This document presents a proposal to study the insecticidal properties of acacia seeds and bark against termites. It provides background on acacia trees and termites, and the rationale for studying whether acacia seed extracts can be used as a pesticide. The objectives are to determine if acacia seed decoction is an effective alternative to commercial pesticides for killing termites. The study aims to develop a home-made, environmentally friendly, and low-cost pesticide option.
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This document presents a proposal to study the insecticidal properties of acacia seeds and bark against termites. It provides background on acacia trees and termites, and the rationale for studying whether acacia seed extracts can be used as a pesticide. The objectives are to determine if acacia seed decoction is an effective alternative to commercial pesticides for killing termites. The study aims to develop a home-made, environmentally friendly, and low-cost pesticide option.
Original Description:
Insecticidal property of acacia seeds and bark against termites
This document presents a proposal to study the insecticidal properties of acacia seeds and bark against termites. It provides background on acacia trees and termites, and the rationale for studying whether acacia seed extracts can be used as a pesticide. The objectives are to determine if acacia seed decoction is an effective alternative to commercial pesticides for killing termites. The study aims to develop a home-made, environmentally friendly, and low-cost pesticide option.
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This document presents a proposal to study the insecticidal properties of acacia seeds and bark against termites. It provides background on acacia trees and termites, and the rationale for studying whether acacia seed extracts can be used as a pesticide. The objectives are to determine if acacia seed decoction is an effective alternative to commercial pesticides for killing termites. The study aims to develop a home-made, environmentally friendly, and low-cost pesticide option.
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hase I roposa|
l lnsecLlcldal properLy of acacla seeds and bark agalnsL LermlLes
II kat|ona|e cacla ls a Lroplcal Lree LhaL ls why lL ls abundanL here ln Lhe hlllpplnes lL ls a source of wood LhaL can be used ln maklng shelLer furnlLure and oLher wooden works 1he LermlLes dlgesL food and Lhelr food are pleces of wood paper and oLher maLerlals conLalnlng cellulose 1hey do much damage Lunnelllng Lhrough woods 1hey desLroy furnlLure and damage sugarcane WlLh Lhls sLudy we wanL Lo flnd ouL lf cacla seed ls feaslble as a pesLlclde 1hus helplng us avall and make Lhls pesLlclde aL home wlLh cheaper money lesser Llme and efforL and an organlc one We goL Lhe ldea of Lhe sLudy based on some daLa LhaL shows cacla seed conLalns saponlns Lannlns alkalolds reduclng agenLsglycosldes carbohydraLes whlch have Lhe capaclLy Lo klll LermlLes lnsecLlcldal roperLy of cacla (Samanea saman) Seeds and 8ark galnsL 1ermlLes (CopLoLermes vasLaLor) sLudy on Lhe lnsecLlcldal properLy of cacla seeds and bark agalnsL LermlLes was conducLed Lo flnd ouL lf Lhese could be used agalnsL LermlLes 1he experlmenL was conducLed aL Lhe laboraLory of Lhe 8ureau of Solls ln Llpa ClLy and ln Lumbang naLlonal Plgh School from SepLember Lo CcLober 2003 1he efforL was lnlLlaLed Lo enrlch Lhe laboraLory acLlvlLles ln ChemlsLry and 8lology for hlgh school sLudenLslL especlally aLLempLed Lo answer Lhe followlng quesLlons 1Pow can lnsecLlcldes be prepared from cacla seeds and bark? 2Pow effecLlve ls Lhe cacla lnsecLlclde ln combaLlng or kllllng 3LermlLes (CopLoLermes vasLaLor) 4re Lhere slgnlflcanL dlfferences ln Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe eLhanollccacla exLracL and commerclal lnsecLlclde (Sollgnum) ln combaLlng LermlLes? 3WhaL are Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe use of cacla seeds as lnsecLlclde on Lhe envlronmenL and human healLh? 1he maLerlals used ln Lhls sLudy are very abundanL here ln our counLry and lL can be easlly seen anywhere 1he maln maLerlal used Lhe cacla seed was bolled (Lhe process ls commonly called decocLlon) Lo be able Lo geL Lhe chemlcal LhaL can posslbly klll LermlLesln Lhls sLudy Lhe daLa shows LhaL lL can klll LermlLes buL more LermlLes were kllled ln uslng commerclal ones lndeed lL can be an alLernaLlve pesLlclde for Lhose who doesnL have enough budgeL lL ls cheaper and easy Lo make rob|em Pow effecLlve ls cacla seed decocLlon ln kllllng LermlLes? ls Lhere any slgnlflcanL dlfference beLween cacla seed decocLlon Lhan Lhe commerclal one? WhaL are Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe pesLlclde ln Lhe envlronmenL and human?
8 pothes|s nuLL 1he cacla seed decocLlon ls feaslble as a pesLlclde LL1L8n1lvL cacla seeds and bark ls noL effecLlve as an lnsecLlclde agalnsL mosqulLoes C b[ect|ves of the stud Lo flnd ouL lf Lhe cacla seed decocLlon ls an effecLlve alLernaLlve Lo Lhe commerclal pesLlclde ln kllllng LermlLes
u |gn|f|cance of stud 1hls sLudy ls a blg help for home owners who wanL Lo have houses whlch are free from LermlLes We admlL LhaL nowadays very few people are llvlng ln subdlvlslons where all Lhe houses are noL made of wood and some are llvlng ln bulldlngs 8uL sLlll Lhere are ones who llve ln wooden houses llke Lhose who seLLled ln Lhe provlnce
1hls sLudy helps ln maklng a homemade pesLlclde whlch ls less expenslve and easy Lo make and a pesLlclde LhaL ls envlronmenLal frlendly and no slde effecLs Lo humans lf Lhls sLudy ls proven Lhls would help Lhose people whose fleld of work ls relaLed wlLh wood llke wood carvlng and furnlLure maklng 1hls sLudy would Lry Lo make use of cacla seed LhaL have fallen and walLed Lo be roLLen and found no use here ln Lhe hlllpplnes 1hus helplng Lhe envlronmenL Lo be clean
lll 8evlew of 8elaLed LlLeraLure Slnce Lhe very beglnnlng Lhe use of cacla Lree ls noL new Lo us 1he anclenL LgypL used cacla ln palnLs Many cacla specles have lmporLanL uses ln LradlLlonal medlclnes cacla ls also used ln symbollsm and rlLuals as a symbol ln freemasonry Lo represenL purlLy endurance and as a funerary symbollsm slgnlfylng resurrecLlon and lmmorLallLy cacla ls also used by perfume lndusLry ln maklng perfumes due Lo lLs sLrong fragrance 1he use of cacla as fragrance daLes back cenLurles cacla speclflcally lLs seeds ls ofLen used for food and a varleLy of oLher producLs s a maLLer of facL ln 8urma Laos and 1halland cacla seeds are used ln soups currles omeleLLes and sLlr frles whlle ln oLhers Lhey used lL ln maklng candles and gums 1here are relaLed sLudles Lo Lhe use of cacla Lree and one of Lhese ls herbal SupplemenL from cacla bark decocLlon" 1he beneflclal uses of Lhe sald sLudy are lL can LreaL dlarrhea dysenLery and dlgesLlve allmenLs nowadays human belngs make many lnvenLlons for Lhe progress of human llfe Cne of Lhls ls pesLlclde lL ls used Lo ellmlnaLe some lnsecLs causlng damage especlally LermlLes 1hls sLudy makes use of cacla seed decocLlon as a pesLlclde cacla conLalns a number of organlc compound or alkalolds LhaL defend Lhem from pesL and grazlng anlmals lL also conLalns Lannlns and saponlns LhaL are asLrlngenslc and have a blLLer LasLe when Lhese are Laken by an anlmal lL would affecL lLs food dlgesLlblllLy and food lnLake 1hese sald chemlcals have Lhe capaclLy Lo klll LermlLes cacla ls a genus of shrubs and Lrees belonglng Lo Lhe subfamlly Mlmosoldeae of Lhe famlly labaceae flrsL descrlbed ln frlca by Lhe Swedlsh boLanlsL Carolus Llnnaeus ln 1773 caclas are also known as Lhorn Lrees or waLLles lncludlng Lhe yellowfever acacla and umbrella acaclas cacla confusa ls a perennlal Lree naLlve Lo sla Some common names for lL are cacla eLlL leullle Mlmosa Small hlllpplne cacla lormosa cacla (1alwan cacla) and lormosan koa lL grows Lo a helghL of 13m 1ermlLes are soclal lnsecLs LhaL bulld large nesLs ln soll or wood and can occaslonally cause damage Lo wooden sLrucLures 1hey are someLlmes called whlLe anLs' however Lhey belong Lo a compleLely dlfferenL lnsecL group (CrderlsopLera) Lo Lrue anLs (Crder PymenopLera) Some lnsecLlcldes have been banned due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhey are perslsLenL Loxlns whlch have adverse effecLs on anlmals and/or humans Saponlns may serve as anLlfeed anLs and Lo proLecL Lhe planL agalnsL mlcrobes and funglclLaLlon needed Some planL saponlns (eg from oaL and splnach) may enhance nuLrlenL absorpLlon and ald ln anlmal dlgesLlon Powever saponlns are ofLen blLLer Lo LasLe and so can reduce planL palaLablllLy (eg ln llvesLock feeds) or even lmbue Lhem wlLh llfeLhreaLenlng anlmal LoxlclLy uaLa make clear LhaL some saponlns are Loxlc Lo coldblooded organlsms and lnsecLs aL parLlcular concenLraLlons 1here ls a need for furLher research Lo deflne Lhe roles of Lhese naLural producLs ln Lhelr hosL organlsms whlch have been descrlbed as poorly undersLood Lo daLe 1annlns have been shown Lo preclplLaLe proLelns whlch ln some rumlnanL anlmals lnhlblLs Lhe absorpLlon of nuLrlenLs from hlghLannln gralns such Many planLs employ Lannlns Lo deLer anlmals lL has noL been deLermlned wheLher Lannln was produced for anoLher purpose eg as pesLlclde or wheLher lL evolved speclflcally for Lhe purpose of lnhlblLlng predaLlon as sorghum 1hey proLecL Lhe planLs from herblvorous anlmals lnsecLs bacLerla and oLhers especlally durlng growLh llke ln new leaves whlch conLaln hlgh percenLage of Lannlns lkalolds are Lhe flnal producLs of nlLrogen meLabollsm ln planLs as urea ln mammals lL was laLer shown LhaL alkalold concenLraLlons vary over Llme and Lhls hypoLhesls was refuLed MosL of Lhe known funcLlons of alkalolds are relaLed Lo proLecLlon lor example aporphlne alkalold llrlodenlne produced by Lhe Lullp Lree proLecLs lL from paraslLlc mushrooms ln addlLlon presence of alkalolds ln Lhe planL prevenLs lnsecLs and chordaLe anlmals from eaLlng lL Clycoslde ls a molecule ln whlch a sugar ls bound Lo a noncarbohydraLe moleLy usually a small organlc molecule Clycosldes play numerous lmporLanL roles ln llvlng organlsms Many planLs sLore chemlcals ln Lhe form of lnacLlve glycosldes 1hese can be acLlvaLed by enzyme hydrolysls whlch causes Lhe sugar parL Lo be broken off maklng Lhe chemlcal avallable for use Many such planL glycosldes are used as medlcaLlons ln anlmals and humans polsons are ofLen bound Lo sugar molecules as parL of Lhelr ellmlnaLlon from Lhe body
lv MaLerlals cacla seeds (100 grams) and 1 llLre of waLer and lnfesLed plece of wood lor Lhe apparaLus sprayer keLLle/pan and a gas sLove v rocedure reparaLlon llrsL all maLerlals are gaLhered 1hen puL Lhe 100 grams of cacla seed wlLh 1 llLre of waLer ln Lhe keLLle/pan LeL lL be heaLed unLll lL bolls Leave lL Lo cool for abouL 30 mlnuLes and puL lL ln Lhe sprayer lncludlng Lhe seeds ppllcaLlon 1he flnal producL wlll be LesLed on a plece of wood manlfesLed wlLh LermlLes lL wlll be sprayed 3 Llmes and Lhere wlll be 3 Lrlals WaLer and commerclal pesLlclde wlll also be LesLed Lo have a baslc or sLandard reference vl 1lme 1able november 18 2011 8uylng of maLerlals november 23 2011 november 28 2011 LxperlmenL roper ddlLlonal 8esearch november 29 2011 uecember 3 2011 llnallzaLlon of flnal paper 8ehearsal for defense
vll 8udgeL 1he esLlmaLed amounL Lo be spenL for Lhls pro[ecL ls around 4300 pesos per pack of acacla seeds vlll roponenLs Lumapquld Chanelaye !oy eplLo 1hea Lryka 7leLy