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how to yum install from within RHEL universal base image (ubi)?

I'm trying to crossbuild wezterm-mux-server for the remote servers of my company that run RHEL 9.2. Since I don't have full root access I want to crossbuild them on my local machine and then just ship ...
glades's user avatar
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Why do my OpenSCAP scans of a container within a container return "notapplicable" as the results?

I am currently trying to simulate creating a container that scans containers for compliance against DISA STIG profiles. This job will eventually make it into a CI/CD pipeline. Disclaimer here: I am ...
CP24eva's user avatar
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Grid DB Connection Issue using gss-client

I have installed the Grid DB server on my RHEL machine and further I am trying to connect to the GridDB server. From the online docs, I see that there are two different downloads - Server & ...
nadeshara's user avatar
-2 votes
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Rocky Linux Schematron missing OpenSCAP [closed]

trying to install rocky linux 9 using kickstart with a custom security profile. (xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_cis with one exception) for some reason schematron files are not shipped yet so ...
Michael's user avatar
-3 votes
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Cannot Start Guacd

I am trying to install Guacamole version 1.5.5 on a rhel 9 server. When i go to start the guacd service, it timesout with a message of "Can't open PID file /run/guacd/ (yet?) after start ...
orion3999's user avatar
-1 votes
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No match for argument for packages

When I try to do a docker build for the following, it throws an error saying No match for your argument whereas these packages are installed in my RHEL 8 VM when I do a sudo dnf install -y icu FROM ...
user2709's user avatar
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Issue with Laravel, Meilisearch, Scout, SQLSRV, and RHEL 7

In my testing environment (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and MySQL), everything works as expected, but it doesn't work on RHEL. When I insert/update a record for any model using Searchable, it doesn’t appear in my ...
Gerardo's user avatar
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Allowing httpd to view process state by pid of processes started by the same user

I am currently trying to allow a PHP application to manage background jobs - however this seems to be more difficult under selinux as it seems that the php process cannot access /proc/{pid} of other ...
user2622597's user avatar
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How to automatically create PV, VG,LV, format,mount filesystem after I attach data disk to rhel Linux azure VM via python

Based on Microsoft document I am able to create and attach data disk to RHEL azure virtual machine, I can append a data disk to my Linux Azure VMs and initialize the disk manually by login to the VM. ...
madhuri's user avatar
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How to get current time in seconds in my service override.conf file

I am using some third-party service where I need to write override.conf. in override.conf I need the current time in seconds but am not able to get it. I have written the below override file /etc/...
MUKHTAR INAMDAR's user avatar
-2 votes
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tee -a command not appending to file in stringed commands

I have the following command that works fine however writing this command in a "more proper" manner, the tee -a fails to append each line to the .log file. (Instead it overwrites the file ...
Tarlak333's user avatar
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Upgrade from PostgreSQL 11 to 14 in RHEL dependency errors

I use RHEL 7.5 to host postgresql11 and I want to upgrade the existing postgresql to 14. I initialized the DB and proceeded to check the upgrade. While using the pg_upgrade --check it tells me that ...
Giorgos Dimas's user avatar
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Mariadb log_error timestamp format displaying incorrectly

I am running mariadb 10.3.39 in RHEL with the below configuration in my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf [mariadb] log_error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log When showing error logs in the file, I am seeing an ...
John Williams's user avatar
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Kerberos Authentication fails for some users (RHEL SSSD, PAM - Direct AD integration)

I'm having some trouble with some users not being able to logon to RHEL machines using their active-directory accounts. I've been looking for a solution so many hours but can't seem to find anything, ...
HDemaiter's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to run "sudo su - group_account" and then run BASH

how can I run these commands via Ansible: manual commands: [alpha_user@host_lon_01 ~]$sudo su - beta_user $bash [beta_user@host_lon_01 ~]$ [beta_user@host_lon_01 ~]$ touch * I am having issues ...
Hasham1983's user avatar
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Prompt for username when starting wsl for the first time (like in Ubuntu)

We are creating a custom linux image for WSL based on RHEL and we want to create user when users login for the first time just like the ubuntu image.
user3675986's user avatar
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How to tell rpmbuild to install package A only when packages B C D are not installed?

I try to build an RPM package on RHEL8 with rpmbuild version 4.14.3. This package shall have a dependency, that at least OpenJDK 1.8.0 is installed. This OpenJDK 1.8.0 shall not be installed if java-...
Pagai's user avatar
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IBM MQ 9.1 compatibility with RHEL 8.10

We are currently running IBM MQ on RHEL 7.9. Since this version of RHEL has announced EOS we are planning to migrate to RHEL 8. is IBM MQ compatible with RHEL 8.10 ?
Mohd Sohail Khan's user avatar
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libmariadb-dev alternative for rhel 9

What is the alternative package for libmariadb-dev from ubuntu on rhel 9? When we are compiling project on ubuntu, we use #include <mariadb/mysql.h> which is problematic on rhel, because every ...
Tomas Lapsansky's user avatar
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POST request fails with specific payload over http, but works over https

I have httpd running on RHEL8 with a single server hosting multiple different sites related to the same codebase. It hosts our primary site that contains code from the master branch. It also hosts ...
tczx3's user avatar
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authentication powershell from Linux Centos 7 to RHEL9 problem

This script powershell work well until Centos 7 $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computerName -Credential $credential -Authentication Negotiate where gssntlmssp was installed... Now I need ...
Daniele Grillo's user avatar
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Does the UBI 8 image not support OpenSSL versions beyond 1.1.1k?

I have a critical component that relies on OpenSSL version 1.1.1n with custom patches and fixes. Previously, this component was running on a Debian image, but now we are transitioning to UBI8. Despite ...
axel's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to remove getpagespeed yum repo from RHEL?

My company used to subscribe to the getpagespeed repo, but now we have decided to use the repo with the possibility of switching to nginx plus in the future. Since we don't need the ...
Dimas Putra's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to install/compile perl module DBD::DB2 on Rocky Linux 9.4 with cpanm

I'm trying to install/compile the DBD::DB2 perl module on rocky linux 9.4 with the cpanm commando but it is not working.I tried even On RHEL and Oracle Linux but is not working anyway. I get the ...
alexraio's user avatar
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Can't get to Tomcat Manager

I am having trouble getting to the tomcat manager at http://localhost:8080/manager/html in tomcat 10.1.25. I have tried with local web browsers and curl. I have a tomcat user created and it has ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Force Sphinx to Use Different Version of Python

I am running into a roadblock with configuring Sphinx and Python. On my RHEL8 machine, I've installed the Python package Sphinx 7.3.7, which is located in the following directory: /usr/local/lib/...
uncowandy's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to Run Multiple PHP Versions Simultaneously on RHEL 8 with Apache?

I am trying to run PHP 8.1, and PHP 8.2 simultaneously on a RHEL 8 server using Apache. Here are the steps I've taken: Installed PHP Versions: Used the remi repository to install PHP 8.1, and PHP 8.2. ...
Root's user avatar
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update partition id after doing disk swap

I am trying to create RHEL 9 image on AWS. I am using Packer and Ansible to create that image. We are swapping the root volume at one point in time. It works till that point. After the root volume is ...
Asdfg's user avatar
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I can't find the reason my snmpv3 traps aren't getting logged on RHEL 8.9

I'm setting up some trap receivers to collect snmpv3 traps. I configured it and got it working as desired in DEV1. Created a tar file and copied it to DEV2, extracted it, recycled snmptrapds and snmpd ...
Rovernut's user avatar
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Singularity container with OpenMPI and InfiniBand (UCX)

I'm working as an intern currently, and I was asked to build a Singularity container for OpenMPI to make distributed programming possible on multiple machines of our HPC cluster using containers. ...
Vincent Donney's user avatar
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pango.pc not found even though PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable is configured

RHEL 9.4 does not have the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable configured even though pkg-config is installed. Therefore, cargo cannot build pango-sys because the pango.pc file is needed. Setting the ...
Joshua Shane Martin's user avatar
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Error: Problem: package gdal-devel-3.0.4-12.el8.x86_64 from epel requires, but none of the providers can be installed

I have a RHEL8 machine with "8.10 (Ootpa)". I am trying to install the following package but getting the following errors: $ yum install gdal-devel -y Last metadata expiration check: 2:56:...
RL_Pug's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How can i set alerts through bash based on dates? [closed]

I am writing a script that provides me dates with update times. I am trying to figure out how I can have the script let me know when something is past a certain time frame. For example if i have 100 ...
Mrdsanta's user avatar
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packer nutanix template unable to recognize the kickstart config file

The packer template looks like following where i tried to pass the ks.cfg using user data and both the cases while vm launched its not processing through packer { required_plugins { ...
krishna kanth Gade's user avatar
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MariaDB Server not getting started

Can some one help resolving this issue DBI connect('host=;database=','bugs',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (115) at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/ line 689, ...
Lucifer Khan's user avatar
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Powershell POSH-SSH or SSH.NET response time is too long

I am having trouble sending simple commands (echo $HOME or mkdir) through either PowerShell script via POSH-SSH or SSH.NET in .Net 4.8 code. The command does not respond for 4-minutes and sometimes ...
LadderLogic's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy on Apache (Xampp) to node app not working

I have a xampp (lampp) running on a linux machine (RHEL9) hosting several applications. Normally the users access the applications by using the Server IP/appName. All these applications reside inside ...
Anon_1100's user avatar
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mprotect failed Permission denied

I developed a Qt application with Qt 6.5 on Linux (RHEL 9 distribution). When I execute the compiled binary, the GUI opens normally but I have nearly 20 same message in the terminal in which I launch ...
Mathieu Gauquelin's user avatar
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How to handle rpm dependencies when nothing provides dependencies?

I have a legacy software package currently distributed by zip files and want to turn these zip files into an rpm. During the rpmbuild process, I unzip the files and specify the files/directories for ...
codesling's user avatar
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"Failed to download packages: bind-chroot-32:9.11.36-11.el8_9.x86_64: Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success"

I've a jenkins pipeline it is failing since it is showing me this error FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to download packages: bind-chroot-32:9.11.36-11.el8_9....
Remy_97's user avatar
1 vote
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Varnish Using Significantly More Memory than Cache?

I'm using varnish as a web cache. I'm running on RHEL 9.2. My cache is sized at 1GB. My varnish process is using 3.7G memory. $ ps -p 1163 -o %mem,rss %MEM RSS 15.7 3886108 I'm running varnish ...
Alex's user avatar
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Permission denied (EACCES) on /opt/airflow/dags on Airflow Docker image from VS Code or the container itself

I'm developing on RHEL, and used podman to run the base airflow image (apache/airflow:latest) with the standalone argument. This is the command I used: podman container run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /home/...
Jonathan Garvey's user avatar
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SOAPpy equivalent library for Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 8 in Python?

From the link we could see that, SOAPpy is being removed from the RHEL8 image. I would like to run python based application on RHEL8 which uses following methods. SOAPpy.buildSOAP SOAPpy.parseSOAPRPC ...
Mantosh Kumar's user avatar
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Tkinter menu does not appear

I'm learning Tkinter using a tutorial and the menu isn't appearing. I've found a few other examples of this happening, but they all appear to be Mac or simple typos. Here's my minimum example: from ...
teddybouch's user avatar
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Manual installation of gitlab-runner on RHEL fails

My Environment is RHEL, I'm trying to install gitlab-runner on my linux server which does not have internet connectivity. Thus, I cannot curl -: curl -L
Nagmani Kashyap's user avatar
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JConsole of JBoss EAP has differences between two installation

for work I installed the same version of JBoss EAP ( version) on two Linux servers with the same version of RHEL. As per title if I run jconsole on a server and click on MBeans tab, I see ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Setting-up Virtual host on RHEL-based Apache Server - domain is pointing on a wrong project

I originally have one website (webproject1) that is being served by my server. I wanted to add another website (webproject2) on that same server so I set-up the Virtual hosts. I created 2 config files ...
deen's user avatar
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dockerfile - add a package to ubi minimal base image from private repository

I am trying to build my docker image from nodejs minimal as base image. nodejs minimal does not have shadow-utils which I need to add user group and user. The nodejs minimal image I am using is hosted ...
ontherocks's user avatar
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Jenkins Fontconfig head is null even after installing fontconfig

I am trying to install generic Jenkins with jenkins.war. Getting following error while starting. 2024-03-05 15:23:36.018+0000 [id=1] SEVERE hudson.util.BootFailure#publish: Failed to initialize ...
Jigar Shah's user avatar
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