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When I build ndk with .a files it comes like this `error adding symbols: File in wrong format`

When I build ndk with .a files it comes like this error adding symbols: File in wrong format. WORKING_DIR := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_PATH := $(WORKING_DIR)/../third_party/lame/...
Pradeep Simba's user avatar
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Compiling Libs for Android NDK

Android noob here. I am trying to create an OpenGL ES based Android App that would run native code and I'm using CMake to build it. Now I have a C++ library that I need to include, import and link(...
Rathnavel's user avatar
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Calling library method inside .a file

I'm on Android Studio 2.1.3. I've static library binary in .a file: libconfig.a I've the method signature that I need to invoke on the library: CLIENT_ConfigIPCWifi(szDeviceSN, szSSID, ...
IronBlossom's user avatar
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Import existing c++ library (.a or .so file) ndk android

I just gone through native development in android. I am successful in getting my AndroidStudio 2.2.2 ready for native debelopment I also build sample hello-jni project What I am trying to achieve I ...
karthik kolanji's user avatar
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ndk-build Error *** missing separator. Stop

I'm getting the error Android NDK: ERROR:src/main/jni/ The LOCAL_SRC_FILES for a prebuilt library should only contain one item /Users/peterchappy/Library/Android/ndk/build/core/...
Peter Chappy's user avatar
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