126) Modals

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Helping Verb Main Verb

* See Verb (Basic)

Primary Eg:- 1. I will succeed in life.

Helping Verb Modal Vb.f

* See Verb (Basic) 2. She must be happy.

Modal Vb.f
• Modals are helping verbs/ Auxiliary verbs.
(Modals Helping verbs/ Auxiliary verbs है।)
• Modals are such Helping Verbs that cannot work as Main Verb.
(Modals ऐसे Helping verbs है जो Main verb का काम नहीं करते है।)
• Modals must be followed by a Main verb.
Modals के बाद Main Verb अना चाहहए।
• Modals must be followed by Base form of verb.
(Modals के तुरंत बाद Vb.f (Base form of verb) अना चाहहए।)


Complete Modals Partial Modals Idiomatic Modals

can, could, should, Modal • has to/ have to/ will
must, ought to, will, Used to have to/ had to
shall, would, may, • would rather/ had
might Modal better/ had rather/
Need & Dare
Main Verb had sooner
They work only as Pure • 'be' + to/ 'be' + going
Modals. (ये सभी pure They work as Modals to/ 'be' + about to
modals है। modals के and also as some other
ऄलावा ये कोइ और काम नहीं Part of Speech. They have a meaning
करे गा।) (ये Modals के ऄलावा ऄन्य different from that of
Part of Speech का भी काम the words used in them.
करता है।) (ये शब्दों से हभन्न ऄथथ देता है।)

KD LIVE 472 Class Notes : MODALS

• Modals help us to express the following feelings:-
(Modals हनम्नहलहखत भावनाओ ं को व्यक्त करता है।)
1. Possibility  संभावना 14. Request  हनवेदन
2. Necessity  अवश्यकता 15. Authority  प्राहधकरण
3. Capability  क्षमता 16. Permission  ऄनुमहत
4. Suggestion  सुझाव 17. Order  अदेश
5. Certainty  हनहितता 18. Non-fulfilment  गैर पूहतथ
6. Doubt  संदहे 19. Threat  धमकी
7. Prayer  प्राथथना 20. Determination  दृढ़ संकल्प
8. Wish  आच्छा 21. Willingness  रजामंदी
9. Habit  अदत 22. Blessing  अशीवाथद
10. Intention  आरादा 23. Curse  ऄहभशाप
11. Promise  वादा 24. Offer  प्रस्ताव
12. Urgency  ऄत्यावश्यक 25. Requirement  अवश्यकता
13. Strong recommendation  दृढ़ ऄनुशंसा 26. Forced action  बलपूवथक कायथ

Can & Could

1. I can run fast.
2. I could run fast when I was young.
3. I thought that I can do it. (×) I thought that I could do it. ()
4. I could not come yesterday.
5. The doctors could not save him.()
6. The doctors were unable to save him. ()
7. The night was dark but we _______ (reach) home safely.
8. I was suffering from Jaundice but I could take the exam. (×)
I was suffering from Jaundice but I managed to take the exam. ()
9. I can sing well but I am unable to do so now.
Ability Non performance

1. Present ability (वतथमान की क्षमता) 2. Past ability (भूतकाल की क्षमता)
3. Past form of 'can' is could (can का 'past' रूप 'could' होता है)
4, 5. 'Could not' Past inability, past non-performance (ऄक्षमता/कायथ का ना कर पाना)
4, 5. could not = was/ were unable to (show non-performance)
6, 7, 8.'Could' Past performance.(×)
6, 7, 8.was/were + able to Past performance
OR Managed to Past Performance (भूतकाल में कायथ करने में समथथ होना दशाथना हो, तो 'was'/ 'were'/
'able to' ऄथवा 'managed to' का प्रयोग होता है।)
7. Ans. (i) managed to reach. (ii) were able to reach.
9. able to performance (कायथ हनष्पादन)
unable to non performance (कायथ हनष्पादन में ऄसमथथ होना)
Can present ability. (वतथमान की क्षमता)

KD LIVE 473 Class Notes : MODALS

10. I am unable to see properly. (×) I can't see properly. ()
11. Such a disease can kill the whole mankind.
12. There could be bomb under your seat.
13. The NDA government could take some tough decisions soon.
14. Play this game and you could win a laptop.
15. Do you think you can disobey the order of the court No, you cannot.
16. Could I talk to Mr. Singh?
17. She said to the interviewer, "Could you repeat the question?"
(i) If asked the interviews if she could repeat the question.
(ii) She requested the interviewer to repeat the question.
(iii) She requested me if 1 could repeat the questions.
18. The judge interrogated the accused in English to see if he would
understand the language.
19. I cannot be able to come tomorrow.
20. The boss said to his secretary, "_______ you type this letter for me?"
(i) can (ii) could (iii) will
21. Can we be friends?

10. Do not use 'able to' or 'unable to' with the following verbs (नीचे हदए गये Verbs के साथ able
to या unable to का प्रयोग नहीं होता।) :-
See, perceive (महसूस करना), understand, comprehend (समझना), feel, imagine, decide,
smell, taste, think, remember, hear.
These verbs do not need any effort so 'able to' or 'unable to' do not fit with them.
(आन Verbs को करने के हलए कोइ बल नहीं लगाना पड़ता। ऄतः आन verbs के साथ 'able to/ unable to' fit
नहीं बैठते।)
11. Theoretical possibility (सैद्ांहतक संभावना)
12. Remote possibility (दूर की संभावना)
13. In unsubstantiated or uncorroborated news to show possibility. (not supported by a
proof.) (ऐसे समाचार में हजनमें समाचार की प्रमाहणकता हसद् ना हो।)
14. In advertisements. (हवज्ञापन में)
15. To assert one's authority. (ऄपने ऄहधकार पर बलपूवथक जोर देने के हलए।)
16. In formal request (औपचाररक हनवेदन में)
17. Ans. (ii)
In this sentence the Mood of the sentence matters. Hence (i) is a wrong answer
though the rules of Narration have been followed properly. Option (iii) is wrong due
to superfluous expression. 'Requested' and 'Could' become superfluous together.
(आन वाक्य में Mood मायने रखता है। Option 1 गलत है हालााँहक Narration के सभी हनयम का पालन हकया गया
है। Option 3 में request और could हमल कर वाक्य को Superfuluous बना रहा है।)
18. Change 'would' into 'could'. Here the judge intended to check the ability of the
accused. (Would को could में पररवहतथत करें । यहााँ जज अरोपी की क्षमता की जााँच कर रहा है।)
19. Can/could + able to/ capable of. (×)
The expression is superfluous.
Ans.(i) I cannot come tomorrow(ii) I won't be able to come tomorrow.
20. Ans. (ii)
In formal request, we use 'could'. (औपचाररक हनवेदन में हम could का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
21. In friendly request we use 'can'. (दोस्ती भरा हनवेदन में can अता है।)

KD LIVE 474 Class Notes : MODALS

May, Might, Must

1. It may rain tonight. May

1. In weather forecasting (meteorology), we
2. He travels by flight and use may to express possibility. (मौसम
stays in five star-hotels. He पूवाथनुमान में May का प्रयोग हकया जाता है। May का
must be very rich. प्रयोग संभावना दशाथता है।)
6. In Optative sentences (आच्छा सूचक वाक्यों में)
3. We all must die one day.
• Optative sentences are in Inversion
form. (Optative वाक्य Inversion form में
4. He might pass the exam but होते है)
seeing his intelligence, I do
• Optative sentences express a prayer,
not have much hope. wish or curse. (प्राथना, आच्छा या शाप व्यक्त
करता है।)
5. You must not drink and 7. To give permission. (ऄनुमहत देने के हलए)
8. To make a request with respect/ to seek
permission. (सम्मान के साथ हनवेदन करने के हलए)
6. May god bless you.
9. 'Come what may' is a phrase which
means 'no matter what happens'. ('Come
7. You may go home now. what may' का ऄथथ है ‘चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए’)
10. If 'so that' or 'in order that' is preceded
8. May I come in Sir?
by action and followed by reason, the
part comprising reason will take 'may'.
9. I will help you come what (ऄगर 'so that' या 'in order that' के पहले
may. action का प्रयोग हो, तो 'so that' या 'in order
that' के बाद may का प्रयोग होगा।) Reason वाले
10. We eat so that we may live. भाग में May अऐगा।

11. Might I lend you some

money, father? Might
4. Low possibility (कम संभावना)
11. To make an offer with hesitation.
12. He thought that he may (हहचहकचाहट के साथ हनवेदन करने के हलए)
pass. (×)
12. Past form of 'may' is 'might'. ('Might'
'May' का past form हो)
He thought that he might
pass. ()
2. strong/ high possibility.Must (ईच्च संभावना)
13. His arm was so badly injured 3. strong/ high possibility. (ईच्च संभावना)
that he must have it 5. strong suggestion. (दृढ़ संभावना)
amputated. (×)
13. 'Must' is not used in past. 'Must' changes
into 'had to' (in case of strong
His arm was so badly injured suggestion) (दृढ़ सलाह के वाक्यों में must का
that he had to have it प्रयोग में नहीं होता। 'Had to' का प्रयोग होगा)
amputated. ()

KD LIVE 475 Class Notes : MODALS

Change into Indirect speech.
14. He said, "We all must die one day."
15. He said, "I must leave now."
16. He said, "I must get up early tomorrow."

14. Must strong possibility in past no change.

He said that we all must die one day.
15. Here 'must' should be considered 'have to' because 'said' indicates that we
need past in later part of the sentence too and we know we cannot use
'must' in sentences of past. Now according to rules of Narration change
'have to' into 'had to'.
(यहााँ 'Must' को 'have to' माने क्योंहक 'said' से ये ज्ञात होता है हक वाक्य Past का है। हम Past में
'Must' का प्रयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं। Narration के हनयम के ऄनुसार 'have to' को 'had to' में
पररवहतथत करें ।)
He said that he had to leave then.
16. He said that he would have to get up early the next day.
Must is considered 'will have to' (strong suggestion of future).
Change into 'would have to'.
(Must को 'will have to' माने और 'would have to' में पररवहतथत करें ।)

Should, Must & Ought to

1. You should work hard.

1. suggestion (सलाह)
2. You ought to respect your
parents. 4. lest ... should + Vb.f
3. Prices ought to come down. pair of conjunction
4. Run fast lest you should miss 5. Lest ... Vb.f
the train.
if 'should' is not present in the
5. Take care lest he ____ sentence.
(i) fall 6. In place of 'if' in conditional
(ii) may fall sentences ('In open cases' which
(iii) falls means that the action may or may
6. Should you need my help, let me not take place) (हो भी सकता है नहीं भी)
7. He ought to not disobey my
orders. (×)
2. Moral suggestion. (नैहतक सलाह)
He ought not to disobey my
3. to express desirability. (आच्छा दशाथने के
orders. ()
• Will/ shall — See Tense for
complete concept of 'will/ shall'. 7. -ve ought to not Vb.f (×)
ought not to Vb.f ()

KD LIVE 476 Class Notes : MODALS

Would 1. Would is past of 'will'. (will का past
'would' होता है।)
1. He said that he will come. (×) 2. In polite request we use 'would'.
(हवनम्र हनवेदन में would का प्रयोग होता है।)
He said that he would come. () In formal request we use 'could'.
2. Would you help me? (औपचाररक हनवेदन में could का प्रयोग होता है।)
3. If I were a bird, I would fly. 3 & 4. In principal clause,
4. If I had seen you, I would have (i) 'would + Vb.f' is used in Present
Imagination. (वतथमान के काल्पहनक वाक्यों में
greeted you.
'would Vb.f' का प्रयोग होता है।)
5. Would that he were in my Would have + V3 is used in Past
shoes! unfulfilled action.
6. He said, "I shall come." (change 5. 'Would that' means 'I wish'.
into indirect speech) 6. Would is past of shall/ will.
He said that he would come. 7. Would like polite way to express
one's wish. (हवनम्रता के साथ ऄपनी आच्छा व्यक्त
7. I would like to meet the
करने के हलए।)
8. 'Would rather ... than' expresses
8. I would rather die than beg. preference. (वरीयता व्यक्त करने के हलए।)
9. I would love to see you on 9. Would love strong desire (तीव्र आच्छा)
television. 10. (i) Subject + used to + Vb.f
10. (i) I used to go to school by
bus. (ii) Past Indefinite Tense
Past routine
(ii) I went to school by bus.
(iii) I would go to school by
bus. (×)
Past Action Past Routine
• For Past Routine option 1 is (भूतकाल का Routine कायथ)
(भूतकाल का कायथ)
best. (Past Routine बताने के हलए
Option (i) best है।)
11 & 12. In 11 and 12 we have used
(ii) This is our 2nd choice. Stative verbs.
(iii) This is not acceptable but (11 और 12 में Stative verb का प्रयोग हो रहा है।)
if Introductory part is Past, we 'Would' will not take 'Stative verb' in
can use 'would' for Past case of Past Routine. ('Would' का प्रयोग
Routine. (ये ईपयुक्त नहीं है लेहकन ऄगर 'Stative verb' के साथ Past Routine व्यक्त
प्रथम भाग में Past हो, तो हम would का करने वाले वाक्य में नहीं होता है।)
प्रयोग Past Routine व्यक्त करने के हलए Stative verb
कर सकते हैं।) Use 'used to' in place of 'would' ('Would'
के स्थान पर 'used to' का प्रयोग करें ।)
• When I was in kindergarten, I
would go to school by bus. 13. If clause does not take
11. When I was there, I would know If वाले भाग में will/ shall/ would नहीं अता है।
all my neighbours well. (×) Normal sense वाक्य past है तो अगे भी past
12. It would be a quiet street. (×) होगा।
13. I would appreciate if readers Ans If readers wrote to me.
would write to me.

KD LIVE 477 Class Notes : MODALS

Partial Modals

used to Need and dare

as adjective as modal as main verb as as

Sub + verb Sub + used to + ऄथथः आस्तेमाल करना
Modal Main
+ used to + Vb.f Verb
v1+ing use + to + vb.f
expresses past
expresses routine M.V infinitive
habit Like a Main verb
(भूतकाल का
(अदत दशाथता है) Routine दशाथता है) ‘Use’ can come in
both Active and
Passive Voice.
(Main verb की तरह,
‘use Active &
Passive Voice में
प्रयुक्त होगा)

1. He got used _________ on the right when he was in Ans. 1 (ii),

London Ans. 2 change 'drink'
(i) to drive (ii) to driving into 'drinking'.
2. He is used to drink coffee with his meals. (×) 1 & 2 Here 'used to'
He is/ got/ will get used to drinking expresses habit because
coffee with his meals. accustomed to here 'used to' has taken
a verb before it. When
addicted to 'used to' is preceded by
given to a verb, it is followed by
Gerund. (यहााँ 'Used to'
habitual of अदत दशाथ रहा है क्योंहक 'used
Note.:- Subject + V + used to + Noun/ Gerund to' के पहले एक verb मौजूद है।
जब 'used to' के पहले verb हो,
fixed तो 'used to' के बाद 'Gerund'
preposition अता है।)

As Modals
1. I used to meet him everyday when I was in Mumbai.
2. He uses to study till 10 pm and then goes to bed. (×)
He studies till 10 pm and then goes to bed. ()
3. He said, "It used to be a lovely quiet street" (Change into Indirect Speech)
He said that it used to be a lovely quiet.
KD LIVE 478 Class Notes : MODALS
1. If there is no verb before 'used to', it means 'used to' is a Modal and hence
base form of verb follows.
(ऄगर used to के पहले verb नहीं अ रहा तो used to का verb के base form अयेगा क्योंहक यहााँ
'Used to' Modal है और Modal के बाद verb का Base form अता है।)
Subject + used to + Vb.f.
2. As a Modal 'used to' expresses Past routine. For 'Present Routine' we use
Present Indefinite Tense.
(Modals के रूप में 'used to' past routine दशाथता है। Present routine के हलए Simple
Present Tense अता है।)
3. Modal 'used to' has no Past Perfect form. Past Routine cannot have any past perfect form
(Modal used to का कोइ Past perfect form नहीं है। Past Routine का कोइ Past
Perfect form नहीं हो सकता है।)

As Main Verb
1-2. The sentences are in
1. Oxen are used to plough the fields. Passive Voice and ‘used’
Obj. H.V M.V Infinitive is V3 (वाक्य Passive Voice में
2. Placebo is used to give medicine like effect. है और ‘Used V3 from है)
3. Two V2 do not come
M.V Infinitive
together. Hence ‘Did’
3. He did used to work hard. (×) takes ‘V1’ (दो V2 एक साथ नहीं
V2 अते। ऄतः Did के बाद V1 अता है।)
He did use to work hard. () 4. Used to Vb.f — In positive
4. I used to not come late. (×) sentences
I used not to come late. () Used not to Vb.f – In
negative sentences

Need & Dare

Shows: Necessity Audacity

1. You need to hurry now (×) 5. He needs to work hard.

Modal Infinitive M.V Infinitive
2. You need to hurry now. () 6. He needs to go there.
M.V Infinitive M.V Infinitive
3. You need not to worry now. (×) 7. Dare he to tresspass again? (×)
Dare he trespass again? ()
8. She needs not worry. (×)
You need not worry now. ()
She need not worry. ()
4. He doesn't need to take the exam.
H.V M.V Infinitive

KD LIVE 479 Class Notes : MODALS

1. As Modal need & dare do not come in positive sentences Modal के रूप में
need & dare positive sentences से नहीं अते।
2. As Modals needs & dare come in Negative & Interrogative sentences
(Modals के रूप में need & dare नकरात्मक एवं प्रश्नात्मक वाक्यों में अते है।)
7. Unlike Main Verb, Modals do not take s/es form. (Modals s/es नहीं लेता।)

Perfect Modals
Modal + have + V3

1. You should had come yesterday. (×) 1.For past suggestion used
You should have come yesterday. () ‘should/must + have+ V3
2. The streets are flooded. It must have rained (भूतकाल सलाह के हलए should/must
last night. + have + V3 का प्रयोग करे )
3. He may grow old since we last saw him. (×) All Modals take base form of
He may have grown old since we last saw Verb. Hence we need ‘Have’ in
him. () place of ‘had’. (सभी Modals के
4. I need not have watered the plants because साथ Verb का Base form अता है।
as soon as I finished, it started raining. ऄतः ‘Had’ के स्थान ‘have’ पर अएगा।
5. He returned the purse though he could have
kept it.


1. Modals are followed by Vb.f. If we use 'Modal have V3' in a sentence, there is
a hidden meaning in the sentence but in exams, we have sentences with
hidden meaning stated in a connected sentence. (See sentences 4 & 5).
Modals के बाद Vb.f अता है। ऄगर हम modal + have + V3 को प्रयोग करते हैं, तो वाक्य में एक छुपा
हु अ ऄथथ होता जो वाक्य के ऄथथ के हवपरीत होता है लेहकन exams में स्पष्ट रूप में hidden meaning हदए
होते हैं। (See sentences 4 & 5)
2. If Modals denoting possibility come in Perfect form, there is no hidden
ऄगर संभावना वाले Modals Perfect form में अते हो तो आनका कोइ हछपा हु अ ऄथथ नहीं होता ।
Eg.: Some thief might have broken the lock.
3. If 'since' is followed by Past Indefinite, 'since' is preceded by Present Perfect
but if possibility is expressed in the sentence, we use 'Modal Perfect'.
Change ‘may grow’ into ‘may have grown’.
ऄगर 'Since' के बाद Past Indefinite हो तो 'since' के पहले Present Perfect अएगा। लेहकन
ऄगर संभावना दशाथना हो, तो संभावना दशाथने वाले Modals 'Perfect form' में अएगा हैं। ‘May grow’
को ‘May have grown’ में पररवहतथत करें ।

KD LIVE 480 Class Notes : MODALS

Idiomatic Modals
Denotes forced action
• Have to + Vb.f दवाब के ऄंतगथत हकया गया कायथ दशाथता है। (see Verb Basic)

Denotes planned action of near future.

• 'be' + going to + Vb.f
• 'be' + about to + Vb.f (हनकट भहवष्य के planned action दशाथता है।) (see Verb
• be + to + Vb.f Basic)

Shows preference (वरीयता दशाथता है।) See ‘Mood’.

• would rather ... Than
Eg.: I would rather take tea than coffee

• had rather to express strong suggestion or strong

• had better + Vb.f recommendation
• had sooner
See chapter ‘Mood’

1. You had sooner see a specialist.

2. I had rather stay at home.
3. You had rather pay by cheque.
4. I would rather you paid by cheque.
2nd Sub V2

KD LIVE 481 Class Notes : MODALS

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