Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! First 2025 snow, the path around Lake Tomahawk passes a fenced garden of a B & B.
Showing posts with label faeries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faeries. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Beauties in sight and sound

Jackie Morris is an artist and former blogger, in the UK. I just found I'd saved a YouTube clip of some of her art with a bit of music (only a minute's worth). 

The Quiet Music of Gently Falling Snow.

Speaking of art and music, here's an interesting chart I found on Facebook. I'm not a musician, but do have friends who are.

I love that the sounds of music coordinate with math.

I must wonder about Asian music, which has a different scale. Does it have different math systems?


"The faeries came and took me away

and brought me home and they did say,

I hope you enjoyed our little play,

come play again sometime, sometime,

come play again sometime."

— quote by The Silver Elves, authors of Through the Mists of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven

art below by Robot Dreams of Beauty
From Martha Char Love on Facebook

Norman Rockwell

Art Irina Babushkina - Silent Night


First day of the new year, I invited friends to come see a movie with me "Wicked" which is available to rent on Prime now. Much less expensive than all of us going to the theater...but I did want to make the experience somewhat special. Snacks for the friends...and comfortable chairs from which to watch. All brought something to eat of course. We wandered back and forth to the kitchen to fill plates, cups, glasses. I stayed up much later than I had the night before for New Years.

And I feel much more stable when my 85 year old very "with-it" friend showed up a day early for the movie gathering. Yes, with all her treats to share. But she was so surprised it wasn't until Wednesday. I'm usually the one who does things on wrong dates, as my friends will attest to. So I kept her dip in the refrigerator, as well as all her little tidbits in her bag, and she went on home, still shaking her head and laughing! 

In honor of the occasion, or new year in general, I accomplished my two biggest household challenges. Kitchen is cleaned up...all counters, all dishes put away! (Didn't mop floor however, in case you come over to check!) The more unusual for me thing was wearing a mask for dust particles, and vacuuming the various floors. It did take two tries, with me getting completely out of breath having finished 2 rooms at a time. Or maybe that was from moving some of the lighter furniture. Nope, just pushing a vacuum is exercise for me! Gotta get back into working out soon!

I did bring inside from the car all the little water bottles that have been gifted to me (two huge cases.) It was just freezing yesterday, but tonight will go even colder. All I need is a spatter of frozen bottled water all over everything, soaking into upholstery. 

But the cases were too heavy to lift, even putting them into my rolling cart to carry them to the apartment...so I had to move each bottle into smaller boxes first, and carry half a case at a time. Whew, more good exercise! And somehow it sent my brain off into netherland, so I couldn't find the keys to the car after all was finished. I looked just about everywhere, twice. Then thought I'd lost my phone, and again did the look around twice. Boy was I frazzled! Found phone in a different place in the bathroom. And found keys in wrong compartment of the purse. I have good systems, but there was somebody else goofing off this afternoon!


I woke in the middle of the night, with important consideration and concern. I had forgotten to say how grateful I am for blogger friends. So consider it done, now, and I can go back to sleep. 

This is the eighth and last day of Hanukkah

I mistook the nutcracker for being an Indian. Silly me!

Today's quote:

None of us gets through life alone. We all have to look out for each other and lift each other up. -Hillary Clinton, secretary of state and senator (b. 26 Oct 1947) (AND First Lady and presidential candidate)

The Continuing Outrage of War