Script Bewitched 132
Script Bewitched 132
Script Bewitched 132
First, we remove
the protective wiring.
I don't know.
Oh, no.
I was so mad,
I didn't realise I don't have one.
Come morning,
when tempers have subsided...
Coming, darling.
with amazing
long-range reverberations.
Don't apologise,
this is a free country.
Mrs. Kravitz,
do you seriously mean...?
- A symbol of what?
- Of Mr. Kravitz's crummy neuroses.
Nothing, I forgot
to whom I was speaking.
- Alone?
- Alone.
- No.
- Hey, that's my suitcase.
This is shocking.
- How?
- I haven't the faintest idea.
That's passionate?
Brussels sprouts?
- Well...
- You've used your powers...
- Yes?
- If it's not too much trouble...
Thank you.
Of course, I suppose
I could go and see Mrs. Kravitz...
- When?
- Now?
Good luck.
Brussels sprouts.
- Scout's honour?
- Scout's honour.
Why not.
And this is my
ninth handkerchief today!
- By whom?
- By me...
Loser deals.
- What luck.
- It wasn't luck.
It was skill.
a silly game
of who's gonna crack first.
- Darrin.
- Good morning, my genial hosts.
Good morning.
Mrs. Stephens,
to do you a favour,
you always finish or start with:
- What?
- You had the paper first yesterday.
- Kiss me.
- Darrin?
- What?
Neither can I.
- Why?
- We've gotten so adjusted...
it keeps us awake.
Sounds logical.
- That's perfect.
- Sam, I was being sarcastic.
- Possibly, but...
- Possibly?
Yes, it was.
sweet dreams.
- So's mine.
- Why?
To Gladys Kravitz.
I admit, it isn't
much of an improvement, but...
If it wasn't a proposal,
It's keen!
Kindness, understanding...
- Fascinating.
- What?
- Will it work?
- I hope so.
- At what?
- At their reunion.
- Abner!
- Gladys!
- that's that.
- Congratulations.
How nice.
- Right.
- We'll pool the champagne...
- Darrin?
- Right.
Here's to dreams.