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flutter state is not updating after logout showing old users data

I'm using provider using mvvm. I'm fetching api, but the response it not changing after new users login its showing old users data. I have deleted all data from local storage and local storage data is ...
Rishi Tailor's user avatar
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How to efficiently debug Flutter state management issues in complex applications? [closed]

I am developing a Flutter application with multiple interconnected widgets and complex state management. Occasionally, I encounter issues where widgets are not rebuilding correctly or data flows seem ...
sem.eryilmaz's user avatar
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How do a calcul with int come to provider in flutter

I'm beginner in flutter and provider. I managed to retrieve a value from a widget to the parent widget with provider. This value is an int. Text(<EweProvider>().configSouteProvider,...
yoann striedelmeyer's user avatar
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wmi provider instance not created (ResultCode = 0x800706BE)

I have installed an instance provider according to the following description: It was registered with ...
Waterman's user avatar
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Android how to configure provider path for dual app storage

Two connected questions: Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() gives me the external storage. But I just noticed that dual apps (You can clone apps for example on Xiaomi) have ...
xCa0z's user avatar
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How to use provider to toggle between themes?

Actually, I want to toggle between lightTheme and darkTheme but the problem is whenever I use it, it shows the following error: ERROR: ../../../../.pub-cache/hosted/
Suresh Yadav's user avatar
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Build Error: Namespace Not Specified for Location Package in Flutter Project

After login home_page.dart I'm experiencing an error every time I run this app. The variable humanReadableAddress (used for the formatted address in the Google Maps API via geocoder) outputs correctly ...
Abhijit Malakar's user avatar
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LateInitializationError: Field '_prefs@29023595' has not been initialized in flutter testing

void main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await SharedPreferenceHelper.initPreference(); runApp( MultiProvider( providers: [ ChangeNotifierProvider(create:...
Karthikn's user avatar
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While using provider it shows Error: Can't declare a member that conflicts with an inherited one

In code there is no error but while running it, it shows the following error: Error: Can't declare a member that conflicts with an inherited one. ./../../../.pub-cache/hosted/
Suresh Yadav's user avatar
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Flutter Error: Could not find correct Provider above this HomeScreen Widget

I am building a Flutter app with multiple providers, and I encounter an error when trying to access my SignInProvider from the HomeScreen widget. The error message is: Error: Could not find the ...
Dasun Dola's user avatar
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Riverpod problem with instantiating multiple providers of same type

This is more about a theoretical discussion of flutter riverpod state management package. Currently I am trying to migrate one kinda huge project from Provider to Riverpod and I encountered an issue ...
Pavel Pek's user avatar
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Flutter not refreshing instantly on Xiaomi devices having HyperOS 2

I have a Flutter app, working for months on multiple devices smoothly, I use Provider for sharing resources, like theme, across app, this is my code to change to darkmode: Future<void> ...
AVEbrahimi's user avatar
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How do I read a Riverpod provider within a Class or Stream without Ref or context?

I have a Class I use for backend, within which I have a Stream that Streams data from Firebase, as shown below. I need to access the data from a Riverpod Provider to specify the Firebase collection ...
Dan12314's user avatar
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Unable to link DropdownButton to TextFormField in flutter using provider

Problem: I'm trying to link the value of a dropdown to a text field in Flutter. I'm using Provider for state management. The value from the dropdown updates the state correctly, but the text field is ...
Nk C's user avatar
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How do I use Provider between Widgets?

I'm facing an annoying problem about the Provider package. I want to implement the night mode switch. I've tried to use the Provider in a separate screen and it works, but obv where I would need him, ...
Geremia Moretti's user avatar
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How to reset Multi Bloc provider in the root of the Flutter widget tree when logging out the user

return HiveListener( box:'SETTINGS'), builder: (bx) { return MultiBlocProvider( providers: [ BlocProvider(create: (context) => ...
Rohan Shrestha's user avatar
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why absolute path gets BlocProvider related error in flutter?

when I use the following code snippet in flutter import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/features/note/presentation/screens/note_list.dart'; import 'package:flutter_app/...
Emam Kownine's user avatar
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Unable to render widget dynamically in Flutter using Provider?

I am trying to display widget(s) dynamically based on the empty/non-empty state of a TextField widget. Below is the code I've written. But the code does not dynamically create the widget even when I ...
rusty's user avatar
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Why won't Provider rerun its create() when its parent StatelessWidget is re-running build()?

I know the more common ways to handle this kind of a thing involve using a ChangeNotifierProvider(CNP), etc., but I want to understand how Provider actually works. If I have a StatelessWidget with a ...
Brian Thompson's user avatar
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Dart Riverpod merging two providers of the same type

I am looking for a way to combine two providers (that both emit the same type of values) into one such that the resulting provider emits the most recent value emitted by either of the two input ...
gruvw's user avatar
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Flutter Localization can not chanage language (using riverpod)

I am using the localization package with Riverpod. However, when I change my locale variable, the application language does not change. How can I fix this? changing lacale variable: if (locale != ...
Mert's user avatar
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Why is dispose method not being called?

I was trying to use provider for managing the state of TextField Controller and below is the code for the provider I'm using. I want to know why is dispose called! not being printed out to the console ...
Abel's user avatar
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Could not find the correct Provider<LevelProvider> above this HomeBody Widget | flutter

I have 2 function to build the tileWithCounter (listBuild,gridBuild) but only one of them works(gridBuild) i copy the code in the first function to the second but that does not make it works i know ...
Hesham Alnahas's user avatar
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Why does using in Riverpod cause my Notifier to be disposed and recreated, but does not?

I’m working with Flutter Riverpod and have encountered different behaviors when using versus in my DumTabNotifier class. Here’s a simplified version of my code: import 'package:...
Daniel's user avatar
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Flutter Bug Where I have to Click the Button Twice

I get this weird problem in Flutter. I'm using 'Provider' for state management, In the helper class everything is fine, I'm sending the request and I receive the response with no problems. The problem ...
Mohammad Radwan's user avatar
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Flutter: Updating a specific widget in a ListView using Notifier

I'm working on a To-Do type app that: Let's the user create events, with a given timing during the day Sends notifications (using when an event ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Handling Large Datasets in initState() in Flutter

If I fetch a large amount of data in initState(), will it affect my app's performance? How should I handle a large dataset efficiently? I am working on a Flutter application and I am concerned about ...
Umamaheshwari Swamiappan's user avatar
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Can access Provider using Nested Providers

I have a Flutter app that has a main localization provider, which is located at the root of my app. I then have a provider I want to provide only to the 'registration' route (which itself has a number ...
jhammond's user avatar
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Resetting provider's value when a widget is removed from the tree

my problem is very simple that its laughable and i've been losing my mind for the past 6 hours over it. i have a simple notifier with a provider like this class LoginSignUpToggleProvider extends ...
TMoaw's user avatar
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how to get the updated value of my variable using provider?

I would like to get the value of my variable, i used provider to manage the state. the problem is that i cannot get the new value of the boolean variable. The problem is particular to this variable, ...
Ramses Kouam's user avatar
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Admob banner ad shows only when changing from one drawer page to the ad-page in Flutter app?

The following is a minimal code to my Android app where I'm trying to show an Admob banner ad at the bottom of my home page. The external packages needed are google_mobile_ads and provider available ...
rusty's user avatar
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Context-aware provider initialisation in Flutter

I'm using the following way to init each provider when needed and dispose them. Currently i'm running into an issue where I can't access the same provider instance if I move to another screen. class ...
Lahiru Mahagamage's user avatar
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Flutter: Access Provider via Listening to Notification

I am facing an issue with handling notifications. I have set up a notification listener, and it is working as expected. However, I want to capture all incoming notifications for my app and store them ...
MrChie's user avatar
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The "providers" array is not present in laravel's config/app.php

I want to register the 'authserviceprovider' provider in the 'provider' array in config/app.php, but the 'provider' array is not in that file, is there something wrong with my installation, or my ...
sing tenang's user avatar
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how to pass Data to the UI

this is what I'm trying to build here is the code class LogisticsPageScreen extends StatefulWidget { @override _LogisticsPageScreenState createState() => _LogisticsPageScreenState(); } class ...
njogubless's user avatar
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Sending SMS using HTTP requests

I need to integrate SMS into my web site. Could you share the gateway? It will be better if API includes several delivery channels and methods for multi-channel routing. We can't continue using our ...
Darya's user avatar
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Openssl Provider integrate with NGINX

I have written AES provider for encryption/decryption. This provider is in the form of a .so library stored in the /usr/lib/ossl-modules path. I want to do a session handshake encrypted using this AES ...
Kamal Joshi's user avatar
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A multiple single source of truth problem

I was recently studying state management (flutter provider), and in every example I saw it was necessary to create a single source of truth so that the data could be read and updated in the ...
Lucas de Paula de Souza's user avatar
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UseContext is not a function

I'm trying to use the context that I created to a really simple shopping cart example, for that, I created some functions and when I try to use it inside of my component, the error pops up. I'm ...
Davi Sá's user avatar
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Showing different page based on provider value in Flutter

This is my UserAuthProvider: class UserAuthProvider extends ChangeNotifier { bool _isSignedIn = false; bool get isSignedIn => _isSignedIn; void userSignedIn() { _isSignedIn = true; ...
Superjay's user avatar
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Flutter Provider Error: Could not find the correct Provider above this Builder Widget. In Floating Action Button

I'm encountering an issue in my Flutter app where I'm getting the error message: "Error: Could not find the correct Provider<GroupService> above this Builder Widget." I've wrapped my ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Flutter: Account deletion successful but not logging out

I'm working on a Flutter app and I have implemented account deletion functionality. The issue I'm facing is that after the account is deleted successfully. {"success":1,"status":...
Mansoor Malik's user avatar
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Cannot import provider using default import alias have to mention specified path in Next.js

I created a context for sidebar but i cannot import this context into another component using alias. the next.js version i am using is "next": "14.2.2", I want to import provider ...
Akhil Anitha Gregory's user avatar
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Consumer doesn't rebuild while the state changes using provider

I worked on the app where the notification is publish from the app the app will detect that the notification is arrived and it has to show the flash-message, Here I used FCMApi class as provider and ...
smit Prajapati's user avatar
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how to implement riverpod(with code generator) to code

Im very new to flutter. Now im tring to make my original app and I want it to have riverpod system. The first thing I faced is Google signIn, I want to use riverpod to use google SignIn. This is my ...
Rafa's user avatar
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Airflow docker: Connect airflow docker with SQL Server

I need to connect Airflow with SQL Server (I run Airflow using Docker). But it seem doesn't work. I installed the mssql package (by running pip install apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-mssql), and I ...
user24366017's user avatar
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Flutter: Infinite Scroll Pagination Not Lazy Loading with Provider

I am using Flutter with the PagedMasonryGridView widget to implement infinite scroll pagination. However, the lazy loading functionality is not working as expected. Instead of loading data on user ...
shamnad sherief's user avatar
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The provider instance seems to have been taken incorrectly in methodChannel.setMethodCallHandler

class MainActivity : FlutterActivity() { private final val CHANNEL = "com.example/mediaControl"; private lateinit var flutterEngine: FlutterEngine; lateinit var channel:...
huxiaofan1223's user avatar
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I have used to Google provider in social AUTH in Django, but provider is not showing in Django template

social app I am trying to set up Google authentication in my Django project using django-allauth, but the Google login option is not appearing on my login page. I have used this code : INSTALLED_APPS =...
sayeed's user avatar
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Why might the Consumer build function not called after notifylisteners?

consider class AquariusProApp extends StatelessWidget { final LocalStorage cLocalStorage; final Database cDatabase; const AquariusProApp( {super.key, required this.cDatabase, required ...
user22100324's user avatar

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