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I need help reading an RFID device [closed]

I need help with reading from an RFID reader device using Python code. I have the manual, but I am unable to write the Python code correctly. User manual link
stream's user avatar
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Insert ID card to start the car/motorcycle [closed]

There are a company that provides gps service and other management systems for vehicles on companies. One system is that a card reader installed on the car, and each time you need to sweep your card ...
מתנאל שמאילוב's user avatar
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Printing RFID with zebra zd500r in a web project

I have a react project and I want to write rfid with zebra zd500r. I connect my printer via USB. I tried two ways to print, 1st way I tried printing using zebra's browserprint sdk. My function in the ...
rasim57's user avatar
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rfid card reading is OK but not finished

I have an USB RFID reader (EF4100 125kHz) connected to Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. The RFID reader is act like a keyboard and it read the first 10 digit. When I debugging the code with Thonny. At the &...
McCo's user avatar
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Flutter NFC pass data to RFID Reader

I am developing an app in Flutter that is using NFC to read RFID Cards ( ISO 14443 ) and stores the identifier. Then i need to communicate with an RFID Reader using NFC in order to send this ...
Vasilis Argyros's user avatar
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How do I manually backfeed a ZPL printer?

I have printed an RFID tag on my Zebra ZT411 printer, and I want to manually backfeed it so I can read it. What ZPL command(s) will do that? I have been looking and I cannot find a simple "...
Laurence MacNeill's user avatar
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When using two sensors at the same time in an embedded system, I want to prevent performance loss

Currently, I am using the mpu6050 and uhf rfid module simultaneously on the lolin d32 pro (esp32) development board. MPU6050 has a sampling rate of 100hz. I hope RFID also has a sampling rate of at ...
gms's user avatar
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System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 'Unable to find an entry point named 'Inventory_G2' in DLL 'UHFReader288.dll'.'

I keep getting this error when running my project code in C#. I am using SEUIC RFID UF3-B using TCP protocol. When running my code, I always get an error like this: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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Impinj: How to write to reserved memory (set Unkillable mode) on Impinj M781 tag using RFID reader?

I am working with the Impinj M781 RFID tag and need to enable the "Unkillable Mode" by setting the Unkillable bit (UK bit) in the reserved memory. The datasheet specifies that this bit is at ...
LAZYB0Y's user avatar
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How to Understand Access Conditions in Mifare Classic 1k

I am working with Mifare Classic 1K, and so far I have successfully inserted/updated data in each block using key A with default access byte FF0780. I am trying to understand the documentation, but I ...
Eko Muhammad Rilo Pembudi's user avatar
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Apple Wallet Interference During NFC RFID Tag Writing with NFCISO14443ReaderSession [duplicate]

I am developing an application that involves writing data to RFID tags using NFC (ISO/IEC 14443A/B, Mifare, and FeliCa standards) for an electric vehicle charging station. However, I am consistently ...
Piyush Prajapati's user avatar
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Why does my ISO 15693-compliant tag fail to write its AFI?

I'm attempting to change the Application Family Identifier of an RFID tag from 0x07 to 0xC2 and back again using NFC on an Android phone. I've read over the standards, as well as supporting ...
Darohan's user avatar
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How do I print to an RFID label on a Zebra ZT411 printer?

I have been searching for hours... I found Zebra's RFID guide here: Not that it's very ...
Laurence MacNeill's user avatar
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PWA that can read RFID in passports

I'm building a PWA (HTML, JS, PHP) for bouncers, and my customer needs to scan an ID-card or Passport, to verify the identity of the holder. I need to extract the image, date of birth and the name ...
Alexander N's user avatar
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MIFARE Classic 1K How to locate the Value Block

Could someone help me identify the value blocks of a MIFARE Classic 1K card? I understand that the first 4 bytes contain the value in hexadecimal format, but I cannot identify which ones they are. I ...
Dante Ramirez's user avatar
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How read NFC card with external Reader for android phone

Facing a problem with the reader R20XC. It is connected with mobile and red light is glowing, indicate the reader is on, but the card is not reading. Solution to read NFC card with R20XC.Also Suggest ...
Vipul Vikraman's user avatar
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android parcelable cast crash release version

I am working on a flutter project that integrate RFID android pistol device to the application. Using pigeon to communicate to native android api. While debuging android studio at RFID device I ca ...
S. Aziz Kazdal's user avatar
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ESP8266_NONOS_SDK vs Arduino Framework - Interrupt Differences?

Just for the record, I am a C# developer and tend to focus more on api's and backends, firmware development / C / C++ is EXTRERMELY new to me! I have been asked to port our existing ESP8266_NONOS_SDK ...
A-Lone-Developer's user avatar
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NFC Tag detected in android shows false

Good Day to everyone. One problem regarding the above question What can I do to detect tag without 'false'? All other function of the application seems to work just fine 'Log.d("YourTag", &...
Wan Ammar's user avatar
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Set (or avoid) frequency range using sllurp llrp on RFID reader - Speedway R220

I am new to sllurp, as well as RFID readers. I am trying to find out if it is possible to limit to a specific frequency range with a Speedway R220 reader. I have some devices that the readers are ...
Mikolaj's user avatar
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Issue with integrating GS1 API to Android application

I have a barcode scanner application in Android Kotlin but how can I integrate GS1 API into it so that when scanning any barcode then it will show the details about the barcode item from GS1 server. ...
gourav anand's user avatar
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Nordic Sampo S2 RFID Scanner

I have a RFID scanner Nordic Sampo S2. I have been trying to get some diagnostic data out of it using C++ but the function always ends up returning 1 which means error: ret = NurApiDiagGetReport(hApi, ...
Anees's user avatar
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I need to dockerize Symbol.RFID3.Host but I am getting error about: rfidapi32pc

I have a .net application, this is from my dockerfile: # Copy the dependencies from the project directory to the Docker image COPY ["RMAA.RFIDService/lib/Symbol.RFID3.Host.dll", "/app/...
DEPARTED's user avatar
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The RFID Reader and Rfid Tags intrgration with React Native

Currently, I am working on integration with Rfid reader, and Rfid Tag with our devices in React Native. My projects description is: Connect RFID Reader to our device. When a RFID Tag comes in range ...
priyo jewels's user avatar
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HITAG2 tag with HTRC110

I am new to HITAG token types, and I am learning how to read them using the HTRC110 ABIC, I have a PCF7936 transponder token, from what I know, The HITAG protocol is reader speak first, so to be able ...
alasa995's user avatar
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How can I resolve the error 'TagInfo' was not declared in this scope?

I am working on an RFID project using the MFRC522 and Ethernet libraries. My code is encountering a compilation error, and I am not sure how to resolve it. Here is the specific error message: ...
Krutika Renake's user avatar
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How to connect an Impinj RFID scanner through Java

I need to connect an Impinj RFID scanner through my Java code. I have tried many examples, but all of them use a hardcoded MAC address. Currently, I am trying to connect to the scanner using my Java ...
Isuru Liyanage's user avatar
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Unknown APDU command starting with 1x

the APDU commands I am sniffing do not match with any APDU I've ever seen while the anti-collision part seems to be showing the right commands. I've been trying to sniff a tag-reader communication for ...
z. saeedi's user avatar
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add card number to zkteco user with python and pyzk

I recently purchased a ZKTeco Uface800 Plus device. I've developed a small Python application to manage it, allowing me to connect, add users, and enroll fingerprints using the PyZK library. When the ...
nacer's user avatar
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RFID 522 reader with RPi4 only reads sometimes

I have an RFID 522 reader connected with Raspberry Pi 4 and it only works sometimes. I followed the schematic from a tutorial and used the corresponding code. The reader works perfectly fine, detecing ...
Mourghe's user avatar
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Changing UID of a Chinese magic card with RC522 and Raspberry pi Pico w

Recently I have bought some Chinese magic cards which are supposedly block 0 writable. I am able to write all of the blocks except block 0. I have done some research and figured out that you need to ...
stitas's user avatar
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RFID WL-134A Hex Decoding Arduino

I've got an animal tag reader connected to an Arduino module, and have successfully got data reading in thanks to user red_car but I'm having issues with the tag ids being incorrect, it seems to pass ...
RyanMe321's user avatar
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RFID Reader gives only last 8 digits in decimal instead all 10 in HEX

I have two readers, an expesive reference one and the cheap ones that are being put into our devices. The expensive one reads the RFID UIDs at 10HEX digits (40 bits) and the results are as I expect ...
Philipp Klaschka's user avatar
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How to Maintain Serial Communication Without Needing to Replug USB Cable in Python?

I'm working on a Python application that communicates with an RFID reader via a serial connection using PySerial. The application needs to continuously read data from the RFID reader. However, I'm ...
William Hawkins's user avatar
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Could you guide me on how to read tags with the Impinj M730 chip using the Zebra Android SDK?

We have developed an Android application using the Zebra RFID Reader SDK( to read RFID tags with the ...
zetros's user avatar
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spi5 of my STM32MP157F-K2 CAN'T read data from the RC522 CARD

i was trying to connect the rfid card to spi5 of the stm32MP157 since im a totally beginner in the cube ide i had a problem to understand the reasons. so i m gonna share with u the clock configuration ...
Ben Mahmoud Ramla's user avatar
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Get AID from Debit/Credit Card using NFC

I just want to get AID from scanned debit/credit card, many apps are available on Google play store that easily gets the info on scan but i am unable to get the same. The purpose of getting the AID ...
Muhammad Adeel Shoukat's user avatar
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error when creating an RFID reader Honeywell IH45

I am currently developing an Android application that allows connecting to and reading RFID tags. At the moment, the connection is successful, but I'm encountering an issue with creating the reader by ...
M.J's user avatar
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Interfacing RFID with STM32

I am trying to interface an YHY502CTG RFID reader module with an STM32H7A3ZITQ using STM32CubeIDE. But I am not able to set the interaction between the host and the module. Could someone please help ...
Isha Gour's user avatar
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The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. System.Net.Sockets

string DeviceTCPIP = ""; string BackData; string TextMessage; int DevicePort = 5600; void ReadCard() { this.threadListen = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { ...
Hakan Demir's user avatar
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Initialization of an EM4425 RFID Chip

I'm new here and hope someone can help me out. I have some questions due to the initialization process of an EM4425 chip. There are different versions of the chip. V10 is preset by EM and the ...
anrarath's user avatar
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LinuxMint 21.3 HID read into LibreCalc - Multiple readers and Identification of them

With multiple rfid readers all the same vid pid and no id available, is it possible to add a suffix/prefix to the tag read into LibreCalc. Currently all tag reads go into the same column in LibreCalc....
sswcharlie's user avatar
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How Can I Disabled my Keyboard only not the TextFormField in flutter

I want to Disable the Keyboard Because I am getting input from RFID Device. But I dont want to Disabled TextFormField. So Is there anyway to that work ?? Basically the TextFormField getting value from ...
Muhammad Osama's user avatar
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Zebra RFID SDK: Neither Inventory nor getReadTags/getReadTagEx API reads tag data (e.g. memorybank, opcodes are null)

I am attempting to use the Zebra RFID SDK version to read RFID tags with a MC3300xR handheld reader, running the R18 firmware, and am encountering problems that I am unable to resolve and ...
GeneralPancake's user avatar
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Zebra RFID Integration Error: com.zebra.rfid.api3.OperationFailureException

Zebra RFID device after getting disconnected, I can not reconnect unless I charge Zebra device again and then use it. I'm getting this error: D/RFIDAPI3Error( 3867): connected RFD850019240520100016 E/...
Anamika Singh's user avatar
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How to Configure Flutter app with Zebra Device MC3300R

I'm trying to configure flutter app (Android) with Zebra Device MC3300R for RFID tag Scan, I have already configured RFD8500, which is working fine Below is the code. I'm able to run the flutter ...
Anamika Singh's user avatar
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How to re-write an nfc tag (rfid/microchip) which is READ-only

how to rewrite an nfc tag (microchip). when is scanned whith the NFC Tools app their characteristcs are: Tag type: ISO 14443-4 Technologies available: TypeA, IsoDep Serial number: XXXXXXXXXX Size: 15 ...
alex's user avatar
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Conversion from MIFARE 14 byte UID to unknown 5 byte number

I have this Mifare 14 byte UID: "04502E22D45380" than i need to have converted to a 5 byte hex: "63AE03D0AA". I have tried all kinds of conversions on the web and suggestions and ...
Jes's user avatar
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Python Script to Perform an Event While RFID Tag is In Contact with RFID Reader

I am attempting to write a python script on my Raspberry Pi 4 that turns an LED on with an RFID tag and this LED remains on while the RFID tag is in proximity of the reader. When I hold the card to ...
C10LST's user avatar
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GEN2 RFID Can the User Memory Bank be read-protected

I'm looking for confirmation that it is NOT possible to read-protect the EPC, TID and User Memory banks on GEN2 RFID tags( they can only be write-protected). Only the Reserved Memory Bank, where the ...
Pierre Tremblay's user avatar

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