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How can I link to a .a file in Visual Studio

I have an application that has been worked on for several decades and I was provided .h and .a files. My program is mainly in C/C++ and when I try to link to these .a files, I get: Error LINK2019: ...
ChubbyMonkey's user avatar
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Including static .a Libraries in CMake Project [duplicate]

I am working on a project for STM32 in VSCode and I need to include libraries with the .a extension to be able to call their functions. I need help with configuring CMake. My current CMake setup looks ...
WITC's user avatar
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wlink to create an executable from obj files and libraries

I got the newest version of WATCOMs wlink from github (V2.0 29.04.2024, and djgpp-mingw-gcc1220-standalone from github too (
Fabian T's user avatar
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In my .net core 8 mvc c# project, when I click on the category, the data comes as null listing the products in the relevant category

In my .net core 8 mvc c# project, when I click on the category, the data comes as null listing the products in the relevant category. when clicking on the category of the products listed on the ...
sandox's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to link a static library to another

I have a problem with my static libraries. I got one for the use of multimedia elements and another for C general use (linked list...). I want them to be separated to not bloat my program. Try as I ...
Clément MONFORT's user avatar
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g++ "/ld.exe: cannot find l:mylib.a: No such file or directory

After I have read several forum posts to my problem which not helped me at all, I ask you for help. I am trying to create a .dll with GNU compiler on Windows. This .dll needs a library, we call it ...
gollerxd's user avatar
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Custom Static Library (.a lib) not found when building MakeFile for C++ Linux project

I have a custom library I made called AceLibraryLinux and I'm trying to use it in a C++ Linux program I made called RumPi (Raspberry Pi application I'm making). The .a file is called "...
Katianie's user avatar
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How to use an external static library in a Qt project in Qt Creator?

I am trying to import an external static library in my project. I have added .h files in my Qt Project and added the static library via the import external library option. test.h: #ifndef TEST_LIB_H #...
syrine dhouib's user avatar
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Raylib Library is not linking correctly in C++ project

When I compile with gcc -g -o main.exe -Wall -std=c++11 -I./include/ -L./lib main.cpp -o main.exe -lraylib I get these compiler errors C:\mingw-w64\bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\usr\AppData\Local\Temp\ccjms0zo....
Alex's user avatar
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getting .a instead of .lib when building Qt from source

I was building Qt 6.4 from source following these instructions on Windows. I put '-static' as an argument when configuring with 'configure.bat' but after building i found only .a files instead of .lib....
ureadulose's user avatar
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C# This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext

I am getting an error in the system, what is the reason? I wasn't getting such errors in .NET 5. I've never encountered such a problem in APIs, I'm actually pretty new to async methods, can someone ...
Mehmet kelleli's user avatar
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Getting overflow stack error when adding self-referencing entity in entity framework

I have a class named category in my project. I am trying to make subcategories of categories. The category class is self-referencing. My category class. public class Category : IEntity { [...
EMRE KAAN SEYLİM's user avatar
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Why can't I execute my program? It seems that my makefile isn't creating an executable file:zsh: permission denied: ./libftprintf.a is the error I get [duplicate]

Here is my makefile: NAME = libftprintf.a SRCS = ft_printf.c \ ft_hexadecimal_fd.c \ ft_putchar_fd.c \ ft_putnbr_fd.c \ ft_putstr_fd.c OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) ...
Aiert B's user avatar
-1 votes
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can I put my .a library from my objective-c project to my swift project with pods installed?

I have a library with .a format in my objective-c project. and I want to run it in my swift project that already installed cocoapods. my plan is I want to use that .a library and then convert my code ...
Qube's user avatar
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go build ld: warning: ignoring file xxx/libmd5tool.a, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file f

macos monterey12.6 Trying to go build project ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/xxx/Documents/go-repo/src/scbapi/vendor/apiutil/lib/libmd5tool.a, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with ...
RanCood's user avatar
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Cmake Top level project has two dependent projects, one child is also dependent on the other child

I have Project A at the top. Project A requires library B and library C. Library B also requires library C by itself. So, in short. How can I link libraries B and C up to A by just linking B? I have ...
shadow's user avatar
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How to Add file .a to project by xcodegen swift

I want to add 5 file have extension .a to project. I click "+" button then choose 5 file .a add to project is success. But my project use xcodegen so I want to config file project.yml to ...
Nguyễn Ngọc Mạnh's user avatar
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How can I compile Cimgui statically and then use it?

I'm new to C and I need some help with linking and compeileing. Here is the library which I want to use: cimgui github I followed the instructions about how can I compile the library with the makefile ...
Zodey's user avatar
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How can I add/import the ChibiOS library for an embedded project in Visual Studio?

I want to use the ch.h file from ChibiOS in my project. The embedded project is created and is using HAL drivers for STM32. I want to find a way to add or import the ChibiOS library to the current ...
Mary's user avatar
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Do .a library files work in both Windows and Linux?

I have been given a .a library file for my project. I can see you can use .a for Windows and Linux, which is different to .dll and .so. Will the same .a file work on both Windows and Linux?
ArmadilloChubbz65's user avatar
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Makefile: need to run `make` twice to relink objects file

Here is the relevant part of my Makefile. ... LIBS = gc ft vpath %.a $(LIBS:%=lib%) all: $(MAKE) $(NAME) $(NAME): $(LIBS:%=lib%.a) $(OBJS) | libs $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(NAME) $(...
Romain T-BIGOT's user avatar
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1 answer

How to build .a (Universal Static library) using existing C++ code

I have a C++ code and I am able to create .so file for Android using ndk-build Similarly, for iOS, I intend to create .a (Universal Static library) from existing C++ code. Question is how to build .a ...
Ninad2110's user avatar
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1 answer

Qt .pro combine libraries

I have a subdirs Qt project composed of : an external (not made by me) lib an internal (made by me) lib using the external lib an application using the internal lib I am on Windows using mingw as ...
f222's user avatar
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How to include .a file in Atmel Studio on Windows?

I'm trying to interface BME680 gas sensor module with AVR controller (Atmega644p to be specific) using Atmel Studio in Windows platform. The BME680 does come with example functions multiple .h,.c ...
Azeem Anwar's user avatar
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'Undefined reference' problem while using curl in dev c++

I am trying to use curl library in Dev c++. But whenever I run the code, errors in the picture are occurring. Do you have a solution to that problem? Here is the compiler message:
Celal Çamlıbel 's user avatar
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Convert .a file into .lib file for C/C++ project

I have got a question. In my quest to add external packages to my C/C++ project, i read differents topics about how to convert static library (.a) into static library (.lib). I downloaded packages and ...
Manu LAB's user avatar
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2 answers

Failing to install gtkmm / gtk+

So i am new on the platform, i use c/c++ and i have interests in graph interfaces so i decided to use gtk+and gtkmm with visual studio. First, i downloaded gtk for the gnome project. I followed all ...
Manu LAB's user avatar
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2 answers

About the meaning of "./a" in gcc

When I run $ gcc hello.c $ ./a Hello, World. I don't know what ./a exactly indicates. What is it? What does it stand for? If you know the meaning of it, I'd really appreciate that you would share.
Jeon JI No's user avatar
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How to use .a library file in arm keil

Now I am using the stm32F103 chip, using a .a library file in the keil environment, the compilation is no problem, but the MCU cannot run as soon as I run it
ivan.wan's user avatar
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How to generate a *.so file on AIX with CMake

With gcc the newer CMake V3.14 build a shared library in an archive format with ".a" suffix on AIX platform. But we need a *.so shared file. One solution what I have found is to patch /opt/...
Rasit Simsek's user avatar
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Library file (.a) where the contents of the structure changes

I am creating an algorithm in C that is confidential and cannot be shared with external customers. So, I decided to go with creating a library (.a) file which compiles my algorithm and lets others use ...
Will's user avatar
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Compiling Antlr4 cpp runtime with SCons using clang++. Resulting library gives me undefined symbols (macos)

I'm trying to make a SConstruct that will... Build Antlr4 cpp runtime as static library Use Antrl4 (the java app) to build Lexer, Parser, Visitor and Listener, in cpp format, for a simple grammar. ...
user avatar
-1 votes
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converting .c file to .o using processes

I have to make a project which asks me to create a program that will compile a C project by recursively descending into directories and launching processes which compile a file of code by calling GCC ...
dan kuperman's user avatar
5 votes
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Hide symbols from a 3rd party .a file that is linked into a .so file

I am building a shared (.so) library that is composed of several .a files and a thin API layer that invokes them. I only want my API and external dependencies to be visible, so I build my code using ...
BareMetalCoder's user avatar
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When I build ndk with .a files it comes like this `error adding symbols: File in wrong format`

When I build ndk with .a files it comes like this error adding symbols: File in wrong format. WORKING_DIR := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_PATH := $(WORKING_DIR)/../third_party/lame/...
Pradeep Simba's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to C# Reading xml file

I have an XML file. I want C # with the desktop application. There are similar solutions on the site. But I can't read with the XML I have. How should I proceed about this? <?xml version="1.0"?...
Sefa DEDE's user avatar
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Compiling Libs for Android NDK

Android noob here. I am trying to create an OpenGL ES based Android App that would run native code and I'm using CMake to build it. Now I have a C++ library that I need to include, import and link(...
Rathnavel's user avatar
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ResearchKit.framework error: Image not found

I have an Objective-C app I wrote roughly 12 months ago, with the iOS Deployment target set to 12.1 . I added the ResearchKit framework to it, and during the time of development the app was working ...
pnizzle's user avatar
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G++ linker ignores static library

Headers are included but static library (influxdb) is not. My tasks.json file: { "tasks": [ { "type": "shell", "label": "g++.exe build active file (mt)", "command": "C:/...
Андрей Чистобаев's user avatar
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How can I use taglib in Qt?

After downloading taglib (version 1.11.1) from, I built it with cmake and got a .dll and a .dll.a file. Then I brought taglib folder to where my Qt project folder is in and named it '...
Lucas's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between `*.framework`, `*.dylib` and `*.a` libs

I have a project, in the Framework, there have *.framework, *.dylib, *.a libs. I want to know what's them? and the difference between them.
user7693832's user avatar
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Sending .net core photos and json with angular 7

I'm working with Angular and .net kernel, and when I send photos to the server side, I see the photo blank. I want to send json and file data at the same time, I need to bag form in html file <...
zafer k's user avatar
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Unable to find .a wxWidgets libraries through Visual studio remote compilation during linking stage

I am trying to build and link a C++ application with wxWidgets as GUI remotely with Visual Studio to an Ubuntu VM. WxWidgets docs are saying that I should use the wx-config command line flag like so: ...
JFr's user avatar
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Rcpp: Install package with static libraries for platform independent usage

I want to use the libDAI C++ library within an R-package and want the package: to be usable on Linux and Windows save disc space (the external library has ~60 Mb) the end user does not need to ...
happ's user avatar
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Link .a file with CMake, using VS 2013 compiler

I've got the following file tree: C:. │ CMakeLists.txt │ myLibraryHeader.h │ test.c │ └───myLib ├───win32 │ myLibrary.a │ └───win64 ...
Nave Tseva's user avatar
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libidn build .a and .so lib giving different result

I am trying to use GNU libidn, compiled from source code. If I build my application with, the function is working fine. (Only interested in the function stringprep_profile(). This function ...
fighterssss's user avatar
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Xcode Transformation static library(.a) to Framework(.Framework)

I have a Cocoa Touch Static Library project(compile as a .a file), i got a mission,create a Cocoa Touch Framework project, which has the same function as Static Library(same file, same resource) How ...
waitianlou's user avatar
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Implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99 - Python embedded

I am trying to use this library in my iOS app. I got it compiling properly, but when I try to run the following I get an error. Code #import "pyconfig.h" //... - (void)viewDidLoad { [super ...
zoecarver's user avatar
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Unable to link archive file, but able to link individual object files

I've been working on a project to build a windows executable file using mingw-w64. I decided I wanted to test out using libtins for the project and downloaded the library file (.lib) from libtins' ...
KDavis's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert a MinGW .a file to a msvc lib/dll?

I have .a/.dll/.h files generated with MinGW, and I don't have the source code. Now, in order to use it with MSVC, I want to convert it to MSVC lib and dll. Is it possible? How to achieve this?
ricky's user avatar
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