G8DLL - Q1W1 - LC01 (Repaired)
G8DLL - Q1W1 - LC01 (Repaired)
G8DLL - Q1W1 - LC01 (Repaired)
a. Factor the difference of a. Find the factors of the 1. Identify a perfect square
two squares . sum or difference of two trinomial.
b. Solve equations by cubes. 2. Get the square of the
factoring the difference of b. Completely factor a numbers.
two squares. polynomial involving the 3. Factor a perfect square
c. Find pleasures in sum and difference of two trinomial
working with numbers. cubes.
c. Find pleasures in working
with numbers.
A. Reviewing previous SECRET MESSAGE Purpose Setting Activity Find the square of the
lesson or presenting Find the square roots and So here are the formulas following:
solve the secret message. that summarize how to
the new lesson 4 = ___ 16 = ___ factor the sum and 1. 1 6. 36
16 = ___ 81 = ___ difference of two cubes. 2. 4 7. 49
49 = ___ 9 = ___ 3. 9 8. 81
81 = ___ 25 = ___ Study them carefully using 4. 16 9. a2
16 = ___ 100 = ___ the following diagrams. 5. 25 10. x4
9 = ___ 36 = ___
121= ___ 16 = ___
25 = ___ 9 = ___
144 = ___ 64 = ___
81= ___ 289 = ___
225 = ___ 49 =___
9 = ___ 81 = ___
25= ___ 16 =___
100 = ___ 9 =___
16 16 25 1000
299 100 400 4
36 81 64 81
M N O P •For the “sum” case, the
144 100 9 64
binomial factor on the right
side of the equation has a
Q R S T middle sign that is positive.
49 900 121 4 •In addition to the “sum”
case, the middle sign of the
U V W X trinomial factor will always
24 9 81 225 be opposite the middle sign
of the given problem.
Y X Therefore, it is negative.
8 9
•For the “difference” case,
the binomial factor on the
right side of the equation
has a middle sign that is
•In addition to the
“difference” case, the middle
sign of the trinomial factor
will always be opposite the
middle sign of the given
problem. Therefore, it is
B. Establishing a Factoring the difference of Factoring the sum or Factoring a perfect square
purpose for the two squares is the reverse difference of two cubes is trinomial is the reverse
lesson process of the product of the reverse process of process of square o
sum and difference of two product of binomial and binomial.
terms. trinomial. (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2
(x + y)(x – y) = x2 – y2 (x + y)(x2 – xy + y2) (x - y)2 = x2 - 2xy + y2
3 3
=x +y
(x + y)(x2 + xy + y2)
= x 3 - y3
D. Discussing new Question : What fruit is the Factor each of the following: Factor the following: Supply
concepts and main product of Tagaytay 1. c² - d² 1. x3 – 8 make a
practicing new skills City? You will match the 2. 1 - a² 2. 27x3 + 1 1. m2 +
#1 products in Column A with 3. ( a + b )² - 4c² = (m +
3. x3y6 – 64
the factors in Column B to 4. 16x² - 4 2. 16d2
decode the answer. 5. a²b² - 144 4. m³ + 125 = (4d
5. x³ + 343 3. a4b2
= (a2b
4. 9n2 +
= (___
5. 49g2
= ( ___
E. Discussing new Factor the following Fill in the blanks to make Complete the factoring. Factor
concepts and 1. a²bc + ab²c + abc² the sides of each equation 1. t3 - w3 trinomi
practicing new skills 2. 4m²n² - 4mn³ equivalent. =(t–w)( ) 1. x2 +
#2 3. 25a + 25b 1. ( _____ ) ( x – 9) 2. m3 + n3 2. x2 - 1
4. 3x² + 9xy = x² -81 =(m+n)( ) 3. 4a2 +
5. 2x²y + 12xy 2. ( 20 + 4) ( _____ ) 3. x3 + 8 4. 25m
= 20² -4² = (x+2)( ) 5. 9p2 –
3. ( _____ ) (2a +3 ) 4. y3 - 27
= 4a² - 9 =(y–3)( )
4. ( 6x²y + 3ab)(6x²y -3ab) 5. 8- v3
= ( _____ ) - 9a²b² =(2–v)( )
5. ( 13 + x ) (13 – x)
= _____ - x²
F. Developing mastery Factor the following: Factorize the following by Factor each completely. Factor
(Leads to Formative 1. 10x + 10y + 10z taking the difference of a) x ³ + 125 1. x2 –
Assessment 3) 2. bx + by + bz squares: b) a ³ + 64 2. b2 -1
3. 3x³ + 6x² + 9x 1. x2 – 100 c) x ³ – 64 3. 36b2
4. 10x + 5y –20z 2. a2 – 4 d) u ³ + 8 4. 49p2
5. 7a³ + 14a² + 21 3. ab2 – 25 5. 49k2
4. 36𝑥2 – 81
5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2
G. Finding practical Factor the following Factor the following. Directions. Find the cube Comple
applications of 1. 16a² + 12a 1. 100a2 – 25b2 roots. Then, match each trinomi
concepts and skills in 2. 12am + 6a²m 2. 1 – 9a2 solution to the numbers at 1. ___
daily living 3. 72x² + 36xy – 27x 3. 81x2 – 1 the bottom of the page. 2. x2 - _
4. 5a³ + a³b 4. – 64a2 + 169 b2 Write the corresponding 3. x2 +
5. 30a + 5ay - 25 az 5. x2 – 144 letter in each blank to the 4. x2 +
question.In the survey, Best 5. ___
place for family picnic in
Tagaytay City?
No 1 2 3 4
27 512 343 216
5 6 7 8
1728 8 1 729
P 2 1 1
9 10 11
1331 1000 219
12 13 14
0 64 125
0 E N
12 11 3 5 9
10 7 8 6 13
H. Making Common Monomial Factor The factors of the difference 1. The sum of the cubes of In facto
generalizations and of two squares are the sum two terms is equal to trinomi
To factor polynomial with of the square roots of the the sum of the two terms should
abstractions about
common monomial factor, first and second terms times multiplied by the sum 1. The
the lesson
expressed the given the difference of their of the squares of these with lik
polynomial as a product of square roots. terms minus the product whe
the common monomial *The factors of 𝑎2 − 𝑏2 of these two terms. squa
factor and the quotient =𝑎𝑟𝑒 ( 𝑎 + 𝑏 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ( 𝑎 −𝑏 ). a³ + b³ and
obtained when the given = ( a + b ( a² - ab + b² ) trino
polynomial is divided by the 2. The
common monomial factor. 2. The difference of the term
cubes of two terms is facto
equal to the difference of the s
the two terms multiplied term
by the sum of the
squares of these two
terms plus the product of
these two terms.
a³ - b³
= ( a - b ( a² + ab + b² )
I. Evaluating learning Factor the following: Factorize the following by Supply the missing Factor
1. 5x + 5y + 5z taking the difference of expression. 1. x2 –
2. ax + ay + az squares: 1. 𝑚3 - 27 2. b2 -1
3. 4x³ + 8x² + 12x 1. x2 – 9 = (m – 3) _________ 3. 4b2 –
4. 6x + 18y – 9z 2. a2 – 1 2. 64 + 27𝑛3 4. 49p2
5. 3a³ + 6a² + 12 3. ab2 – 16 = ____(16 – 12n + 9𝑛2 ) 5. 49k2
4. 16𝑥2 – 49 3. _______
5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2 = ( 2p + 5q ) ( 4𝑝2 – 10pq +
25𝑞2 )
4. 𝑥6 + 1000
= _____𝑥4 - 10𝑥2 + 100 )
5. ________
= ( 6x – 7y ) ( 36𝑥2 + 42xy +
49𝑦2 )
J. Additional activities A. Follow up Factorize the following by Solve the following: Comple
for application or taking the difference of 1. The product of two trinomi
remediation Supply the missing term squares: consecutive even 1. ___
1. 3a + 3b = ____ (a + b) 1. x2 – 9 integers is 528. Find the 2. x2 - _
2. bx + by + bz 2. a2 – 1 value of each integer. 3. x2 +
= _____ (x + y + z) 3. ab2 – 16 4. x2 +
3. a²b - ab² = ab (_____ 4. 16𝑥2 – 49 5. ___
4. 4x + 6y = ____(2x + 3y ) 5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2
5. m³ - m = ____(m² - 1)
B. Study Factoring
1. What is a common
monomial factor?
2. How will you factor
polynomial by grouping?
Reference: G8 Mathematics
Learner’s Module pages
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?