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Colorize Specific Regions of an Image Using a Mask with ImageMagick

I'm trying to colorize specific regions of an image based on a mask using ImageMagick. The mask contains white pixels where the image should be colorized and black pixels where no colorization should ...
Sulli's user avatar
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ImageMagick don't run with php exec()

I tried to use ImageMagick to convert images with php. The ImageMagick run on cli using the exec() command, but it dont work. I already tried to run ImageMagick with the same command on linux terminal ...
Pedro's user avatar
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MissingDelegateError no decode delegate for this image format `EMF' converting image/x-emf to image/x-png

below python function convert emf format image to png. from wand.image import Image def process_image(self, image): if image.content_type == "image/x-emf": with as ...
amir jj's user avatar
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Imagemagick convert -thumbnail with out of bounds selected frame produces unwanted files

I'm new to imagemagick, my goal is to make a thumbnail from an image or a video with the selected frame. If I request an out of bounds frame, I'm expecting the command to fail and to not produce ...
anotherdev's user avatar
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Split image of any size into to 4 quarters

I am trying to create a script that splits any input image into 4 different parts (2x2). I tried the following: convert "$1" -crop 50%x50% +repage output%d.jpg With some input images it ...
Marinos An's user avatar
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How to force PHP to use the new ImageMagick version?

Been at this for about 2 hours now, read about 20 articles on Google. Fired everything I had into the terminal and its still not working. Restarted Apache and PHP-FPM several times. My Server ...
Jason Comparetto's user avatar
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Add Text in the center of the image using ImageMagick

I am trying to draw text on the center of the existing image but not able to achieve desired result: Here is so far i have tried convert src-image.png -gravity center -pointsize 144 -fill red -...
silentsudo's user avatar
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Resampled image is blurry

If I make a screenshot of the the top left corner of the Safari window using Shift-Command-4 > Drag and paste it here on Stack Overflow, the red-yellow-green "traffic lights" and the icon ...
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Build ImageMagick with XML support

I'm struggling to make ImageMagick convert images with XMP Profile. I use such ImageMagick build in AWS lambda (python). Here's how I assemble it: In Dockerfile I have: RUN yum install -y git gcc gcc-...
EugeneSalmin's user avatar
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Imagemagick -remap option while keeping transparency

I have an image with transparency that I am trying to remap to a different color scheme in ImageMagick 7: convert icon.png -remap palette.png out.png However, this makes transparent pixels black (or ...
hjk321's user avatar
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Why does this imagemagick created white image not show transparency but the red one does?

When I use Imagemagick to overlay a pure white rectangle over a larger transparent canvas: convert -size 2000x2000 xc:none -fill white -draw "rectangle 900,900 1100,1100" white_box.png Then ...
CRAIG's user avatar
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Converting Kodak PCD Files to TIF?

I have a few dozen Kodak CD-ROMs (with a few thousand photo scans) from the early 2000s that contain PCD files. I want to convert them to a maximum quality file (TIF?) for further processing in ...
user2571504's user avatar
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How to remove ringing/anti-aliasing/gradients from PNG with ImageMagick?

I am converting PNG icons to SVG, and results are better with sharp edges in the PNG. No gradients/anti-aliasing etc.. Results so far are ok, I am using a combination of -kmeans, -median, and -...
dtbaker's user avatar
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flatten layers aligned by centers instead of aligned by top-left corners

How can I overlap several images so that their centers are directly on top of each others'? I use -layers merge instead of -layers flatten because flatten will crop images to fit inside the dimensions ...
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How to composite more than 2 images with imagemagick?

How can I overlap several images on top of each other using imagemagick? I have a base image layers.png: I want to cut out different parts of the image and overlap them. E.g., overlap the skeletal ...
user avatar
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How to stop gravity option screwing up imagemagick parenthesised inputs?

I've been battling with this error (bug?) in imagemagick: % convert \ > \( logo: -crop 100x100+300+300 -gravity west \) \ > \( logo: -crop 100x100+300+300 -gravity west \) \ > +append out.png ...
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ImageMagick convert composite many crops from the same image?

I have a fairly complicated crop-rotate-splice command, here simplified just to crop: magick "$INPUT" -crop "$WIDTH"x"$HEIGHT" "$DESTINATION" I would like to ...
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Convert image from NEF to TIF

I do photogrammetry with Nikon cameras. However, I've noticed that when I save my photos in grayscale in JPG format, I get images with three channels and slightly different values on each JPG with 3 ...
florian.barcet's user avatar
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Error using pytorch-fid for datasets containing 5000 images

I am trying to calculate the FID between 2 datasets, using pytorch-fid. The GitHub link for the code is: Attempt 1: I started off small, with 2800 images, all ...
shrujaya23's user avatar
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Change opacity of lighten composition layer

I'm using the command below to overlay an image (../esrgan/{1}) with another image ({1}) that I scale to 400% and then apply lighten composition to. parallel --bar --xapply convert {1} -filter Lanczos ...
Max's user avatar
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Text color looks faded when converting screenshot to WEBP

I have tried using both imagemagick and The GIMP to convert a PNG to WEBP, but the text colors tend to fade after conversion. Is there any way to tell WEBP to keep the colors strong? The problem is ...
joeytwiddle's user avatar
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Can mogrify resize an image differently, depending on its orientation?

I have folders of images that I'd like to resize to either 3000x2000 or 2000x3000, depending on the orientation. When I attempt to resize the images like this: mogrify -path 'thumbnails' -resize ...
Andy's user avatar
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Batch edit pictures for album covers on Plex [closed]

On a Plex server running on a Debian 11 I have around 100 albums with the wrong aspect ratio cover art. Plex saving the pictures in several subfolders with the name “com.plexapp.agents.localmedia_*”. ...
Asem Khen's user avatar
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Convert(ImageMagick) killed when batch processing jpgs

Linux CentOS7 Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-22 Q16 x86_64 2020-06-29 I have a script that converts a set of jpgs into another set of jpgs. convert -strip -interlace Line -resize ...
ScottD's user avatar
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Remove all greyscale from image using QuickMagick

I want to remove all grey from an image using QuickMagick or RMagic in Ruby. I found this solution here: for ImageMagick but I don't ...
quaysar's user avatar
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Imagemagick linear invert as in Gimp?

I'd like to LINEAR invert image in Imagemagick with the same output as in Gimp. Original image: Original image Gimp invert: Gimp invert Gimp LINEAR invert: Gimp LINEAR invert Imagemagick "negate&...
stalker's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert WMF to PNG using imagick in PHP so that the Cyrillic alphabet in the WMF image is converted to Cyrillic in PNG without error

I am trying to create PNG images from WMF to view such files in a browser. WMF is a drawing of a part with a description table and text in Cyrillic. I'm doing this in PHP using imagick: $image = new ...
Евгений Ващенко's user avatar
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ImageMagick - Add Transparent / Semi Transparent text watermark on Image

I need to create resized, lower quality image with transparent/semi transparent WHITE txt watermark. As i`m not imagemagic expert i already do my researches and get to point of following command: ...
MS1's user avatar
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ImageMagick Edge Detection - Picture To Line Drawing

I am trying to transform an image to line drawing, exactly like on this website (default settings): I am using Image Magick to try to achieve ...
BlasterGod's user avatar
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ImageMagick creating a RGB image from Grayscale image

I have a 32-bit floating point TIFF image that when I try to adjust it with ImageMagick it creates a sRGB image. No matter what I've tried, I cannot adjust the image that creates a grayscale image. ...
Jeshua Lacock's user avatar
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Cannot use "convert" to generate a .gif from a .pdf

I was looking into using tikz on latex to generate gifs, my example project is: \documentclass[]{report} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \foreach \angle in {0,10,...,360} { \begin{tikzpicture} ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to use Imagemagick to convert a multi-page pdf to B&W while maintaining readability?

I have been trying to convert a multi-page color pdf to 2-color B&W (not grayscale). Some research turned up the following command: convert -posterize 2 input.pdf output.pdf which worked, in that ...
Christopher Nuzzi's user avatar
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How to (if possible) "undo" css overlay on PNG using ImageMagick?

I have screenhots of images that were made when the image had a CSS overlay rgba(0,0,0,.4) on it. Here is the original image: and an example of the html that would produce the overlay: <html> &...
richarddmorey's user avatar
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Hindi Text not working properly in ImageMagick

I am using ImageMagick tool for creating some images with hindi Text but it's not working properly. Fonts: I have tried with below mentioned ...
Aashish Chakravarty's user avatar
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Imagemagick: How to create a multy-layered tiff from all png files in the given folder using bash

I have a lot of PNG kept in a folder, and need to convert them all into single multy-layered TIFF using ImageMagick. When I run this command on a desktop Windows, I get the needed TIFF. magick *.png -...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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How to distort an image using wand

I'm trying to the same that was asked in this old question but in python using wand. so far I have done the following: from wand.image import Image from wand.display import display # Paths to your ...
Alberto's user avatar
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ImageMagick - converting from RAW to PNG brightens the image, but using an online converter doesn't

I have a large number of .ARW images that I need to convert to .PNG files for further processing. Using convert myimage.ARW myimage.png works, but brightens up the image significantly. How do I ...
requiemman's user avatar
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How can I use the command prompt through a c# app to convert an image?

I am using MagickImage to convert images from my command prompt. However, it does not work when I try to use the same command with a c# process. Any ideas why that may be? Here's my code: `private ...
Costi2m's user avatar
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ImageMagick - Transform Outline Image to Perfect Black And White, WIth No Noise

I am looking for an image magick command that will help me transform black and white outline images (doodle sketches) to perfect white background and perfect lines (even no antialiasing) that are ...
BlasterGod's user avatar
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I want to display two different font sizes of text in a composite image

Why do I want to display two different font sizes of text in a composite image, but only the first is displayed? convert \( -resize "1000x1000^" -blur 50x5 "
user3474300's user avatar
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ImageMagick kmeans with alpha transparency

I want to apply kmeans to an image with an alpha mask. It should only work on the colors that are visible. I'm hoping to one-line it. Starting image: Naively apply kmeans (whoops, all one color): ...
user2183336's user avatar
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Overlapping pixels with convert -crop

Suppose i have a long chat screen which i want to split into the chunks. But i want overlapping between chunks for editing them after with Gimp. I use right now like this: convert chat.png -crop 100%...
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Reduce PNG bytes by manipulating color type - not having success with ImageMagick

I am trying to see if I can reduce the bytes of a PNG by changing the png color type. I am trying to keep the dimensions as high as possible (100 or 150 ideally). The images are not complex and I ...
lcj's user avatar
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Converting .ps file to .jpg file

I tried to convert .ps file which replace in my home directory using convert intensity,jpg but i got some error Error: /undefined in Standard+_Encoding Operand stack: Execution stack: %...
Yoga Dharma's user avatar
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imagemagick convert does not produce alpha gradient for specific image

I'm using convert to generate images with a fade gradient, converting images like this: to images like this (note the fade at the bottom): The source images (e.g., first image above) are PNGs ...
richarddmorey's user avatar
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How do we use stream and convert commands together in imagemagick

I do understand from the imagemagick documentation that we do use stream command for processing large images. Imagemagick Stream Interface The question i have is: how do we use the stream command in ...
John Cooper's user avatar
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Output PSD layers as base64 in JSON file using ImageMagick

I have a routine that uses PHP/ImageMagick to loop through a .psd and save the layers as PNG files. I now want to be able to output them as base64 in a JSON object instead without the intermediate ...
Selling Systems's user avatar
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imagemagic create an image by repeating the given transparent .png image

I have a transparent ".png" image and I want to create a new image of the given width and height by repeating that image. When I do this command from console: /usr/bin/convert -size ...
Arto Avag's user avatar
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Imagemagic - converting pdf file together with png results in negated colors

I have a png file and a pdf file with two pages and I'd like to create a third png file with the content of the 3 images one on top of the other. Running the following commands creates the file as ...
Julián Berbel Alt's user avatar
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ImageMagick cropping with the incorrect dimension

I tried with cropping images to 5862x367. However, it crops to 367x5862. I tried the following code: convert -crop 5862x367+0+0 +repage "/Users/ramakrishnanbalakrishnan/sites/img/test_in.JPG&...
Rams's user avatar
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