Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and
inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and
Standards inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and solve these problems
accurately using a variety of strategies
3. Learning Factors completely different types Factors completely different types Factors completely different types Factors completely different types
Competencies / of polynomials (polynomials with of polynomials (polynomials with of polynomials (polynomials with of polynomials (polynomials with
Objectives common monomial factor, common monomial factor, common monomial factor, common monomial factor,
difference of two squares, sum difference of two squares, sum difference of two squares, sum difference of two squares, sum
and difference of two cubes, and difference of two cubes, and difference of two cubes, and difference of two cubes,
perfect square trinomials and perfect square trinomials and perfect square trinomials and perfect square trinomials and
general trinomials) general trinomials) general trinomials) general trinomials)
(M8AL-Ia-b-1) (M8AL-Ia-b-1) (M8AL-Ia-b-1) (M8AL-Ia-b-1)
a. Factor polynomials with a. Factor the difference of two a. Find the factors of the sum or 1. Identify a perfect square
common monomial factor. squares . difference of two cubes. trinomial.
b. Apply the theorems in proving b. Solve equations by factoring b. Completely factor a polynomial 2. Get the square of the numbers.
inequalities in triangle. the difference of involving the 3. Factor a perfect square
c. Appreciate the concept about two squares. sum and difference of two cubes. trinomial
factoring out the common factor in c. Find pleasures in working with c. Find pleasures in working with
polynomials. numbers. numbers.
II. CONTENT Factor of Polynomials with Factoring the Difference of Factoring the Sum or Factoring a Perfect Square
Common Monomial Factor Two Squares Difference of Two Cubes Trinomial
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Module 1, p. 6-23 Module 1, p. 6-23 Module 1, p. 6-23 Module 1, p. 6-23
3. Textbook Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics Next Century Mathematics
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous 1. Asking the common physical SECRET MESSAGE Purpose Setting Activity Find the square of the following:
lesson or presenting the features/ behavioural traits among Find the square roots and solve So here are the formulas that
new lesson siblings in the family. the secret message. summarize how to factor the sum 1. 1 6. 36
4 = ___ 16 = ___ and difference of two cubes. 2. 4 7. 49
16 = ___ 81 = ___ 3. 9 8. 81
49 = ___ 9 = ___ Study them carefully using the 4. 16 9. a2
81 = ___ 25 = ___ following diagrams. 5. 25 10. x4
16 = ___ 100 = ___
9 = ___ 36 = ___
121= ___ 16 = ___
25 = ___9 = ___
144 = ___ 64 = ___
2. What are the things common to 81= ___ 289 = ___
each set of pictures? 225 = ___ 49 =___
9 = ___ 81 = ___
25= ___ 16 =___
100= ___ 9 =___
16 16 25 1000
299 100 400 4
36 81 64 81
144 100 9 64
49 900 121 4
24 9 81 225 Observations:
•For the “sum” case, the binomial
factor on the right side of the
Y X equation has a middle sign that is
8 9 positive.
•In addition to the “sum” case, the
middle sign of the trinomial factor
will always be opposite the middle
sign of the given problem.
Therefore, it is negative.
B. Establishing a purpose Factoring the common monomial Factoring the difference of two Factoring the sum or difference of Factoring a perfect square
for the lesson factor is the reverse process of squares is the reverse process of two cubes is the reverse process trinomial is the reverse process of
monomial to polynomials. the product of sum and difference of product of binomial and square o binomial.
a (b + c) = ab + ac of two terms. trinomial. (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2
(x + y) (x – y) = x2 – y2 (x + y) (x2 – xy + y2) (x - y)2 = x2 - 2xy + y2
=x +y 3
(x + y) (x2 + xy + y2)
= x3 - y3
C. Presenting examples/ a. Factor xy +xz Factor 4y2 - 36y6 1: Factor x3 + 27 Study the trinomials and their
instances of the lesson Get the CMF, x •There is a common factor of 4y 2
Currently the problem is corresponding binomial factors.
Divide xy + xz by x that can be factored out first in not written in the form that we 1. x2 + 10x + 25 = (x + 5)2
Quotient: y + z this problem, to make the want. Each term must be written 2. 49x2 – 42 + 9
Thus xy + xz = ( y + z) problem easier. as cube, that is, an expression = (7x – 3)2
4y2 (1 - 9y4) raised to a power of 3. The term 3. 36 + 20 m + 16m2
b. Factor 5n² + 15n •In the factor (1 - 9y ), 1 and 9y with variable x is okay but the 27 = (6 + 4m)2
4 4
Get the CMF, 5n are perfect squares (their should be taken care of. 4. 64x2 – 32xy + 4y2
Divide 5n² = 15 n by 5n coefficients are perfect squares Obviously, we know that 27 = (3) = (8x – 2y)2
Quotient: n + 3 and their exponents are even (3)(3) = 33.
Thus 5n² + 15n numbers). Since subtraction is Rewrite the original a. Relate the first term in the
= 5n (n + 3) occurring between these squares, problem as sum of two cubes, trinomial to the first term in the
this expression is the difference and then simplify. Since this is the binomial factors.
c. Factor 27y² + 9y -18 of two squares. "sum" case, the binomial factor b. Compare the second term in
The CMF is 9 and trinomial factor will have the trinomial factor and the
Divide 27y² + 9y -18 by 9 positive and negative middle sum of the product of the inner
The quotient is 3y² + y -2 •What times itself will give 1? signs, respectively. terms and outer terms of the
Thus, 27y² + 9y -18 •What times itself will give 9y4? x3 + 27 = (x)3 + (3)3 binomials.
= 9 ( 3y² + y -2) •The factors are (1 + 3y2) and (1 - = (x+3) [{x)2 –(x)(3) +(3)2] c. Observe the third term in the
3y2). =(x+3) (x2-3x+9) trinomial and the product of
•Answer: the second terms in the
4y2 (1 + 3y2) (1 - 3y2) or Example 2: Factor y3 - 8 binomials.
4y2 (1 - 3y2) (1 + 3y2) This is a case of difference
of two cubes since the number 8
can be written as a cube of a
number, where 8 = (2)(2)(2) = 23.
Apply the rule for
difference of two cubes, and
simplify. Since this is the
"difference" case, the binomial
factor and trinomial factor will
have negative and positive middle
signs, respectively.
D. Discussing new concepts Question: What fruit is the main Factor each of the following: Factor the following: Supply the missing term to make
and practicing new skills product of Tagaytay City? You 1. c² - d² 1. x3 – 8 a true statement.
#1 will match the products in Column 2. 1 - a² 2. 27x3 + 1 1. m2 + 12m + 36
A with the factors in Column B to 3. ( a + b )² - 4c² = (m + ___)2
3. x3y6 – 64
decode the answer. 4. 16x² - 4 2. 16d2 – 24d + 9
5. a²b² - 144 4. m³ + 125 = (4d – ___)2
5. x³ + 343 3. a4b2 – 6abc + 9c2
= (a2b ___)2
4. 9n2 + 30nd + 25d2
= (____ 5d)2
5. 49g2 – 84g +36
= ( ______)2
E. Discussing new concepts Factor the following Fill in the blanks to make the Complete the factoring. Factor the following trinomials.
and practicing new skills 1. a²bc + ab²c + abc² sides of each equation 1. t3 - w3 1. x2 + 4x + 4
#2 2. 4m²n² - 4mn³ equivalent. = (t – w) ( ) 2. x2 - 18x + 81
3. 25a + 25b 1. (_____) (x – 9) 2. m3 + n3 3. 4a2 + 4a + 1
4. 3x² + 9xy = x² -81 = (m + n) ( ) 4. 25m2 – 30m + 9
5. 2x²y + 12xy 2. (20 + 4) (_____) 3. x3 + 8 5. 9p2 – 36p + 16
= 20² -4² = (x + 2) ( )
3. (_____) (2a +3) 4. y3 - 27
= 4a² - 9 = (y – 3) ( )
4. (6x²y + 3ab) (6x²y -3ab) 5. 8- v3
= (_____) - 9a²b² = (2 – v ) ( )
5. (13 + x) (13 – x)
= _____ - x²
F. Developing mastery Factor the following: Factorize the following by taking Factor each completely. Factor the following:
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1. 10x + 10y + 10z the difference of squares: a) x ³ + 125 1. x2 – 5x + 25
3) 2. bx + by + bz 1. x2 – 100 b) a ³ + 64 2. b2 -10b + 100
3. 3x³ + 6x² + 9x 2. a2 – 4 c) x ³ – 64 3. 36b2 – 12b + 1
4. 10x + 5y –20z 3. ab2 – 25 d) u ³ + 8 4. 49p2 – 56p = 16
5. 7a³ + 14a² + 21 4. 36𝑥2 – 81 5. 49k2 – 28kp + 4p2
5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2
G. Finding practical Factor the following Factor the following. Directions. Find the cube roots. Complete the perfect square
applications of concepts 1. 16a² + 12a 1. 100a2 – 25b2 Then, match each solution to the trinomial and factor them.
and skills in daily living 2. 12am + 6a²m 2. 1 – 9a2 numbers at the bottom of the 1. ___ + 16x + 64
3. 72x² + 36xy – 27x 3. 81x2 – 1 page. Write the corresponding 2. x2 - ___ + 49
4. 5a³ + a³b 4. – 64a2 + 169 b2 letter in each blank to the 3. x2 + 4x + ___
5. 30a + 5ay - 25 az 5. x2 – 144 question. In the survey, Best 4. x2 + ___ + 9y2
place for family picnic in Tagaytay 5. ___ + 10k + 25
No 1 2 3 4
27 512 343 216
9 10 11
1331 1000 219
12 13 14
0 64 125
0 E N
12 11 3 5 9
10 7 8 6 13
H. Making generalizations Common Monomial Factor The factors of the difference of 1. The sum of the cubes of two In factoring a perfect square
and abstractions about two squares are the sum of the terms is equal to the sum of trinomial, the following should be
the lesson To factor polynomial with common square roots of the first and the two terms multiplied by noted:
monomial factor, expressed the second terms times the difference the sum of the squares of 1. The factors are binomials with
given polynomial as a product of of their square roots. these terms minus the product like terms
the common monomial factor and *The factors of 𝑎2 − 𝑏2 of these two terms. wherein the terms are the
the quotient obtained when the =𝑎𝑟𝑒 ( 𝑎 + 𝑏 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ( 𝑎 −𝑏 ). a³ + b³ square roots of the first and
given polynomial is divided by the = (a + b ( a² - ab + b² ) the last terms of the trinomial.
common monomial factor. 2. The sign connecting the
2. The difference of the cubes of terms of the binomial
two terms is equal to the factors is the same as
difference of the two terms the sign of the middle
multiplied by the sum of the term of the trinomial.
squares of these two terms
plus the product of these two
a³ - b³
= (a - b ( a² + ab + b² )
I. Evaluating learning Factor the following: Factorize the following by taking Supply the missing expression. Factor the following:
1. 5x + 5y + 5z the difference of squares: 1. 𝑚3 - 27 1. x2 – 6x + 9
2. ax + ay + az 1. x2 – 9 = (m – 3) _________ 2. b2 -12b + 36
3. 4x³ + 8x² + 12x 2. a2 – 1 2. 64 + 27𝑛3 3. 4b2 – 4b + 1
4. 6x + 18y – 9z 3. ab2 – 16 = ____(16 – 12n + 9𝑛2 ) 4. 49p2 – 56p = 16
5. 3a³ + 6a² + 12 4. 16𝑥2 – 49 3. _______ 5. 49k2 – 28kp + 4p2
5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2 = 2p + 5q ) ( 4𝑝2 – 10pq + 25𝑞2 )
4. 𝑥6 + 1000
= _____𝑥4 - 10𝑥2 + 100 )
5. ________
= ( 6x – 7y ) ( 36𝑥2 + 42xy + 49𝑦2
J. Additional activities for A. Follow up Factorize the following by taking Solve the following: Complete the perfect square
application or remediation the difference of squares: 1. The product of two consecutive trinomial and factor them.
Supply the missing term 1. x2 – 9 even integers is 528. Find the 1. ___ + 16x + 64
1. 3a + 3b = ____ (a + b) 2. a2 – 1 value of each integer. 2. x2 - ___ + 49
2. bx + by + bz 3. ab2 – 16 3. x2 + 4x + ___
= _____ (x + y + z) 4. 16𝑥2 – 49 4. x2 + ___ + 9y2
3. a²b - ab² = ab (_____ 5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2 5. ___ + 10k + 25
4. 4x + 6y = ____(2x + 3y )
5. m³ - m = ____(m² - 1)
Reference: G8 Mathematics
Learner’s Module pages 45-46
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?