where there is the long code of @Thomas F. Sturm (here):, \documentclass[openany,10pt]{book} \usepackage{...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Use symbols without using the package

I need to use symbols \varheartsuit and \vardiamondsuit in package fdsymbol without changing other fonts, so I can't using command \usepackage{fdsymbol}. This answer suggest using \DeclareSymbolFont ...
Andrews's user avatar
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Bulletitems and Subbulletitems disappeared after adding lmodern to my document. Can you help me fix this issue? [closed]

I had \usepackage{fontawesome} in my document, and bullet-/subbullet-items worked properly. I wanted to switch to lmodern, and added \usepackage{lmodern} to my document. The font has changed to ...
Tom_C's user avatar
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Hurricane symbols

There were hyperuragans mentioned on an Italian television channel. Does any of you know if there is a specific package in LaTeX, or fonts that reproduce hurricane symbols with numbers? The image is ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How to write character x in math enviroment as Polykov's book?

I am using Latex. I want to write x as in Polykov's book, but I do not konw which font it is. It is like chi, but it is not.
thone's user avatar
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Battery and resistor symbols into a text

In this moment I have forgotten between many Physics books which I have read, where I have seen the battery and resistance symbols to use when I write a text, an article or a paragraph. I just have ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Load order of babel vs. font packages

This question stems from something I stumbled across in the newtx package documentation: 2 Text mode options … If you use the babel package, you should load it before newtxtext—for ...
Socob's user avatar
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what package should I use for $\mathscr{C}$?

What package should I use for $\mathscr{C}$ to function? any help will be appreciated. My LaTeX file contains this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
Mathstupid's user avatar
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Minion Pro Package: '%' Sign Missing from the Roman (Regular) Typeface Only

I’ve recently installed the Minion Pro package from and followed all the instructions from the read-me file closely. So far, everything is rendering ...
Mateusz Brzozowski's user avatar
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Search for the symbol of Napier's number (e) used into wolframalpha

I've been searching since a few days the symbol of Napier's number (e). It is a symbol of and with a cut on the inside similary to the double struck commands (\mathbb). I vaguely remember that there ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Name of latex font using in the document (see picture) [duplicate]

What is the name of the font used in this latex document? And how can I have the same type of greek symbols? Thanks a lot !
Jorge Febles's user avatar
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Is it possible to replace the \mathbbm letters with less grainy ones?

Using the bbm package, one can generate letters that look like this: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{bbm} \begin{document} $\mathbbm{A}$ \end{document} As you can see, this has a really low ...
Skydiver's user avatar
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