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Showing posts with label Leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leo. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

In like a lion

There's the hummingbird feeder, and my sweet purple shamrock in my bedroom window.

This shot was taken while I had the window open. With all the pollen flying around these days, I've had to foresake fresh air and keep air conditioned, which helps my allergies.

But my main reason for writing today is to share how I've changed with this new heart stuff. No more details of medical procedures...but now I'm becoming used to thinking of myself differently.

Slow. Am I the turtle? I certainly feel like it a lot of the time, especially as I walk along.

Long ago I started as identifying myself as a lioness...being born on the cusp of Leo, which birthday has now moved into Virgo, but I always felt more lion than "Virgo, identified as virgin, one who is a person unto themselves." And I certainly have never had the Virgo traits of perfectionism and detail orientation, but more those of female lions who gather in a pride to provide food for everyone. I also have some of the qualities of starting up groups, organizing classes, giving information out to those who seek it.

But today I'm now almost totally vegetarian...eating just fish occasionally. And so this lack of eating meat has also influenced my outlook on life. I'm not as drawn to hunt, to provide the meat for a group or  family.

And today I'm not making pottery any more. I still have a bit of clay, and of course, many colors of commercial glazes. Anyway, I'm taking off my ceramics profession as an identification. I thus am not a "potter."

So playing with the word, and identifying with another animal which I admire, I'm ready to take the "P" away and identify as Otter.

River otter is the only one I know, though sea otters are also beautiful.

I love that otters play so much...in the mud also (like clay). They are such beautiful little animals. I think this person is going to learn more about otters' qualities. Playful. They also eat a lot of fish.

Today's quote:
Between where you are now and where you’d like to be there’s a sort of barrier, or a chasm, and sometimes it’s a good idea to imagine that you’re already at the other side of that chasm, so that you can start on the unknown side.

—David Bohm