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Use GIMP to resize image in one layer only

This is my set up. I have 2 layers with transparency (I don't know if transparency matters here). Layers are the same size, 5x7 inches. Each layer has their image (say I draw a square on it and a ...
user2368631's user avatar
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python image unified transform

I looking for a way to transform a Image into a another one. The tool from GIMP work perfectly for my task: "Unified Transform Tool" But is there a way to do it with a python lib? Like ...
Thee Cherry's user avatar
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How to prevent Color Banding with GIMP?

Just doing a simple bump_map operation in python GIMP. But the result has color banding! import os, glob, sys, time from gimpfu import * image = pdb.gimp_file_load(img_path, img_path, run_mode=...
user2827214's user avatar
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why some images are underlined with red in android studio and others not?

In Android Studio I imported pictures using File | New | image asset. Some pictures work fine but others are not only underlined with a zigzag red line in the project structure area but also I can't ...
Nadirspam's user avatar
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How to replace text in Gimp image programatically

As in the title - imagine there is some Gimp .xcf file containing many layers. Part of these layers contain text. Is there any format I can export .xcf file to, that it somehow preserve 'human ...
prf's user avatar
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How to reorient (shift/offset) spherical (360-deg) images via command line with e.g. Imagemagick or The GIMP?

I'm installing a remote network of spherical/360-degree cameras and need to have the images they produce all aligned with something (north). The problem is, the cameras might end up being mounted ...
ZPMMaker's user avatar
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How to edit an image in Gimp when the target display has different horoiztonal and vertical resolution?

I want to make a wallpaper for this desktop, which has a resolution of 1024 x 384 When I create an image of this dimension in GIMP, it looks like it's half the height by comparison: It's difficult ...
TenLeftFingers's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Gimp 2.10.22 has HEIC support but won't work?

I have Gimp 2.10.22 running, which should have HEIC support according to the release notes from last October. So I would have expected that an iOS-created .heic file should open up. Unfortunately, I ...
slarocque's user avatar
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convert image to Indexed black and white (1-bit) palette linux

I'm trying to convert (several) PNG files to an indexed black and white (1-bit) palette image in linux via a bash script (or C code). If I use Gimp and take menu options Image, Mode, Indexed I get ...
kalpha's user avatar
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GIMP: How to change the color levels of many images according to preset?

So, I have this dataset of 3k images in grayscale and want to create a colorized respective target to feed them to a model. I decided to do that by changing the RGB color curves. Of course, it is ...
gd13's user avatar
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2 answers

Filling the gaps made in chinese character due to line removal for ocr

Hello friends, I have a hard time to ocr the above image due to the gaps that were made due to line removal.So could anyone kindly guide me on how to fill the gaps in chinese character using ...
thekingmaker's user avatar
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GIMP scale image cubic interpolation code

I would like to take a look at the implementation of image scaling in GIMP, in particular I'm interested in the cubic interpolation. I downloaded GIMP's source code (gimp-2.9.8.tar.bz2) and I narrowed ...
Arctic Pi's user avatar
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Image load in weird display in PyQt5

I am developing an app using PyQt5 that loads a simple PPM format image. Most of all PPM format images loads well and perfectly. But there is one single image the insists in load in a weird way. On ...
André Luiz França Batista's user avatar
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Is there a way to reorganise pixels in an image from darkest to brightest in Gimp?

I do a lot of Zoom quizzes, and am always looking for new and interesting rounds to include. Recently I saw a screenshot of a quiz where someone had taken album covers and rearranged the colours in ...
Andrew Thornbury's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Batch overlay/merge images with similar filenames

I have 1000+ images in a directory labelled: x_1.bmp x_2.bmp x_3.bmp y_1.bmp y_3.bmp ...etc Ideally, I'd like to overlay all files with a similar name and export as x_P.png, y_P.png, etc. as below....
user avatar
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What is difference between export as pbm in RAW and ASCII format?

When I export image as in GIMP it asks wheather to save in ASCII format or in RAW format, what's the difference? size of ASCII is much higher than raw format for same image (3 times higher), why so? ...
GAURABH BHUSHAN's user avatar
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Save PNG as PNG-8 with Floyd-Steinberg 2 dithering like GIMP in PHP

In GIMP I can save an image for Web with these properties: PNG-8 256 colors palette Dither: Floyd-Steinberg / Floyd-Steinberg 2 / positioned With these options I can reduce upto about 70% of the ...
user2342558's user avatar
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3 votes
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ImageMagick chop to remove whitespace rows in image

Trying to remove white space rows in an image: I tried : convert image_name.png -chop 110x170 + 240x300 chopped.png as pixels 110-170 and 240-300 need to be cut. The resulting image should retain ...
Benedict K.'s user avatar
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Stop Gimp from merging layers when de-selecting

I am trying to create a flyer in Gimp, but every single time I paste an image and then paste another image, it automatically merges the previous image I was working on. This is a problem because then ...
OneAdamTwelve's user avatar
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How to fix png image edges in GIMP?

I am designing a logo for my business and I need to fix the edges of my image. (As you can see they are not straight lines). I have installed GIMP because I am trying to do this for free and can't ...
devwk's user avatar
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How can I replace a thick line in Gimp with values/text?

Suppose I have the following image in GIMP. I want to replace/re-draw the exact line; but instead of having the thicker line, I want to do it using numbers. The best method I found is using the ...
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quick selection tool algorithm

I was using adobe photoshop and I was amazed by the "quick selection tool" they have. By just clicking on the object and moving the mouse a little I was able to select an object inside the image very ...
Vedanshu's user avatar
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Subtract a value from the Red channel only

Is there any easy way to subtract a value from the red channel? For example, let's say a pixel has RGB(140, 30, 50), I would like to see subtract 100 from red channel only, hence giving RGB(40, 30, ...
fatdragon's user avatar
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Lossless resizing GIMP layer

When I scale a layer down to 10% and then scale it back to its original size, it becomes blurry: it loses most of the information in the scaling down step. Is there a way to avoid this? I would like ...
Rolf's user avatar
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How can i add so much darkness in an image?

I have downloaded this image from pexels and i want to create similar effect on my photo but i cant find the desired method over internet. I want to add darkness or shadow downside. How can do it ...
Adi2691's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I circle select and crop with fu script?

I am trying to expedite the process of cropping a bunch of images using fu scripts. All the images will get cropped identically. I need to select a circle that is centered on the image and then crop ...
wesleywmd's user avatar
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Removing semi-transparent overlay on flattened image

A solution to this problem seems to not exist but I find it hard to believe it is not possible. Imagine you have an image with a semi-transparent overlay (color=black, transparency=50%), whether over ...
Matt M's user avatar
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Converting PDF to PNG imagemagick vs GIMP

I'm trying to batch convert PDF's to PNG's. Previously, this was always done manually through GIMP by importing a PDF, then converting it to PNG. With the script that I wrote, this should all be ...
Yvan Stemmerik's user avatar
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How to pre-load Gimp into webserver's memory?

I have a cropping webpage that lets users upload images, adjust the aspect ratio, shrink/grow the crop area, and crop. The actual cropping is done by a php script which calls Gimp from the command ...
Deanie's user avatar
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Is there a way to repeat the image multiple times as tiles in android?

I want to make a floor like effect using a single image in android, somethig lake the Tile effect in GIMP. For example have a square already on my app and then create an image that has that square a ...
German Eduardo Salazar Aranda's user avatar
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What does 1px by 1px gaussian blurring mean in GIMP?

So I was going through the options in Gaussian blur that are provided in GIMP, one of which is the ability to select the "Blur Radius". From my understanding, the Gaussian filter is created by ...
Roy2511's user avatar
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transparencize a background image on Photoshop

I would like to use this background image on different pages of my website. The idea is to have a different color, instead of being grey. I am trying to change the color on Photoshop, and found this ...
Mahcih's user avatar
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Hole filling of color pictures [closed]

I would like to perform some image editing by removing annoying element on these image such as electric poles, grids, ... (pic. 1) The amount of edits to perform is quite significant and I wonder if ...
JeanJouX's user avatar
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Setting the background to transparent using GIMP

Using GIMP 2, I have an image of a grey chair on a white background, as below: I now want to set the background to transparent. Therefore, I decided to use GIMP's "Color To Alpha" tool. So, I told it ...
Karnivaurus's user avatar
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Matching Colour/Lighting between Images using a Colour Standard in GIMP

I am working on a project where colour is an important component. I need to compare the colours of subjects between photos, however the lighting between photos is not absolutely consistent and so the ...
Andrew Grass's user avatar
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definition/resolution image GIMP

i have a naive question about image definition resolution and dimension on GIMP. If we take this example : 1)sensor: 4000x3000 =12 000 000 pixels (image definition) resolution : 300 ppp (dpi) ...
Anass's user avatar
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How to create an image from font style

I need to create multiple images for each and every character of a specific font. For instance, I want to create separate images of size say 32x32 for all characters of english alphabet with Times New ...
vanangamudi's user avatar
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put partly transpared photo on top of panorama

What is it nessesary to do if I want to see just black edges from background image in image placed on top? Here in the picture is what I want to create. You can see there are edges from background ...
Petr Bečka's user avatar
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gimp script to square multiple images, maintaining aspect ratio and minimum dimensions

I have hundreds of jpgs of varying sizes (e.g. 2304px x 2323px). In gimp I can use a batch filter to change these to certain sizes, relative or absolute. But for some configurations I have to do the ...
Michael Millar's user avatar
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Delete part of canvas and image altogether

I was wondering if there was an easy way to do this. I have a picture and I want to delete the highlited part So the final image looks like Basically, what I usually do is delete the highlited ...
BostAxola's user avatar
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Gimp index-colors vs ImageMagick in terms of image size?

I made a small image using imagemagick, this image has only 2 colors (alpha + some other color) so I want to turn in into index-color mode. Once I finish the image, I run the command convert file....
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
3 votes
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Converting tiff to mode 1 bit images

Is it possible to convert a tiff image to mode 1-bit image using command line tools. I saw it can be done with gimp but I need to run a script so I prefer a solution using packages like imagemagick ...
iLoveCamelCase's user avatar
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R - Convert raster to RGB image for use in photoshop or GIMP

I have some landsat 8 data that I would like to turn into a .png (or other lossless RGB) image file. Although I am very familiar with the raster package, I can't figure out how to write out an image ...
mmann1123's user avatar
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merging two images with triangle crop

In Eagle, I've created a circuit that consists of schematic and PCB layout. From Schematic and PCB Layout I've created screenshots in .jpg format. Now, how do I merge these two screenshots with ...
KernelPanic's user avatar
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Specifying image dimensions like Gimp in ImageMagick

I am editing an image in Gimp with dimensions and size specified as below. How to use the same parameters in ImageMagick? (I tried something like below, but unable to get the desired output): ...
Steve Erick's user avatar
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Image not served correctly

I created an image in gimp and attempted to use it in a web page. my source code: <p><img src="" alt="ad2" /></p> The image does not show up in either FF or chrome. The ...
DecentGradient's user avatar
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Image rendered differently in firefox than in chrome

First, please tell me if this belongs in another community, but since the problem happens in a browser I felt more appropriate to post here than in graphic design. I bought a theme to make a quick ...
Sarumanatee's user avatar
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resize image using script-fu gimp

I'm trying to prepare a script for auto-resizing image files. I found this LINK but I cannot figure out how to use it. Anyone can provide a working script that I can use as a starting point?
Nicholas's user avatar
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How to apply SoftLight blender between two images in OpenCV?

Regarding to this post on StackOverflow (and this too) I'm taking one normal image of a flower, then a white image and then I apply the SoftLight. These are the images (flower and white image): The ...
Rafael Ruiz Muñoz's user avatar
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Gulp plugin to auto crop images (like Gimp does)?

If you're not familiar auto crop in gimp crops the image of all surrounding white or transparent space. I'm currently using gulp-gm and gulp-image-optimization. How can I achieve the same auto crop ...
jopfre's user avatar
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