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Lua os.getenv("UID") returns `nil` but environment variable it's already set

I'm writing a yazi plugin to preview documents. I'm on GNU/Linux. I'm trying to save the temporary files in a dedicated folder with the UID —user id— as suffix. According to Programming in Lua The os....
Macydnah's user avatar
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How to compare uid nfc to csv database (tag :Mifare DESFire : ISO14443-4 : Type A, Isodep)

my app launch but nothing happened when i put a nfc tag. The goal is normally simple, put nfc tag, compare uid to a csv database. The Mifare DESFire : ISO14443-4 : Type A, Isodep Tag contains secured ...
Kevin Huteau's user avatar
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How to create unique ids in xl sheets or R

I am creating unique ids on excel based on several variables like, name of the farmer, name of the field, hectares- to see how many times these variables match, and whether these fields could again be ...
Isaac_v's user avatar
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Python read text from NFC ACR122U

I successfully could read the UID of a NFC card, using the reader ACR122U and a simple badge bought on aliexpress. The problem is that i can't manage to read something else. I want to read the text ...
Tiz Faver's user avatar
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How to use subuidname and subgidname arguments with rootless podman?

Here's a Dockerfile of a GUI app, which builds: FROM RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y RUN apt install mousepad -y RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ARG ...
Václav's user avatar
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mount read-only host directory with only group access

I'm using podman as user john, member of data group, (rootless, then) to start a container where the only user is the non-root contjohn user. On the host, /mnt/db is a directory of permissions root:...
aluriak's user avatar
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Validate UID in python using regex

I want to validate a UID based on the following conditions: at least two uppercase letters at least three digits must only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z,A-Z,0-9) no character should repeat ...
user23485271's user avatar
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How to calculate the same deviceUniqueIdentifier as Unity does for linux? [duplicate]

I want to create a class library using C# (would be a part of Avalonia app) that is going to calculate the same deviceUniqueIdentifier as Unity' SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier does. I know how to ...
crackanddie's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to pass "Source UID" to iptables?

Through command line, am setting firewall rules using iptable binary like below: iptables -I PRIO_IN -p tcp -s "" -d "" -j ACCEPT For above rule, now I ...
Karma Yogi's user avatar
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Uniquely identify a smartphone from NFC

I would like to be able to recognize users by having them just place their smartphone on my NFC reader without having to install any app. I don't need their smartphone to send any information other ...
Federico Taschin's user avatar
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Why does the owner of the podman volume for a rootless container get changed to this particular UID?

I am brand new to podman, and trying to understand something I have observed with permissions / UIDs. I have created two podman named volumes as my non-root user (named qsd), one to be mounted in a ...
teeeeee's user avatar
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Flutter Differentiate between devices via unique ID / IMEI / Serialnumber?

I wanted to know if there is a prefered way to fetch a unique "ID" from the user of the app. The thing is that I need to differentiate between phones under one "Company Account". ...'s user avatar
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How can the maildir format accomodate flags/UIDs on recent messages?

I am using the maildir (maildir++, actually) email backend format for storing messages on a custom IMAP server. I have a good understanding of the relevant email protocols and maildir format, but this ...
InterLinked's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the UID generated by the NFC controller of my Android phone when a RFID reader is brought near the phone?

I am trying to build a RFID tag emulator on android using Flutter framework. The RFID reader that I am working with uses the UID for identification. It then sends this UID back to a server and ...
Mohit Jain's user avatar
-2 votes
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Powershell guid is not unique when I run it in multiple threads - How can I make it unique?

I am running a script in powershell in multiple threads (multiple shells), and I'm finding that its possible for the NewGuid powershell function to generate values in powershell 7 that are not ...
openCivilisation's user avatar
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How to easily modify the UID of a Mifare Classic Card?

I want to modify the UID of a Mifare Classic Mini 13.56MhZ card, in order to duplicate the one I use to access my dormroom. I believe the security of the door is only based on the UID. I made a lot of ...
mog's user avatar
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How to get next greater existent message uid from remote mail server by using PHP IMAP functions?

In the beginning, suppose that there are 3 messages on the remote mail server. Uid 1, 2, 3 We download them by using PHP IMAP functions (namely POP3 connection). Mail server provides us with next uid, ...
Bayram's user avatar
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How to find a user Instagram uid and uidb36?

Now I am testing Instagram. How to find any user Instagram uid or uidb36? I am try to reset my password via Email address, Instagram server send me two link one short link and another is very long ...
bio mani's user avatar
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A special function for uids

I have an unique identifier (uid) x, and given an integer j, I need a function f such that f(x, j) is another uid (in the same "domain" as x) such that f(x, j1) = f(x, j2) if and only if j1 =...
helperFunction's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't cp or write or install in ubuntu docker container

Team, how can i make jenkins a privilege user? I wrote a dockerfile and successfully built an image but after running a container and I exec in, I cannot run any write command and get Permission ...
AhmFM's user avatar
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How to create a file or template owned by a user that does not exist on the host with ansible?

I'm experimenting with podman rootless. Users in containers get assigned a subuid / subgid space from the host. Files created or updated from a user in the container environment belong to the user id ...
tdoe's user avatar
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Proxmox LXC container can't write to mount, how do I properly map the UID and GID?

Hello everyone, I'm biting my teeth out since days to properly map a user ID from my PVE host into my LXC. My situation: I'm running Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.2-11. I do want to run my Nextcloud ...
Kontr0x's user avatar
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How to create a custom id using auto increment at the time of table creation in My SQL

Is there a way to set at the time of creating a table a custom ID with some character as prefix and the rest are numbers which is auto incremented so that the first time a record is inserted the ID ...
Thirunageswaran Sivakumaran's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'AnonymousUser' object has no attribute 'is_email_verified'

I have django app with registration system in it and it doesn't work as expected. I recently added email verification in my view and because of that I get error. For email verification I have 2 ...
P Studio's user avatar
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Get UID tag in WebUSB in node - Reader ACR122u

I am building a node application, which should read information from an NFC reader connected through USB. I´m able to power up the device, I can read ATR, but unable to read UID of a card, when the ...
Jarda Hrbacek's user avatar
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Add UID or Unique ID in Wagtail/Django

So my question was how I can generate a random UID or slug for my CMS. If I use the default id which is coming from API v2 people can easily guess my next post URL easily. Is there any way to add a ...
Mohammad Fathi Rahman's user avatar
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WinUI PasswordBox Text Resources

I am trying to define a setting page that includes a PasswordBox element. When I Rebuild the app, the defined Text resources do not show properly. However, if I remove the: x:Uid="/resources/...
Dave Enstrom's user avatar
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Replace parts of colnames by assignment table (random ID label)

I am unsing clear names for my "names" in my measurement data for calculations. Because of data privacy I need to anonymize the solution graphs: I therefore created an assigment table with ...
Herr Student's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fetch Auth User(s) UID from Firebase via server side [duplicate]

I am looking to fetch Auth Users UID from Firebase via a web application. Is there any way to do this. I have attached a screenshot of what i want to fetch.
ken's user avatar
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docker go permission works on mac fails on linux

I'm trying to run go tests inside a container and want the coverage file exported to the host volume. My solution works on macOS but fails on linux. my Dockerfile looks something like this: FROM ...
Kanak Singhal's user avatar
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How to an UID based on multiply varibles in R

How can I make a unique UID for col3 based on col1 and col2. #dataframe col1 <- c("AP", "AP", "AP", "AP", "AP", "POL") col2 <- c("...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Compare unique identifiers, if true, do action in python Pandas

I have 2 files that contain partly the same items. To detect them there exists a unique identifier (UID). What I try to achieve is to compare the UIDs in the first file, and compare them to the UIDs ...
Karim Abou El Naga's user avatar
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How to extract UID from my NFC tag with iPhone application and reuse it in the code for DB query

For my project, I would like to do an NFC tag based build taxonomy. I would like to scan the NFC tag with the built-in iPhone/Android application (not an app store app) to open the URL stored on the ...
Jakim's user avatar
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Linux Container: Failed to set up id mapping

lxc 20220302000315.323 ERROR lxc_start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1163 - Failed to set up id mapping. Unprivileged container is not coming up with the below error in the container logs lxc 20220302000315....
Bindu's user avatar
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How to predict NFC ID on Android device

does anyone know how I can predict the next id on my android device. Because every time I go over the reader, I get a different id.
Aleksandar Maric's user avatar
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JavaCard with DESFire emulation get Uid´s

I´ve got a JavaCard (SmartMX) with emulated DESFire EV2 and want to get both Uid´s from DESFire and JavaCard. Therefor I´ve found the following APDU command: 0xFF, 0xCA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 But only get ...
Felix Arnold's user avatar
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Best hashing function for outputting non-numeric hashes

Bit of an odd question, but tldr, I need an algorithm that will generate a unique fixed length hash that doesn't output any numbers. Is this even possible? The names of my tables can sometimes be way ...
A.J's user avatar
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UID attribute is missing from the subject after that the certificate signing request is signed

I have a certificate signing request generated with this command: openssl req -config extensions -new -newkey rsa:4092 -nodes -keyout certificate.key -out certificate.csr The extensions file contains ...
Bemipefe's user avatar
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Binance how get account information?

I want to get some unique account information like email or user id from binance api using any way, I have api key and secret.
Vasya's user avatar
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Will it be changed after Apple's uid expires?

I'm using the apple login package on the flutter. You can get uidtoken in conjunction with firebase. I'm going to save this uid Token on the server and manage the users. Will a new uidToken be issued ...
김민진's user avatar
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Symfony UID - How to save the ID as base32?

I'm trying to use Symfony UID component to generate IDs. Everything works fine and I can communicate with the DB perfectly. However, I observed that the ID is saved as binary in database. I'd like to ...
GasKa's user avatar
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Create unique identifier with custom format using Plain Javascript

I know that the format of uuid is XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX. But I dont want to create a uuid, I want to create a unique identifier with a different format such as XXX-XXXX-XXX. How do I do ...
Spandan Manna's user avatar
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fork/exec /usr/bin/sudo: invalid argument: syscall.CLONE_NEWUSER causing invalid argument error

Building off of this issue I have modified a golang program whose intention is to start a new root process and execute a command using /bin/sudo to be the following: if rootless.IsRootless() &&...
cbd123's user avatar
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Django how to check if user is in path

I made an unique url and I want to check if the acutal url contains the uid so I made a if statement which is always false in my case so what can I change that it works and checks if the path contains ...
FLYAX's user avatar
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is UID in firebase automatically created/read for each user?

I'm sorry if my question is basic question... is UID in firebase automatically created when we implement .setUid() at the first user sign-up account? and if we are login to that user account and ...
Irul Atip's user avatar
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"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided." getting this error while posing uid and token

I created class based view to access uid and token . I wish to activate user that created. I am receiving the activation link via email. when I click on link I wish activate that user. But getting ...
Shweta Shinde's user avatar
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404 error while activating user in djoser (django)

I created class based view to access uid and token . Here I create one web page which have one button of activate user. I wish to activate user that created. I am receiving the activation link via ...
Shweta Shinde's user avatar
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getting error while posting data of uid and token ( 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'post' )

I created class based view to access uid and token . Here I create one web page which have one button of activate user. I am sending one uid and token to user email . now I want to post that uid and ...
Shweta Shinde's user avatar
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How use the Current Id of an user in .doc()

I'm setting an User profile and I have a collection in my firestore which contain first 'users', in this I have the ID of this user and finally I can display name, uid etc. The problem is I want to ...
kernelrpc_mach_vm_protect's user avatar
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Error in Laravel Eloquent relationships ::with uids as primary key

I'm trying to use relationships with '::with' in my project, but I get a strange error. The entities are: Binary -> PK: BinaryUid Template -> PK: TemplateUid TemplateBinary -> PK: ...
varo90's user avatar
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