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How to download ffmpeg utilities into Python venv with pip or manual way for torchaudio

torchaudio requiring avutil and other binary dll files Source : However they given example only for Anaconda I am not using Anaconda but I am using ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
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Laravel in how we can upload large size video with Repeater data with multi language

In the Laravel how we can upload large size data with multiple language video as well once video upload i need it on chunk how we can do ? Here is DB structure once specific program upload chunk data ...
Darshan Malani's user avatar
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How to Turn image A + audio + A into Video A with the exact same attributes of Video B so both can be concatenated without encoding [closed]

I have image A and it is PNG I have audio A and it is MP3 I have video B that can be any format, resolution, encoding, audio, etc Now I want to turn image A + audio A into video A with the exact ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
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Why is MoviePy taking hours to generate a few minutes of video, and are there faster alternatives? [closed]

I’m working on a project that involves creating personalized courses and exploring automated video generation. Currently, I’m using MoviePy to generate videos, but I’m encountering significant ...
Michael Ohana's user avatar
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Integrating FFMpeg in Native Android Application with C++ results in bunch of errors [closed]

I need to integrate ffmpeg in my android app, i don't want to usee ffmpegkit as that is not properly maintained, i cloned ffmpeg-android-maker and then ran ./ it created build ...
BraveEvidence's user avatar
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Compiling ffmpeg with alpha channel support in libx265 [closed]

I need to encode a transparent video in the H.265/HEVC format. Recently, the x265 software encoder library used by ffmpeg has added support for the alpha channel (docs). I compiled ffmpeg as per the ...
AnB's user avatar
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Automate removing segments of a video using ffmpeg-python

I'm very new to ffmpeg and unable to wrap my head around the concepts entirely. My goal for this little script I've been working on all day is to: Step 1: Read a list of timestamps from a text file ...
Hriday NS's user avatar
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Unexpectedly bad quality metrics of VVC encoded video [closed]

I'm working on a project where I'm comparing a number of codecs via SSIM, PSNR and VMAF. Im getting really bad results for VVC (libvvenc) (0.23 ssim, 9.46 VMAF), even though the output doesn't look ...
Wieprzek's user avatar
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Adjust the audio balance dynamically in FFmpeg for a specific time range [closed]

I'm working on a video editing task using FFmpeg and want to adjust the audio balance dynamically for a specific time range within a video. For example, I want to change the volume of the left audio ...
Lipa's user avatar
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FFmpeg H.264 NVENC - high444p profile not working at 1920x1080 via library but works via command line encoding

I am building a real-time desktop streaming application in Rust and I am using FFmpeg (H.264 NVENC) to encode the raw frames captured as BGRA from desktop. I am able to get it to work on profiles such ...
Vivek Nathani's user avatar
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ffmpeg gdigrab support prebuilt library

I am using this build for Windows 64 with MSVC compiler, I need to capture screen using C++ code using gdigrab, but I can see: Error: Input format not found: gdigrab So just checked using the code ...
Haris's user avatar
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Issues with Video Recording Duration and Smooth Playback when Using v4l2 framework to MP4 (FFmpeg)

I'm trying to record a video from a USB device with v4l2 framework and save it in MP4 format using FFmpeg. My sample code successfully captures and saves the video, but I'm running into some issues: ...
Reena's user avatar
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libopenmpt @ 0000024ec3fc9400c Format libopenmpt detected only with low score of 1, misdetection possible [closed]

When I want to use ffmpeg to convert xm file to mp3, I get the error message below: ['ffmpeg', '-i', 'E:\\dodo\\test.xm', 'E:\\dodo\\test.mp3'] ffmpeg version N-110138-gb4eca5cce2-20230402 Copyright (...
cao ting's user avatar
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FFMPEG How to zoom in on video [closed]

I'm doing a zoom out of a video like this : ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" -vf "fps=60,scale=8000:-1,zoompan=z='pzoom+0.0002':x=iw/2-(iw/zoom/2):y=ih/2-(ih/zoom/2):d=1:s=1920x1080:fps=60" -...
Map Jiawu's user avatar
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How to automate ffmpeg to split and merge parts of video, and keep the audio in sync?

I have a Python script that automates trimming a large video (2 hours) into smaller segments and then concatenating them without re-encoding, to keep the process fast. The script runs these ffmpeg ...
Tree's user avatar
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hls.js unable to maintain seek with live video [only] stream

I am encoding a live 25 FPS 950x540 H.264 video-only stream using the latest (built from source) FFmpeg, 10 segments in the manifest, each of 5 seconds, and consuming that stream on another machine on ...
Rob's user avatar
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How to scroll and zoom an image at the same in ffmpeg?

I have an image of the height 1200px. I want to create a video from this single image. My final video will be height 450px. At 0seconds I want to show a 2xZoomed version of the image. Then it in 2 ...
neeebzz's user avatar
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ffmpeg piped output producing incorrect metadata frame count

The short version: Using piped output from ffmpeg produces a file with incorrect metadata. ffmpeg -y -i .\test_mp4.mp4 -f avi -c:v libx264 - > output.avi to make an AVI file using the pipe output. ...
Xorgon's user avatar
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Issues with Video Recording Duration and Smooth Playback when Using v4l2 to MP4 (FFmpeg)

I'm trying to record a video from a USB device with v4l2 framework and save it in MP4 format using FFmpeg. My sample code successfully captures and saves the video, but I'm running into some issues: ...
Reena's user avatar
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Is there a way of making ffmpeg start with the largest folders first? [closed]

I have the following script (snippet), where I search for all the folders and then pass the result to xargs, where I run ffmpeg in parallel for as many threads as my CPU has (32) to convert the image ...
tuqueque's user avatar
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launch ffmpeg on Maui Android

I have an Maui app which is deployed on an Android tablet, a Samsung tab S9 FE. I have copied the ARM8 version of the ffmpeg executable in the AppDataDirectory of my deployed app. The executable, ...
lolveley's user avatar
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How can I make an rtsp stream as correct as possible in a Django application? [closed]

I am writing a mini video surveillance system on Django. I want the stream to be output to the tag. now I have output to the img tag using a stream and jpeg images (using OpenCV)how to make a stream ...
user25336067's user avatar
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Failed to find two consecutive MPEG audio frames [closed]

I'm receiving this error trying to download/convert an m3u8 [mp3 @ 000001c8f5112200] Format mp3 detected only with low score of 1, misdetection possible! [mp3 @ 000001c8f5112200] Failed to find two ...
matrixebiz's user avatar
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Streaming mp3 using node http to Icecast server gives no output

I'm trying to stream a custom mp3 datastream to Icecast2. Icecast recognises there's a mountpoint, however the streamed data won't play and I have no idea why. import ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg'; ...
Roboroads's user avatar
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Capturing actual video stream quality using FFmpeg and FFplay – smooth recording but stuttering stream

I’m trying to analyze the quality of a video stream over a local network using FFmpeg. My goal is to capture the actual streamed video (with all artifacts, stuttering, or buffering) as experienced in ...
Karlitos Bemowo's user avatar
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Issue with FFmpegKit in React Native: "Cannot read property 'ffmpegSession' of null"

I am new to React Native and Expo, and I’m trying to upload a video using expo-image-picker, then pass its URI to FFmpegKit (ffmpeg-kit-react-native) to extract frames from the video. Here’s what I’ve ...
ragav ravi's user avatar
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How do I get drawtext filter in ffmpeg to work on ubuntu 22.04?

Here's my script, but no matter what I try the drawtext filter is not enabled: #!/bin/bash set -e # Exit on any error # Define installation directories INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" ...
chovy's user avatar
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Python code to download hls stream to mp4

I wrote the following code to download a video from a website. Chrome extensions can detect the video and download it. However, my code gets the following errors. Any help? from bs4 import ...
Maad A.Galil's user avatar
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How to Match ASS Subtitle Font Size with Flutter Text Size for a 1080p Video?

I’m working on a project where I need to synchronize the font size of ASS subtitles with the text size a user sees in a Flutter application. The goal is to ensure that the text size in a 1080p video ...
Mostafa Fathi's user avatar
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Turn an FFmpeg command into an FFmpeg wasm exec function

I have this gnarly FFmpeg command: ffmpeg -i music.mp3 -i video.mp4 -i speech.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]atrim=0:$(ffprobe -i speech.mp3 -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv=p=0),volume=...
SeriousLee's user avatar
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Python Discord Music Bot: Playing next song while current song is playing

I've been working on a discord bot for me and my friends and I got it working 90% of the time. I noticed that, on some occasions the bot will be playing a song and it will stop playing the song and ...
Deltrac's user avatar
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How to optimize recording feature with mediasoup?

I am using Mediasoup for video conference call and now i have add ffmpeg for recording feature. Ffmpeg code below get _commandArgs() { let commandArgs = [ '-loglevel', 'debug', '-...
hu7sy's user avatar
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Converting HLS Stream to stream supported by old radio

I have an old internet radio that does not support HLS streams. Therefore I cannot listen to my favourite radio at this url:
Alberto Faenza's user avatar
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Icecast status page not showing Server Name, Server Description, Stream Name, or Stream Description

I have PHP streaming MP3 files listed in playlist.txt to Icecast using FFMpeg. $ffmpeg_command = "ffmpeg -re -f concat -safe 0 -stream_loop -1 -i /var/www/html/media/radio/playlist.txt -c:a ...
Daniel Torridon's user avatar
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Trying to get pixels from a transparent AVI file to use them in a Raylib image but AVFrame comes out

I was trying to open a video file with FFmpeg's API using C++. So far all the steps up until calling av_read_frame has no errors: avformat_open_input, avformat_find_stream_info, avcodec_find_decoder, ...
Kolt Penny's user avatar
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Replace silence in audio using ffmpeg.wasm

I have a use case where I have to shorten silences which are longer than 2 seconds and shrink them to 1 second in ffmpeg wasm I can remove silences which are longer than 2 seconds but couldn't shrink ...
blueseal's user avatar
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Read sample encrypted AAC with FFmpeg

I'm trying to open a sample encrypted AAC file (packed audio) using FFmpeg APIs. I can open an unencrypted AAC file using AVFormatContext* iContext = nullptr; avformat_open_input(&...
rdrmntn's user avatar
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How to convert an mp4 file to mp3 using FFMpegCore?

How can I convert an mp4 video to mp3, using the nuget-package FFMpegCore in a C# Project (.NET 8)? public void ConvertViaFFMpegCore(string sourcePath, string targetPath) { FFMpegArguments ...
Simon's user avatar
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ffmpeg - add music to an audiobook, and loop the music [closed]

I found these example, and they all work. But I cannot overlay 2 audios and loop the shortest audio until the longest audio is finished. Audio to match Video Length ffmpeg -i VIDEO1.mp4 -stream_loop -...
Rhys's user avatar
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Python ffmpeg: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified [duplicate]

#what i did to install pip install ffmpeg-python #code import ffmpeg crop_dimensions = "640:480:0:0" input_file = "input.mp4" output_file = "output.mp4" ( ...
PeppersONLY's user avatar
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How do you convert fragmented MP4 to MP4 with ffmpeg and keep all fragments? [closed]

I am trying to convert a fragmented MP4 (fMP4) to a single MP4 file using ffmpeg. I expected the following command to work, but it only results in the initialization segment and the last three ...
Lars Rönnbäck's user avatar
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problem with outputting decoded audio with ffmpeg c++

i am decoding a .mp4 file and want to play decoded raw audio with waveform-audio. it had some problems even tried double buffering but didnt work. it was glitchy and noisy. i tried gathering all the ...
anaconda57's user avatar
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Can I keep a persistent RTP connection in Python3 which forwards incoming mpegts segment files?

I've been experimenting with ways to implement an live-streaming HTTP server in Python 3.13 (GIL-disabled) which gradually receives .ts segment files every 1 second in order through PUT requests, ...
Eric Liang's user avatar
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avformat_write_header return error code when trying to write video with G711U audio avi file

I'm trying to make an avi file from a video/audio stream. When audio is AAC it works fine. But I cannot pack G711U audio. av_register_all(); avcodec_register_all(); av_log_set_callback(nullptr); ...
denn's user avatar
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Gstreamer video increases latency with decreased FPS

I am using RPI 5 to stream the video: rpicam-vid -t 0 --camera 0 --nopreview --mode 2304:1296:10:P --codec yuv420 --width 640 --height 360 --framerate 10 --rotation 0 --...
Ri Di's user avatar
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Problems using FFmpeg / libavfilter for adding overlay to grabbed frames

On Windows with latest FFmpeg / libav (full build, non-free) a C/C++ app reads YUV420P frames from a frame grabber card. A bitmap (BGR24) overlay image from file should be drawn on every frame for the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Record Audio using ALSA in mp4 format

I am working on to record audio using ALSA library. I am able to record the audio using the same library in .wav file, but what I need is to record an .mp4 file. For that I initialize the FFmpeg ...
teena meheren's user avatar
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How to get the format of nvdec video frame from ffmpeg decoding ? How to use it in cuda structures?

I am using code, almost exactly, but I am not transferring the decoded data to the host, I keep it on the device for later use ...
Soleil's user avatar
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ffmpeg doesn't stop the playing track even after ending

I'm trying to run a 24/7 music stream on my Raspberry Pi 4. The .sh script works perfectly until the first track ends. After the track ends the script still sends empty data infinitely and so the ...
BlyZe's user avatar
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Record video stream in rust

I have bought a stereo camera with global shutter and a frame rate of at most 120 fps. My next step is to write a program ...
El_Loco's user avatar
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