Plain Weave Samples
Plain Weave Samples
Plain Weave Samples
1 3 1
2 4 2
1 3 1
4 4
2 4 2
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
4 20
4 28
8 32
12 36
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
All of these plain weave drawdowns could be done 8
on two shafts but the examples show that they can
also be done on four or more even numbers of 12
shafts. The tie up in the upper left corner will always 16
have to show every other shaft being lifted for the 20
first weft shot and opposite shafts being lifted for
the second weft shot. This is repeated throughout
the weaving. The color bars show the sequence of 28
colors to be used for both the warp and the weft. The
numbers on top and beside the bars give the number
of threads of each color to be used. Of course, substitution for the colors can be made at any time.
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
12 6
12 4
4 12
8 16
12 20
16 24
20 28
24 32
28 36
32 40
36 44
Plain Weave Ornamentation
A knowledge of hand manipulated weaving on plain
weave background gives the opportunity of enhancing
design without the need of many shafts.
ally this is done by interrupting the color sequence by 16
and returning the original sequence to form the break 32
sequence of colors as drawn in, sections of the pattern 44
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
4 76
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
28 4
36 4
40 8
In the design above, the maroon threads are repeated 28
in warp threads, 16 and 17 and the teal, threads in 32 32
and 33. The weft threads are done in the same order as 36
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
4 12
8 16
12 20
By interchanging the warp with the weft colors in dif-
ferent numerical groups, the results may vary in the
overall appearance of the design. The above design
6 12 18 24 Color plays
30 has alternating two light and two darkwarps with two
an impor- dark and two light wefts, while the design below does
tant part in the same except with four threads each.
4 a successful
8 plain weave 6 12 18 24 30
fabric. In
contrasting 4
20 colors will
24 produce
the most 12
dramatic 16
effects. If 20
the shades
of the yarn are too close, the result may be too subtle
to warrant 28
the work in 6 12 18 24 30
producing a
fabric. 4
All of the drawdowns found on these pages
Some have been taken from the CD entitled Books
experiment- and WIFs by Eleanor Best. The book used
ing may be
16 in these designs is Patterns for Color.
necessary 20
to produce 24
WeaveMaker MI and SwiftWeave were
a special used for the drawdowns done on the com-
effect as puter in WIF format. This means that WIF
the one
32 files are compatible with programs support-
seen here in ing this system.
black and grey. The grey areas seem to be outlined by
the black and give the pattern an interlocking effect.
. ll of the
6 12 18 24 30 36 42
48 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
done in two
4 shafts can 4
8 be done in 8
four shafts 12
on a straight 16
threading 20
of 1,2,3,4. 24
Just make 28
36 sure that 32
40 the threads 36
44 follow the 40
48 correct color 44
order and 48
that the tie up produces sheds for plain weave (usually
13 and 24.) designs and color combinations to be used as estate
“uniforms.” The colors were usually muted to blend
So far the drawdowns have been in groups of light, in with the countryside while hunting and some were
dark, light dark etc., then reversed to dark light. “copyrighted” as to pattern and colors. See literature
The next on Scottish Distric Checks for detailed information on
combina- 6 12 18 24 30
this subject.
tion of col-
or groups 6 12 18 24 30 Other color
is done in 4
groups of 8 tions used
three lights, 4 a check
three darks within a
16 8
or more check to
threads in 20 12
produce an
each group 24 16
illusion of
as desired. 20 complexity.
Color ef- Others used
32 24
fects begin only the
to form 28
warp for
when odd numbers of threads are used or interchanged 32
color de-
with odd sign while
6 12 18 24 30 and even 6 12 18 24 30 weaving
numbers. the weft
the variety with a colid
4 in this type 4 color.
of design-
8 8
ing can be Instead of
12 endless. 12
16 16
the warp as
20 In Scotland, 20 drawn in,
the Low- it may be
24 24
land people reversed in
28 adopted 28
color but
32 various 32
Warp face plain weave Weft face plain weave
A whole study of Weft face plain weave is most often found in rugs and
Rep weaves can tapestries. The warp is widely spaced, strong and will
be found in Bibi- become covered by the weft. the choice of weft yarn
ane April Proulx’ is crucial to
book Reps. Al- the success
though it is writ- of covering
ten in French, the warp—it
the diagrams and should be the
pictures should right thick-
be sufficient to ness and soft
understand and enough to pack
proceed with the down well. Ex-
methods used. perimentation
will be neces-
Determining the sary to find the
warp set in rep best yarn.
weaves requires
that the warp be the dominant feature of the weave
so it must be set close enough to cover the weft. This
means that the weft will push up the warp threads to
form ridges which can be either large or small accord- The sample
ing to the size of the weft thread used. Many of the found to the
patterns can be varied by using a mixture of sizes of right shows
weft. Pick up (as seen on page 2) can add to the scope several tech-
of the patterning. niques that do
not have the
Another method of weaving plain weave is to use an weft passing
inkle loom on which you must raise and lower the two from selvage
sheds using a sword or stick. The shed is formed by to selvage but
threading the warp alternately through heddles and being worked
then manipulating the shed by pushing up or down as into shapes and
the plain weave joined with the
is formed. A background.
stick or sword is
used to form the This form of
shed and then tapestry is called
to pack the weft hatching and the al-
down as the shed ternating grey and
is closed. Many white stripes show
wonderful colors a form of blend-
can be put into ing, all of which
the warp and in give a great amount
addition, pick up of versatility for
methods may be designing free form
used to augment tapestry.
the design.
Embroidery tech-
A plain weave niques like pulled
ground can be threads, hemstitching,
used as the base insertion of shi shi
for knotted, looped mirrors and so on can
and other types be used to decorate
of raised textured plain weave. Usually
effects such as these effects should
those used in rugs be used in small
and wall hangings. quantities, such as the
The picture above triangular corner of
shows pile constructions which can be trimmed or left hemstitching at the
long for shag appearance. bottom of the sample
on the right.
To the right is Borders or inserts for clothing can add the touch
a looped tech- that makes the
nique which fabrics or
usually give a garments a
slightly tighter success. Plan-
more compact ning for the
appearance. ornamenta-
The loops tion should be
may be varied done before
in height or the weaving
shaded with begins as it
several colors may need to be
for ornamental placed in stra-
appearance. tegic areas to
Note the “knit- become most
ted” effect of twining yarn around warp threads for a effective.
raised cable view.
Most of these
Another possibility for using plain weave is to space applications will be for the advanced weaver as the
the warp in the reed by leaving empty dents and by learning curve in mastery of the stitches, placement
cramming other warp threads so that several threads in the fabric and color application will be needed to
are placed in one dent. The fabric can then be woven achieve a well coordinated textile.
with a plain weave or woven as sleyed by using spac-
ers to separate the weft threads.
Many more applications can be applied to plain
Embroidery on the Loom weave so let the imagination roam freely in your
weaving. New threads combined with old threads
may produce some exciting results.
A form of ornamentation that is rarely used with plain
Try the new elastic threads combined with the
weave is a combination of pick up (not necessary if
old mercerized cottons to produce a seersucker
more shafts are used) and needle weaving. Yarn can be
effect—pull some threads to gather the fabric—
threaded through the skips in the picked up areas and
don’t be afraid to try something new. We all
traced in a path around the skipped areas. The pattern
have some stunning successes and sadly, some
can be “invented” to suit if the path of the threaded
failures that are only fit for the trash can!
yarn is varied.