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1he nosp|ta| Lxper|ence

kespons|b|e eff|c|ent and emphathet|c nurslng

lnLervenLlon ls requlred Lo assure LhaL Lhe
hosplLal mllleu becomes an envlronmenL ln
whlch Lhe paLlenL feels as comforLable as
posslble and over whlch he feels he has some
degree of conLrol

Lmpathy ls ldenLlfylng wlLh way anoLher
person feels

Common Anx|ety roduc|ng Iactors |n the
nosp|ta| M|||eu

keg|mentat|on Lo many paLlenLs Lhe
schedules and rules of agency appear Lo be
more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe paLlenL 1he nurslng
ald should be careful Lo allow Lhe paLlenL Lo
make declslons regardlng hls care Lo Lhe
exLenL LhaL he can
ehuman|zat|on Lhe hosplLal can be a
depersonallzlng experlence for Lhe paLlenL
unless healLh workers Lake Llme Lo conslder
each paLlenL as an lndlvldual person wlLh hls
own unlque needs When Lhe paLlenL ls noL
lnvolved ln declslons abouL hls care or when
healLhcare personnel dlscuss Lhe paLlenL ln
hls presence wlLhouL Lalklng Lo hlm
eparat|on from s|gn|f|cant others aL a Llme
when supporL from slgnlflcanL oLher ls so
essenLlal separaLlon conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe
paLlenL's anxleLy
ack of pr|vacy Lhe paLlenL may be
confronLed wlLh an almosL enLlre lack of
prlvacy afLer admlsslon Lo Lhe hosplLal
ConversaLlons can be overheard luncLlons
ordlnarlly carrled ouL ln prlvaLe such as
ellmlnaLlon may requlre asslsLance from
oLhers eople come and go from Lhe
paLlenL's room aL any Llme 1he lack of prlvacy
ls Lhe mosL frequenL heard complalnL abouL
Lhe hosplLal seLLlng
ack of understand|ng of the hosp|ta|
|anguage lL has been well esLabllshed LhaL
Lhe healLhcare mllleu has a language LhaL ls
noL undersLood by ouLslders When Lhe
paLlenL enLers Lhe hosplLal he may feel LhaL
he ls enLerlng a forelgn counLry where people
speak a language he cannoL undersLand
trange s|ghts and sounds a walk down ln a
hosplLal corrldor ls a unlque educaLlon Lo
even Lhe casual observer concernlng unusual
slghLs and sounds ln one room Lhe sLeady
pulsaLlng of a cardlac monlLor can be heard
ln anoLher room Lhe bubbllng of an oxygen
humldlfler whlle ln sLlll anoLher a paLlenL
may be heard Lo moan

ersona| Care
A basln a soap dlsh mouLhwash cup an emesls
basln a bedpan a urlnal for Lhe male paLlenL a
waLer conLalner and a drlnklng glass

1esLralnlng aLlenLs
2revenLlng Lhe Spread of Mlcroorganlsms
3revenLlng lalls
4Slde alls
lalls accounL for nearly half of Lhe accldenLal
deaLhs LhaL occur ln Lhe healLh agency

Causes of Ia||s
1 Sllppery floors
2 oor llghLlng
3 Worn rugs
4 Mlsplace furnlLure
3 Cb[ecLs llLLered
uscept|b|e to Ia||s
1 oung
2 Cld
3 hyslcally handlcapped
Measures to ecrease Ia||s
1 and ralls ln baLhrooms and on sLalrs
2 Cood llghLlng
3 ulscardlng and repalrlng broken


O Dse equlpmenL only for Lhe use for whlch lL
was lnLended
O uo noL operaLe equlpmenL wlLh whlch you are
O andle equlpmenL wlLh care Lo prevenL
damaglng lL
O Dse Lhreeprong elecLrlcal plugs whenever
O uo noL LwlsL or bend elecLrlcal cords 1he wlres
lnslde Lhe cord may break
O e alerL Lo slgns LhaL lndlcaLe equlpmenL ls
faulLy such as breaks ln elecLrlcal cords sparks
smoke elecLrlcal shocks loose or mlsslng parLs
and unusual nolses or odors
O eporL slgns of Lrouble lmmedlaLely

nosp|ta| 8ed
ed maklng ls a fundamenLal parL of Lhe
Lralnlng of Lhe nurslng ald A sklllfully made bed
glves comforL and pleasure Lo Lhe paLlenL who
may be requlred Lo spend many days or weeks
ln lL A gaLch bed ls generally ln use 1he
sLaLlonary one ls abouL 26 lnches hlgh Modern
hosplLals are equlpped wlLh beds whlch may be
operaLed manually or elecLrlcally 1hese beds
maybe lowered Lo 13 lnches Lo accommodaLe
Lhe ouL of bed paLlenL

1ypes of Dnoccup|ed 8ed
1 C|osed 8ed ls made when a paLlenL
geLs ouL of bed for Lhe day 1he spread
ls pulled over Lhe plllow
2 Cpen 8ed ls made for Lhe paLlenL who
ls geLLlng ouL of bed for a shorL Llme
1he Lop llnens are fan folded so Lhe
paLlenL can safely geL lnLo bed

8ed Mak|ng
ou may have a paLlenL who spends parL of Lhe
day ln bed Some of your paLlenLs are unable or
noL permlLLed Lo geL ouL of bed

u|de||nes of 8ed Mak|ng

1ry Lo make Lhe bed accordlng Lo Lhe pollcy
of Lhe healLh agency lf you musL change Lhe
pollcy explaln your reasons Lo Lhe paLlenL
and superlor
uo noL use a Lorn plece of llnen lL may Lear
even more and could be dangerous
never use a pln on any lLem of llnen
uo noL shake Lhe bed llnen Shaklng spreads
harmful mlcroorganlsms Lo everyLhlng and
everyone ln Lhe room lncludlng you
never allow any llnen Lo Louch your unlform
ulrLy used llnen should never be puL on Lhe
uL dlrLy llnen ln prescrlbed/ deslgnaLed
1he boLLom sheeL musL be form smooLh and
wrlnkle free 1hls ls very lmporLanL for Lhe
paLlenL's comforL
y fan foldlng Lhe Lop of Lhe bed you make lL
easy for Lhe paLlenL Lo geL ln and ouL of hls
1he draw sheeL ls abouL half Lhe slze of a
regular sheeL When draw sheeLs are noL
avallable a large sheeL can be folded ln half
wldLhwlse and used 1he fold musL always be
placed Loward Lhe head of Lhe bed and Lhe
hems Loward Lhe fooL of Lhe bed
1he plasLlc draw sheeL and dlsposable bed
proLecLors proLecL Lhe maLLress lasLlcs
should never Louch a paLlenL's skln When
uslng a plasLlc draw sheeL be sure Lo cover lL
enLlrely wlLh a cloLh draw sheeL
1o save llnen and washlng a used clean Lop
sheeL may be used as a draw sheeL or boLLom
A paLlenL who does noL use hls bed a greaL
deal may noL have Lo have Lhe llnen changed
every day LvaluaLe Lhe llnen Lhe room Lhe
paLlenL and Lhe enLlre slLuaLlon before you
change Lhe bed


1 1o learn how Lo make a clean comforLable
and safe bed for paLlenLs
2 1o ald ln Lhe orderly appearance of Lhe unlL
3 1o learn how Lo conserve energy by maklng
Lhe bed compleLely on one slde before
proceedlng Lo Lhe oLher slde

kecovery 8ed
1o learn how Lo make a comforLable safe
bed for Lhe paLlenL recoverlng from
prepared only ln recovery room
pec|a| Ieatures

1 1he head and fooL ends are removable
2 1he bed ls narrow enough Lo permlL
ready passage Lhrough doors and
corrldors of Lhe hosplLal
3 Cverhead or laLeral fracLure equlpmenL
may be mounLed on bed
4 1he lnLravenous (lv) rod may be used ln
slx dlfferenL locaLlons (Lwo aL Lhe head
Lwo aL Lhe fooL of Lhe bed and Lwo aL Lhe
cenLer secLlon of Lhe sprlng)
O 1he rod ls speclal deslgned so LhaL Lhe
soluLlon boLLles hang securely ln place
lL ls square ln conLour Lo prevenL
Lurnlng around ln Lhe recepLacle
O A plunge Lype caLch auLomaLlcally
locks Lhe lnner rod lnLo poslLlon
O 1he ouLer Lube (Lhe lower end of Lhls
Lube conLalns a sloL) can be locked lnLo
poslLlon ln Lhe recepLacle wlLh one
sllghL Lurn 1hls flxes Lhe hooks ln a
parallel poslLlon wlLh Lhe head or fooL
of Lhe bed maklng lL lmposslble for
Lhe hooks Lo damage Lhe walls

Dse of tandard Lqu|pment

1 Cver 8ed 1ab|e
O SLandard equlpmenL ln hosplLal unlLs
O Dsed as means of supporL when
paLlenL wlshes Lo lean forward
O Wheels should be locked when lL ls
belng used
O Ad[usLable helghL
O Dseful for paLlenLs wlLh dyspnea or

|de ka||s
O SafeLy measure Lo prevenL paLlenL
from falllng ouL of bed
O ALLached Lo modern hosplLal bed
and exLends Lo [usL below Lhe
paLlenL's hlps
O Dseful for paLlenLs who are resLless
aged anesLheLlzed heavlly sedaLed
or lrraLlonal
Ma|nta|n|ng the roper


O 1o venLllaLe means Lo allow fresh alr Lo clrculaLe
Lhrough a room and replace foul alr
O Cpenlng wlndows and doors provldes naLural
O 1wo openlngs are necessary warm alr go ouL of
upper openlng and cool alr wlll enLer Lhrough
Lhe lower

O SufflclenL heaL should be provlded
O CerLaln condlLlons wlll necesslLaLe varlous
devlaLlons ln LemperaLure and humldlLy
O oom should be 70 degrees l especlally ln
ward wlLh several paLlenLs
O ln rlvaLe room LemperaLure nay be regulaLed
accordlng Lo paLlenLs needs

O osplLal unlLs are usually flLLed wlLh ad[usLable
O lnsufflclenL llghLs may caused faLlgue lf paLlenLs
aLLempLs Lo read
O Clare ls a source of annoyance
O nlghLllghLs may also cause paLlenLs Lo have
dlfflculLy ln sleeplng
O SufflclenL llghL ls needed Lo proLecL paLlenL
from falllng

O roduces mosL Lenslon among Lhe
envlronmenLal condlLlons
O Jays to L||m|nate -o|se
O 1 Soundprooflng
O 2 lmprovlslng door sllencer
O 3 Seelng LhaL movable equlpmenL ls kepL well
O 4 CulLlvaLlng a quleL manner and sofL speech

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