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GRADES 9 School Grade Level 9


Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
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Grade Level Section

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations.
2. Performance The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations, formulate real-life
Standards problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.
3. Learning Models real-life situations Represents a quadratic Represents a quadratic Represents a quadratic
Competencies/ using quadratic functions. function using: (a) table of function using: (a) table of function using: (a) table of
Objectives (M9AL-Ig-2) values; (b) graph; and (c) values; (b) graph; and (c) values; (b) graph; and (c)
equation. (M9AL-Ig-3) equation. (M9AL-Ig-3) equation. (M9AL-Ig-3)
a. Model real-life situations
using quadratic functions a. Differentiate quadratic a. Differentiate quadratic a. Differentiate quadratic
b. Appreciate the functions from linear functions from linear functions from linear
application of quadratic functions functions functions
function in real-life b. Represent and identify b. Represent and identify b. Represent and identify
situations quadratic function using: quadratic function using: quadratic function using:
(a) table of values (b) graph c) general form into vertex
c. Value accumulated c. Value accumulated form equation
knowledge as means of knowledge as means of c. Value accumulated
new understanding new understanding knowledge as means of
new understanding
II. CONTENT Introduction to Quadratic Introduction to Quadratic Introduction to Quadratic Introduction to Quadratic
Function Function Function Function

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pp. 85-96 pp. 85-96 pp. 85-96 pp. 85-96

2. Learner’s
Materials pp. 125-126 pp. 127-129 pp. 127-129 pp. 127-129

3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
monitor monitor monitor, graphing paper monitor
A. Reviewing previous What is your favourite team Many things we see
lesson or presenting in PBA? NBA? How about everyday are modeled by
the new lesson your idol/favourite player in QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS.
Give at least 3 examples.
1.Water in drinking fountain.
Have you ever asked 2. the path of a basketball
yourself why PBA/NBA star 3. McDonald’s logo
Players are good in free
throws? How do angry bird
expert players hit their
targets? Do you know the
secret key in playing this
game? What is the
maximum height reached
by an object thrown
vertically upward given a
particular condition?

B. Establishing a Let the students act their 1. Which of the mathematical How your example does 1. What are the differences
purpose for the ideas to show how sentences are quadratic modeled the quadratic of Quadratic equations
lesson PBA/NBA and Angry Birds functions? functions? and not Quadratic
Players do a free throw and How do we represent and equation base on the
2. Which of the mathematical
hit their targets. identify quadratic functions activity?
Let the students estimate sentences are NOT 2. How can you recognize a
using a graph?
the maximum height quadratic functions? Why? quadratic function when a
reached by the object 3. How would you describe set of equations are
those mathematical given?
thrown vertically upward.
sentences which are not
quadratic functions?
How are they different from
those equations which
are quadratic?
C. Presenting Illustrative Example 1: The graph of a quadratic The previous activities
examples/ Who does not like pizza? function is a parabola. familiarized the students
instances of the Nowadays, pizza seems to The parabola can either with the general form y =
lesson be the favorite snack of ax²+bx+c of a quadratic
be in "legs up" or "legs
many teenagers. function so if an equation
When pizza is served to a down" orientation. was written in vertex form y
customer, it is already = a(x-h)²+k we can express
divided into 8 pieces, if it is We know that a quadratic the equation into standard
regular size or into 12 equation will be in the form that will be more
pieces if it is family size. form: convenient to use when
Observe the 8 pieces working on problems
result from 4 straight cuts; y = ax +bx +c
involving the vertex of the
the 12-piece from 6 straight graph of a quadratic
cuts. Reasoning tells us Our job is to find the function.
that 3 straight cuts would
result to 6 pieces and 5
values ofa ,b andc after
straight cuts to 10 first observing the graph.
pieces. In other words, Sometimes it is easy to
pizza-cutting this way can spot the points where the
be described by the linear curve passes through,
function where is the but often we need to
number of straight cuts
estimate the points.
and, the number of pieces
that result.
D. Discussing new Among the most well- Find the differences between
concepts and known of the physical adjacent y – values in each
practicing new skills situations represented by table, and write them on the
#1 the quadratic function is blanks provided.
that which involves velocity
and force of gravity. In the
17th century, Isaac Newton 2. Using the table values,
discovered that the height graph the two functions.
(h) of an object thrown 3. Compare the graph of
upwards with an initial linear function and
quadratic function.
velocity (v0) at time (t)
would be v0t reduced by the
force of gravity equal to
. If the thrower’s hand
upon the release of this ball
was at a starting height (h0)
above the ground, then,

The symbol which stands

for acceleration due to
gravity is equal to 9.8
m/sec near the earth’s
Suppose a baseball pitcher
throws a ball upward with
an initial velocity of
1. What equation will give
the height of the ball for
any time in seconds?
2. What is the greatest
height the ball would
reach before it starts to
fall to the ground?
3. At what time would the
ball reach the ground?

E. Discussing new 1. Is quadratic function 1. What do you observe with a. What kind of functions is Transform the given quadratic
concepts and useful in real-life the difference of each table f(x) = 3x +1 and functions into the form
practicing new skills values? g(x) = x²+2x-4? y = a(x-h)²+k by following the
#2 2. How can you recognize a b. What do you observe steps below.
2. How can quadratic 1. y = x² - 4x - 10
quadratic function when a about the graph of linear
Function be used to function and quadratic 2. y = 3x² - 4x + 1
table of values is given?
solve real- life function?
F. Developing mastery Menggay maintains a small Consider the given functions 1. How do you find
(Leads to Formative retail store to help support f (x) = 2x + 1 and transforming of general
Assessment 3) her family. Think of the g (x) = x²+2x-1. form into vertex form in
diagram below as rows of 1. What kind of functions is general form?
bath soap. f (x)?g (x)? 2. How about transforming a
2. Complete the following vertex form
table values using the y = a(x-h)²+k into general
indicated function, form.

f (x) = 2x + 1
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

g (x) = x²+2x-1
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

3. What are the differences

between two adjacent
x – values in each table?
4. Find the differences
between each adjacent y –
values in each table.
G. Finding practical Derek is living in Tagaytay, Write a 1 paragraph statement
applications of Cavite. He is thinking of explaining how to recognize
concepts and skills growing vegetables in his that the given mathematical
in daily living backyard. He has 100 m. sentence is a QUADRATIC
long fencing material. He FUNCTIONS using the table of
wants to enclose as much values in your own words.
of his backyard as
possible. What dimensions
of a rectangular lot will
result to the greatest area?
Think of the given length of
the wire as the perimeter of
the lot, so a length and a
width is 50. If the length is
denoted as , then the width
is Area, if you recall, is
length times width.
Let us put some pairs of
values for and and their
corresponding areas in a

H. Making There are many situations general form

generalizations and in the real world that can be y = ax² + bx + c
abstractions about modeled or mathematically vertex form
the lesson described by the quadratic y = a(x-h)² + k
Skill to do this can be
useful to make estimates
of one variable from known
values of the related
variable or to make
predictions of the
relationship between the
same two variables in a
I. Evaluating learning In 2009, a strong typhoon
Ondoy with heavy rains
flooded some parts of
Luzon for days including
Cavite. Helicopters were
used to bring food and
other supplies to flood
victims. A helicopter
dropped packages of food
and supplies to a group of
people from a height of 100
1. Neglecting air
resistance, how far
would the
package have dropped
in 2 seconds? (Hint: Go
back to Newton‟s
2. When will the package
touch the ground?

J. Additional activities Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: List the mathematical

for application or Study represent a quadratic Bring graphing paper concept that you use to
remediation function using: a) table of tomorrow. transform the given
values, b) graph, and quadratic functions.
a. What is a quadrati
c function?
b. What is the difference
between quadratic
function and linear

Reference: Reference: Reference: Reference:

Grade 9 Learning Module Grade 9 Learning Module pp. Grade 9 Learning Module pp. Grade 9 Learning Module pp.
pp. 125-126 pp. 127-129 127-129 127-129

a. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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