Internship Journal 11
Internship Journal 11
Internship Journal 11
Professor Kaninjing
24 March 2024
Internship Journal 11
This week was the home stretch in preparing for our committee’s hearing with the
Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA). At this point, everyone in the office
was walking on eggshells because of the sheer preparation that still needed to occur. As a
committee, it is our role to prepare, inform, and set up for the hearings. We informed all of the
Member Legislative Aids (LA’s) of the overarching topics to be discussed in the hearings. In
addition to hearing preparation, this was the last week before a 2-week recess, which meant there
were a lot of hearings in both the house and senate that we needed to track and read out to the
team. The hearings were related to Chinese investment in agriculture, house appropriations bills,
and different program bills being voted on. On Wednesday, we had our hearing, and it went very
well. It is really interesting to see how the work and observance we put into SBA oversight leads
to thoughtful questioning and high expectations for our federal agencies. Later in the week, I
began “Spring Break” and worked from home Wednesday and Thursday. This was relaxing but
also super stressful because I had a lot of work to do and needed to balance my time to make sure
I got my work done. On Friday, I was back in the office for my Stennis Congressional Program
meeting. In this meeting, we got to learn about Congressional Powers and closed out the meeting
working with our groups to finish our “Loan Program Project." I am excited to have a more
relaxed couple of weeks and will be working to finalize my project and obtain a job after the
completion of my internship.
Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked