Pe 7 - Badminton

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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education

Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade-7 Physical Education

Presented by:
Aldon Gericho B. Orel

Presented to:
Ronald De Jesus Ramos
Critic Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education
Detailed Lesson Plan
Grade-7 Physical Education (Badminton Basic Skills)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
A. identify and discuss the basic skills involved in badminton,
B. show interest in the lesson by writing the differences of skills involved in
C. Draw and identify in badminton through pictures

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: Badminton Basic Skills
B. References: physical Education and Health- Grade 7 Learner’s Material First Edition
pp. 66-69
C. Materials: pictures, laptop, monitor

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preparatory Activities
 Prayers
 Attendance
 Greetings
 Classroom managements

a. Motivation
Good morning class!
Good morning sir
Before we formally begin with our discussion. May we
have this activity called 4 Pics 1 Word.
Are you all ready?

Alright! Let’s see if you can guess the word base only Yes sir
on the pictures.


What do you think is the wards that the pictures saying?

Very good!! The pictures are all about grip.

Grip sir
For the next pictures.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education


Could anyone give a guest?

You are indeed good in guessing.

Let us proceed to the next pictures.

Serve sir


Any guess what word is it class?

Yes! Its footwork.

Footwork sir
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education

How about these pictures class? What word you can get
from it?

Yes! Smash
For the last pictures
Smash sir


Based on the last pictures, what do you think is the

word you can get from it?
Very good! Stance sir
Give yourself a round of applause

b. Lesson proper
Students gave themselves a round of
Based on the pictures and your answer what do you applause
think is our topic for today?

Yes! It is all about skills particularly in badminton.

We have the first skill, the stance. Kindly read

Basic skills sir

So class, we have 2 kinds of stance, the attacking and
defending stance.

This is your posture when doing an attacking stance

So how should we execute this attacking stance?

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education

The stance is how you stand while

First, your body facing the sidelines of the racket. playing badminton, both in between a
Second, your leg should behind, both legs shoulder- rally and before the serve.
width apart. Then, raise both racket arm and non- racket
arm lastly, shuttle on downward trajectory

Could anyone execute the attacking stance?

Very good class!

The student does the attacking stance
Let us now proceed to defensive stance

Kindly read and try to execute defensive stance Iza

First, your body should facing the net,
place the racket in front at waist
height, slightly pointing forward, then
keep the non-racket arm as
comfortable while ensuring a better
Very good Iza Katrina balance.
And now, let proceed to the next skill in badminton.
Kindly read Jimmy?
(tried to execute)

A proper grip will allow you to play

both backhand and forehand strokes
We have 2 types of grip class these are the backhand
and forehand grip.

Could anyone want to try how to do the proper racket


Yes Ezekiel?

Executed the forehand and backhand
Very well done! grip

That is how we hold or grip a racket like how Ezekiel

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education
We also have here the proper footwork.
Who wants to read?
Yes Zyrus?

Footwork plays a huge role in helping

with an effective and organized
movement on the court.
To execute it always remember the
base (starting point). Then, move only
2-3 steps backwards. Shuffle only 1
step side ward. Lastly, move only 2-3
steps front.

The students tried forehand footwork

(front court) on their seats.

The students tried backhand footwork

(front court) on their seats.

The students tried forehand footwork

(Mid-court coverage) on their seats.

The students tried backhand footwork

(front-court Coverage) on their seats.

These are the proper footwork we should apply when

we are playing badminton so that injury will prevent
and be avoided while playing.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education
May I ask Juan, Tee-Jay, Jhon, Lawrence to do the 4
footwork infront of the class

Can we give them a round of applause The students executed the footworks.

We already discussed and executed stance, grip and foot The students gave them a round of
work, now we will be proceeding to service or serve. applause.

So what is serve or service in badminton class?

Yes very good! Serve is among the most basic skill that
you need to master in badminton. Without a good This is where a rally started sir
service, there won't be a good start to the game. If your
service is weak and doesn't go well that means you have
already lost the point there.

These are the two services that players usually use the
forehand service and backhand service.

Kindly read how to do the forehand serve

First, stand close to the service line.

Sideways stance, non-racket foot
forward. Hold shuttle by feathers at
waist height. Swing the racket through
and contact the shuttle. Push the
shuttle over the net (as low as
possible). Follow through with the
Could anyone want to try how to do it?

Students executed the forehand serve.

Class in these pictures it depicts the backhand serve or

Kindly read the mechanics on how to do the backhand
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education

First, stand close to the service line.

Then, hold the racket facing toward the
net. Afterwards, hold the shuttle at
Who wants to give a try on how to do a backhand waist height. Flick the racket towards
service? the shuttle and release the shuttle then,
follow through with the racket
Very good!
Students tried the backhand service
We also have smash. The last skill in playing
badminton. So what is smash? Would you want to

Smash is the most potent and powerful

stroke in badminton which naturally
turns out to be the most familiar term
Yes, we have three different types of smash forehand, to all.
backhand smash and jumping smash
Let us first us discussed first the forehand smash

Forehand smash is an overhead smash that a player hits

with the entire tempo downwards.

Class how to do it? Kindly read the slide

Raise the non-racket hand and point

above the chin, shift weight on rear
foot, straighten elbows and swing the
racket and then, keep shuffle racket
How about the backhand smash foot forward and knees slightly bend

Class how to do it? Kindly read the slide

Racket from forehand to back hand

grip and body back face the net. Body
weight balance rare foot. Racket in
overhead position and racket head
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education
This is how we do the backhand smash. pointing down.
(teacher executed)
Who among the class wants to try the backhand smash

Very good
Students executed the backhand
Jumping smash class is basically taking a jump before
hitting the shuttle to give it a steeper angle and making
it very hard for opponent to return.

Class how to do it? Kindly read the slide

Used forehand grip to serve jumping

smash, maintain a firm stance. Keeps
legs straight, knees slightly bent and
stretch the racket arm. Non-racket arm
level of ribs. Non- racket hand on
sideways, straighten elbows. Drive
downwards with racket foot land on
Could you execute how to do the jumping smash racket foot forward.

Very good class!

Could you give me again the different skills used in Students executed the jumping smash
playing badminton?

Very well done everyone.

Stance, footwork, grip, smash, serve

c. Generalization

I hope you listened very well class. Now, I want you to

bring a ½ crosswise sheet of paper and I want you to
define the different skills used in badminton in your
own words.

 Grip
 Footwork
 Stance
 Serve
 Smash

Students starts answering

 Grip- the proper holding of
 Stance- the proper position in
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education
waiting the shuttle cock from
the opponent’s court.
 Footwork- the proper way of
chasing the shuttle and running
inside the court.
Stop writing. Kindly pass now all your papers finished  Smash- the most powerful hit
or unfinished. that usually hard to stop.

d. Valuing
In your opinion, what is the importance of badminton The students passed their papers
for athletes and non- athletes?

e. Evaluation Students may answer vary

For your last activity, bring out a ¼ sheet of paper I

want you to identify what basic skills in badminton are
being shown based on pictures.You have 5 minutes to
answer the following.

Attacking stance

Defensive stance

Jumping smash
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education

Backhand smash

Forehand smash




Forehand serve


Backhand serve
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
College of Human Kinetics
Bachelor of Physical Education



f. Agreement
Bring your racket and a shuttle cock and we will play
badminton next meeting as your performance. You are
going to perform the different skills in badminton.

See you all next meeting.

Let’s call it a day. Goodbye class.

Good bye and thank you sir

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