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DQL query : LOWER function suddenly stopped working [duplicate]

Recently updated a backend service from a Symfony 5.4 / php 7 to a Symfony 6.4 / php 8.3 config. The database is using Postgresql 14. Since the doctrine queries I have that include LOWER stopped ...
Alexandre Robert's user avatar
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Symfony Mailer/Messenger apply a delay before sending email [closed]

I'm using Symfony 7.2.1 with the default doctrine messenger transport (MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=doctrine://default?auto_setup=0 in .env file), setup as async in messenger configuration file. I'm ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Github Action threw "Error DOM is required."

I upgrade a Symfony project using Docker from version 6.4 to 7.1. Dockefile has snippet of code as bellow to install PHP extension: ... RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ libfreetype6-...
Tommy Hoang's user avatar
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How to Remove Unnecessary Slashes in Symfony Routing Generated Links

Symfony routing 5.4.48 (Without framework) use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext; use Symfony\Component\...
yr4ik's user avatar
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Running doctrine:fixtures:load command in phpunit bootstrap

Trying to setup my database (schema, fixtures) before running my tests using the bootstrap file. The commands to create the database and the schema go through as expected, but running my test fixtures ...
Zsolt Domjan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Symfony Mailer with Exchange

I'm struggling a bit with the Symfony Mailer in combination with Exchange Server 2016. As I was trying things out, I have found that Swift Mailer has native NTML support, but it gave me this error ...
macflirty's user avatar
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Symfony tests data provider with fixtures information

PHPUnit: 11.4 Symfony: 7.2 We have simple test with external data provider: class AppTest { #[DataProviderExternal(AppDataProvider::class, 'getData')] public function testData(array $data): ...
Justinas's user avatar
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Services in bundle-specific services.yaml are not loaded, even though imported correctly

I'm developing a bundle in Symfony 6.4 and defining my services in a bundle-specific services.yaml file located at /src/xxxBundle/Resources/config/services.yaml. This file is correctly loaded via the ...
Rene Quart's user avatar
-1 votes
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SEO Urls in SW6 for a custom entity are only working in dev mode

I have a plugin that contains a custom entity for Shopware and I have dynamic SEO Urls for these custom entities. It's all working fine, I can generate Urls and when put dev in APP_ENV in .env, the ...
Abenil's user avatar
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Child component not updating data

I have a child component Table. Table.php <?php namespace App\UI\Http\Twig\Components\Molecules; use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Attribute\AsLiveComponent; use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Attribute\...
O'Niel's user avatar
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Problem with FOSJsRouting: works with Webpack but not with AssetMapper

Description: I'm facing an issue with FOSJsRouting in my Symfony project, especially when using AssetMapper. Here are the details of my configuration: I've installed and configured the ...
famas23's user avatar
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How does Symfony Scheduler component get triggered?

With the Symfony Scheduler component we can schedule actions that get executed at predetermined times. So, the component works as a dispatcher of tasks that live inside the Symfony world. But I can't ...
pgr's user avatar
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Localized Mandatory Field Not Displaying Asterisk (*) in Pimcore 11.4.3

I am using Pimcore 11.4.3 and have created a class with a localized field called name. I marked the name field as mandatory, but the expected asterisk (*) indicating the mandatory status does not ...
Dev Vijekar's user avatar
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Doctrine MongoDB bundle and Symfony Forms: associating a DocumentType to a field

I'm wanting to refer to documents within documents in MongoDB. I've discovered via this page that the MongoDB bundle includes a DocumentType which can be used as a Form Type, similar to the EntityType ...
Tom Belknap's user avatar
-1 votes
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Symfony 6.4 LTS - issue with Doctrine DBAL dependency

Working on Symfony 6.4 (LTS) application, which worked like a charm. I regularly run "composer update" and checked on recipes of course, too. And I don't know what happened but with the ...
LBA's user avatar
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CORS Issue with YouTube API During Resumable Upload [closed]

I'm working on a resumable video upload feature to YouTube using their API, and I'm encountering a specific problem with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Context: Frontend: My frontend is written ...
Lazare Fortune's user avatar
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How to add dynamic twig on Logout Events?

A somewhat simple Symfony application is supposed to display certain twig components when the user logs out. Following the docs here: I used ...
Bricklet's user avatar
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monologBundle records message 2 times

On a symfony project version 5.4, i have a strange behavior with monologBundle. Monolog record the message twice as we can see on the picture below. I am using channels and handlers as below ...
Amine AQIL's user avatar
-1 votes
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TomSelect not working as expected in Symfony UX

I have a multi-step form implemented using Symfony LiveComponents. I have multiple forms with ChoiceType's like this: ->add('yesOrNo', ChoiceType::class, [ 'choices' =&...
O'Niel's user avatar
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ApiPlatform Nested Object in DTO in GraphQL

I want using DTO This my code. <?php namespace App\ApiPlatform\DTO; class RequestDto { public ?string $note = null; /** * @var UserDto */ public UserDto $user; } <?php ...
evzzz's user avatar
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Authenticator does not support the request and infinite loop for admin login url [duplicate]

Running Symfony Version php bin/console symfony --version Symfony 7.1.8 (env: dev, debug: true) First let me say i know this issue has already been asked, but for older Symfony version ; and the ...
Chris's user avatar
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Create route via Symfony inside a symfony-bundle

I've got a pure Symfony app. I had made own bundle, and want to define routes inside it via annotations/attributes. I don't want to define routes inside main app space - bundle should be installed and ...
M-Zoldak's user avatar
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I have some issues with Authenticating using the Swagger UI after trying to change header authentication key name

I have some issues with Authenticating using the Swagger UI. I have modified the lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml file, to extract a token from the authorization header with the name "X-...
Tkay Bay's user avatar
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Create an Existing Type Entity in the Database and Add it to a Data Entity Without Ever Loading the Type Entity Symfony or Builder with no params

I am facing a rather specific problem. We’ve inherited an application that has been around for a long time, doesn’t have any test suite, and is hard to maintain. To improve this, we’ve created a ...
vincent clerc's user avatar
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Symfony Swagger\Annotations as SWG unexpected property "consumes" error

[Creation Error] An error occurred while instantiating the annotation @Operation declared on method App\Controller\Api\DesignsController::createDesignAction(): "User Warning: Ignoring unexpected ...
Bala Vignesh's user avatar
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Error in doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle 3.7.0: Too few arguments to function Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture::getReference()

After composer update updated my doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle to v3.7.0 and doctrine/data-fixtures to v2.0.0, I'm getting this error when trying to load my fixtures: In AbstractFixture.php line ...
Thomas Landauer's user avatar
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PHPUNIT & Symfony 6 - Call to a member function getLocale() on null in Request

I try to test with PHPUNIT my route integration (end to end) but I have a problem with locale value contains in request. I have an error "Call to a member function getLocale() on null". The ...
nboulfroy's user avatar
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Rate Limiter Symfony in ApiPlatform

I want to implement a Rate Limiter for an endpoint that I have defined in a resource with Api Plaform as follows. App\User\Application\DTO\UserForm: operations: ApiPlatform\Metadata\Get: ...
Carlos 2V's user avatar
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Symfony tests not calling my LoginSubscriber

I'm using Symfony 6.4, and I have a LoginSubcriber which sets some additional session data depending on the authenticated user's account setup. This additional session data is essential for the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Symfony 7 Map nested request data

I'm trying to map and validate using #[MapRequestPayload] request payload with nested request data. When I want to map request with just 1 question, everything works fine, but when I switch type of ...
krisforerr4567's user avatar
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Dynamic ChoiceType Field Loses Value on Form Submission in Symfony 6

I have 2 fields which accept string: #[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255)] private ?string $pattern = null; #[ORM\Column(name: 'sub_pattern', type: 'string', length: 255)] ...
Micka Bup's user avatar
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Symfony's framework.ide config for PhpStorm and WSL

How do I set up framework.ide config value so that it properly links to files in PhpStorm, when the code is run from WSL I've tried phpstorm://open?file=%%f&line=%%l I used to use the substitution ...
Pierre Causse's user avatar
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JWTRefreshTokenBundle tries to set user password to null

I have Symfony 6.4, and I've installed lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle (it works normal) and then gesdinet/jwt-refresh-token-bundle But somehow, when I try to use jwt_login, something in Symfony tries ...
Alexey Kolchin's user avatar
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Symfony Messenger - How to kill a worker in progress?

I have a Symfony 6 site running on an Ubuntu machine with an Apache2 server. On this site, users can trigger long running tasks. I use the Symfony Messenger to run these tasks asynchronously in the ...
chai_tea's user avatar
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Cannot autowire service "": argument "$targetDirectory" of method "__construct()" is type-hinted "string", you should configure its value explicitly

I'm trying to configure a service. I have been this before without any kind of problem. But now seems impossible with Symfony 7.1 I already searched for some hours here and doesn't works anything, i ...
CitizenG1's user avatar
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How can I create and install a public certificate for the symfony webserver?

I understand that symfony server is a developer tool, that is never used in production, so this is a development specific question, that only seasoned symfony developers may be able to answer. I am ...
Mario A's user avatar
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Symfony picking up wrong data based on condition in production

System data: OS Ubuntu's Timezone: Asia/Tokyo(JST) MySQL(RDS)'s Timezone: System cron command 30 * * * * cd project && php bin/console command-name Running the query builder from EM at the ...
Mr. Kenneth's user avatar
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Get URL to a Sulu page by content id

If I want to create a link to a page in a Sulu twig template, I can use the <sulu-link /> tag, which is fine for most usecases. But sometimes I do not want an anchor tag rendered, but only the ...
Mario A's user avatar
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Doctrine lazy loading returns all relations with null value

I am blocked with a lazy loading issue that appeared suddenly with doctrine, maybe after I have cleaned my vendor and cache folders and did run composer install. In my symfony app, I have 3 Entities ...
onizukaek's user avatar
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Call method with autowired parameter

I want to call service method dynamically with autowired parameters for now I do as followed : $result = call_user_func_array([$myService,"myMethod"],[$entityManager,$tranlator]); The ...
Chopchop's user avatar
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How to define a service for mailer with a specific transport

I am using Monolog with HTML email formatter to send some alerts. monolog: # .... symfony_mailer: type: symfony_mailer from_email: "%admin_email%" ...
sdespont's user avatar
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How can I differentiate the exposed properties on the item and the collection routes?

I have been API platform with Symfony since the first beta version. I am now using it with Laravel and I am trying to differentiate the properties (aka Eloquent attributes) that are exposed on the ...
Philippe CARLE's user avatar
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How to upload a File from Nuxt JS and Symfony api without any CORS error [duplicate]

i am trying to upload a file from Nuxt3 frontend and Symfony backend. but i am getting this error Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:8070/upload-book' from origin 'http://localhost:8060' has been ...
mono ranjan das's user avatar
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Cookie http-only is not stored on browswer when it's received as a set-cookie header from the backend (Backend: Symfony, Frontend: NextJS)

I have two projects, both of them using Docker in local environment: frontend is https://domain.test:3000 and backend is https://domain.test(:443) Backend has an API made with ApiPlatform, Lexik JWT ...
cvegabon's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sass bundle with Symfony : import issue

I am using the Sass bundle ( for Symfony. I have a file assets/styles/front/main/contenus.scss: @import "../variables.scss"; .test {...
Alan's user avatar
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Symfony 7 Post login event listener not triggering

I have an event listener that I would like to run after Symfony's authentication flow completes that adds the current user's session ID to a Redis set. I previously had this logic inside ...
Donal.Lynch.Msc's user avatar
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Symfony with Webpack and Stimulus loading all controllers on every page

I have an issue with the setup mentioned in the title. Project is using Symfony 7.1 with Webpack encore and stimulus. I have a combination of custom.js files for individual pages and stimulus ...
Mecanik's user avatar
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why and how can I generate a blank swagger page with just a authorize button?

In a API Platform 4 project, I need to provide authentication security for swagger doc. For that, I followed this process: API Platform secure swagger If I strictly follow the code the result is: &...
miltone's user avatar
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Symfony 7 returns duplicate response

I need some help with a strange problem on Symfony 7.1 that i can not figure out. I set up locally a Symfony project and run with Symfony build-in server on a MacOS host machine, and works just great {...
nikolas's user avatar
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Symfony: Error "DisconnectedClassMetadataFactory" When Using php bin/console make:entity

I am trying to create an Entity in Symfony using the command: php bin/console make:entity After providing the entity name, I encounter the following error: Attempted to load class "...
KaneOgg88's user avatar

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