126) Modals
126) Modals
126) Modals
1. Present ability (वतथमान की क्षमता) 2. Past ability (भूतकाल की क्षमता)
3. Past form of 'can' is could (can का 'past' रूप 'could' होता है)
4, 5. 'Could not' Past inability, past non-performance (ऄक्षमता/कायथ का ना कर पाना)
4, 5. could not = was/ were unable to (show non-performance)
6, 7, 8.'Could' Past performance.(×)
6, 7, 8.was/were + able to Past performance
OR Managed to Past Performance (भूतकाल में कायथ करने में समथथ होना दशाथना हो, तो 'was'/ 'were'/
'able to' ऄथवा 'managed to' का प्रयोग होता है।)
7. Ans. (i) managed to reach. (ii) were able to reach.
9. able to performance (कायथ हनष्पादन)
unable to non performance (कायथ हनष्पादन में ऄसमथथ होना)
Can present ability. (वतथमान की क्षमता)
10. Do not use 'able to' or 'unable to' with the following verbs (नीचे हदए गये Verbs के साथ able
to या unable to का प्रयोग नहीं होता।) :-
See, perceive (महसूस करना), understand, comprehend (समझना), feel, imagine, decide,
smell, taste, think, remember, hear.
These verbs do not need any effort so 'able to' or 'unable to' do not fit with them.
(आन Verbs को करने के हलए कोइ बल नहीं लगाना पड़ता। ऄतः आन verbs के साथ 'able to/ unable to' fit
नहीं बैठते।)
11. Theoretical possibility (सैद्ांहतक संभावना)
12. Remote possibility (दूर की संभावना)
13. In unsubstantiated or uncorroborated news to show possibility. (not supported by a
proof.) (ऐसे समाचार में हजनमें समाचार की प्रमाहणकता हसद् ना हो।)
14. In advertisements. (हवज्ञापन में)
15. To assert one's authority. (ऄपने ऄहधकार पर बलपूवथक जोर देने के हलए।)
16. In formal request (औपचाररक हनवेदन में)
17. Ans. (ii)
In this sentence the Mood of the sentence matters. Hence (i) is a wrong answer
though the rules of Narration have been followed properly. Option (iii) is wrong due
to superfluous expression. 'Requested' and 'Could' become superfluous together.
(आन वाक्य में Mood मायने रखता है। Option 1 गलत है हालााँहक Narration के सभी हनयम का पालन हकया गया
है। Option 3 में request और could हमल कर वाक्य को Superfuluous बना रहा है।)
18. Change 'would' into 'could'. Here the judge intended to check the ability of the
accused. (Would को could में पररवहतथत करें । यहााँ जज अरोपी की क्षमता की जााँच कर रहा है।)
19. Can/could + able to/ capable of. (×)
The expression is superfluous.
Ans.(i) I cannot come tomorrow(ii) I won't be able to come tomorrow.
20. Ans. (ii)
In formal request, we use 'could'. (औपचाररक हनवेदन में हम could का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
21. In friendly request we use 'can'. (दोस्ती भरा हनवेदन में can अता है।)
As Modals
1. I used to meet him everyday when I was in Mumbai.
2. He uses to study till 10 pm and then goes to bed. (×)
He studies till 10 pm and then goes to bed. ()
3. He said, "It used to be a lovely quiet street" (Change into Indirect Speech)
He said that it used to be a lovely quiet.
KD LIVE 478 Class Notes : MODALS
1. If there is no verb before 'used to', it means 'used to' is a Modal and hence
base form of verb follows.
(ऄगर used to के पहले verb नहीं अ रहा तो used to का verb के base form अयेगा क्योंहक यहााँ
'Used to' Modal है और Modal के बाद verb का Base form अता है।)
Subject + used to + Vb.f.
2. As a Modal 'used to' expresses Past routine. For 'Present Routine' we use
Present Indefinite Tense.
(Modals के रूप में 'used to' past routine दशाथता है। Present routine के हलए Simple
Present Tense अता है।)
3. Modal 'used to' has no Past Perfect form. Past Routine cannot have any past perfect form
(Modal used to का कोइ Past perfect form नहीं है। Past Routine का कोइ Past
Perfect form नहीं हो सकता है।)
As Main Verb
1-2. The sentences are in
1. Oxen are used to plough the fields. Passive Voice and ‘used’
Obj. H.V M.V Infinitive is V3 (वाक्य Passive Voice में
2. Placebo is used to give medicine like effect. है और ‘Used V3 from है)
3. Two V2 do not come
M.V Infinitive
together. Hence ‘Did’
3. He did used to work hard. (×) takes ‘V1’ (दो V2 एक साथ नहीं
V2 अते। ऄतः Did के बाद V1 अता है।)
He did use to work hard. () 4. Used to Vb.f — In positive
4. I used to not come late. (×) sentences
I used not to come late. () Used not to Vb.f – In
negative sentences
Perfect Modals
Modal + have + V3
1. You should had come yesterday. (×) 1.For past suggestion used
You should have come yesterday. () ‘should/must + have+ V3
2. The streets are flooded. It must have rained (भूतकाल सलाह के हलए should/must
last night. + have + V3 का प्रयोग करे )
3. He may grow old since we last saw him. (×) All Modals take base form of
He may have grown old since we last saw Verb. Hence we need ‘Have’ in
him. () place of ‘had’. (सभी Modals के
4. I need not have watered the plants because साथ Verb का Base form अता है।
as soon as I finished, it started raining. ऄतः ‘Had’ के स्थान ‘have’ पर अएगा।
5. He returned the purse though he could have
kept it.
1. Modals are followed by Vb.f. If we use 'Modal have V3' in a sentence, there is
a hidden meaning in the sentence but in exams, we have sentences with
hidden meaning stated in a connected sentence. (See sentences 4 & 5).
Modals के बाद Vb.f अता है। ऄगर हम modal + have + V3 को प्रयोग करते हैं, तो वाक्य में एक छुपा
हु अ ऄथथ होता जो वाक्य के ऄथथ के हवपरीत होता है लेहकन exams में स्पष्ट रूप में hidden meaning हदए
होते हैं। (See sentences 4 & 5)
2. If Modals denoting possibility come in Perfect form, there is no hidden
ऄगर संभावना वाले Modals Perfect form में अते हो तो आनका कोइ हछपा हु अ ऄथथ नहीं होता ।
Eg.: Some thief might have broken the lock.
3. If 'since' is followed by Past Indefinite, 'since' is preceded by Present Perfect
but if possibility is expressed in the sentence, we use 'Modal Perfect'.
Change ‘may grow’ into ‘may have grown’.
ऄगर 'Since' के बाद Past Indefinite हो तो 'since' के पहले Present Perfect अएगा। लेहकन
ऄगर संभावना दशाथना हो, तो संभावना दशाथने वाले Modals 'Perfect form' में अएगा हैं। ‘May grow’
को ‘May have grown’ में पररवहतथत करें ।