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Replay image transformation

I regularly need to merge 3 or more images into one, where one image is the base and the other images are added as overlays and are transformed to fit the base image using the cage transform tool in ...
waquner's user avatar
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2 answers

Imagemagick results of +transparent (remove all colors but one) produces color residues

I have images generated. It's pixel-perfect images (no interpolation, 1 pixel=1color, 5 colors only, etc.) I want to separate each color in different files, so I use ImageMagick CLI commands to obtain ...
sh_k_'s user avatar
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GIMP script-fu to ImageMagic conversion

I have written the following GIMP script-fu function to remove lens distortion from an image using the lens-distortion-plugin. I execute this script through a command line function from my main python ...
DhiwaTdG's user avatar
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Create .tiff image with both transparency channel and alpha channel

By setting a .tiff file "tiff:alpha" tag to either unspecified or unassociated I can have photoshop display it's alpha channel as either a premultiplied transparency or a seperate alpha ...
ForsakenCreator's user avatar
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Magick equivalent of GIMP Hue-Chroma transformation

Using Gimp, given an input image, I can improve its contrast using Colors > Hue Chroma... by setting Chroma=50 (in a scale between -100 and 100) and leaving Hue=0 and Lightness=0. So it appears I'm ...
Aldo's user avatar
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Merging Images Vertically in Multipe of 2

I have a situation where from a folder , I would like to merge 1 and 2 nd image vertically , 3rd and 4th Image vertically and so forth . I have searched and found that Image magic does merging of ...
sibi kanagaraj's user avatar
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2 answers

How to call an external command in Gimp Plugin?

How to use an external command to make an edit of pic in the gimp and then return the result to the stage in a plugin or script. Example in shell script.: magick label.gif +matte ( +clone -shade ...
Bruno Maia - Contact me 's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Gimp AutoInputLevels in ImageMagick

I am trying to recreate Gimp's AutoInputLevels (Colors>Levels>AutoInputLevels) in Imagemagick (need to batch process 1000 files). This is for an infrared image. I tried contrast_stretch, ...
SEU's user avatar
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How to reorient (shift/offset) spherical (360-deg) images via command line with e.g. Imagemagick or The GIMP?

I'm installing a remote network of spherical/360-degree cameras and need to have the images they produce all aligned with something (north). The problem is, the cameras might end up being mounted ...
ZPMMaker's user avatar
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How to change a single colour in an image when converting to a png?

Goal: convert an icon (single-colour, black, with transparent background) from either an svg or xcf, to a png and change the colour of the icon (e.g. black becomes white or a specified hex colour). ...
tekiegirl's user avatar
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convert image to Indexed black and white (1-bit) palette linux

I'm trying to convert (several) PNG files to an indexed black and white (1-bit) palette image in linux via a bash script (or C code). If I use Gimp and take menu options Image, Mode, Indexed I get ...
kalpha's user avatar
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Filling the gaps made in chinese character due to line removal for ocr

Hello friends, I have a hard time to ocr the above image due to the gaps that were made due to line removal.So could anyone kindly guide me on how to fill the gaps in chinese character using ...
thekingmaker's user avatar
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ImageMagick command line to extract Gimp entered Metadata info

Using the Gimp Metadata Editor (Image > Metadata > Edit Metadata) the users can insert info into the files. I assume that with some ImageMagick command line I can extract this info. I have not been ...
CW Holeman II's user avatar
3 votes
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ImageMagick chop to remove whitespace rows in image

Trying to remove white space rows in an image: I tried : convert image_name.png -chop 110x170 + 240x300 chopped.png as pixels 110-170 and 240-300 need to be cut. The resulting image should retain ...
Benedict K.'s user avatar
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pdf to png conversion of latex generated plot

I have a bunch of pdf (plots generated using pgf in pdflatex) files that I would like to convert to png files. So far I've tried the following: 1) ImageMagick convert -density 500 a.pdf -quality 90 ...
Sebu's user avatar
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ImageMagick: Is there an equivalent of Gimp's tool to "shrink" and "grow" a selection?

I have a black and white mask image produced with this ImageMagick command: convert in.jpg -threshold 85% out.png Giving me this result: I'd like to reduce the size of each piece like if I was ...
DevonDahon's user avatar
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2 answers

Subtract a value from the Red channel only

Is there any easy way to subtract a value from the red channel? For example, let's say a pixel has RGB(140, 30, 50), I would like to see subtract 100 from red channel only, hence giving RGB(40, 30, ...
fatdragon's user avatar
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How can I make this GIMP/ImageMagick script?

I'm using GIMP to do a simple but tedious operation for many images so I'd like to know how I can make a script that will do it for me, or find some simpler way of doing this. I import an image file ...
user avatar
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4 answers

How do I circle select and crop with fu script?

I am trying to expedite the process of cropping a bunch of images using fu scripts. All the images will get cropped identically. I need to select a circle that is centered on the image and then crop ...
wesleywmd's user avatar
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How to automate image slicing process in Linux?

Input image I need as following, output explanation Output scheme Following steps needed to be done. Process the input image Split the image into more images based on the gap between the ...
Maheshwaran velusamy's user avatar
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Linux batch (gimp, imagemagick) add background image to series of transparent pngs

is it possible to add a different background image to a series of transparent pngs? Like: convert sourceimage.png -background BackgroundPicture -flatten destinationimage.png Of course the ...
user3012486's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Graphics program that will generate a common palette from multiple jpgs

gimp has the ability to generate a palette from a loaded image. I am looking to have all images (i am not necessarily the author of these pictures) share a common palette since this makes it easier ...
rombios's user avatar
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How to cut off center part of images batch (imagemagick or mogrify)

I've been trying to apply a batch modification for a while and couldn't find anything helpful, maybe because I don't have the right words to explain what I want to do. So here's an image I think is ...
Arntjine's user avatar
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Copy a circle of image A into image B

I have two images: a.jpg b.jpg Both images are square (100x100 pixel). I want to cut a circle with a radius of 50 from image a.jpg and paste it in the middle of image b.jpg. I want to save the ...
wintermeyer's user avatar
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Making half an image transparent from the command line

I don't really know where to start with this one. I'm trying to do something that I thought would be relatively simple to accomplish with imagemagick, but I don't know the exact command to start with. ...
user avatar
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Hole filling of color pictures [closed]

I would like to perform some image editing by removing annoying element on these image such as electric poles, grids, ... (pic. 1) The amount of edits to perform is quite significant and I wonder if ...
JeanJouX's user avatar
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How to create an image from font style

I need to create multiple images for each and every character of a specific font. For instance, I want to create separate images of size say 32x32 for all characters of english alphabet with Times New ...
vanangamudi's user avatar
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Gimp index-colors vs ImageMagick in terms of image size?

I made a small image using imagemagick, this image has only 2 colors (alpha + some other color) so I want to turn in into index-color mode. Once I finish the image, I run the command convert file....
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Converting tiff to mode 1 bit images

Is it possible to convert a tiff image to mode 1-bit image using command line tools. I saw it can be done with gimp but I need to run a script so I prefer a solution using packages like imagemagick ...
iLoveCamelCase's user avatar
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Specifying image dimensions like Gimp in ImageMagick

I am editing an image in Gimp with dimensions and size specified as below. How to use the same parameters in ImageMagick? (I tried something like below, but unable to get the desired output): ...
Steve Erick's user avatar
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Gradle Dependency using Make

I decided to give Gradle a shot in my latest project which is featuring graphics I create using gimp. I use git for my project and I refuse to commit exportet .png-graphics in my repository. Instead ...
Prior99's user avatar
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Writing a basic PostScript script by hand

I wanted to try and manually code a PostScript file. Why? Why not. From Wikipedia, I copied and pasted their basic Hello World program for PostScript which is: %!PS /Courier % name the ...
chiliNUT's user avatar
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Creating a multi layered psd file with "editable text" using command line

I am trying to create a PSD file using command line (linux/osx). Example: I have 5 blocks of text "hello" "this" "is" "an" "example" I need a way to take these 5 blocks of text and generate a psd ...
user2981174's user avatar
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PHP GD imagejpeg: output file size is bigger size than original

The following script is supposed to create an image with lower quality and so smaller file size (kb), instead it create an image with lower quality but bigger file size. On my test the original is ...
WonderLand's user avatar
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ImageMagick "color to alpha" (like The GIMP)

I'm trying to do what The GIMP does when selecting "color to alpha" with an actual colour. I've got an image that has the color #a0132e in it, and I want that converted to transparency. Not only that ...
Thany's user avatar
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Adding border to multiple images using gimp?

I have around 100 pictures that i want to add white border to it all at once. I use Linux and also use gimp ,.. please suggest me something to do so online of offline. and one more thing that i have ...
ravi's user avatar
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Split image into parts

Is there anything in imagemagick or gimp or other linux compatible tool what can automatically detect individual objects on image and either return some location of object or store each object as ...
Tomas Greif's user avatar
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Import vector graphics from PDF to GIMP

I need to extract vector graphics from a PDF image and import them into GIMP, either as paths or as high-resolution raster images. Specifically, I need to get contour lines from USGS topographical ...
user1148928's user avatar
7 votes
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TIFF plot generation and compression: R vs. GIMP vs. IrfanView vs. Photoshop file sizes

I generated some high resolution publication quality plots for example library(plot3D) Volcano<-volcano zf=10 #zoom factor tiff("Volcano.tif", width=1800*zf, height=900*zf, res=175*zf, ...
ECII's user avatar
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Convert XWD to PNG via command line on Windows

I have a script that generates an XWD file which needs to be converted to a PNG file. When attempting to convert this with ImageMagick, I get the following output. I've found the delegate download ...
Matthew Shea's user avatar
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ImageMagick: Possible to remove middle in picture?

Question As an example, is there an easy way to crop away the o's in the Google logo (knowing their coordinates in advance)? The result should then be "Ggle" with a smaller image width than the ...
Sandra Schlichting's user avatar
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Accessing the tools like gimp(installed at server) from client

I want to create an web application through which i have to access tools like Gimp for my image processing. Is it possible to manage my need with client-server (Gimp at server) approach? I am not ...
2vision2's user avatar
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How to remove watermark from TIFFs to improve OCR

I have a bunch of uncompressed bitonal TIF document images. All of them have a watermark in the middle. When I run them through OCR, the text that overlaps with the watermark does not get recognized. ...
I Z's user avatar
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Given a pair of images, how to automatically create an animation sequence morphing one image into the other?

Is there a programmatic way to convert two images into an animation sequence (e.g., an animated GIF) like the following example? This image sequence, taken from a course, doesn't ...
Ahmed Fasih's user avatar
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How can I change lightness hue and partially desaturate an image in ImageMagick?

I have a PNG which (besides a white spot and transparency in the background) is a pretty straight blue. I would like to use convert from ImageMagick to partially desaturate it, so that I can create ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a way to make a script that automatically corrects scanned documents?

I often scan handwritten documents to send to colleagues, and need to make corrections to the digital file once it's scanned. (For example, I change mistakes I made on the original document to white.) ...
highsciguy's user avatar
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Convert image to indexed color with custom palette through console

I have image.png in truecolor, palette.png (N colors, where N>256) or text file, where list RGB color palette. How to get a picture with this palette? If I use imagemagick: convert image.png -remap ...
Smirnov's user avatar
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Image resizing, maintaing image size - beginner question

Im attempting to resize an image from 480x800 to 320x240. Below are the results. The original image has an oval shaped circle whereas the resized image has a more spherical shape. Is it possible to ...
blue-sky's user avatar
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How to downsize, scale, and colour-reduce PNGs at the command line? (Linux, Makefile)

From within a Makefile I like to reduce the size of PNGs. I tried first ImageMagick, but while I could resize (down) the images and reduce their colours to 32 (or the depth to 5 bits), the actual ...
Martin's user avatar
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ImageMagick - Transparent background - Act like Photoshop's "Magic wand"

I'm trying to convert hundreds of images that Have an unknown subject centered in the image Have a white background I've used ImageMagick's convert utility in the following way convert ORIGINAL.jpg ...
joar's user avatar
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