This document discusses cellular respiration and how it relates to energy efficiency. It will teach students about the important processes that occur at the cellular level to create ATP, the most usable source of energy in the body. The document discusses how choices like diet and pollution can impact cellular respiration and notes the importance of understanding these concepts from a biological perspective.
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This document discusses cellular respiration and how it relates to energy efficiency. It will teach students about the important processes that occur at the cellular level to create ATP, the most usable source of energy in the body. The document discusses how choices like diet and pollution can impact cellular respiration and notes the importance of understanding these concepts from a biological perspective.
This document discusses cellular respiration and how it relates to energy efficiency. It will teach students about the important processes that occur at the cellular level to create ATP, the most usable source of energy in the body. The document discusses how choices like diet and pollution can impact cellular respiration and notes the importance of understanding these concepts from a biological perspective.
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This document discusses cellular respiration and how it relates to energy efficiency. It will teach students about the important processes that occur at the cellular level to create ATP, the most usable source of energy in the body. The document discusses how choices like diet and pollution can impact cellular respiration and notes the importance of understanding these concepts from a biological perspective.
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Ce||u|ar kesp|rat|on
L|v|ng Lnv|ronment Grade 10
Lr|ch D Dust|n
Learn|ng Context]kat|ona|e As a Loplc LhaL ls parL of Lhe currlcular requlremenLs ln preparaLlon for Lhe Llvlng LnvlronmenL 8egenLs exam sLudenLs wlll learn abouL Lhe processes LhaL are occurrlng aL a cellular level wlLhln Lhemselves 1hey wlll undersLand Lhe lmporLance of all processes and Lhe roles Lhey play ln Lhe creaLlon of A1 Lhe mosL usable source of energy wlLhln Lhe body 1he lmporLance energy efflclency ls more Lhan [usL an lssue of Lhe household and communlLy lL ls also a process LhaL ls occurrlng wlLhln us consLanLly 1hrough Lhe use of slmple reacLanLs oxygen and glucose we are able Lo creaLe masslve amounLs of energy ln Lhe form of A1 1hls ls where Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween llfe cholces beLween food sources and Lhe posslble polluLanLs of our alr sources can be conLemplaLed by Lhe sLudenLs aL a cellular level A cholce of fasL food or chooslng Lo smoke can and wlll have deLrlmenLal effecLs aL a cellular level Learnlng abouL Lhe lmporLance of Lhese processes and Lhe lmporLanL roles Lhey play ln our everyday llves wlll help Lo solldlfy Lhe lmporLance of good cholces from a blologlcal perspecLlve
Lssent|a| uest|on
Why ls energy efflclency essenLlal? WhaL are posslble real llfe cholces LhaL can affecL Lhe ouLcomes of cellular resplraLlon?
,ater|a|s]kesources SLandard classroom maLerlals vldeo (2011) compbell 8loloqy San lranclsco Callf London 8en[amln Cummlngs earson LducaLlon dlsLrlbuLor MaLerlals relaLed Lo pro[ecL op beads Colored penclls ArLlcle provlded by Leacher Pames C k Sugar ln Lhe 8lood 8oosLs Lnergy cbemMottets CcL 2011 6 7 rlnL SmarL 8oard 1he !eopardy revlew game webslLe hLLp//wwwqulacom/cb/18734hLml?A_rand2023496414 1exLbook Mlller k (2010) Mlllet levloe bloloqy 8osLon Mass earson
kef|ect|on 1hls unlL was developed ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe n?S sLandard 31 as Lhe focus ls on Lhe effecLlve producLlon of A1 Slmple reacLanLs Cxygen and glucose are used ln order Lo produce masslve amounLs of A1 1hls ls an lmporLanL aspecL LhaL Lhe sLudenLs need Lo undersLand before movlng forward wlLh oLher unlLs ln Lhe Llvlng LnvlronmenL currlculum as lL emphaslzes Lhe source of Lhe energy LhaL ls uLlllzed by almosL all oLher cells ln Lhe body 1here are many aspecL of cellular resplraLlon LhaL can be relaLed Lo Lhe real world ln whlch Lhe sLudenLs llve every day As Lhe concepL of cellular resplraLlon ls very absLracL conslderlng lL occurs aL a mlcroscoplc level relaLlng Lhe process Lo experlences LhaL Lhe sLudenLs can see wlLh Lhelr own eyes makes Lhe concepLs easler Lo grasp uslng Lhe examples of ClL llghL bulbs or wlndmllls sLudenLs wlll be able Lo beLLer undersLand Lhe concepLs of energy efflclency WlLh a llLLle elecLrlclLy we produce Lhe same amounL of llghL as a sLandard lncandescenL llghL bulb wlLh Lhe use of a compacL fluorescenL llghL bulb WlLh only a sllghL breeze Lhe huge wlnd Lurblnes spln Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy LhaL would oLherwlse be generaLed wlLh Lhe use of masslve amounLs of fossll fuels Llnklng Lhese concepLs Lo Lhe absLracL cellular resplraLlon process where small amounLs of oxygen and glucose are used Lo generaLe masslve amounLs of A1 wlll help Lo solldlfy Lhe concepL Aslde from Lhe relaLlon of Lhe process lLself Lhere are furLher relaLlonshlps LhaL can be made 1he reacLanLs needed for Lhe process Lo occur are oxygen and glucose Lherefore Lhe sources of Lhese reacLanLs can come lnLo play Where does Lhls oxygen LhaL reacLs aL a cellular level come from? Llnklng breaLhlng Lo cellular resplraLlon creaLes anoLher commonallLy ln Lhe maLerlal When we exerclse we need more energy Lherefore we breaLhe fasLer as we need more oxygen Lo power" Lhe cellular resplraLlon process 1hls brlngs abouL Lhe oLher reacLanL glucose Cur dleL has a dlrecL correlaLlon wlLh Lhe process so whaL we consume ls a very lmporLanL aspecL Lo conslder 1he consumpLlon of sugars faLs proLelns and carbohydraLes all have dlfferenL uses once ln Lhe body and consequenLly anoLher real world assoclaLlon can be made