Analyzing The Environment
Analyzing The Environment
Analyzing The Environment
Croup 7
SecLlon 8
ChlLrank Chandak (08) Plmasha Sldhpura(13)
kunal 8achchanl(17) Malay nahar(18)
Shyamal aLel(30) Sameer ra[apaLl(32)
We Lhe group of 6 members were glven an asslgnmenL Lo analyze Lhe buslness
envlronmenL We chose a producL '8urger' of 'Mcuonalds' lL was a greaL opporLunlLy for us
Lo work upon Lhls as lL gave us Lhe clear undersLandlng of how Lhe producL capLures Lhe
markeL 1here are many facLors whlch affecL Lhe buslness envlronmenL boLh lnLernally as
well as exLernally Pere ls a brlef reporL on Lhe same
We have chosen 8urger as a producL because we exacLly wanLed Lo know why Lhls producL
has almosL replaced lndlan food from Lhe markeL and Mcuonalds as a brand because lL ls a
popular brand
As lndla ls a developlng counLry Lhe sLandard of llfe of Lhe people here ls lncreaslng
ln Lhe lasL 10 years Lhe socloculLural facLors have changed drasLlcally Larller people use Lo
consume homemade maLerlal buL avallablllLy of varlous fasL foods aL every place made
people prefer lL 1he enLrance of MulLlnaLlonal Companles (MnCs) llke Mcuonalds klC
Subway eLc helped ln furLher growLh of Lhls secLor 1here are cerLaln oLher facLors whlch
conLrlbuLed ln Lhls revoluLlon some of Lhem are
O uemographlc 1he maln elemenLs of uemographlc LnvlronmenL are
4 opulaLlon Slze lndla's relaLlvely younger populaLlon Mcuonalds have
deslgned Lhelr producL ln such a way LhaL Lhe consumpLlon lles more ln Lhe
chlldren and youLh parL of Lhe socleLy
4 Ceographlc ulsLrlbuLlon Mcuonalds ls a very blg chaln and ls slLuaLed ln
almosL every blg clLy servlng Lhe same LasLe same quallLy everywhere as
all Lhe Ller1 clLles llke Mumbal uelhl Chennal eLc and Ller2 and Ller3 clLles
as SuraL 8alpur eLc Lven CCu has Lrled Lo LargeL Lhe Lowns ln lndla
O Lconomlc lncome ulsLrlbuLlon over Lhe perlod of 10 years have made dlfference ln
Lhe consumpLlon paLLern hence people prefer Lo spend more on fasL foods lndla ls
a developlng economy 1hus for lLs hlgh consumpLlon Mcuonalds depend on oLher
economles 1hls dependence resulLs ln forelgn exchange and relaLlve flucLuaLlons
1hls flucLuaLlons lnLurn affecLs Lhe cosLlng of producLs 8uL Mcuonalds have
malnLalned Lhe cosL of producLs such LhaL lL ls affordable Lo Lhe mlddle class person
for lnsLance 8s23/ for McAloo1lkkl
O SocloCulLural 1he llfesLyle of lndlan people has changed Lhls change was
caplLallzed by Mcuonalds by lnLroduclng 8urgers Lo Lhe lndlan Lconomy 1he
lnLroducLlon of Lhe vegeLarlan foods especlally for lndlan socleLy was Lhe mosL
lmporLanL move ln SocloCulLural LlemenL
O 1echnologlcal 1echnology helped chalns llke Mcuonalds a loL by followlng
4 lnvenLory SysLem Supply Chaln lnLegraLed wlLh Lechnology
4 aymenL SysLem embedded wlLh Lechnology
4 Wlreless lnLerneL laclllLy for Lhe cusLomers
4 lmproved ablllLy of Mcuonalds Lo provlde sLandardlzed producL across all
lmplemenLaLlon of 1echnology can make Lhe managemenL more
effecLlve and cosL savlng ln Lhe long run
O ollLlcalLegal 1hey have Lo Lake care of varlous laws Mcuonalds here ls worklng ln
accordance Lo Lhe labor laws LaxaLlon laws eLc for Lhe muLual growLh of flrm as
well as economy of Lhe
operaLlng counLry As a
fasL food operaLor
Lhere ls requlremenL Lo
follow some rules and
procedures llke Palal
cerLlflcaLlon LhaL
becomes a concern Lo
Musllm consumers
1hus pollLlcallegal
envlronmenL plays a
ma[or role
1he llfe sLyle of people ls geLLlng lmproved day by day Lhus Lhere ls very llLLle chance of
exLlncLlon of Lhls producL accordlng Lo us Moreover Lhe varleLles of burgers would
lncrease because of conLlnuous producL lnnovaLlon AL presenL Lhe Mcuonalds as a
brand ls adopLlng a comblnaLlon sLraLegy whlch lncludes SLablllLy SLraLegy and
Lxpanslon SLraLegy as a whole Conslderlng boLh of Lhem one by one
O SLablllLy SLraLegy Mcuonalds Lo safeguard lLs exlsLlng lnLeresL and sLrengLhs Lo
conLlnue ln chosen buslness paLh Lo consolldaLe Lhe commandlng poslLlon already
reached Mcuonalds pursue Lhls by
4 ConLlnues Lo serve ln Lhe same or slmllar markeL and deals ln Lhe same
producLs and servlces
4 lL lnvolves keeplng Lrack of currenL producLs new developmenLs wlLh Lhe
help of feedback forms
O Lxpanslon SLraLegy Mcuonalds currenLly focuses on new producLs and new
markeLs and Lrles Lo lmplemenL new Lechnology lnnovaLlve declslons and acLlon
programs ln 1933 Mcuonalds sLarLed wlLh a resLauranL buL now ln 2011 lL has
crossed a mllesLone of 33000 now Lhls flgures lLself explalns abouL Lhe expanslon of
Lhe Mcuonalds LhroughouL world
4 MarkeL eneLraLlon 1hey promoLe exlsLlng producL ln exlsLlng markeL for ex
Lhey LargeL chlldren wlLh Lhe help of Pappy Meal by provldlng Loys wlLh Lhe
4 MarkeL uevelopmenL 1hey have lnLroduced producLs llke Mcllurry McSplcy
eLc ln lndla
4 roducL uevelopmenL 1hey lnLroduce new varleLy of burgers as McAloo1lkkl
Mcveggl Salad Sandwlch eLc excluslvely for lndlan markeLs accordlng Lo
LradlLlonal LasLe
1o survlve ln Lhls compeLlLlve world companles have Lo undergo changes ln facLors llke
O roducL ueslgnlng 1hey come up wlLh dlfferenL Lypes of producLs as 8reakfasL
CaLegory (lrom 700 AM Lo 1100 AM) has been lnLroduced ln 1ler 1 clLles
O roducL uellvery 1hey have broughL a loL of changes ln Lhe dellvery paLLern ln lasL
few years as
4 Self Servlce Lo Mcuellvery lf you canL come Lo Mcuonalds Mcuonalds wlll
come Lo you!" Pome uellvery laclllLles [ 10/dellvery
4 urlve 1hru 1he Car 8ased dellvery SysLem slmple sLeps are as follows
LnLer Lhe Mcuonalds urlve 1hru 8esLauranL
Check Lhe Menu 8oard
urlve ahead Lo place your order aL Lhe flrsL counLer
Co Lo Lhe second counLer
4 vl urlve 8elng a vl urlveLhru member Mcuonalds provlde elLher a
producL free on a purchase of 8s 130/ or more
Mcuonalds ls operaLlng ln such an lndusLry whose producLs have same and slmllar
aLLrlbuLes such LhaL Lhey compeLe for Lhe same buyers 1he compeLlLlve Scenarlo beLween
Lhe companles ls as follows
8as|s Mcuonalds Subway klC
MarkeL Share 233 8esLauranLs all
over lndla
223 8esLauranLs ln
107 SLores all over
rlce Lconomlcal
(8anglng from 8s 20
Lo 8s 300)
very Lxpenslve 8elaLlve expenslve
from oLher ouLleLs of
lLs klnd
Servlce 1lme Less Lhan one
Average 13 mlnuLes 10 MlnuLes
roducL varlance Large varleLles of
8urger's lrles
8everages lce
creams whlch
lnclude veg as well
as nonveg
Sandwlches and
Snacks 8urgers
Chlcken 1oasLed
Wraps eLc
Ceographlcal Areas
All Lhe 1ler1 ClLles
Some 1ler2 ClLles
and few small Lowns
All Lhe 1ler1 ClLles All Lhe 1ler1 ClLles
1o conclude Mcuonalds as a brand ls very popular cholce amongsL Lhe people MarkeLlng
sLraLegles played a very cruclal role ln glvlng Mcuonalds an upperhand over lLs compeLlLors
O koLler keller k L (2011) A ltomewotk fot Motketloq Moooqemeot" earson
O varlous Web references
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/happyprlcemenuhLml
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/promoLlonshLml
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/whoslovlnlLhLml
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/abouLus/dynamlxdalryhLml
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/abouLus/LrlkayaagrlculLurehLml
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/Mcuonaldslnlndlapdf
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldscom/us/en/our_sLory/our_hlsLoryhLml
4 hLLp//wwwmcdonaldslndlacom/convenlencehLml
4 hLLp//wwwsubwaycoln
4 hLLp//wwwkfccoln
4 hLLp//wwwwlklpedlaorg