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Questions tagged [figure-placement]

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2 answers

How to place tikzpicture next to enumerate

This is my code \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry} % maths \usepackage{mathtools, amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts} % tikzpicture \usepackage{tikz, scalerel, pict2e, tkz-euclide} \...
Ricardo Freccero's user avatar
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Reprint a theorem's picture after page turn

I'm working on a hyperbolic geometry document that involves long proofs often based on a single figure. Sometimes these proofs run on to several pages. I would like LaTeX to reprint the theorem's ...
bopgah's user avatar
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Subfigure arrangement with relatively complex combination of shapes and sizes

I have six figures, which I need to arrange like the following image: The image sizes are provided in points, e.g. green: 622 by 350. I have found these examples How to put 5 images with different ...
massisenergy's user avatar
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How to format wrap text (including caption) properly, such that my main text does not overlap my caption

The image shows the output of the script, where the blue highlighted equation overlaps the caption of figure 15.1 I want the highlighted equation to be centered underneath the main section of text, ...
Paige Avery's user avatar
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About \psfrag and [<posn>] and [<psposn>]

I have to confess I have not understood the meaning of [posn] and [psposn] in \psfrag when working on a .eps figure. In the guide, {t,b,B,c} stand for (top, bottom, baseline, center) and {l,r,c} for (...
umby's user avatar
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I want to include a caption but it gives the "not in outer par mode" error [duplicate]

I am using overleaf and I used the "insert figure" button (editor toolbar) to put an image, it gave this code: \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{...
Black Watch's user avatar
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Freeze the position of figures [duplicate]

In my document, several subsections are composed of tables. When compiling, I get the titles of the subsections in a row and then in the following pages the tables in a row: this therefore does not ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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structure multiple figures and texts in the same file

I am using Latex to write a research paper and I am trying to figure out, how to structure more than a figure and text in the same page. I use the commands \begin{figure}[h] and \end{figure}[h]. ...
Angelo Mattia's user avatar
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Image displacement in Texmaker [duplicate]

When I want to put some images next to each other and then put a text after it, the images displace undesirably (they go after the text). I'm using Texmaker.
John Asadio's user avatar
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How can I automate placing a large image in two adjacent pages so that it forms a two-page spread?

I'm making a pdf which is meant to be printed as a physical book, and I'd like to be able to place an image such that its evenly split between one odd page and its subsequent even page and seems as ...
Luca Ballanzeddu's user avatar
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How can I rotate captions for rotated side by side images

This is my first time working with LaTeX and I found a problem when trying to put two rotated images side by side, here is the code I'm using and its result (in a generic way, changing the images and ...
JovenCalixto's user avatar
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How to make an algorithm box smaller inside a figure environment?

I have following code for an algorithm block: \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algorithmicx} \usepackage{algpseudocode} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{minibox} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{...
ranaya's user avatar
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Figures and tables are not shown

I was writing in a \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} and figures and tables were shown. When i shifted to \documentclass[]{IEEEphot} figures and tables are not shown anymore. I have included all ...
camellia  mohammed's user avatar
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Figure Format Questions [closed]

May I know: 1/ how to move the description (blue) start with new line exactly under Abbildung? tried adding // but failed 2/ how to handle the spaces (red)? 3/ how to make the code (green) shown as ...
user12595983's user avatar
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Scale the size of figure/subfigure

I need to scale the figure to 0.5 of the original size. Doing \begin{subfigure}{0.5\textwidth} shifts the subfigure to the right. I just need it to be smaller, but remain centered. \documentclass[10pt]...
Vika's user avatar
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Insert multiple images with caption in block in the beamer

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Beamer Presentation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass{beamer} \mode<presentation> { % The Beamer class comes with a number of ...
Shresth Somya's user avatar
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How to fix the position of a figure which spans across two columns? [duplicate]

I'm using the following code to make a figure span across two columns: \begin{figure*}[th] \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figure} \caption{This is a figure caption} \end{figure*} However, the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Adding sub caption under an aligned figure

Is there any way to align vertically the figure on the right in the middle of the figure on the left AND add a sub-caption to fill the blank space below the figure on the right ? Thank you in advance ...
Waxler's user avatar
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x position of a figure

I am currently writing a report, and I am using Latex. Since it is a report in the physics field, I have many figures to include in this. There is a figure I made by myself, and without entering into ...
Alexis L.'s user avatar
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Is there a way to highlight replacement in figures for paper revision?

I am performing a review for a paper and I have to provide two files, namely a CLEAN VERSION, with no marked changes and a MARKED VERSION in which I will mark the revisions. For the text I am using ...
Kosmylo's user avatar
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pdf figure repeats and overlays other figures

My tex file seems fine when you download it, but on google preview (like in email but will sometimes go away if you zoom in far enough) and sometimes for others viewing the pdf, the figures get ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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Wrong alignement for environment marginfigure of package sidenotes

When redacting my PhD thesis, I found myself wanting to add a side-figure here and there to tell the reader that something is important. The idea is to put a figure inside the margin where needed. I ...
mranvick's user avatar
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Vertical and horizontal alignement in minipage environment

How would it be possible to have the same space between the figure and both margins of the page in this example : Also, I would like to adjust the bottom side of the left figure with the axis x of ...
Waxler's user avatar
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Vertical alignment of a figure with a tikzpicture

I know this is a simple question but I couldn't figure it out using the forum so here it is : I am trying to align vertically both an eps figure and a tikzpicture situated on the same page : for some ...
Waxler's user avatar
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How to overlay figure caption on a image in overleaf latex?

I am using Overleaf latex. I have an input image that I cannot change/reorganize. I need to use this image to create a figure. The image itself is full page high. The left bottom of the space has ...
skm's user avatar
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How to place the Figure in the Exact Position where we wish in a LaTeX document? [duplicate]

For a new book I am working, which is in the Final Submission Stage, the Publisher has asked us to place the Figures in the Examples, as soon as they start. For example, if I include a Figure as part ...
Sundar's user avatar
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multi image figure - 3 images same size and 1 image different on a single figure

Currently, I am trying to form a figure with multiple images (see the attached image). Easily, I was able to make the part with the first three images but I couldn't add the forth image which is the ...
Koray Sevinç's user avatar
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My figures cannot be placed side by side

I have this code to place six images into two rows (3 images for each row): \begin{figure}[htbp!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3 \textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{1agw-eva....
Mouna Ahmen's user avatar
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How to position mdframed environment at the top of a page, without topmargins being decreased?

I have a document which uses a simple custom environment for algorithms, using the mdramed package. Some times I want an algorithm to be placed at its position in text, and other times I would like an ...
Naysh's user avatar
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Table doesn't fit in the page and add figure into the table's cell

Question: I Prepared a table from online. The issue is it doesn't fit in the page. Second problem is I added codes for a figure , I want to add this figure in the first column (Second cell). Can ...
SandyM's user avatar
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Paragraph gets under the figure despite being above in code

I am trying to make the paragraph to be above the figure yet it is put below. Why ? I have tried different figure options with no success. \paragraph{Poniżej jest porównanie obrazów przed i po ...
Szymon42214's user avatar
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Is it possible to define all figures in one place at the end of my latex file and call them wherever I want to place them?

I have a long latex file with some 20 figures. I want to define all the figures in one place so that it is easier for me to find them in latex and edit them. I can define all the figures at the end of ...
Nagabhushan S N's user avatar
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Wrong orientation of a figure

I want to insert a figure using the package graphicx . But the orientation of the figure is not correct: The figure I want to insert is 3*4, but in the pdf it rotates 90 degrees automatically and ...
B.J.'s user avatar
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Figure spans into wrong margin (tufte style)

Fully compilable code here. I am placing a figure with \newcommand{\plainwidefig}[5][!htb]{% \FloatBarrier% \begin{figure*}[#1]% {\includegraphics[width=#2\linewidth, left]{#3}}% ...
Ax11's user avatar
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Put a figure next to a table

I'm trying to decently put a figure right next to a table. I tried all the approaches suggested here and here. None of them worked. The closest was the first one, but I get an error Package floatrow ...
mEm's user avatar
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Positioning floats after next section title

I am trying to allow more flexibility to the placement of figure environments. More specifically, say that a section ends 5cm before the bottom of the page, and ends with a figure environment, which ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Figure placement on a baposter [duplicate]

I am working on a poster (baposter) using Latex, and I have a QR Code figure. I am trying to import it, but it keeps messing up the poster layout, as shown below. I want to import it to be something ...
user316900's user avatar
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How can I get rid of the extra white space of figures?

My codes are: \documentclass[aps,pra,twocolumn,margin=1mm]{revtex4-2} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{overpic} %%%%%% \begin{document} \begin{figure*} %\centering \begin{overpic}[...
karry's user avatar
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How to set the spacing between figures in beamer

According to Setting margins below and above figures does not have any effect in beamer, in beamer, figures are not floats. That is why How to change the spacing between figures/tables and text? doesn'...
clel's user avatar
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Figure gets cut/doesnt pass to next page

Here's the code: \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[t]{1\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) coordinate(v0) {} (v0)--++(...
Scipio's user avatar
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Adding multiple logos in beamer template

Suppose I have a beamer template and I want two logos to appear, one in the top left and the other in the top right. I am using \pgfdeclareimage in a sty file to declare images: footlinecolor{} % ...
Saginus's user avatar
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Placing two separate figures side by side

Suppose I have two separate figures in separate Tex files and I use \input{tex file of figure} to include the two figures in the main Tex.file of a two colomn template article assume the two tex files ...
learning statistics 's user avatar
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Incorrect appearance of the subfigures

I am using below code to include 3 different images in the same figure. However, the caption for each subfigure is with format "Figure 7.2: Gráfico del estado OFF" instead of "a)Gráfico ...
anita fernandez's user avatar
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How can I replace the semicolon with a full stop after the 'Figure' index?

I'm editing an overleaf paper draft following the general formats defined in the IEEE access template. The color of the overall figure indexes complies with the IEEE access template now, but the ...
Xuanhan Zhu's user avatar
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Align a figure to the left in a column in beamer

The frame is divided into two columns, and both columns contain figures. However, the space on the left side of the first column is too large (as indicated in the image), and I would like to push the ...
Tarek Acila's user avatar
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Graphics moving to wrong places

I am currently editing a long document in which the text is illustrated with numerous graphics and tables. When I started editing it the graphics were more or less close to the relevant parts of the ...
JeremyC's user avatar
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How to Insert Figures in the Header and Footer?

In my university, they require us to use this figure in the header of the poster, and this one at the bottom. \documentclass{tikzposter} \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath,latexsym,url} \title{\LARGE{A ...
Student's user avatar
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Aligning figures in subfigure environment

I would like to know, how is it possible to correctly align all figures below without passing through a vectorial processing software. Is it possible in LaTex ? I am working with subfiguresbut didn't ...
Waxler's user avatar
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Split a Tikzpicture Across Two Pages

Often enough, I run into the problem of a tikzpicture being too large to fit on the page where I would like it to be. Consider the MWE (compiled with pdfLatex): \documentclass[a5paper,12pt,openany]{...
DDS's user avatar
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Issue with subfigure split across multiple pages

I have 4 subfigures that I want to be presented across two pages, with 2 on each page. (Each set of two subfigs is large enough to take the entire page). I followed the suggestions here: Split ...
wiltabone's user avatar