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-1 votes
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can I put my .a library from my objective-c project to my swift project with pods installed?

I have a library with .a format in my objective-c project. and I want to run it in my swift project that already installed cocoapods. my plan is I want to use that .a library and then convert my code ...
Qube's user avatar
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Decomplie objective-c .a library

I want to decompile a .a objective-c iOS library. I search to Google and the site and find a few post. Most useful one was below post: According to the ...
Husein Behboudi Rad's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Create podspec to ship static library

I'm trying to ship a static library via cocoapods. I was given the library without any build directions right now its a drop in to my iOS app. I don't need to build the library for each application ...
JonMorehouse's user avatar
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run objective-c static library on Android

How I can run objective-c static library ".a" with iOS dependencies for Android application? Details: We have iOS project with objective-c framework (customized and haven't analogs on java). It should ...
D.K.'s user avatar
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-4 votes
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How can we get source from filename.a file and appname.ipa file in iphone.? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to reverse-engineer my iPhone application? How can I get the source code from the .ipa file? Is there any way to fetch out the source code from compiled (.a) ...
Prince Kumar Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I load libcocos2d.a (or any static library) into MacRuby?

I tried framework and require, both with paths, and got the same library not found message. I found an article on generating BridgeSupport files for static C libraries. I've never done this before, ...
johnrubythecat's user avatar