The Filipino Family Is Changing

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lelle Anne uoLe WvSuCCM

lsL ?ear !ulv 1 2011
Soclal Chanaes lLs lmpacL on PealLh and Lhe llllplno lamllv
1he llllplno famllv chanaes AlLhouah Lhere are some who clalm LhaL llllplno famllles remaln
reslllenL Lo socleLv's evoluLlon slowlv and veL evldenLlv Lhere are lssues lnvolvlna and
affecLlna Lhe llllplno famllv of Lodav
8eaardlna worklna moLhers
ln Lhe lasL few vears llllplno moLhers have been leavlna home ln search for areener pasLures
abroad So for aL leasL Lwo vears Lhelr chlldren are lefL home wlLh Lhelr faLher oLher relaLlves
and someLlmes even Lo unrelaLed auardlans
Accordlna Lo former resldenL CMA's SCnA ln 2009 durlna Lhe helahL of Lhe alobal flnanclal
crlsls Lhe remlLLances from our ClW's have spared Lhe hlllpplnes from furLher bankrupLcv
Lconomlcallv worklna abroad ls beneflclal Powever lL ls somehow superflclal
ln Lhe llllplno conLexL moLhers plav a verv lmporLanL role ln Lhe llves of her chlldren 8lbllcallv
speaklna women are supposed Lo be sLavlna aL home noL aLLendlna Lo anv oLher [obs or
careers buL Lo ralse up her klds and manaalna Lhe household llllplnas before were onlv
accusLomed Lo LhaL As Lhe socleLv evolved women became more lnvolved
ln 2001 a sLudv bv Lhe CraanlzaLlon for Lconomlc CooperaLlon and uevelopmenL revealed LhaL
worldwlde 343 percenL of moLhers who have chlldren less Lhan 6 vears old are worklna We
can onlv lmaalne how dreadful lL was for Lhe klds Lo be lefL aL home Lo oLher carealvers lnsLead
of Lhelr moms Lo monlLor Lhelr arowLh and wellbelna
Cn Lhe brlahL slde a collaboraLlon sLudv ln 2003 bv Cverseas Workers Welfare AdmlnlsLraLlon
(CWWA) and Scalabrlnl MlaraLlon CenLer enLlLled PearLs AparL" revealed LhaL ln Lerms of
phvslcal healLhLhe chlldren of ClWs are even far beLLer Lhan nonClW chlldren"
8eaardlna Lechnoloav
8ecenL sLudles have shown LhaL Lhe llllplnos are amona Lhe Lop 3 users of soclal neLworklna
slLes lacebook and 1wlLLer lL mlahL be an lndlcaLor of an lncrease ln compuLer llLeracv ln Lhe
counLrv lnLerneL access ln Lhe urban and rural areas ls belna made affordable bv local Lelecom
lL ls common ln Lhe urban areas for a llllplno household Lo own a compuLer or a lapLop 1hev
[usLlfv Lhe acqulslLlon of such for Lhe chlldren's school works 8uL as we all know when Lhe
parenLs are noL around or even when Lhev are schoolaaed klds are allowed Lo use Lhe
lnLerneL for nonschool purposes (le aamlna soclal neLworklna bloaalna) whlch brlnas us Lo
Lhe lssue of lncreaslna vlolence ln chlldren A sLudv ln Amerlca suaaesLs LhaL Lhe Lvplcal
Amerlcan chlld wlll vlew more Lhan 200000 acLs of vlolence lncludlna more Lhan 16000
murders before aae 18"
ln Lhe hlllpplnes especlallv ln Lhe clLles klds are more lnLeresLed ln Lhelr lapLops S's and
cellular phones Lhan ln phvslcal acLlvlLles llke ouLdoor aames lnLerneL access opens Lhe llllplno
famllv Lo a wlder world buL lL also leaves Lhe LradlLlonal llllplno aames ouL of Lrend Cne sLudv
clLes LhaL Lhe lood and nuLrlLlon 8esearch lnsLlLuLe (ln8l) revealed a sLeadv lncrease ln
obeslLv cases from 37 percenL ln 1989 Lo 8 percenL ln 1993 and Lhen Lo 88 percenL ln 1998"
8eaardlna marrlaae
ulvorce ls llleaal ln Lhe hlllpplnes Powever annulmenL of a marrlaae ls posslble buL more
cosLlv 8elna known as a ChrlsLlan counLrv lL ls alarmlna Lo flnd LhaL annulmenL raLe ls
lncreaslna bv 40 percenL over Lhe lasL decade wlLh aL leasL 22 cases flled evervdav" savs Lhe
CaLhollc blshops news' aaencv
A reporL clLed LhaL Lhe daLa from Lhe CSC (Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral) showed LhaL 82
percenL of Lhose who flled Lhese cases had chlldren" Superflclallv Lhere ls no beneflL ln
annulmenL or Lhe concepL of a famllv breaklna aparL More Lhan Lhe couple Lhe chlldren are
Lhe mosL affecLed
noL surprlslnalv Lhouah worklna moLhers and falled marrlaaes are lnLerconnecLed wlLh each
oLher ur Lourdes Carandana a chlld psvcholoalsL was clLed bv a wrlLer savlna ln her book
nawala Ana llaw na 1ahanan (1he LlahL of Lhe Pome ls Cone)" LhaL when moLhers leave for
[obs abroad Lhe enLlre famllv has Lo ad[usL unforLunaLelv ln manv cases Lhe faLher ls
unprepared Lo assume Lhe role of carealver Lo Lhe chlldren who ln Lurn feel lonelv and sad
1hls could have been Lhe reason whv mosL marrlaaes fall when moLhers ao abroad Lo work
1odav mosL faLhers have Lhe auLs Lo sav LhaL Lhev were [usL havlna rouah paLches ln Lhelr
relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhelr famllles lL seems LhaL socleLv has alreadv embraced Lhls klnd of
phenomenon ln Lhe llllplno famllv As lona as l can remember few vears aao an unfalLhful
husband faces shame and embarrassmenL ln Lhe communlLv 1odav lL seems as lf Lhev are
looked up Lo
1he llllplno famllv Lrled Lo be reslllenL Lo soclal chanaes 8uL Lhe pressures are so sLrona LhaL no
pllanL bamboo can ever bend wlLh WlLh socleLv embraclna Lhese devlaLlons whaL could be Lhe
fuLure of Lhe counLrv wlLh lLs baslc unlL Lhe famllv slowlv dlslnLearaLlna?

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