The Turkey Induced Coma
The Turkey Induced Coma
The Turkey Induced Coma
Lveryone has had Lhe experlence of eaLlng LhaL fabulous LradlLlonal Amerlcan 1hanksglvlng dlnner
1urkey dresslng sweeL poLaLoes mashed poLaLoes glbleL gravy green bean casserole sweeL Lea
dlnner rolls pecan ple Ch man my mouLh ls waLerlng [usL Lhlnklng abouL lL
Lveryone has also had Lhe experlence of Lhe sLrong urge Lo nap [usL afLer eaLlng LhaL meal 1he afLer
dlnner leLhargy has been aLLrlbuLed Lo a chemlcal LLrypLophan an essenLlal amlno acld LhaL has a
documenLed sleep lnduclng effecL
LLrlpLophan ls used ln Lhe body Lo produce Lhe 8vlLamln nlacln as well and belng meLabollzed lnLo
seroLonln and melaLonln 1hese chemlcals exerL a calmlng effecL and regulaLe sleep
1he LruLh of Lhe maLLer Lhough ls even lf you sklpped Lhe Lurkey you would sLlll have Lhe same
drowslness LLrlpLophan needs Lo be Laken on an empLy sLomach and wlLhouL any oLher amlno aclds or
proLelns ln order Lo make you drowsy So whaL ls lL abouL Lhe meal LhaL knocks us ouL?
lL's more complex Lhan you may Lhlnk
1he carbohydraLes found ln Lhe sLarches llke Lhe dresslng poLaLoes sweeL Lea and desserLs lncrease
Lhe LLrlpLophan levels ln Lhe braln LhaL lead Lo Lhe producLlon of seroLonln 1he exLra carbs sLlmulaLe
Lhe pancreas Lo make more lnsulln 1hls causes oLher compeLlng amlno aclds Lo leave Lhe bloodsLream
and enLer Lhe cells of our muscles 1hls lncreases Lhe relaLlve concenLraLlon of LLrlpLophan maklng lLs
effecLs more promlnenL
1he faLs consumed ln Lhe meal from Lhe dresslng buLLer gravy and desserLs slow down Lhe dlgesLlve
sysLem glvlng Lhe meal plenLy of Llme Lo Lake effecL 1hey also Lake a loL of energy Lo dlgesL so Lhe body
dlrecLs more blood Lo Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem from oLher parLs of Lhe body lncludlng Lhe braln 1hls also
causes you Lo feel less energeLlc afLer eaLlng lL CvereaLlng ln general whlch we usually do wlLh a
Lhanksglvlng meal causes Lhe same effecL
lf alcohol ls lncluded ln Lhe meal lLs depresslve naLure wlll add Lo Lhe urge Lo sleep
Also because of our busy pace Lhls meal glves us a Llme Lo relax around Lhe Lable (and Lhe 1v
afLerwards) whlch ln lLself ls very calmlng
So enough of Lhe sclence [usL brlng on Lhe food!
Send your sclence relaLed quesLlons Lo sclguy[gonzalescannoncom