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Namespace-class resolution for static methods and attributes in C++ [duplicate]

I'm facing a weird behavior in namespace resolution for static methods and attributes defined in a class. It seems that the repetition of the class-namespace resolution operator :: is allowed for ...
GiaMat45's user avatar
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How to replace values in an array that is inside of a class? [closed]

I have ran into a problem where I have a class that stores an array, and also a method that is supposed to change the values in that array. The problem is when the code continues the values that the ...
cuna's user avatar
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Error: package or namespace load failed ... undefined exports: countrySynonyms

In GitHub package sbgraves237/acledr, I'm getting "undefined exports: countrySynonyms", even though countrySynonyms is in the package, in NAMESPACE, with a *.Rd file that includes both \name{...
Spencer Graves's user avatar
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How can I access an XML node's attributes in Python that have a namespace?

I've got a question about parsing a rather complicated XML document in Python with xml.etree.ElementTree. The XML is scap-security-guide-0.1.75/ssg-ubuntu2204-ds.xml from
John's user avatar
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Is it bad idea to add new functions into an existing 3rd party library's namespace?

My code is using a library called "tf2" and it has a namespace of tf2 and overloaded functions like tf2:fromMsg(). Then in my code, I would like to add one more overloaded function tf2:...
Felix F Xu's user avatar
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Why does `using namespace` interfere with default arguments?

In a minimal project with three files, I have main.cpp #include "my_class.h" using namespace foo::bar::baz; int main() { printDefault(); } my_class.h: namespace foo::bar { namespace ...
Tare's user avatar
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Java Unmarshalling error, namespace issue. Package-info changes

I have created a SOAP client request to consume a web service. The web service hosting team is expecting a request something like this with the below namespace. <revisionRequest xmlns = "urn:...
Barakath Beham's user avatar
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two namespaces with the same value in advancedfileoutputXML Talend

I have 2 namespaces with the same value xmlns:(default) with static value xmlns:prodml with static value
Mugiwara's user avatar
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Write an if-statement which tests against all elements in an namespace

I have a namespace, which contains many elements. Using an if-statement, I want to evaluate if my variable int test = 0 is equal to any element within my namespace. As example: namespace A { int ...
Mario's user avatar
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The program does not use the network during network isolation

I use Lutris and run VK Play GameCenter through it. I also use WireGuard and network namespace to route traffic from Lutris to WireGuard. In this configuration VK Play GameCenter doesn't work and ...
МАН69К's user avatar
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Rails route path helpers from inside namespaced controller

I have an app with a few top level models, all working. My layout views have a header partial, and this has the main nav links on a navbar, pretty standard stuff. Now I come to add some new ...
FBtLL's user avatar
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Swift namespace intersections

I have import name equal to inner class name. How I can manage it in code? import AAA extension Integrations { class AAA { class func setup(id: String) { AAA.instance....
EvGeniy Ilyin's user avatar
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How to import an R package from within a function?

I am interested in how to write a function that can be used for an arbitrary number o R packages to Install package if necessary Make package functions available from global namespace I tried ...
Manuel Popp's user avatar
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How to use the same function name in two different header files with both "extern C" for Python ctypes and namespaces in C++?

Problem I want to define two functions with the same name in different header files, such that: A) Each function can be called by a C++ program (using namespaces to avoid conflicts). B) The functions ...
BigBrownBear00's user avatar
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Python in Excel - Change Excel Namespace

Can I alter the namespace of Excel using a Python-in-Excel function? I can access the excel namespace from python. Let's say, I named cell C17 "my_excel_variable". I can access its value in ...
Oliver Gericke's user avatar
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R package: dependency packages not loaded despite being in DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE [duplicate]

I am trying to create my own R package with has dependencies on other packages. Based on the many resources available, I have those dependencies listed in both the DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files (via ...
George's user avatar
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CommunityToolkit Mvvm - Namespace not found

I try to reference the communitytoolkit mvvm to use the [ObservableProperty]. I've just created a new Maui APP project from scratch with the standard template (Nice racing car) and it works. I've ...
Belight's user avatar
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Flutter namespace error on building the app

Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode... FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':flutter_blue'. Could not ...
Jazz njosh's user avatar
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Namespace behavior in kdb

I have a file in KDB project which only has namespace declared in it. e.g .file.namespace1:`someValue; .file.namespace2.dict: flip `value1`value2`value3!(`I;20;200); .file.namespace3.dict: flip `...
Invictus's user avatar
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A problem occurred configuring project ':gallery_saver'

What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':gallery_saver'. Could not create an instance of type Namespace not specified. ...
Narada Vikum's user avatar
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Rails controller raises NameError: uninitialized constant - no issue from other directories

I seem to have run into a strange issue. I've got a Rails app set up with Sorbet. All of my type files are in their own directory under /app (autoloaded by default). ├── app │   ├── controllers │   ├──...
ryanpback's user avatar
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C++ converting constructor behavior changed in gcc 12?

I am observing a weird behavior, which I cannot explain. The following code (a simplified version of the actual code) compiles correctly in gcc 11.4, and the argument "val" inside the read() ...
A.Manfreda's user avatar
-1 votes
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Namespace error when printing array using method

I'm trying to print the array called puzzle. However, I get this error: Error CS8803: Top-level statements must precede namespace and type declarations. This happens when trying to use prettySudoku()...
Freyseee's user avatar
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Namespace not define

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':flutter_native_timezone'. Could not create an instance of type
Kerollos Melad's user avatar
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Enumerating WMI namespaces

I'm trying to list WMI namespaces with C++. The problem is that "Next" method either fails or returns "ROOT" constantly (at best). So either I'm wrong with initialization or other ...
Alex Yi's user avatar
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trying to install Grafana via helm error namespaces not found

I am attempting to install grafana via helm 8.4.1 I install with helm install my-grafana . --namespace my-monitoring I receive an error: Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: 2 errors occurred: * namespaces &...
Shawn's user avatar
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How to know when to import a namespace when its not automatically imported

A few hours ago I was following this part of BasicMvvmSample of AvaloniaUI. I am using JetBrains Rider 2024.2 as my IDE and here is the code using ReactiveUI; namespace BasicMvvmSample.ViewModels; ...
Riyan Gonsalves's user avatar
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XML schema includes schema without Namespace compile error in C#

I have a shared XML schema which has not namespace declared department.xsd <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="
Helic's user avatar
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Delete Kubernetes namespace with delay

I have the following issue. We need to implement a command which deletes a Kubernetes namespace but with some delay of 1 hour. I tried with this one but it's not working: kubectl delete ns $NAMESPACE -...
Marko Djunev's user avatar
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2 answers

Can i use an identifier outside of a namespace if i use a using namespace declaration in C++? [duplicate]

Im learning about namespaces but i have two doubts about it In this code: #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int main(){ cout << "Please enter ...
Cblue X's user avatar
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How can I write an alias of an enum in TypeScript

I am refactoring a large codebase, which contained this definition: export const enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, } and much code like this: console.log(Direction.NORTH); The new definition is ...
user27357906's user avatar
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Scope overlap of identically-named entities belonging to the same name space

From C23 &sect'6.2.1(4): Every other identifier has scope determined by the placement of its declaration (in a declarator or type specifier). If the declarator or type specifier that declares the ...
user51462's user avatar
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Jetbrains Rider: Prevent Indentation in file-scoped namespace

I am trying to make Rider not indent my c# code that is within a file-scoped namespace, because currently what Rider does, both when creating a new class and when reformatting existing code is the ...
Tekbuildz's user avatar
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How to use subuidname and subgidname arguments with rootless podman?

Here's a Dockerfile of a GUI app, which builds: FROM RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y RUN apt install mousepad -y RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ARG ...
Václav's user avatar
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Typescript group modules like namespaces in C#

The issue I work with DTO pattern and in general I use a domain-driven design, so I have many DTO, DM, types and interfaces, enums etc. So eventually there will be a mess and it may get difficult to ...
ben berizovsky's user avatar
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Use XSLT to change root element and namespace but keep other common namespaces

I am trying to convert an XML document to one with a new root element, but which shares many other common element namespaces. I am having troubles with the namespace transformation. This is the input ...
Robert Mark Bram's user avatar
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Wrapping Class Types in a Namespace

I'm trying to create an intermediate 'Wrapper' Library. My project has to include two libraries neither of which I can edit. The problem is one of those libraries has naming conflicts with the other, ...
jdoe's user avatar
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How do I avoid redeclarations of a type

I have a collection of protobuf files (which I can't modify) in which I am using to create a static library. I also have an additional library that is deep in the app layer of my tech stack (that I ...
billybob2's user avatar
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two classes using each other under namespace [duplicate]

Two class defined, and one is trying to do something using the other. Here is the code: class_bar.hpp #ifndef TWOCLASSUSEEACHOTHER_CLASS_BAR_HPP #define TWOCLASSUSEEACHOTHER_CLASS_BAR_HPP namespace ...
Nick X Tsui's user avatar
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why can't Tests script import namespace of Runtime script?

Assuming I have declare a Unity asset "HMD", which contains 2 directories, "Scripts" and "Tests". (This project has been uploaded to
tribbloid's user avatar
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How do i fix error Namespace not specified AGP 8.5.1

I'm encountering a "Namespace not specified" error while working on my Android project. I've confirmed that my Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) is updated to version 8.5.1, and I'm using Android ...
Manuelito's user avatar
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friend can't access private members using namespace

I'm getting the following errors when using MS Visual Studio 2019 when overloading operator<<: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2248 '...
Thomas Matthews's user avatar
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.NET MAUI does not find namespaces

My .NET MAUI application suddenly stopped working when I tried to compile and debug it on a emulator. I am being told that the namespace MauiApplication in /platforms/android/MainApplication.cs can't ...
Joelbu's user avatar
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Is there any way to specify an "optional" MSBuild global using directive (<Using />) in C#?

I have the following <Using /> property for my projects: <ItemGroup> <Using Include="Maybe.NonexistenceNamespace" /> <!-- More --> </ItemGroup> Now ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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How to declare local types in typescript?

I'd like to declare some kind of local type inside a class, just like this : class A { type LocalType = ... // Class body } to make it clear that LocalType belongs to class A and is to be ...
Alphasaft's user avatar
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mounting sysfs inside newly unshared mount namespace (with / recursive private remount) returns EBUSY

First, let's create a new mount namespace and enter it with a new shell: sudo unshare -m Behind its scenes, unshare(1) automatically remounts "/" with MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE, thus ensuring that ...
TheDiveO's user avatar
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VS C# Namespace not found / recognized / greyed out. Have you created your Project .resx Resource File yet? required needed why Visual Studio

I have about 20 Projects in my Solution. I have my own library namespace which I call "Marcus" which I make my Default Namespace in Project.Properties.Application. Over the years I have ...
fantazea's user avatar
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Why are types escaping namespace when included after vector header? [duplicate]

If I compile this minimized example with clang++: #include <system_error> #include <vector> namespace MyNamespace { namespace ffi { #include <sys/types.h> } void example() { ...
Camden Narzt's user avatar
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Python monorepo packaging, using Poetry

I want to organize my Python source code into a monorepo, with the below basic structure: projectrootdir - libraryone - pyproject.toml - README - src/orgname/libraryone - __init__....
shyam's user avatar
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How do I use a Kubernetes Watcher to monitor namespace events in a cluster?

This is almost certainly a misuse/misread of the API on my end but was wondering if I could get some guidance on this: This is my code snippet/attempt at creating a watcher to list all namespace ...
Brian Lau's user avatar

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