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Edge detection with GIMP/Sobel vs. OpenCV/Sobel

Using the C++ API of OpenCV version 4.9.0 on Linux Ubuntu 22.04, I am trying to automate detection of the multiple store receipts depicted in this first scanned image, copy out the resulting subimages,...
Robert Hairgrove's user avatar
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1 answer

python image unified transform

I looking for a way to transform a Image into a another one. The tool from GIMP work perfectly for my task: "Unified Transform Tool" But is there a way to do it with a python lib? Like ...
Thee Cherry's user avatar
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1 answer

Python - replicating the GIMP's "Erase color" blend mode

I'm looking for a way to recreate the GIMP's Erase color blending mode in Python 3 & OpenCV2. I know it's possible to erase color using the that library, but the code I run works on exactly one of ...
kubinka0505's user avatar
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Geometric transformation: reproducing the Gimp warp tool in python

I would like to reproduce the Gimp warp tool in python, specifically the "Grow" transformation. For example, having the input image: I would like to obtain: This is a template for the code ...
Lorenzo Epifani's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert Gimp "Color Enhance" algorithm to python

I am trying to code the same effect as "Color Enhance" in Gimp. Here is the doc: Basically it says : It does this by converting the ...
Matt Dillon's user avatar
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Can I replicate GIMP's HSL composite function with Python/OpenCV?

Is it possible to combine three grayscale images into a color HSL image just like the GIMP's Compose function? I already managed to do the classic RGB composite with simple cv2.merge([R,G,B]) where R,...
derek's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting a sequence of ppm images to video with python

I'm trying to make a video out of ppm images using IPython (python 2.7). I wrote this code : import cv2 import glob img1 = cv2.imread('C:/Users/Joseph/image0.ppm') height, width, layers = img1.shape ...
JoA's user avatar
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Implementation of 'Difference of Gaussians' in OpenCV

For a Project I am trying to extract pretty dim contours from an Image. While playing around with GIMP I found a way to extract and threshold those contours beautifully using "Difference of Gaussians" ...
Schnickster's user avatar
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Replicate Gimp's Color->Invert Operation using OpenCV

I need to pre-process an image to convert it to a high contrast dark-on-light background that is ideal to feed to OCR tools. The pre-processing, which for starters I did in Gimp, simply involves ...
balajeerc's user avatar
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2 answers

GIMP difference of Gaussians in Opencv

I want to replicate the GIMP Filter > Edge Decect > Difference of Gaussians in C++ using opencv. I found this simple code for DOG implementation bu I want the same result of GIMP with the two params ...
Fabiano Taioli's user avatar
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2 answers

Linear Inverted Image on Opencv

I'm trying to emulate the linear invert function in GIMP with opencv and python. I can't find more information on how that function has been implemented, besides it being used under linear light.Since ...
epistemophiliac's user avatar
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Energy/cost for magnetic lasso

The GIMP's implementation for magnetic lasso (found here in function calculate_link()) seems to be only using the image gradient magnitude and direction but not the laplacian zero-crossing as in the ...
arennuit's user avatar
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How to automate image slicing process in Linux?

Input image I need as following, output explanation Output scheme Following steps needed to be done. Process the input image Split the image into more images based on the gap between the ...
Maheshwaran velusamy's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

OpenCV's Sobel filter - why does it look so bad, especially compared to Gimp?

I'm trying to rebuild some preprocessing I have done before in Gimp, using OpenCV. The first stage is a Sobel filter for edge detection. It works very well in Gimp: Now here is my attempt with OpenCV:...
0__'s user avatar
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Replicate Gimp Unsharp Mask with Java - OpenCv

I'm trying to replicate unsharp mask in Gimp with using Java and OpenCv. I use a grayscale image as input and apply unsharp mask, but results are not even close. I try to implement this C++ code: ...
bodoroman's user avatar
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2 answers

OpenCV Brightness & Contrast like in Gimp

I want adjust the contrast in Python's OpenCV like in Gimp. I want do this: In Gimp it is simple. I just use Colors->Brightness & Contrast, and set contrast to 127. But I don't know how to do ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reproduce Photoshop's multiply blending in OpenCV?

I'm trying to reproduce Photoshop's multiply blend mode in OpenCV. Equivalents to this would be what you find in GIMP, or when you use the CIMultiplyBlendMode in Apple's CoreImage framework. ...
joelg's user avatar
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How to apply SoftLight blender between two images in OpenCV?

Regarding to this post on StackOverflow (and this too) I'm taking one normal image of a flower, then a white image and then I apply the SoftLight. These are the images (flower and white image): The ...
Rafael Ruiz Muñoz's user avatar
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OpenCV inpainting function

I've been using recently the built-in fuction of opencv for inpainting. I have to say that the results were very poor when the areas to ...
Josep Bosch's user avatar
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Remove lens distortion from images captured by an wide angle (180) camera

I have some images captured from an wide angle appx. (180 degree) camera. I am using opencv 2.4.8 which gives some details about camera matrix n distortion matrix. MatK = [537.43775285, 0, 327....
Javed's user avatar
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"bad src image pointer" after read frame of video in OpenCV

VideoCapture cap;"Path_to_directory\\%03d.jpg"); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_frames; ++i) { Mat frame; cap >> frame; //... } In the line "cap >> ...
γιάννης's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How do I use Gimp / OpenCV Color to separate images into coloured RGB layers?

I have a JPG image, and I would like to find a way to: Decompose the image into red, green and blue intensity layers (8 bit per channel). Colorise each of these now 'grayscale' images with its ...
Steve's user avatar
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opencv image loading using buffer without saving?

plugin for gimp to capture a frame from camera and to load it to gimp workspace.till nw i got the code to capture image and load the image but it is done by saving the captured image but i want to ...
joseph's user avatar
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6 votes
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openCV vs GIMP, edge detection fails in openCV

I am doing Sobel edge detection in openCV using the with following parameters: cv.Sobel(mat, edgemat, 1, 1) # mat -> source image # edgemat -> taget output image # 1 -> xorder (int) – Order ...
Xolve's user avatar
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