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Trouble with File upload using service provider,controller and filesystem using user/workorder directory folder in laravel 11

I can create user folder on registration for each user and sub-folder for each work-order on order submit. Having trouble uploading files to path of work-order folder for files. Here is my store ...
user22859100's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get files that exists in A but not in B (content hash compare only)

Is there any way in WinMerge to see what files exist in path A but not in path B without comparing the folder structure?
BlackMatrix's user avatar
-1 votes
5 answers

How to delete an element from a folder name

Let's say I have a folder that contains a lot of subfolders. These subfolders all have [Extra] at the end of their name. Is there a simple way to delete all those [Extra] in one go? I tried to adapt a ...
Bruno Aulit's user avatar
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Proper way to open a directory? [duplicate]

I have a File variable pointing to folder A. There is another folder inside - B. What is the proper way of getting a File pointing to B? I always used new File(folderA.getPath() + "/B") but ...
Nathalie Kitty's user avatar
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VB.NET Using System.Security.AccessControl

I developed an application to block access to opening, renaming, deleting, or copying a folder. I used VB.NET Framework 4.0. The codes for locking and unlocking are as follows: 'Folder lock code: Dim ...
DDB's user avatar
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What does "avoid imports of package:package_name/src/" mean in the docs

In the dart documentation it says For the best performance when developing with the development JavaScript compiler through webdev serve, put implementation files under /lib/src, instead of elsewhere ...
anonymous-dev's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'possible_successors.pickle'

I am trying to run a python code in the command prompt of Windows. I set the workdirectory to the current .py file that I want to run. Neverthless, when the code has to open a file called ...
Federica Incatasciato's user avatar
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Flutter build JAVA_HOME directory path is different from the one I set in the System Environment Variables

I set a new JAVA_HOME path in the System Environment Variables, since the old one was too outdated. However when I run flutter run in the terminal, it logs this message: Launching lib\main.dart on sdk ...
Borsaa's user avatar
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Directory setup for PostCSS, Tailwind and Laravel Mix for GitHub Pages

I am trying to figure out the most production-friendly way to set up my directories in a Tailwind and Laravel Mix workflow, and where the index.html should be - namely, I have a src/ and dist/ folder ...
Dalton's user avatar
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How to remove highlighting of folders from oh-my-posh?

I recenlty installed oh-my-posh into my windows powershell and am using the catppuccin theme however when I use the dir command any sub-folders are highlighted in the output which I dont want. ...
M.W's user avatar
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4 answers

Importing from another directory located in parent directory in Python

Suppose we have a project structure like: project/ public_app/ dir/ subdir/ ...
Adam's user avatar
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Restricting a Directory using Java

I am trying to build an app using Java that restricts read and write access for a directory. Here is the case: There is a server computer accessible by employees via an IP address using a port. They ...
Murad Aghamirzayev's user avatar
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I am trying import a folder into a jupyter notebook for preprocessing but having some problem assessing the path of the files in the folder

I want to extract the files in a folder and list out the names of the files in the folder, put them in a dataframe and list out all the contents in a single dataframe. I used the below code: # Import ...
Francis's user avatar
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FastHTML, how to add the webkitdirectory property to a Input element to get a folder name?

I want to get this raw html using FastHTML components (in order to obtain a folder name): <input type="file" webkitdirectory /> I have tried this with the help of https://h2f.answer....
Ximo Dante's user avatar
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Eclipse not displaying project as expected?

I am in the "Project explorer" and it is not showing each top-level package as a collapsible node.. instead it lists each possible sub-package on the main bar How do I get it to display the ...
user23282541's user avatar
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88 views directory doesn't exist

When I run a program on intelij it shows this error I have redownloaded it many times but the result is still the same. I am new to programming so I don't know how to do it Is there any way to fix ...
Duy Hưởng's user avatar
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let $id := request:get-parameter("id","") What could be wrong to cause $id not to get the value from get-parameter? How can I fix it?

I am working through a basic exercise which you can find here Problem: I think the problem is with the get-parameter() function. It ...
Brenda O'Neill's user avatar
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How to set the first picture of every folder as its folder icon?

I'm new to programming so I don't know how to work this out! I have plenty folders containing images. So working with them gets very tiresome thus i have to click and open each folder to see which is ...
FNizz02's user avatar
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How can I specify the directory I want to get using the os library?

I have a directory called "Data" and inside it I have 35 other directories with another bunch of directories each. I need to check if these last directories have .txt files and, if so, I ...
geoscience-rocks12345's user avatar
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.Bat file to remove all text from filenames after a certain three letter code

In my work we frequently run into a situation where we have folders of hundreds of outputted PDFs. These all have the same naming scheme which is: [Number/Text String]-XYZ [More Text] They all have a ...
Garze's user avatar
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How to List Files from Certain Directory /Python

Currently working on a little project. Basically, all I have is a program that asks for a certain network device type via user input (360 or 720) then it will ask for the MAC address of that certain ...
eatmydictionary3's user avatar
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Getting error while using "^z" as an indicator to end CreateTextFile application bellow

I am learning how to create a text file using Java and store it. However, I am getting an error" Invalid input. Please try again." while entering "^z" end-of-file indicator. My ...
john ikombele's user avatar
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List all files and folders and permissions in cmd

Currently I need to make a list of all files and all folders and who has access to them. I have already made a list of items with the dir /b/s/o, but I do not have the access list for each file/folder ...
tales duran's user avatar
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Windows Batch: Get file Path without overlaying folders from bat file

I want to list recursively files under a folder structure and read out the name and the path. But not the fullpath, I want only the path between the bat and the file. For Example: C:\Users\testuser\...
Keshtocal's user avatar
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VBA Code How to get muiltiple Folder path

On Exce, I want to store the paths of folders in an array (I have a sample code I made), but I can't select multiple folders even though I've used .AllowMultiSelect = True. Is there a solution or any ...
peerapat keatchawakul's user avatar
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Unable to Achieve Bidirectional File Synchronization with SymmetricDS

I'm a newbie here, and I hope I communicate properly. I'm trying to set up SymmetricDS 3.15.9 to replicate a database and a directory for Odoo ERP software, which internally uses a PostgreSQL database ...
Marck MR's user avatar
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Monitoring of a directory and get notified for any new events like file creation in C++

I have a directory like data in root like /data, also i will have multiple directories like test, prod, staging inside data directory like below: /data/prod/ /data/test/ /data/staging/ New files will ...
SeeRam's user avatar
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get filenames from download folder with API34

I have a small test application to retrieve the file names of the download folder on the device. To test, I used a file manager to copy a file called "test.xls" into the download folder. The ...
scheininger's user avatar
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Why am I getting a "duplicate source root" error in IntelliJ when the folder is not marked as a source root?

I'm getting the following error in IntelliJ: Source root '/path/to/project/src/main/resources' is duplicated in module 'myModule'. However, when I check the "Project Structure" under the ...
Paris Vinuya's user avatar
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What is the fastest way to get the number of files contained in a directory, including its subdirectories in Windows using .NET? [closed]

I have a directory that contains subdirectories, and each of those contains a good number of files. Each such directory contains at least 100k total files within its subdirectories, with each ...
Rekkon's user avatar
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How to open CSV file in R when R says "no such file or directory"? How can I fix this problem with the file and the directory?

I downloaded some tsv files and converted them to csv. Now I would like to read them with "Rstudio" but once I select the directory and read.csv Rstudio tells me "no such file or ...
Marco Rava's user avatar
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VSCode not identifying Python executable from path due to apostrophe

I have a user who is not able to get VSCode to recognise the Python executable from the Python path. We have set the default interpreter path to be the path of the executable in the extension settings,...
jacob's user avatar
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C Code trying to open a valid directory with opendir() ends with error "No such file or directory"

I am not able to figure out whats wrong with this simple code, so looking for C experts to guide here please :) The folder exist and have standard permissions set, even if I try to access D Drive root ...
rise.ashok's user avatar
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Excel VBA - Skip renaming when cell empty

I use PowerQuery to create a table from databases and manage files. There are some files I need to move to a specific folder, depending the value in some column. No need in my VBA code to check those, ...
lumiweb's user avatar
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What is the file path to the USB/Windows accessible folder that screenshots are saved to in iOS?

If you take a screenshot in iOS by pressing volume up and power at same time, it saves this in a publicly accessible way, by just connecting a USB cord to Windows. One can navigate to iPhone > ...
mike's user avatar
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String folder structure with all matching folders listed

I've been trying to do this for a few days and really I'm struggling. How do I generate all possible scanned folders from the string below and replace all possible folders in %%%ANY_DIR%%%? $...
Jiri's user avatar
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How to Restore All Default Icons on Mac After Installing Cursor IDE

I installed Cursor IDE, and all the default icons on my MacBook have been changed. I want to know how to restore all icons back to their original state. I’ve done some Googling and found ways to ...
Baboyiban's user avatar
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Renaming folder doesn't change name in path

(Windows 11) For installing ffmpeg I needed to rename a folder in accordance with a path in system variables. The folder was first names 'ffmpeg-7.0.2-full_build', I changed it to 'FFmpeg'. However I ...
Freek Domburg's user avatar
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60 views Directory.EnumerateFiles does not seem to bring back hidden files

I'd like to use Directory.EnumerateFiles to show all the files and folders including the ones that are hidden. It's bringing back all the files and folders now but it's not including the hidden ones. ...
jvcoach23's user avatar
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PHP: include a script file from a root directory subdirectory (_private) in a subdomain

I spent hours researching, reading, and trial/error-ing to no avail. I have a family website ( that has a lot of subdomains. I thought the domains are supposed to be set ...
sdm1177's user avatar
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How to import multiple *.CSV files into SQL Server | Combine all the files into 1 | Export the resultant data as CSV

I am using SQL for the first time and have no prior knowledge in coding or SQL so please bear with me. I have about 70 CSVs and each CSV have same columns and starts with the header row. I want to do ...
Ammad Anjum's user avatar
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Is there a way to list directories, but ignore the last/base file in R?

I'm working with a directory that has close to 90,000 files inside 200 folders. With such a large number of files both list.files() and the list.dirs() functions are incredibly slow. The thing is I'm ...
Shaggy Glitch's user avatar
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Directory issue

I sent the flutter application I was working on from one pc to another and now when I run it on the new pc and now the error is I'm getting the directory of the previous pc so the app can't run.. How ...
Ella's user avatar
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ubuntu linux (WSL) alternative starting directory shortcut? [duplicate]

this is a newbie question so feel free to simply point me to resources but: how can I somehow configure an alternative starting directory? I'm using WSL (because why would i want to use windows ...
il velan's user avatar
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Is there any way to zip a folder so that it is just the zipped folder with the files inside, rather than it having another folder inside?

I am on windows, and am trying to use a fork of the dolphin emulator, which takes it's code from a zipped python312 folder. When I go into this folder, I get all the files inside immediately, without ...
Anonymous_person 3205's user avatar
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Dir function not working properly with SharePoint folders

I have a macro that reads the files within a folder that the user indicates in a prompt box. It works fine with mapped folders, but my company is transitioning from those mapped folders to SharePoint ...
Nelson Marquez's user avatar
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Command line autocompletion for a custom script

In the command line of a Linux terminal, I want to run a custom, say, bash script that needs a parameter a file name, stored in any given directory. Can the script be programmed to autocomplete with ...
nightcod3r's user avatar
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Word macro - I want the macro to go up one level then search subfolders for a document

Word macro - I want the macro in my Word doc to go up one level then search subfolders for a specific document. So currently the macro works fine dragging data from another Word document when the ...
user27178816's user avatar
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How to clear the 'Browse for Location...' list in advanced search in Adobe Reader?

If you want to search in all pdfs located in a folder, you can open a pdf file, then enter SHIFT+CTRL+F to enter avanced search mode. In this advanced search mode, you can search through all pdfs in a ...
snookie's user avatar
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VScode fails to make subolder

I am working in a beginner MERN stack project I am using VS code. when I make folder(M) and then a sub-folder(a) it's okay then I try to subfolder inside folder(M) as sub-folder(b) but it's make like ...
Deep Voyager's user avatar

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