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-1 votes
1 answer

can I put my .a library from my objective-c project to my swift project with pods installed?

I have a library with .a format in my objective-c project. and I want to run it in my swift project that already installed cocoapods. my plan is I want to use that .a library and then convert my code ...
Qube's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to build .a (Universal Static library) using existing C++ code

I have a C++ code and I am able to create .so file for Android using ndk-build Similarly, for iOS, I intend to create .a (Universal Static library) from existing C++ code. Question is how to build .a ...
Ninad2110's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between `*.framework`, `*.dylib` and `*.a` libs

I have a project, in the Framework, there have *.framework, *.dylib, *.a libs. I want to know what's them? and the difference between them.
user7693832's user avatar
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Implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99 - Python embedded

I am trying to use this library in my iOS app. I got it compiling properly, but when I try to run the following I get an error. Code #import "pyconfig.h" //... - (void)viewDidLoad { [super ...
zoecarver's user avatar
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In my library function, "unrecognized selector sent to instance" occurs

There is encrypt.a, which encrypts, and keyboard.framework, which uses encrypt.a If use encrypt.a directly in the test program, no error occurs, If call some function that uses encrypt.a in keyboard....
i like cat's user avatar
0 votes
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When ios app manually kicked out, how to immediately release all resources

When the ios app manually forced exit immediately release all resourcesAPP manually after the killing, restart the APP will be caton, found that because of adding the size of the 3G .a library cause, ...
liu's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I extract a library .a into a iOS project from .ipa?

I have an app installed, I have the .ipa and I have this question: is possible extract a static library file added to this application? This application contains a static library in format .a, ...
user3745888's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Always have to set Target Membership for .a File

I am using Flyer and Crittercism in my project . both have libAppsFlyerLib.a and libCrittercism_v4_3_4.a respectively. Now whenever I open my project and run it I always got this error first time. ...
KDeogharkar's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

in xcode project using .a files with swift erorr 'map' file not found

I'm trying to add an SDK to my Xcode project. The SDK contains .a files and (headers) .h files. The headers are imported to my Bridging-Header file (successfully). In the headers there is an #include ...
mos Miler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cocoapods can't find .a file

I got error with use cocoapods in XCode. Why do I run .xcworkspace without generating this .a file in DerivedData? This is someone else's DerivedData. Why do I only have
user3332433's user avatar
2 votes
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Static library gives strange errors on Xcode

I made a static library(.a) following the instructions of Ray Wenderlich, compiled it without errors and warnings, and then I included it on a new project. When I tried to build the new project, I ...
Kurr0's user avatar
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How can I compile a C++ lib once, to be used later both in projects that will be compiled both to .a. and .so libs?

Can I use .a file in a project that needs to be compiled both to .a and .so? I need to write a C++ lib, and compile it such that it could be used in another project which is compiled both to .a file (...
Itamar Mar's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Can I compile an iOS static library from Windows/Linux

I have C++ code, which I have managed to compile into an iOS static library ("library.a") using Xcode. I am then including this in my project (Xamarin.iOS, though this shouldn't matter) and have ...
Rufus Mall's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Decomplie objective-c .a library

I want to decompile a .a objective-c iOS library. I search to Google and the site and find a few post. Most useful one was below post: According to the ...
Husein Behboudi Rad's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to write code in Xamarin (C#) and then compile it into a library (.a) that I can use in Objective-C?

Is it possible to write code in Xamarin (C#) and then compile it into a library (.a) that I can use in Objective-C/Swift? Then, if I could do the same for Java/Adroid, I could write the logic in ...
Lay González's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Create podspec to ship static library

I'm trying to ship a static library via cocoapods. I was given the library without any build directions right now its a drop in to my iOS app. I don't need to build the library for each application ...
JonMorehouse's user avatar
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2 answers

run objective-c static library on Android

How I can run objective-c static library ".a" with iOS dependencies for Android application? Details: We have iOS project with objective-c framework (customized and haven't analogs on java). It should ...
D.K.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Library (.a file) or framework in iOS, what is a better choice

I have an indecision about converting my project in to lib or to framework in order to use it in another project and hide my code. I've been looking the web for some material about what is better, ...
Issa's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

xcode, launching on simulator is ok but cannot archive

I am new to Xcode. I am adding some features on the old(iOS 3.2) xcode game project. This code never touched for more than a year until I touched. It worked fine until I tried to make an .iap file. ...
tjPark's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use .a's built in lower version with Xcode 4.5

Can I use .a's built with Xcode 4.3.3 in Xcode 4.5? When I build with simulator it is building fine, when I'm build for device it is showing many reference error. What I am suspecting is .a's I'm ...
Newbee's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

How can we get source from filename.a file and appname.ipa file in iphone.? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to reverse-engineer my iPhone application? How can I get the source code from the .ipa file? Is there any way to fetch out the source code from compiled (.a) ...
Prince Kumar Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Two .a files (one for device other for simulator)

I was given an SDK which I need to integrate into an iPhone app. I was given 2 .a files, one for simulator and one for the device. Right now, I have to constantly swap these files depending on the ...
user635064's user avatar
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