Active Recreation

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tukuran Technical Vocational High School
Baclay - Extension


DLP NO. Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Time
and Section
Mapeh 10 - Pinetree & 9:45am &
3 Physical Narra 1st 1:00pm
Teaching Date September 12, 2022 Code PE10PF-la-h-39
Learning Competency/ies Assesses physical activity, exercise and
eating habits
I- Objectives
 Knowledge Determine the benefits of active recreation
 Skills Engage in moderate to vigorous physical
 Attitudes Share their personal experience in the
different activities
 Values Develops Personal Development and Growth
II - Content Active Receartion (Sports)
Resources References  Self - Learning Module (SLM)
Mapeh 10, Quarter 1 - Module 1
 G-10 Textbook “Physical Education and
Health - Learner’s Material page 2
Materials Power point, manila paper, marker, and
cartolina strips

III - Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

Cleanliness is observed.
(Ask a student to lead the prayer)
(One students will lead the prayer)
“Good morning class!”
“Good morning Ma’am.”
“Take your seats.”
Thank you Ma’am.”
Attendance check.
Students will raise their hands and say
“ if their names are called.
Before we will start our lesson for today,
Students listen attentively.
class I want you to follow my rules.

Rule 1: RESPECT one another.

Rule 1: RESPECT one another.
Rule 2: Ask permission if you want to go out.
Rule 2: Ask permission if you want to go out.
Rule 3: Avoid talking to your seatmates.
Rule 3: Avoid talking to your seatmates.
Rule 4: Raise your right hand if you want to
Rule 4: Raise your right hand if you want to
Rule 5: Turn your phones to SILENT
Rule 5: Turn your phones to SILENT

Yes, Ma’am.

B. Review
Now let’s have a recap. What was our lesson
Our lesson yesterday Ma’am was about The
yesterday? Who can still remember it? Elements of Arts.

Very good. Thank you.

What do you mean by Elements of Art? Elements of Arts are the stylistic features that
are included within an art piece to help the
artist communicate.

Excellent! Thank you for sharing that brilliant

idea. Now, what are the different Elements of The different elements of arts are line, shape,
Art? space, color, value, texture, and perspective.

Very well said. Thank you everyone for sharing

your learning in the class. Let’s give ourselves Students perform the clap.
Any clarifications regarding the past
None, Ma’am.

The students start dancing.
I have here a an ice breaker video. Let’s all
stand and perform the dance.

What have you notice while performing the (Students answer may vary)

D. Lesson Proper
Before we will proceed to our lesson proper,
I have here our topic objectives, kindly read
it silently.
At the end of the lesson, the students should
At the end of the lesson, the students should
be able to:
be able to:
a) Determine the benefits of active
a) Determine the benefits of active
b) Engage in moderate to vigorous physical
b) Engage in moderate to vigorous physical
c) Share their personal experience in the
c) Share their personal experience in the
different activities
different activities

Class, do you believe in the saying “WHAT Yes Ma’am. I really believe that if you eat
YOU EAT IS WHAT YOU ARE”? healthy food, you are also healthy. But if you
eat unhealthy food, it will return to your body.
Indeed. Very well said. Thank you for sharing
that inspiring idea.

How do you live your everyday life? Are you

the typical potato couch or are you the (Students answer may vary)
physically active person?

This morning, we will tackle the active and

passive recreation and its benefits in our daily Students listen attentively

By the way, what do you mean by recreation? Recreation refers to socially desirable activity
carried on voluntarily, free time purpose of fun
and pleasure or those activities done during
one’s leisure time.
Very good. Thank you.
The two types of recreation are the active and
Did you know that there are two types of passive recreation.
recreation? What are those?

Exactly! Very good.

What do you mean by passive recreation? Passive recreation refers to recreational
activities that do not require prepared facilities
like sports or pavilions.
What a brilliant idea! Thank you.

And what are the examples of passive The examples of passive recreations are hiking,
picnicking, nature photography, bird watching,
fishing, hunting, and board work games.

Excellent idea! All of that are examples of

passive recreation.

Now, let’s go to the active recreation. What do Active recreation refers are activities that
involves energetic activities. It also refers to as
you mean by active recreation?
structural activities or team activity that do not
requires the age of special facilities, courses,
fields, or equipment.

Very good! Thank you.

Anyone in the class, who can give an examples The examples of active recreation are walking,
cycling, swimming, cycling, equipment based
of active recreation?
exercises, running/jogging, aerobics, and
outdoor sports.
Exactly! What a brilliant idea. Thank you.


Now let’s proceed to the benefits of active
 Reduced the risks of heart disease and
recreation. What are the benefits of active stroke
 Reduced risk of developing high blood
 Prevention of some cancer
 Reduced risk of becoming overweight
 Reduced risk of developing diabetes
 Better bone and muscle development
 Improved muscle flexibility, strength and
 Improved quality of sleep
Excellent idea! Thank you.
Let’s proceed to the Health Benefits of active HEALTH BENEFITS
 Road map to good health and longevity
 Improve quality time
 Weight loss and lower risks of diabetes,
reduced arthritis pain, and cardiovascular

Yes, very well said. Thank you.

Next, the physical benefits of active recreation.
 Improvement of skills specific to a
What are the physical benefits of active particular activity
 Relaxation, rest, and revitalization

Precisely! Very good.

There are also benefits of active recreation
 Release of stress from demands of
under the mental development. What are those everyday living
 Greater personal confidence and self -
 Sense of achievement
 Reducing risks of depression, anxiety,
psychological disturbance
 More restraint in avoiding risky behavior
Yes, very well said. Thank you.

Now, let’s proceed to the social benefits of
 Bonding with family and friends
active recreation. Any idea what are those  Opportunity to make new friends and
 Strengthen social networks and
community identity

What an excellent idea! Let’s give ourselves a Students perform, the clap

Class, did you know that before starting any

Students answer may vary
physical activity, there is a need of
understanding the different phases of exercises?

Why is this so? Any idea?

There is a need to understand the different
phases of exercises for us to be guided in
making our personal fitness program and to
ensure our safety while performing and
Exactly! Very well said. enjoying the activity.

There are 3 phases of exercises. Any idea what PHASES OF EXERCISES

1. Warm - up Exercise - the purpose is to
are this phases?
stretch the muscles of the body, thus
avoiding possible muscle injury.
2. Workout - this elevates the heart rate and
achieves aerobic fitness activities, which
maybe included in this phase are walking,
jogging, running, swimming, bicycling,
and aerobic dancing.
3. Cooldown - this should be accomplished
by walking for a few minutes and
followed by a stretching exercise to undo
the tightening of muscle group that occurs
from strenuous activity.

What a brilliant ideas! Let’s give ourselves a

The students perform the clap

E. Generalization

Again, what is Recreation? Recreation refers to socially desirable activity

carried on voluntarily, free time purpose of fun
and pleasure or those activities done during
one’s leisure time.
Yes, very good.

How will you differentiate active from passive Active recreation are activities that requires the
recreation? use of facilities, courses, fields, and equipment.
While passive recreation, does not require
prepared facilities like sports or pavilions.

What have you learned from our discussion this Active recreation is an alternative activity that
morning? helps us live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a
desired weight. In encompasses activities done
both indoor and outdoor that gives you
enjoyment, satisfaction, fitness and learning.
Your participation in the different physical
activities satisfied your recreational needs such
as psychological, physiological, relational, and
Yes, it is. Very well said. Thank you for
sharing that wonderful idea.

Let’s give ourselves an AMAZING CLAP! Students perform the clap

F. Application:

At this point class, we will have an activity.

I will divide you into three groups.
Count off 1.. 2..3…

Group 1.
Group 1.
Always consider your health condition and
Always consider your health condition and
level of fitness in performing physical
activities. level of fitness in performing physical
Perform a warm up exercise for one minute. Directions:
Record your pulse rate and heartbeat before and Perform a warm up exercise for one minute.
after performing the physical activity. Record your pulse rate and heartbeat before and
after performing the physical activity.

Group 2.
Reminder: Group 2.
Always consider your health condition and Reminder:
level of fitness in performing physical Always consider your health condition and
activities. level of fitness in performing physical
Perform a workout exercise for one minute. Directions:
Record your pulse rate and heartbeat before and Perform a workout exercise for one minute.
after performing the physical activity. Record your pulse rate and heartbeat before and
after performing the physical activity.

Group 3.
Reminder: Group 3.
Always consider your health condition and Reminder:
level of fitness in performing physical Always consider your health condition and
activities. level of fitness in performing physical
Perform a cooldown exercise for one Directions:
minute. Record your pulse rate and heartbeat Perform a cooldown exercise for one
before and after performing the physical minute. Record your pulse rate and heartbeat
activity. before and after performing the physical

 Team work and Rubrics:
Cooperation - 10 pts  Team work and
 Behavior - 10 pts Cooperation - 10 pts
20 pts  Behavior - 10 pts
20 pts

IV. Evaluation:
Identify the words inside the box if it is active
or passive recreation.

Water based activities
Playing music
Watching television
Rock climbing

Jogging Hiking
Water based activities Reading
Aerobics Fishing

Rock climbing Watching Television

Gardening Playing Music

V. Assignment:
In your 1 whole sheet of paper, write a
reflection regarding the things you experienced
while performing the assign task that was given
to you.

That’s all for today.

Thank you and goodbye class! Thank you and goodbye Ma’am Mamentong,
and see you tomorrow Ma’am.

Nelma C. Mamentong
Municipal Paid Teacher


Oliver D. Dacua
School Head

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