Mapeh DLL September

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Pitogo, Pres. Carlos P. Garcia, 6346 Bohol, Philippines

Members: Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS)

S.Y. 2023 – 2024


Grade/ Year: 7- Mt. Carmel Prepared by: Mr. Glenn A. Rosales

Date: September 1-29, 2023 Checked by: Sr. Ma. Lanilyn Nadela, DST

The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.
Demonstrates understanding of nutrition for a healthy life during adolescence

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness.

Makes informed decisions in the choice of food to eat during adolescence.


Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

WEEK 1 Physical Fitness Assessments Physical Fitness Assessments Physical Fitness Assessments Physical Fitness Assessments Physical Fitness Assessments

Objectives: Procedure: Procedure: Procedure: Procedure:

Explain the relevance of the Explore: Discussion Deepen: Transfer:
course. Ask Provoking Question (Continuation) Assessment
Firm up: Compute for your heart rate Present a Zumba dance that
Affective: Heart Rate Reserve is use in contains at least five ways
Discussion reserve. Show your solution
Analyze the interplay among identifying one’s heart and in a ¼ size of paper. and steps related in
the health dimensions in Physical fitness is a set of
attributes that people have health history before doing maintaining and promoting
developing holistic health. physical exercises or physical fitness. The
Psychomotor: or need to achieve so that
they can effectively perform performance is graded base
Undertake Physical activity physical activities. activities. on the given rubrics.
and physical fitness
Values Integration: Short quiz: Classify the
Integrity following components. Write
Those students will act HRF if the statement is
according to their words and related to Health-Related
actions taken. Fitness and SRF if the
statement is related to Skill-
Related Fitness.
1. Coordination
2. Muscular Strength
3. Flexibility
4. Reaction Time
5. Balance

Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

WEEK 2 Fitness Principles and Fitness Principles and Fitness Principles and
Personal Fitness Plan Personal Fitness Plan Personal Fitness Plan
Objectives: Procedure: Procedure: INTRAMURALS 2023 INTRAMURALS 2023
Cognitive: Explore: Transfer: 1st DAY 2nd DAY
Explain the relevance of the Let them explore the Fitness
course. Principles and Personal Plan Create an online poster
Affective: of others. contains all substantial
Analyze the interplay among Firm up: information about the FITT
the health dimensions in Introduction components.
developing holistic health. There are a lot of available
Psychomotor: resources for fitness training
Undertake Physical activity and exercises.
and physical fitness Deepen:
assessments I Achieve
Values Integration: Write True is the statement is
Integrity correct. Otherwise, underline
Those students will act that word that makes it
according to their words and wrong.
actions taken.
1. Frequency
determines how long
each activity is
2. Rest and recovery
allow muscles to
repair themselves
after each exercise.
3. In the reversibility
principle, different
components of
fitness require
various types of
exercise to be
4. Progressive overload
means that fitness is
improved by
increasing the
frequency or
intensity of the
physical activity
normally done.
5. The specificity
principle states that a
fitness plan is created
to target the needs of
a particular person.

Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

Holistic Health Holistic Health Holistic Health Holistic Health Holistic Health

Objectives: Procedure: Procedure: Procedure: Procedure:

Cognitive: Explore: Deepen: Assessment Transfer:
Analyze the interplay among Ask provoking questions (Continuation) Identification. Write the Ensuring healthy safety,
the health dimensions in
Firm up:  Why do you need to correct answer. prepare an instructional
developing holistic health
Affective: Lesson proper live a healthy 1-5. What are the dimensions presentation on health habits
Explain the dimensions of Discussion lifestyle? of Holistic Health. to achieve holistic health by
holistic health (physical, Dimension of Holistic Health:  How do we practice 6-10. What is Holistic? group. Include all activities
mental, emotional, social, These are the different health habits to 11-12. Give at least 2 for all five health dimensions.
and moral-spiritual). dimensions of holistic well- achieve holistic examples of Health habits for
Psychomotor: being: Physical health, health? health.
Practice health habits
Mental Health, Emotional, 13-14. Give at least 2
Values Integration:
Sincerity Social, and Moral-Spiritual examples of Health habits for
Health… mental health.
15. Give at least 1 example of
Health habits for physical

Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

Growth during adolescence Growth during adolescence Growth during adolescence Growth during adolescence
Objectives: Procedure: Procedure: Procedure: Monthly
Cognitive: Explore: Deepen: Deepen: EXAMINATION
Recognize changes in Recap of the past lesson Decide if the change is Review for the monthly
different aspects of growth normal during adolescence. If
Firm Up: examination.
that normally happen during it is normal, put a check and
adolescence Discussion
if it is not, put an X mark.
Affective: Changes in the Health 1. Menstruation
Discuss the changes in Dimensions during 2. Social pressure
different dimensions during Adolescence 3. Capable of reflection
normal period. 4. More pimples on the
Categorize by the ff.
Psychomotor: face.
Practice health habits a. Physical Changes 5. Preoccupied with
Values Integration: b. Mental family and friends.
Humanity c. emotional changes Transfer:
d. social changes Write a three-paragraph
e. moral Spiritual changes. letter informing a friend that
changes he or she experience
now as a teenager.

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