Mapeh q3w6 Arts
Mapeh q3w6 Arts
Mapeh q3w6 Arts
1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of shapes, colors, values, and the principles of emphasis, contrast, and harmony in
printmaking and photography using new technologies.
B. Performance Standards creates simple printmaking (silkscreen) designs on t-shirts and posters.
C. Learning Competencies/ 4. produces own prints from original Discusses the concepts and principles of Discusses the concepts and principles of Discusses the concepts and principles of
Objectives design to photography. photography. photography.
silkscreen printing to convey a message
C1. Specific Objectives produces own prints from original Realizes that art processes, elements and Realizes that art processes, elements and Realizes that art processes, elements and
design to principles still apply even with the use of principles still apply even with the use of principles still apply even with the use
silkscreen printing to convey a message technologies. technologies. of technologies.
or 2. Understands concepts and principles of 2. Understands concepts and principles of 2. Understands concepts and principles
statement. photography. photography. of photography.
3. Identifies the parts and functions of the 3. Identifies the parts and functions of the 3. Identifies the parts and functions of
camera (point and shoot or phone camera). camera (point and shoot or phone the camera (point and shoot or phone
camera). camera).
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages MAPEH – Grade 6 MAPEH – Grade 6 MAPEH – Grade 6 MAPEH – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Lesson 1-3 Quarter 3 – Lesson 1-3 Quarter 3 – Lesson 1-3 Quarter 3 – Lesson 1-3
Second Edition, 2021 Second Edition, 2021 Second Edition, 2021 Second Edition, 2021
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials From
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources Google, laptop, PowerPoint Google, laptop, PowerPoint
Opener: Reviewing previous A.Flash MoB A.Flash MoB A.Flash MoB A.Flash MoB
lesson or presenting the new (Project UNA) (Project UNA) (Project UNA) (Project UNA) Review Reproductive
lesson. Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication System Vocabulary.
B. Review Identify the elements or principles in the B. Review B. Answer the following questions:
picture. Choose your answers below.
What is Silkscreen Printing? What are the elements of photography? 1. How do I open a camera app?
What are the materials used in What are the principles of photography? 2. How do I take a picture?
Silkscreen Printing? 3. How do I take a video?
4. How do I switch between the front
and rear cameras?
5. How do I zoom in and out?
6. How do I turn on the flash?
A. Activity . Read the story and answer each question. List down the things that you usually do Directions: Match the names of each Discuss the following:
If the statement is true write TRUE but if with your mobile phone. Write your part of the camera into the picture. Hygiene
the statement is wrong write FALSE. answer inside the cellphone. Physical
Changes during
MY MOBILE PHONE Hello. I’m puberty
Kate. I want to write about my mobile Nutrition
phone. I got it from my parents for my 10 Steps to Self-
birthday two years ago. I like it very much esteem
and I think it’s sometimes good to have it How to take
Materials needed: in my bag. I always keep it in my bag good care of
o 6 bottles of empty water bottles or in my pocket so my parents and my yourself
o 3 packs of Venus dye (Yellow, Red friends can always call me. It’s got a
and Blue) calculator in it so I sometimes use it at
o Water school. I can use my mobile phone to
o Mixing stick connect to the Internet and look through
o Teaspoon the news or read emails. Isn’t it fantastic?
o 6 pcs of white cotton fabrics Last year I was on a cycling holiday Have you ever wondered that a camera
with my friend. We went cycling but phone is a mobile phone which is able
Directions: the weather wasn’t good. It was cold to capture photographs and often record
1. Fill each bottle with enough water. and windy. It started to rain and it got video using one or more built-in digital
2. In the first 3 bottles put 1 teaspoon dark. Suddenly my friend fell off her bike cameras? It can also send the resulting
each of venus dye; yellow, red and and she broke her leg. At first I didn’t image over the telephone function. Today
blue. know what to do but I thought about my almost every mobile phone contains a
3. Mix well. Observe the intensity of phone. It was in my backpack so I called camera. In principle, mobile phone
colors. Where the colors dark and for help. After fifteen minutes a doctor camera is a sensor/camera module
intense? arrived. Sometimes people are not used on designed for use across a range of mobile
4. Dip the cotton fabrics in each bottle. exploring their mobile phones which is a phone handsets and accessories. It
Did the colors transfer well to the big problem because mobile phones embeds high quality still camera
fabrics? plays a very important role in our functions and also supports rich video.
5. Was the color transfer intense and daily life especially we are now in a
have a deep contrast? digital world. Mobile phones can help
us do our work easier and it helps us
6. In the other three bottles: connected all throughout the world. I’m
a. Mix 1 teaspoon each of yellow and not crazy about my mobile phone but I feel
red dye. What color came out? safe when I have it with me.
b. Mix 1 teaspoon each of yellow and
blue dye. What color came out?
c. Mix 1 teaspoon each of blue and red __________1. Kate can’t exist without her
dye. What color came out? mobile phone.
7. Dip the cotton fabrics in the colors __________2. She got her mobile phone
and see if the color transferred to the in January.
fabric __________3. She usually listens to music
well. on her mobile phone. __________4.
8. Dry the fabrics. Did the colors retain There’s a calculator in her mobile phone.
their intensity? __________5. Her parents bought her the
mobile phone two years ago.
B. Assimilation A step-by-step procedure on how to do What are the elements of photography? 1. What Is a Point and Shoot Camera?
screen printing is given below. Lines – is a mark made by a moving point The Rule of Thirds A point and shoot camera is a pocket-
and it has a greater length than width. sized, mostly auto-focus camera that is
Directs the eye – horizontal, vertical, designed for simple photography. Point
diagonal, curvy, zig-zag, etc. It also can be The most basic of all photography rules, and shoot cameras may be called P&S
actual obvious lines or the borders or the rule of thirds, is all about dividing cameras or compact cameras, due to
edges of shapes. your shot into nine equal sections by a set their small size.
2. Shape/Form – a contained area. It of vertical and horizontal lines. With the Features That Make Point and Shoot
can be GEOMETRIC (man-made) ex. imaginary frame in place, you should Cameras Attractive
Square, triangle, circle, etc. Shapes are place the most important element(s) in One of the most attractive features of
2-Dimensional and flat, example of this your shot on one of the lines or where the the point and shoot camera is the ability
is circle. Forms are 3-Dimensional with lines meet. It's a technique that works to point the camera at a subject and snap
height, width and depth. Example: spher well for a picture. The camera does all the work
3. Space - the area used or unused in a landscapes as you can position the from adjusting the exposure level to
composition. Positive space – the area the horizon on one of the horizontal lines that focusing the camera and deciding if a
objects/subject takes up. Negative space sit in the lower and upper part of the flash is
– the area around, under, through and photograph while you're vertical subjects necessary. That makes this type of
between. (trees etc.) can be placed on one of the camera a great choice for people who
4. Texture - it is the surface quality. It two vertical lines. just wants
shows how an object feels, or how it looks to take a quick picture without having to
like it feels. Example: rough, smooth, think through the settings.
bumpy, gooey, sharp, etc.
Before Taking Your First Shots
5. Color - Artistic term is HUE. We need 1. Learn Your Modes
light to see color. Use color schemes to Before going out for your first photo
enhance appeal or make impact shoot with your point-and-shoot camera,
take several minutes to read the manual
What are the principles of photography? and to examine the settings that your
1. Balance - can be created by camera comes with. Most point and
repeating the same shapes and by shoot cameras have a variety of
creating a feeling of equal weight. shooting modes
2. Emphasis - is how dominant something for different situations. Knowing which
is in the photograph. are available to you beforehand can save
3. Contrast - comes in two forms for you
photography. It can be shown with tone, How do I use the basic functions of a a lot of time, as well as ensuring that
where light areas contrast with dark ones. phone camera? you get the perfect picture when the
It can also be shown with colors, where The camera in your smartphone allows opportunity
colors opposite one another on the you take photos and videos with ease. arises. Here are a few examples:
color wheel contrast with one another. You can also use different camera modes Portrait Mode: This is best used
For example, blue contrasts with orange. to customise your shot or video. whenever you’re taking a picture of
4. Pattern or Repetition - an element The conditions in which you take your someone’s face, or several people in a
repeated throughout an image, it creates a photo can also affect the image. close group. This setting creates a soft
pattern. Patterns are important because lighting effect and can add a soft blur to
the human eye and mind naturally look The conditions in which you take your the background. Use this setting on
for them. photo can also affect the image. subjects to make them pop from their
5. Unity or Harmony - the unity of a surroundings.
composition is how well everything goes How do I open the camera app? Night Mode: While this is not
together. That doesn’t mean that it needs available on all cameras, this mode
to be bland and dull. It just means that allows you
everything belongs and that if an element to take night shots without needing a
is out of place, that was what the tripod. The camera takes a series of
photographer intended. photos using a fast shutter and then
assembles them into one shot, resulting
in a crisp image with enough light that
would otherwise be available only with
a longer shutter speed and a tripod.
Snow or Beach Mode: This mode
compensates for white backgrounds,
snow-filled streets or bright sunlight on
the sand, without other details being
too dark.
Miniature or Diorama Mode: Also
known as tilt-shift, this mode makes the
subject appear to be a miniature model.
How do I take a picture? It’s done by keeping the subject in
With the camera app open, press the focus while adding a soft blur to parts of
capture button to take a picture. the background.
2. Get a Memory Card or Two
How do I take a picture? Check your camera for a small slot that
With the camera app open, press the will accept a memory card, or check
capture button to take a picture. your owner’s manual. Most cameras
today use micro SD cards for extra
storage. This
is an inexpensive way to ensure that you
always have room for a few extra
photos. You may not notice the speed
when taking photos, but you should see
difference when uploading photos to
your computer. If your camera has a
larger SD
How do I record a video? slot, remember that most micro SD
Open the camera app on your smartphone cards come with an adapter so you can
before following these steps: use them
1. 1. Find the word or icon referring to too.
video and press the record button (red 3. Check the Image Quality
circle) to start recording At their default settings, many point-
2. Press the stop button (square) to finish and-shoot cameras take low-quality
recording photos with small file sizes. This is a
good setting if you haven’t added an SD
card yet, or if you are just posting
photos to Facebook, which reduces
large photos anyway. However, if you
want to print copies of your pictures,
you will want to use
larger image files with higher
resolution. Besides the standard JPG file
format, many good point-and-shoot
cameras can shoot in RAW mode.
While RAW files take up a lot of
storage space, they give you the highest
quality images. In fact, RAW files
aren’t even photo files at all, but contain
How do I switch between the front and the raw image data that JPGs and GIFs
rear cameras? use to assemble an image. Note that you
While using the camera app, press the will need a RAW image editor to
switch camera button to switch between process these files.
front and rear cameras
C. Abstraction Read the sentence carefully. Write the Direction: Answer the following
word or group of words to complete the Direction: Answer the following questions below. Write in the space
sentence. Choose the correct answer questions below. Write in the space provided the
from the box below. provided the letter of the correct answer. letter of the correct answer.
1. Be sure that the __________ is ______ 1. Which of the following ______1. Which of the following refers
tightly attached to the fabric. elements shows the area used or to the sound when you are shaking your
2. In printing T-shirts, put a piece of unused in a composition? a. Space phone?
____________ or paper inside the c. Lines b. Texture d. Color ______ 2. a. Ringtone c. Notification LED
garment to The following are considered as the b. Camera lens shutter d. None of the
act as barrier. principles of photography except? a. above
3. To improve the slipperiness of Harmony c. Balance b. Texture d. ______2. Which of the following refers
_______________, add transparent Pattern to a repeated element throughout an
base. ______ 3. Which of the following is the image?
4. Wash up of ____________ must be step on how to zoom in the camera? a. a. Color c. Shape
done immediately after use. Press the red button c. Pinching your b. Pattern d. Line
5. After the textile ink dries on the fingers together b. Pressing the flash icon ______ 3. Which of the following is the
fabric, set a ________________ at the d. Spread your fingers apart step on how to zoom out the camera?
highest ______ 4. The following are considered as a. Press the red button c. Pinching your
heat that will not burn the fabric and the elements of photography except? a. fingers together
with a cloth paper between the iron and Color c. Shape b. Pattern d. b. Pressing the flash icon d. Spread your
printed material, iron on each side for Line ______ 5. Which of the following fingers apart
three to five minutes. This will make refers to dividing your shot into nine equal ______ 4. What do you call the principle
the ink resist repeated washing. sections by a set of vertical and horizontal which shows that something is dominant
lines? a. Elements of photography c. on the photograph?
Ink Rule of thirds b. Principles of photography a. Emphasis c. Harmony
Screen d. None of the above b. Texture d. Color
household iron ______ 5. What do you call the element
screen frame which is a mark made by a moving point
cardboard and it has a greater length than width.
a. Space c. Lines
b. Texture d. Color
D. Application Create your own Silkscreen printed Tell a photo story Direction: Choose a What are the elements of photography? Tell me about your photos Answer the worksheet
tshirt. title for a photo story. You can use 1. Lines Choose three photographs that you like
the following suggestions from the box 2. Shape/Form from your own gallery and spend a few
3. Space minutes on choosing and thinking about
4. Texture what you are going to explain why you
5. Color have chosen those photographs. You
What are the principles of photography? may choose to use the Microsoft Office
1. Balance Word or
You are going to make a photo story for 2. Emphasis handwritten.
one of the titles. You have to discuss to 3. Contrast
discuss the title and work out a story that 4. Pattern
you can tell. After you have taken your 5. Harmony
picture, you have to share your photos Basic functions of phone camera
with the rest of the class. You may use the 1. How do I open a camera app?
Microsoft Office Word or PowerPoint a. From the home screen, swipe up to
presentation. open your apps
Note: See to it that you apply at least b. Select the Camera app
two elements/principles on the 2. How do I take a picture?
photograph a. With the camera app open, press the
capture button to take a picture.
3. How do I take a video?
a. Find the word or icon referring to
video and press the record button (circle)
to start recording
b. Press the stop button (square) to finish
4. How do I switch between the front and
rear cameras?
a. While using the camera app, press the
switch camera button to switch
between the front and rear cameras.
5. How do I zoom in and out?
a. To use the zoom function, have the
camera app open and touch the screen
in two places:
b. Spread apart to zoom in
c. Pinch together to zoom out
6. How do I turn on the flash?
a. In the camera app, the flash can be
switched to on, off or auto using
the icon that looks like a lightning.
V. Assessment Read each sentence carefully. Write the Read each sentence carefully. Write the Write YES on the blank if the statement
letter of your answer on a separate letter of your answer on a separate about photography is true and NO if it is
sheet of paper. sheet of paper. not.
1. What technique uses a screen and a 1. What technique uses a screen and a _____ 1. Portrait mode is best used
squeegee to pull the ink through the squeegee to pull the ink through the open whenever you’re taking a picture of
open spaces to print? someone’s face, or several people in a
spaces to print? a. Screen printing b. Photography c. Leaf close group.
a. Screen printing b. Photography c. Printing d. Poster _____ 2. Can you use a digital camera
Leaf Printing d. Poster Making without a memory card?
Making 2. What is screen printing best suited for? _____ 3. Point and shoot can refer to
2. What is screen printing best suited a. mass production of prints on shirt either cameras that use film or to digital
for? b. inexpensive production of prints cameras.
a. mass production of prints on shirt c. production of images with areas of _____ 4. Do professional photographers
b. inexpensive production of prints uniform color use point and shoot cameras?
c. production of images with areas of d. efficient printing _____ 5. Most point and shoot cameras
uniform color 3. Screen printing is most known for are not limited in how fast they can
d. efficient printing printing what? capture an image.
3. Screen printing is most known for a. Brochures b. Newspapers c. T-shirts d.
printing what? Letterhead
a. Brochures b. Newspapers c. T-shirts 4. What is a "stencil?"
d. Letterhead a. a means of making prints by creating a
4. What is a "stencil?" raised design on a flat surface. The
a. a means of making prints by creating design is inked or covered with color and
a raised design on a flat surface. The stamped on paper or another
design is inked or covered with color surface.
and stamped on paper or another b. a thin sheet of cardboard, plastic, or
surface. metal with a pattern or letters cut out
b. a thin sheet of cardboard, plastic, or of it, used to produce the cut design on
metal with a pattern or letters cut out the surface below by the application
of it, used to produce the cut design on of ink or paint through the holes.
the surface below by the application c. a printing process by which areas are
of ink or paint through the holes. blocked out to keep ink from nonimage
c. a printing process by which areas are areas
blocked out to keep ink from nonimage d. the process of pressing ink through a
areas stenciled mesh screen to create a
d. the process of pressing ink through a printed design.
stenciled mesh screen to create a 5. What is the other name for silk screen
printed design. printing?
5. What is the other name for silk a. Offset b. flexo c. screen printing d.
screen printing? serigraphy
a. Offset b. flexo c. screen printing d.
VI. Additional activities for
application or remediation