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Xcode failing to show correct launch image with multiple .xcassets in project

I manage several white-labelled React Native apps that share a common codebase but differ in branding details: splash screen, icon, and startup pre-configuration (we use react-native-config for this). ...
Robin Macharg's user avatar
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xcodegen framework target that generate it's own sources doesn't generate umbrella header

I'm using xcodegen to create project. I just wanted to create a framework target and app target... Like this... targets: MySecrets: platform: iOS type: framework settings: ...
Marcin Kapusta's user avatar
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XcodeGen - how to configure Notification Service Extention target?

Perhaps someone has already solved this problem. Tell me if you know. How can I add a Notification Service Extention target using XcdoeGen? I just don't see this type of target in XcodeGen. Perhaps it ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Default language of the application is not set

I need to set the default Russian language in the application to swift. I am using Xcodegen to generate .xcodeproj. There is my project.yml options: deploymentTarget: '13.0' groupSortPosition: top ...
PavelPud's user avatar
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How to add R.swift into XcodeGen project?

I'm experimenting with XcodeGen, and ran into a problem. I can't add "R.Swift" dependency. Not through SPM not through CocoaPods( In the case of SPM, I don't understand how to add Run Build ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Third party tools in Teamcity

I am new to teamcity, I am generating xcode project using xcodegen. After spending time on few articles, I concluded some of the suggestion are to add xcodegen in agent requirements or install ...
bhavya accounts's user avatar
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How do you reference testPlans using xcodegen?

I'm not managing to reference the testPlans created manually in the xcworkspace file after running xcodegen. It always says: "The flag -testPlan cannot be used since the scheme does not use ...
Bruno Cunha's user avatar
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XcodeGen how to specify SPM Package

I’m using XcodeGen for my project and curious how to add specific package from SPM? Refer to screenshot, this is how I'm doing manually: This is my config for packages: packages: Charts: url: ...
Hattori Hanzō's user avatar
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Using XcodeGen with build tool plug-ins

I built a Swift Package that contains a plugin defined as a .buildTool(). I would like to use it in a project where we create the project via XcodeGen. I couldn't find a way to configure the YAML so ...
nico_dkd's user avatar
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XcodeGen generated single-target (iOS16 Xcode14) watchOS app not working

I found that the newly (iOS16 Xcode 14) introduced single-target watchOS app does not work when I try to implement it with XcodeGen. I'm getting the following error: Prepare build note: Building ...
Martin's user avatar
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After xcodegen, screen size is not full screen

When I had just created a project, the screen looks fine and it reflected exactly what I saw looked on the storyboard, and after pod install also look good. But after xcodegen generate, screen looks ...
Doyun Kim's user avatar
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How to Add file .a to project by xcodegen swift

I want to add 5 file have extension .a to project. I click "+" button then choose 5 file .a add to project is success. But my project use xcodegen so I want to config file project.yml to ...
Nguyễn Ngọc Mạnh's user avatar
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update SwiftPM with XcodeGen

I'm using XcodeGen to automate the project generation and I'm new to XcodeGen. Can anyone help me how to update any SwiftPM dependency (ex: Facebook or SDWebImage) when XcodeGen is integrated? ...
sumeet's user avatar
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Failed to download xcodegen from Homebrew on buddybuild

We have our CI job running on buddybuild successfully for years. Today it failed suddenly with some errors like ==> Downloading ...
Zhengqian Kuang's user avatar
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XcodeGen integration: iOS APP crash only on testFlight

I have a really strange issue with my App on testFlight, I have integrated XcodeGen to improve the project and handle efficiency merge conflicts. Every thing work fine when I test on develop config ...
Walid Sassi's user avatar
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Error in install firebase analytics in XcodeGen

I'm using XcodeGen and tried to install firebase analytics. here the framework part on my project file 3Party: type: framework platform: iOS settings: SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS: 3Party ...
Martin sku's user avatar
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Add deploymentTarget to widget in XcodeGen

I'm beginner at XcodeGen and tried to add the iOS 14's widget target to my app Widget: type: app-extension platform: iOS settings: INFOPLIST_FILE: PIAWidget/Info.plist ...
Robert kont's user avatar
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Incompatibility when launching app between firebase and firebasecore

While migrating from CocoaPods to Carthage our Firebase implementation I'm getting the following error: This app could not be installed at this time. Domain: IXUserPresentableErrorDomain Code: 1 ...
dElo's user avatar
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Custom configurations with XcodeGen

I'm trying to automate the process of setting up a new app with XcodeGen. How can I achieve custom Project Configurations like in the screenshot with a YML file? I expected to be able to do it like ...
Joris416's user avatar
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