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how/can i make .so files for files in one place and move them to another so gcc linker can find them automatically?

installed and made allegro5 with addons on linux mint with cmake in /home/qweqqweq/allegro5/build. must make addons work without gcc flags by generating .o and .so files from there and put in /usr/...
qweqqqeq's user avatar
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40 views files is not getting load even i call system.load

i have this error which i m using in my code i m trying to load lib but it doesn't load i m using mpv player and i have files this is what i m doing in my code public class MPVLib { ...
Sajawal Hussain's user avatar
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try compiling project to one .so file [duplicate]

# from functions import some_function def main(): some_function() . # def some_function(): print("This is a function.") . #compile from setuptools import setup,...
Gad's user avatar
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How to stop the Go `plugin` package from fighting with `go test -coverprofile`?

I have a Go app where to use it, and therefore to test it, I need to build a .so file. The tests work fine if I just do go test ./..., but if I add the -coverprofile flag, e.g. go test ./... -...
user26651724's user avatar
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How to reduce the size of bundle apk in Android?

We have a native library (.so) which is about 2 MB for each Architecture('x86', 'x86_64', 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a’). Using this Native library we have written an SDK which is going to be integrated ...
Cijo K Paul's user avatar
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How do I add DobbyHook in android studio

Couldn't find any information about how to install DobbyHook for android studio The only thing i found was the original documentation, which didn't clarify anything. By the way my emulator has x86_64 ...
Xinon's user avatar
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how to reslove unsatisfyLinkError for file in 64-bit android

I am developing an Android app that uses the library. When I run the app I get the error like this java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: "/data/app/~~fEMejdDPZpV3FZzivEAV9Q==/...
Rahul Kumbar's user avatar
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No implementation found for Int when i use .so file android

I want to use .so file, i've success to load the library but the function is not working. Below is the code Structure package com.example.testapps; public class ...
Eko Muhammad Rilo Pembudi's user avatar
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Readin file csv with shared object

I'm trying to create a shared object with Python to read a CSV file to be used by a C application. I'm having a really hard time doing this. My code is here: from cffi import FFI import csv import io ...
João Viitor's user avatar
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How can I encrypt my python application which has several .py files & .dat files to host on windows server, so that no one can access my code? [duplicate]

I have several Python applications like Django APIs, Flask APIs, Python backend services, etc. Due to some reasons, I have to host these applications as-is on a Windows server. How do I secure my ...
Abhay Bh's user avatar
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Library not being found

I am getting the following error when running a Java Project. i've used ldconfig to rebuild cache. /home/morpho/lib64/ cannot open shared ...
Noor's user avatar
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undefined symbol: PyFloat_Type while trying to load a .so file in .net core 8.0

I am trying to load a .so file using DllImport. The .so file is created from a .py file using cython. While execution it gives a symbol lookup error : undefined symbol. Error message : Unable to load ...
Jay Kaneria's user avatar
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Python 3.x fails to load a .so file in TCL through tkinter

Python 3.x (3.9.7) is giving the following error if I try to load a shared object TCL file. If I run manually it works. Manual method: shell> tclsh %load %cmd_in_blah Python method: from ...
whatson's user avatar
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Problems with external .so libaries in nuget package

I've got a nuget package which contains some libraries (.dll and .so). We need the .dll for our windows environment and the .so for the Linux environment. I checked if both files are packed in the ...
Handas's user avatar
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Error linking c++ shared library with CUDA

EDIT: I was able to reduce the problem a lot. Only three files, one .cpp, one .cu and one heather, and the same error as the original message appears when trying to link them. The code of example ...
user3066261's user avatar
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Python script requires "libpython3.8"

I tried to run a python script I did not created that uses libraries I got with it (as .so files). Every time I try to run it I get the same problem: ImportError: cannot open ...
עילי לשם's user avatar
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Using patchelf to change the SONAME of breaks its functionality

I am currently working on a python project that uses OpenGL internally. I built a wheel that works fine, and then used auditwheel to be able to deploy it. However, the auditwheel step seems to have ...
pvallet's user avatar
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Rust dynamically link .so library [duplicate]

I have the following scenario and goals: Implement a library in Rust that has to be shared by many binaries Keep the size of the binary as small as possible As far as I know, a way to get it is: ...
bui3's user avatar
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How to solve ' undefined reference ' error when executed 'make' command and get the final output file

I am new to the concept of .so files and makefiles, so please guide me what's wrong in my makefile, when I am executing the make command, it creates .so files but it gives and error saying /usr/bin/ld:...
Basavaraj Kittali's user avatar
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how to use .so, .c, .o files in my android kivy project

I am building an android app using kivy and buildozer. After running my app it crashes. I saw its logs which says File "/home/ali/Documents/Cryptography/.buildozer/android/app/", ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to unload or specify binary .so library with FFI::Library in ruby?

I have an ethon gem that loads the libcurl library in lines: ffi_lib_flags :now, :global ffi_lib ['', ''] extend Ethon::Curls::Functions # it attaches functions from libcurl I ...
Вячеслав's user avatar
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Copy .so libs to data/app/lib inside device android

I have library inside app/lib/arm64-v8a/ and I want it to be copied to data/app/lib inside device upon installation of the app. I know that the android package manager is supposed to do ...
Yarin Shitrit's user avatar
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In Android, I am not able to find few symbols inside my .so file?

I generate a .so file during my build and add it in the right place inside 'jnilibs' folder but I am facing an error stating "Cannot find the native function implementation with Unsatisfied Link ...
Rohan Pande's user avatar
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Encountered problems using luajit and fii libraries

In LuaJIT, the so is loaded through the fii library, and the functions in the so are called, but in the loaded so, the variables used by some methods are defined through extern. For example, the ...
fish's user avatar
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How to use or add a shared library (.so) into a C++ project in CLion and use method contained on .so file [duplicate]

I have a c++ method on .so lib that receive a number and return "hello world". Then how can i import it on other c++ project on cMakeList and call on main.cpp. but i have a doubt how can i ...
Romário Mondlane El Shaarawy's user avatar
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What happened if disable imports of .so file

I am just curious about if I edit and disable a .so file imports(strlen,malloc,strcmp,etc) after that I execute the library then what happening? What should I expect! I am expecting which imports I ...
M.R. TENCENT's user avatar
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Adding a dynamic linked library in compilation command makes my program much slower

Description I have compiled kahypar( as a dynamic linked library, and add it in the compilation command: With adding kahypar: g++ -O3 ...
Weihao Wang's user avatar
-1 votes
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Makefile cannot find .so files when running executable

I am creating a C++ application with a Makefile in VScode and Ubuntu that uses the mosquitto MQTT protocol. I cloned the official repo under the /usr/src/ directory and I am trying to link my makefile ...
liberlux's user avatar
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Pycharm cannot find refernce to .so file

Pycharm shows an error when trying to import a .so file, in my case the filename of the source file is '' and I am trying to import it in the following way: import ...
Mattiatore's user avatar
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Getting error : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found in Android java

I am running an old Android project from year 2019 on the Android Studio Version Electric Eel. I have imported an existing module in that project which is using a .so library. When I'm executing the ...
Developer's user avatar
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creating c++ dll which depends on another c++ dll

I have the following setup. file1.h, folder1,, file2.h, file2.cpp In my visual studio: Library directory paths I give: folder1 (which contains Now I create a dll using file2.cpp ...
user1612986's user avatar
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Segmentation fault (core dumped) with

Edit3: Loaded core into gdb. Edit2: Included the .cc code. Edit1: loaded debug symbols. I'm trying to run the example mnist program of the attention-sampling github library. The error out put is as ...
Pristina Wang's user avatar
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CMake cannot find .so which is symbolic link file

Platform: ubuntu22.04 I'm using cmake to link to a 3rd party library. It looks like: // Those two files are identical. // is the original file and is a copy // ${shared} is an ...
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Why is my attempt link to a library I tried to find with CMake's find_library command with a path hint using $HOME not working?

I have a papyrus project in Linux and I want to add a external library to be included in the cmake file in the papyrus project. I have all the .so file in the location cd $HOME/project/build(,...
jkafernando's user avatar
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2 answers

I use .so library and get NoSuchMethodError error

I use .so library, as this package ru.integrics.mobileschool.view.activity; import android.util.Base64; public class MainActivity { public MainActivity(){ System.loadLibrary("x2&...
Master's user avatar
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Use .so library for android in python

I need to use the .so library developed for android (jni) but i need to use it in python Code for android: package x2; import android.os.Build; import java.util.Base64; public class X { ...
Master's user avatar
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.so libraries in Android Studio

I'm using scripts from an old project, but the sources are already lost In an old application, I used the library like this: public class x2.X { static { System.loadLibrary("x2"); } public ...
Master's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can Go executable be used as a dynamic library?

I am writing a generic library in GoLang and want to publish it (like a dynamic library) to be used by other apps written in any language. If I write this lib in C/C++, I would have generated a .dll ...
RGC's user avatar
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Autotools: How to add a shared library .so?

I tried to add my Fortran modules and a shared library (.so) into an extensive library. The code does not complain about the modules. It knows where to find .mod files. However, I do not know what ...
user790082's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does JavaSystem.LoadLibrary() throw an UnsatisfiedLinkError despite the library existing in project?

I try to embedd an external library to my .Net MAUI project, but am unable to. Following the process in this question: I copied the .so file into <project root>\Resources\lib\<platform>\ (...
HPe's user avatar
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Modify a .so file using Linux terminal (Ubuntu)

I need to solve the following problem to (finally !) finish my numerical analysis project: I need to modify a .so library to delete some unwelcome printfs (see the related question). The answer I got ...
user avatar
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Is there abstract syntax tree (AST) in python extension module (files with suffix .so)?

I can check AST in python file: python3 -m ast But, when I compile it with nuitka: nuitka3 --module I get extension module and when I run python3 -m ast ...
Manualmsdos's user avatar
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How do I run a python script in react native?

I want an on-device solution. No running python on the server and invoking it via API I want to run some post-processing logic in react native and would need to run a python script which will be ...
NotFryingNemo74's user avatar
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Will a breakpoint in a shared library cause all applications to break on it

Using Linux for example, a new application is using a shared / dynamic .so library. On debugging the application, if we are able to set a breakpoint in that shared library, will any other applications ...
Engineer999's user avatar
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CefNet DllNotFoundException on Linux

I implemented the webview from the CefNet package on Windows and it works fine. Now that I moved to implementing it on Linux (Ubuntu), the NativeMethods.dlopen method in the initialization process ...
Todly Krander's user avatar
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How to build dynamic library when running Rust integration tests with Cargo?

When running integration tests with cargo (currently I run cargo test --test integration), how can I also make cargo build the cdylib? From Cargo.toml: [lib] crate_type = ["cdylib"] The ...
talz's user avatar
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How to convert a python file in which I import cv2 to a .so file by using cython

I have a python file in which I import cv2.When I do not import cv2,I can use cython to convert the python file to a .so file and I can use it in java by jni.But when I import cv2 and add relative ...
kyuliea's user avatar
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How to prevent .so files in jniLibs folders from being shrink

I created an app which uses native codes, when I compile it Android Studio in debug type app works perfectly but when I generate a signed aab file, the jniLibs files get compressed and it breaks ...
Rightplay's user avatar
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load .so file in xamarin

need to load one .so file and call some native methods... I have followed each single step Load .so file in Xamarin.Android not sure whether library is loading or not not...but there is not exception ...
uncle_scrooge's user avatar
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Why doesn't -fvisibility hide symbols in .so file?

I've tried searching through existing answers, but didn't find anything that helps with this exact situation, so here goes ... I'm working on a project with a deliverable .so file that contains a lot ...
deeej's user avatar
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