Weekly Journal 4

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Monday- Today I started a new task in a field that I am not very familiar with, social media.

Even though I have grown up in a generation that has popularized the usage of social media I
am not very fluent in using it. I never took a great deal of interest. Next week beginning on
February 6 it is severe weather awareness week. There are multiple infographics that needed to
be touched up and prepared to send out on various social media platforms. I was not told which
ones but my assumptions are that Facebook and Instagram will be used. It was also my
responsibility to come up with a short but informative caption for each of these posts. This took
me the majority of the day and I will round out the rest of it tomorrow morning. I have also begun
to discuss project contact with my supervisor.
Tuesday- After finishing up the materials for the weeklong social media campaign I spent the
rest of the day doing some routine filing and project discussion.

Throughout the course we have been given this idea of doing “significant’’ projects. From the
feedback that I saw on various peoples discussion posts it sounds like the faculty overseeing
this class heavily favor research based projects.This is understandable given that is the majority
of what we did during our time as students at the university. The idea that I put forward, being
part of the hazardous material planning session, sounds like it would be very meaningful and
significant to the people who live in Baldwin County. Even if my input is minimal I still
participated and helped the community that I currently reside in. However, when I presented this
idea in our discussion the feedback that I received made it seem as though it would not be
enough. This type of work is what this field has available and research projects with sources
and statistics are not feasible for my current position. I am years of training away from that. I
have spoken with my supervisor on a couple of occasions and this seems to be the biggest
event happening this semester. Not much else is being offered and this is not the kind of
department that leaves things undone, there is little wiggle room for me to do something else. If
this meeting and my participation in it is 100% unacceptable for the project and presentation
then I would like to know as soon as possible so that I might be able to scrounge something
together. Thank you.
Wednesday- today I was in charge of some more rudimentary filing and general office work.
However it was also time for me to begin studying for the hazardous waste meeting next
Tuesday. From here on out it is my job to understand how Baldwin county deals with matters of
hazardous waste. By understanding these things I can do a better job of participating in the
meeting and completing my project to a satisfactory degree.
Thursday- when I started doing my research for the meeting I knew that there were going to be
a lot of different types of hazardous materials. But, I truly did not understand the scope at which
these were defined. I believe the meeting will center on bigger things like sewage line breaks
and possible cleanup from semi trucks carrying hazardous material. However there could also
be segments on smaller things like the proper disposal of lithium ion batteries and other
household things that are hazardous. I’m actually quite excited to see what the meeting has in
Friday- today was a little bit shorter than usual but I still was satisfied with the amount that I got
done. I continued studying for the meeting on Tuesday and did some rudimentary office work.
Nothing special, but that’s OK, not every day has to be amazing. Overall it was a good week if
not a tad stressful trying to sift out the finer details of this project. I’m sure it’ll all work out.
Project ideas and plan- My supervisor and I discussed what would be a beneficial and
significant project for me to complete. I will sit in on the hazardous materials meeting that is
happening on 2/7/23. My project will be a presentation on how the hazardous material plan for
the county works and operates in the events of emergencies. Then I will provide a
comprehensive report of the happenings and any participation that I provided. To further
emphasize the importance of this type of meeting and system I will provide a detailed overview
of events in the past that have been dealt with by this type of communication.

Date TIme in Time Out Hours worked

1/30/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

1/31/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

2/1/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

2/2/23 9:00 3:00 6hrs

2/3/23 9:00 2:00 5hrs

Weekly total 32
Date TIme in Time Out Hours worked

Grand total 130

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