Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! My winter garden against the living room windows. I let these little plants be my decorations for the season.
Showing posts with label circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circle. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dragon energy


The women sat in a circle around a ground altar, with various dragons...4 of mine, a Chinese dragon by Gail (who told her wonderful story of dragon energy) a couple of gold dragon clasps in the central basket, and more! We even had a poster of Childless Dragon Ladies for Kamala Harris!

We sang, we waved scarves, we learned about the Chinese dragon ley lines all over the earth.  Ley lines are identified by energy changes similar to magnetic fields that birds and butterflies use when migrating. If you ever see someone looking for water, a dowser, a person using dowsing rods can also find ley lines.

Dragons may breathe fire, but I think they just point it at things that need to be destroyed...a cleansing if you will. They also love shiny jewelry, and don't we all! We share in our appreciation of the minerals of our earth. I like the idea of the dragon ley lines, though I have no experience of any. Several women at the circle told of their having felt a difference where ley lines meet. Sedona AZ is one place, as well as Glastonbury, UK.


A comment about my health brought me to awareness that I didn't sound as if I had tried a lot of resources to get where I am. I have an excellent pulmonologist who's taught me all the methods (with different machines) to help my chronic cough...bronchiectasis. I am sorry when I say I have a cough that people think I should get over it.  I need to cough to clear my lungs, so these machines help me do so. 
The fever is one that just suddenly comes, and then is gone after rest and Tylenol. It doesn't seem related to the bronchiectasis..at least as far as my physicians (2 of them) can figure out. However with the new method of contacting through a web page to the pulmonologist, I haven't really been in discussion with him. I also have a care coordinator who I have a monthly conversation with (or more often as needed)...a Physician's Assistant. He's part of the same practice as my GP. 

If I didn't have to spend a couple of hours a day with the machines (nebulizer and vibrating vest) I might try getting the "Patient Portal" to work.  

Thanks to all who have been concerned about me. A chronic invisible condition has always been hard for friends and family to understand. I just say to new acquaintances, "coughing is good." It allows me to breathe after clearing out my lungs. (also I don't get a sore throat from it, nor is it catching.)
But because people are afraid of COVID, I will wear a mask when coughing, if around people. I hate them (masks) because it cuts my oxygen intake by about 10%. 

I used to be able to go all day until evening when I was tired and the coughing would start. For the last several months it's been almost constant.

Another change is that the air conditioner in my bedroom was full of mold, and the maintenance man cleaned it out completely yesterday. It sure wasn't helping me when I was bedridden after the fever. I have started sleeping with the window open. As long as it gets below 70 that works, and it doesn't rain! The humidity outside is high because of the trees, so I usually close the window partially mid-nightime.


Today's quote:

How do we see the world as sacred again? By radical noticing. Looking for awe in all of life.


Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Imbolc

A gathering of women shared some of the old ways from when goddesses were talked about freely.

 Brigid crosses were made of many different things.

Brigid, the Celtic bright gold/red goddess of poetry, smith-craft, midwifery, animal husbandry, and healing!
Our carved candles arrayed around a simple altar, full of fun images like Brigid crosses, a Celtic Wheel, an album of an Irish pilgrimage, and musical instruments. We shared poetry, creativity, dance, singing songs to goddesses, eating wonderful snacks and getting to know each other better. Inanna's Daughters meet at the local UU Church on cross-quarter days of the old calendar. Today was Imbolc, or Candlemas.