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Including static .a Libraries in CMake Project [duplicate]

I am working on a project for STM32 in VSCode and I need to include libraries with the .a extension to be able to call their functions. I need help with configuring CMake. My current CMake setup looks ...
WITC's user avatar
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0 answers

wlink to create an executable from obj files and libraries

I got the newest version of WATCOMs wlink from github (V2.0 29.04.2024, and djgpp-mingw-gcc1220-standalone from github too (
Fabian T's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to link a static library to another

I have a problem with my static libraries. I got one for the use of multimedia elements and another for C general use (linked list...). I want them to be separated to not bloat my program. Try as I ...
Clément MONFORT's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I compile Cimgui statically and then use it?

I'm new to C and I need some help with linking and compeileing. Here is the library which I want to use: cimgui github I followed the instructions about how can I compile the library with the makefile ...
Zodey's user avatar
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1 answer

Makefile: need to run `make` twice to relink objects file

Here is the relevant part of my Makefile. ... LIBS = gc ft vpath %.a $(LIBS:%=lib%) all: $(MAKE) $(NAME) $(NAME): $(LIBS:%=lib%.a) $(OBJS) | libs $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(NAME) $(...
Romain T-BIGOT's user avatar
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Convert .a file into .lib file for C/C++ project

I have got a question. In my quest to add external packages to my C/C++ project, i read differents topics about how to convert static library (.a) into static library (.lib). I downloaded packages and ...
Manu LAB's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Failing to install gtkmm / gtk+

So i am new on the platform, i use c/c++ and i have interests in graph interfaces so i decided to use gtk+and gtkmm with visual studio. First, i downloaded gtk for the gnome project. I followed all ...
Manu LAB's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Library file (.a) where the contents of the structure changes

I am creating an algorithm in C that is confidential and cannot be shared with external customers. So, I decided to go with creating a library (.a) file which compiles my algorithm and lets others use ...
Will's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

converting .c file to .o using processes

I have to make a project which asks me to create a program that will compile a C project by recursively descending into directories and launching processes which compile a file of code by calling GCC ...
dan kuperman's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Hide symbols from a 3rd party .a file that is linked into a .so file

I am building a shared (.so) library that is composed of several .a files and a thin API layer that invokes them. I only want my API and external dependencies to be visible, so I build my code using ...
BareMetalCoder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Link .a file with CMake, using VS 2013 compiler

I've got the following file tree: C:. │ CMakeLists.txt │ myLibraryHeader.h │ test.c │ └───myLib ├───win32 │ myLibrary.a │ └───win64 ...
Nave Tseva's user avatar
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libidn build .a and .so lib giving different result

I am trying to use GNU libidn, compiled from source code. If I build my application with, the function is working fine. (Only interested in the function stringprep_profile(). This function ...
fighterssss's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to build .lib files using Code::Blocks IDE

I have a C project which I would like to build as a static library and not as a executable. My high level environment is: IDE: Code::Blocks 16.01 Operating System: Windows 7 Compiler: MinGW (GCC ...
Dean P's user avatar
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IAR build library with different #define

I am going to build a simple library (.a file) in IAR Workbench for STM8. In this library, I want to implement both hardware SPI and software SPI for users to choose. In my library.c, I wrote: #...
SoWaiSam's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Attempting to compile with my own static C library

I compiled a static library. I have two files. mylib_1.c with function foo1 in it mylib_2.c with function foo2 in it. Both #include "mylib.h". I compiled a library like so: gcc -c mylib_1....
DEADBEEF's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to malloc a preprocessor directives

I have a macro as follow. #define WR_BLK_SIZE_REGINFO 123 Am using this macro in a library project(.a). Library projects are pre-compiled where the size of "WR_BLK_SIZE_REGINFO" cannot be changed as ...
kaviarasan's user avatar
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2 answers

User defined .c and .h file management

I am building a small library of my own *.c & *.h files and am not sure how I should manage them, especially when including them into a project. I'm using Codeblocks on Ubuntu in case that matters....
ErikJL's user avatar
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2 answers

How do i call methods from .A file in C project?

I've got file with .a extention, and file.h that represent the functions in the .a file. How can i call the functions in the .a file from a new C project? I am using Visual studio, and i serached ...
Saar Arbel's user avatar
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Makefile: add library to another project

I want to change an existing makefile to include another static library that I made myself. I followed some instructions to make the library; it currently holds all the .o files except for main.o. Let'...
hemihedral's user avatar
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1 answer

Using 32 bit .a library file in 64 bit linux machine

I am trying to use 32 bit .a files in a 64 bit machine. I compiled source code using gcc -m32 option. It gave following error gcc -m32 *.c -Llib -lquanser_communications -Iinclude -o prg.o`In file ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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error of compiling and linking example C propgrams in an open source tool (SCIP) in cygwin32 on win7

This is not a programing question but a tool (SCIP) install and library "mismatch" problem on cygwin 32 on win 7. If you do not think this is a good place to ask this, please let me know before ...
user3601704's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

ndk-build Error *** missing separator. Stop

I'm getting the error Android NDK: ERROR:src/main/jni/ The LOCAL_SRC_FILES for a prebuilt library should only contain one item /Users/peterchappy/Library/Android/ndk/build/core/...
Peter Chappy's user avatar
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Link SDL in archive file

I've got a projects, for an embedded STM32. I've got some code "strategy" used to determinate where the robot should be going. The strategy uses a "pathfinding" library. The latter can use SDL for ...
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24 votes
1 answer

Including header file from static library

I am making a test setup of a C static library and program. The library code, located in a subdirectory 'foo' of my project, contains the following files: foo/foo.c: #include <stdio.h> void ...
Ethan McTague's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

About compile with .so in Linux

I have developed a shared library, which depends on When I write a program test.exe using, but there is a compile error, it said that some symbols(the symbols are in not found. ...
iceKing's user avatar
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How to use C-Library in C#

i´ve downloaded a BACnet-Stack from but it is written in c and i want to use it in c#. I´ve been reading for 4 hours now about how to get it done but i´m not ...
typ1804's user avatar
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2 answers

Link a static library on a .cpp file

I'm trying to compile some code that use a function implemented in a static library named staticlib.a. I also have the header named staticlib.h which contain the declaration of that function. My main, ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Compiling a c application that links to a static library on AIX

I'm trying to compile my application to link to a static library (.a file) The command I use to build is this: gcc -DUNIX -maix32 -o Release/bin/testApp Release/obj/main.o -ltestLib When I build I ...
Dunc's user avatar
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579 votes
5 answers

What are .a and .so files?

I'm currently trying to port a C application to AIX and am getting confused. What are .a and .so files and how are they used when building/running an application?
Dunc's user avatar
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Parse Linux static Libraries (.a) in C [closed]

I want to know how to parse a linux static librarie (.a) to get content of each files. Thank's to help me !
RomainG's user avatar
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5 answers

`ar` library override timestamp

the .a archive format header requires a timestamp. This has led to countless headaches when I rebuild a static library, mainly because I can't exactly reproduce the original binary. For example (...
Foo Bah's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to collect data from different .a files into one array? How to keep sections in .a files with ld script?

I need to collect some data from different .a files to one array. I do it by collecting data to one section first .c file TArElement __attribute__((section(".my.special.section"))) uwiveuve = { ......
Anton's user avatar
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