Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
Volunteering opportunities relating to Reducing inequalities can include, working at a women’s shelter,
working with youth, especially LGBTQ groups, refugees, older people, and all-around disadvantaged
groups of people. During these, I could be talking and becoming a friend for those who feel lonely. I can
help support organizations so they run smoothly in support of these minorities. I can help give out food
and shelter, as well as short through and monitor donations. By doing any form of support I can actively
help support and reduce inequalities for the people around me.
Contingency Plans
Action Prevention
Not being able to find anywhere available Apply to many places
Losing documents of progression Triple check safety of items and such
Finding it difficult to complete the task within Find volunteering early and complete as quickly
allocated time as possible, do not be afraid to ask for support
Delay Impact
Finding a place to volunteer Will push back the amount of time I have,
condense the work in all one period
Finishing with information and reflection Submitting by a later period than the deadline
Planning 5 hours
Volunteering 15 hours
5 hours
Trello Board
By using a trello board I will be more sceptible to follow through and document my task. By having each task clearly laid out and
easy to move to and from each tab, I will be able to complete my task in a timely and organized way.
Reliable Up to Date Relevant Useful
The plan is reliable Exact time and date The information I can look back at the
and will be helpful may vary as I will not provided in the plan information provide
for me to look back be in complete in relevant enough to and use to guide
on to help support control of when I help support me myself and the tasks I
me and what I need volunteer and what I need to complete. I
to be doing. I can rely do for however long. will also require a
on it to help me But the plan will act notebook, a phone
finish everything in as a strong guideline. for photos,
an organized and information on the
timely manner. organization to apply
to my final project,
and time.
Issues that could Larger time However, others Some issues can arise
arise are situations differences can things may arise that with the
which I am hinder the project I would not be documentary items.
unprepared for and and its completion, prepared for in the My phone dying or
sponantious, therefore I will have plan. losing my notes, so I
however by going to double check and will have to be extra
through them I will be on top of my careful and prepared
be able to document work. with them.
them and my actions
for future purposes.