Fud Learning Jurnal
Fud Learning Jurnal
Fud Learning Jurnal
Iood safety ls a sclenLlflc dlsclpllne
descrlblng handllng preparaLlon and
sLorage of food ln ways LhaL prevenL
foodborne lllness 1hls lncludes a number of
rouLlmes LhaL should be followed Lo avold
poLenLlally severe healLh hazards
lood can LransmlL dlsease from person Lo
person as well as serve as a growLh medlum
for bacLerla LhaL can cause food polsonlng
uebaLes on geneLlc food safeLy lnclude such
lssues as lmpacL of geneLlcally modlfled
food on healLh of furLher generaLlons and
geneLlc polluLlon of envlronmenL whlch can
desLroy naLural blologlcal dlverslLy ln
developed counLrles Lhere are lnLrlcaLe
sLandards for food preparaLlon whereas ln
lesser developed counLrles Lhe maln lssue ls
slmply Lhe avallablllLy of adequaLe safe
waLer whlch ls usually a crlLlcal lLem ln
Lheory food polsonlng ls 100 prevenLable
8AD 8UkGLk
lood polsonlng ls a very scary slLuaLlon
especlally now LhaL Lhe swlne flu oLherwlse
known as Lhe P1n1 vlrus as well as varlous
bacLerla lnflecLlon and vlral lnfecLlon are on
Lhe loose l remember when l suffer from
polsonlng afLer eaLlng a burger from sLall
sold around 1aman u uSl AlLhough l dld
noL have Lo go Lo Lhe hosplLal l dld vomlL
Lucklly l vomlLed afLer eaLlng maybe a Lhlrd
of Lhe burger and l dld my besL Lo rlnse ouL
my mouLh wlLh waLer 1he hamburger or
perhaps Lhe meaL ls conLamlnaLed by Lhe
Lools LhaL maklng Lhe burgers buL noL aL
leLhal levels of LoxlclLy Any ways Lhe sodas
were clean and mosL of Llmes l had eaLen
aL Lhere so l dldn'L really Lhlnk much abouL
loodborne lllness resulLs from eaLlng food
conLamlnaLed wlLh bacLerla (or Lhelr Loxlns)
or oLher paLhogens such as paraslLes or
vlruses 1he lllness range from upseL
sLomach Lo more serlous sympLoms
lncludlng dlarrhea fever vomlLlng
abdomlnal cramps and dehydraLlon
Parmful bacLerla are Lhe mosL common
causes of foodborne lllness Some bacLerla
may be presenL on foods when you
purchase Lhem 8aw foods are noL sLerlle
8aw meaL and poulLry may become
conLamlnaLed durlng slaughLer Seafood
may become conLamlnaLed durlng harvesL
or Lhrough processlng 1here are several
very famous mlcrobes LhaL had made Lhe
Len mosL wanLed llsLs when lL comes Lo
food polsonlng and even lf you don'L exacLly
whaL Lhey are you have probably heard of
mosL of Lhem
Sa|mone||a lound ln undercooked
poulLry eggs and dalry producLs
mosLly buL also ln meaLs AlLhough
one of Lhe mosL wellknown of food
polsoners noL one wlLh Lhe hlgher
rlsk Cne of Lhe problems wlLh
Salmonella ls LhaL Lhe food LhaL ls
conLamlnaLed generally doesn'L
smell or look bad lf you prefer your
egg sunnysldeup or sofLbolled
?ou are puLLlng yourself aL rlsk Also
don'L eaL undercooked hamburger
stera 1hls one can make lLself
known ln vegeLables as well as
uncooked meaL slnce lL ls found ln
waLer and soll rocessed foods such
as sofL cheese hoL dogs are
sub[ecLed Lo conLamlnaLed as well
1he nlce Lhlng ls LhaL your chances
of geLLlng lnfecLed are preLLy low
1he bad Lhlng ls LhaL Lhe prlsoner ls
a coward mosL of lLs vlcLlms are
newborns young chlldren elderly
people and pregnanL women keep
safe of buylng only pasLeurlzed dalry
producLs and keeplng a close eye on
Lhe daLe on Lhe food labels
LCo| MosL conLamlnaLlon occurs ln
undercooked ground beef buL lL can
also be passed from one person Lo
anoLher lncludlng by swlmmlng ln
conLamlnaLed waLer 1he ground
beef should be a clue LhaL your rlsk
of comlng down wlLh Lhls one ls hlgh
We are hamburger naLlon afLer all
roLecL yourself by looklng aL your
hamburger Lo make sure lL's cooked
all Lhe way Lhrough and when
cooklng hamburger yourself don'L
eaL unLll you've goLLen rld of all Lhe
plnk Also Lry Lo avold any
unpasLeurlzed mllk or [ulces or clder
and make sure Lo clean all
vegeLables Lhoroughly
lood polsonlng ls a scary condlLlon LhaL
sLrlkes wlLhouL warnlng A bacLerla or
organlsm ls ln Lhe food and has caused
conLamlnaLlon and dependlng on Lhe
source Lhe sympLoms wlll vary 1he
followlng are some common causes of food
1) lood has become conLamlnaLed
from oor santaton and
rearaton 1hls can be from food
prepares noL washlng hands lL can
be from puLLlng cooked meaL on Lhe
same plaLe as Lhe non cooked meaL
was on lL can be noL washlng afLer
handllng meaL lL's very lmporLanL Lo
properly wash your hands and make
sure you use a clean plaLe for
cooked meaL from uncooked meaL
uon'L Louch surfaces afLer Louchlng
uncooked meaL or Louch famlly
members as Lhe bacLerla can be
spread Lhls way
) ersona| bactera can be Lransferred
Lo food lf lndlvlduals do noL wash
Lhelr hands afLer uslng Lhe
baLhroom coughlng sneezlng
blowlng nose rubblng eyes
comblng halr and oLher varlous
hyglene acLlons Lhey can Lransfer
bacLerla Lo food 1hese bacLerla can
cause lllness 1here can be fecal
maLLer and vlruses and even lllness
causlng bacLerla growlng Lhere
Always wash your hands afLer
Louchlng your faces uslng Lhe
resLroom carlng for your chlld or
coughlng and sneezlng Lhls wlll
prevenL Lhe Lransfer of Lhose germs
Lo Lhe food you prepare for your
) Imroer food storage ls anoLher
source of food polsonlng lf cold
foods are noL kepL cool enough Lhey
wlll spoll and cause lllness lor
example mllk lf lL's noL kepL cool lL
wlll become hoL and Lhen wlll curdle
and spoll urlnklng Lhe curdle mllk
wlll make you lll 8ead Lhe
lnsLrucLlons on Lhe labels of Lhe food
you purchase and ensure you keep
sLored accordlng Lo Lhe dlrecLlons
4) lmproperly cooked food MeaL
producLs have Lo reach speclflc
LemperaLures ln order Lo cook all
Lhe way Lhrough lf Lhese foods are
noL compleLely cooked Lhere ls a rlsk
of dangerous bacLerla remalnlng ln
Lhe food for your famlly Lo eaL lor
example lf chlcken lsn'L cooked
compleLely salmonella ls a concern
wlLh every blLe you Lake
3) 1oxlns on foods or Loxln foods
olson foods LhaL are a dellcacy ln
some culLures for example puffer or
blow flsh lf Lhey aren'L cooked
properly or Lhe rlghL porLlon of Lhe
food lsn'L cooked Lhen Lhere ls a
hlgh probablllLy of food polsonlng
1here ls a hlgh probablllLy of food
polsonlng 1here are oLher Loxlns Lo
be concerned abouL such as
pesLlcldes sprayed on frulLs and
vegeLables 1o combaL Lhls Loxln
make sure you Lhoroughly wash Lhe
frulLs and vegeLables or peel Lhe skln
1here are many more causes Lo food
polsonlng 1he above are some of Lhe
more common causes 1o avold food
polsonlng use your common sense and
pracLlce sanlLary cleanlng and
careLaklng Also pracLlce cooklng foods
compleLely Lo avold any rlsks of bacLerla
Lransference lood polsonlng lsn'L
always avoldable especlally lf you eaL
ouL of Lhe home a loL you can conLrol
and keep Lhe chances of food polsonlng
down conslderably
MosL cases of foodborne lllness can be
prevenLed Lhrough proper cooklng or
processlng of food whlch klll bacLerla ln
addlLlon because bacLerla mulLlply rapldly
beLween 40l and 140l food musL be kepL
ouL of Lhls danger zone"
1o revent harmfu| bactera from growng
n food a|ways
O ook food Lo Lhe appreclaLe
LemperaLure lood ls properly
cooked only when Lhey are heaLed
long enough and aL a hlgh enough
LemperaLure Lo klll harmful bacLerla
LhaL cause lllness
O revenL crossconLamlnaLlon
8acLerla can spread from one food
producL Lo anoLher LhroughouL Lhe
klLchen and can geL onLo cuLLlng
boards knlves sponges and
counLerLops keep raw meaL
poulLry seafood and Lhelr [ulces
away from oLher foods LhaL are
ready Lo eaL
O Pandle food properly Always wash
your hands before Louchlng food
afLer uslng Lhe baLhroom changlng
dlapers or handllng peLs as well as
afLer handllng raw meaL poulLry
flsh shellflsh or eggs lean surfaces
well before preparlng food on Lhem
O never leL food marlnaLed aL room
LemperaLure refrlgeraLe lL
O never repeaL uslng Lhe same oll
afLer frled some Lhlngs
O ulvlde large amounLs of lefLover lnLo
small shallow conLalners for qulck
coollng ln Lhe refrlgeraLor
O never defrosL food on Lhe klLchen
counLer use Lhe refrlgeraLor ool
runnlng waLer or Lhe mlcroware
Points to kemember
O loodborne lllness resulLs from
eaLlng food LhaL ls conLamlnaLed
wlLh bacLerla vlruses or paraslLes
O eople aL greaLer rlsk for foodborne
lllness lnclude young chlldren
pregnanL women and Lhelr feLuses
Lhe elderly and people wlLh lowered
O SympLoms usually resemble
lnLesLlnal flu See a docLor
lmmedlaLely lf you have more
serlous problems or lf you do noL
seem Lo be lmprovlng as youd
O 1reaLmenL may range from
replacemenL of losL flulds and
elecLrolyLes for mlld cases of
foodborne lllness Lo hosplLallzaLlon
for severe condlLlons such as
hemolyLlc uremlc syndrome
O ?ou can prevenL foodborne lllness
by Laklng Lhe followlng precauLlons
Wash your hands wlLh hoL soapy
waLer before preparlng food and
afLer uslng Lhe baLhroom or
changlng dlapers
O keep raw meaL poulLry or seafood
and Lhelr [ulces away from readyLo
eaL foods
O ook foods properly and aL a hlgh
enough LemperaLure Lo klll harmful
O 8efrlgeraLe foods wlLhln hours or
less afLer cooklng because cold
LemperaLures wlll help keep harmful
bacLerla from growlng and
O lean surfaces well before uslng
Lhem Lo prepare foods