DLL in Pe 7 Week 7

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DAILY LESSON LOG SCHOOL Jose Lopez Manzano National High GRADE LEVEL 7

IN School
TEACHING DATE October 9-12, 2023 QUARTER 1ST
AND TIME 6:00-6:50 King Sejong (M,F)
6:50-7:40 Courage (M, W, TH,F)
King Sejong (T)
7:40-8:30 Love (M,T,TH,F)
10:40-11:30 King Sejong (TH)


A. Content standard
The learner demonstrates
understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design
to achieve
personal fitness.
The learner demonstrates
understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design
to achieve
personal fitness.
The learner demonstrates
understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design
to achieve
personal fitness.
The learner demonstrates
understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design
to achieve
personal fitness.
The learner demonstrates
understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design
to achieve
personal fitness.
The learner demonstrates
understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design
achieve personal fitnesThe learnerss
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design
to achieve personal fitness
B. Performance The learner designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness
C. Learning  Undertakes physical activity and physical  Prepares an exercise programs.
competencies/ fitness assessment.  Identifies training guidelines and FITT
Objectives  Set goals based on assessment results principles
 Recognized barriers to exercise  Recognized barriers to exercise
 Exercise Programs  Exercise Programs
o Physical Fitness a. Designing
o Health-related fitness components exercise program
o Skill Related fitness b. Health benefits
o Physical Fitness Test c. Guide to goal
d. Principles of
Fitness Training
Textbook  Physical Education and Health Learner’s Module (pp. 3-34)
Other resources Tape measures, stopwatch, meter stick, weighing scale, ruler, marker, Physical fitness
score card
A. Reviewing Modular  The teacher will ask  Teacher will  Short review/recall
Previous Lesson or Distance the learners to remind the about the result of
Presenting New Learning answer the Pas Q learners on safety the physical fitness
Lessons  Answer and You questions. precautions and test of the learners
Assessment  The teacher will responsibilities to
page 15-16 evaluate the answer be considered
of the learners before and after the
whether if they’re execution of
allowed to physical fitness
participate in class test.
activity or not.
B. Establishing A  Read the  The teacher will The teacher will let  Play a video of a
Purpose for the questions present photos of the learners to find person who is being
Lesson carefully then different person. The their physically active.
choose the letter learners will buddy/partner.
of the correct determine who are
answers. physically fit and
unfit person.
C. Presenting  The teacher will ask The teacher will  Ask the learners
Examples / the learners to demonstrate or about the possible
Instances of the a. give more examples show a phot of benefits they will get
New Lesson of a person who are fit some skills to be in being physically
and unfit. executed by the active
 b. differentiates fit learners
and unfit person.
D. Discussing New o  Interactive  The teacher will  Interactive
Concepts and discussion of the explain and discussion of the
Practicing New following sub-topics: demonstrate following lesson:
Skills # 1 o Physical Physical Fitness o Designing
Fitness Test health-related exercise
o Health- fitness test and program
related fitness skill related fitness o Health
components test benefits
 Skill-related o Guide to goal
component setting
E. Discussing New  The teacher will  The teacher will
Concepts and also remind the group the learners
Practicing New learners about: into five group and
Skills # 2 o Safety distribute each
precaution Principles of Fitness
o Do’s and Training. Let them
don’t collaborate and
while performing test share it to their
F. Developing   The learners will  The teacher will  The teacher will let
Mastery (Leads To answer the activity facilitate the the learners to
Formative about physical Physical Fitness design their own
Assessment 3) fitness, Fit or Unfit Test under skill exercise program in
related fitness: three weak
o Coordination components as a
o Agility result in physical
o Speed fitness test.
o Power
o Balance
o Reaction
This will be executed
with the supervision of
teacher and partners
 Do warm-up
exercise before the
G. Finding Practical The learners will  The teacher will ask:  After the activity,  The teacher will ask:
Applications of the check their papers the teacher will a. Why it is important
Concepts and Skills and evaluate for 1. How would you asked the following for young people like
in Daily Living corrections describe a physically fit questions: you to know the
and unfit person? a. How well did you training principles?
2. Why it is important perform in the test? b. What do you think
to be physically fit? b. What do you think are the function of
3. Rate yourself from 1- is the significance of these principles in
10, are you physically conducting physical improving physical
fit individual? fitness tests such as fitness?
4. What do you think what you have done?
should be done to c. What could be the
become a physically fit barriers in achieving
person? personal fitness?
d. Regardless of
whether you got high
or low scores in the
physical fitness tests,
how else can you
improve your fitness at
the level of the
different components?
H. Making  The teacher will  The teacher will
Generalizations and ask the students to asked the students
Abstractions About organize their to following
the Lesson thoughts and come questions:
up with their own a. What are the
idea of what components of
physical fitness physical fitness?
means to them. b. What are the
things to be
considered in
designing an
exercise program to
achieve personal
I. Evaluating The teacher will assess
Learning students’ performance
through rubrics.
J. Additional Ask the learners to list Answer Barriers to
Activities for down the barriers that being Active Survey.
Application and a person encounter in
Remediation becoming a physically
fit person
K. Assignment Bring the available Wear PE uniform
materials they have:
Measuring tape

Wear PE uniform
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of Learners
Who Earned 80% In
The Evaluation
B. No. of Learners
Who Require
Additional For
Remediation Who
Scored Below 80%
C. Did The
Remedial Lessons
Work? No. of
Learners Who Have
Caught Up With
The Lesson

D. No. of Learners
Who Continue To
E. Which of My
Strategies Worked
Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties
Did I Encounter
Which My Principal
Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation
or Localized
Materials Did I
Use / Discover
Which I Wish To
Share With Other
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Head Teacher I Principal II

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