Weely Journal 2
Weely Journal 2
Weely Journal 2
This includes the one I work at so I am not able to acquire any hours today. Unfortunately I’ll
have to make up for it sometime later this week. I’ll probably pull a long day tomorrow.
Tuesday- It was an interesting day for me, I was told to compile a list of available hotels and pet
boarding facilities. There were specific pieces of information that I needed to collect for each.
For the hotels I had to list the price per night, how many rooms are available and what kind of
amenities they had. I did this for 16 hotels in the city, many of them had to be called in order to
get the specific information. This took me a very long time. By the end of the day i had 10 hotels
and had yet to start
Wednesday- I was back at it, the remaining 6 hotels were difficult to get a hold of. Many of
them were very busy, I wonder if there is something happening nearby. After several hours I had
compiled everything that I needed for the hotels.Having a list of available hotels is important in
any emergency situation in case people need to be temporarily relocated. The same goes for pets,
as they may need to be boarded for a time in an emergency.The things i needed to list for each
pet boarding was the cost per night, the vaccines needed and anything else. I mostly found that
many places have size limits and require that you provide the food. I have noticed that there are a
lot more aspects to planning county wide emergencies.
Thursday- today was a day of learning. I sat down and was able to read through some of the
things that the department has done in the past through various emergencies. When I first started
I thought the scope of things that they handled was a bit wider than it is but there are a few things
that they don’t handle. For example, they don’t handle power outages as that is fully on the
Georgia power company to resolve. Some of the things that the department is responsible for are
things like public works in engineering, fire fighting, logistics and mass care including shelters
for the homeless or displaced. Altogether I enjoyed my day as it gave me a more well-rounded
idea of what it is that they do
Friday- it’s the last day of the week and nothing seems to be slowing down very much. It’s not a
big deal due to the fact that I have to catch up from some missed hours on Monday because of
the holiday. Today I had to compile another list, this time it was of aquatic resources for Baldwin
County. It took a few hours of looking at dams and aquifers and water tables but I got it done and
it should help in times of crisis.
Date TIme in Time Out Hours worked
Weekly total 32
Grand total 64