I. Objectives: Day 5 To 8

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time AUGUST 5-9, 2024 (9:50-10:35)Day 5 to 8 Quarter FIRST


1. Content Standards The learner formulates real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and
inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and solve these
problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear
Standards equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and
solve these problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
3. Learning The learner factors The learner factors The learner factors The learner solves problems
Competencies / completely different types of completely different types of completely different types of involving factors of
Objectives polynomials (polynomials polynomials (polynomials polynomials (polynomials polynomials.
with common monomial with common monomial with common monomial (M8AL-IIb-2)
factor, difference of two factor, difference of two factor, difference of two
squares, sum and difference squares, sum and difference squares, sum and difference a. Solves problems involving
of two cubes, perfect square of two cubes, perfect square of two cubes, perfect square polynomials and their
trinomials, and general trinomials, and general trinomials, and general products and factors
trinomials). trinomials). trinomials). b. Analyze each word
(M8AL-Ia-b-1) (M8AL-Ia-b-1) (M8AL-Ia-b-1) problem to identify the
given information
a. Factor quadratic trinomial a. Factor quadratic trinomial a. Factor quadratic trinomial c. Develop positive attitude
of the form of the form of the form towards work
2 2 2
ax + bx + c, ax + bx + c, ax + bx + c
where a = 1 where a > 1 b. Find pleasure in factoring
b. Find pleasure in factoring b. Find pleasure in factoring quadratic trinomials.
quadratic trinomials. quadratic trinomials.
II. CONTENT Factoring Quadratic Factoring Quadratic Factoring Quadratic Applications of Special
Trinomials of the form Trinomials of the form Trinomials of the form Products and Factors
ax2 + bx + c, where a = 1 ax2 + bx + c, where a > 1 ax2 + bx + c

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide 41 – 45 41 – 45 41 – 45
b. Learner’s Materials 41 42-44 41-44 50-53
c. Textbook pages Nivera, Gladys C. et al., Nivera, Gladys C. et al., Nivera, Gladys C. et al., Nivera, Gladys C. et al.,
Making Connections in Making Connections in Making Connections in Making Connections in
Mathematics, pp. 341-342, Mathematics, pp. 341-342, Mathematics, pp. 341-345, Mathematics, pp. 341-345,
d. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning ● Grade 8 LCTG by ● Grade 8 LCTG by ● Grade 8 LCTG by ● Grade 8 LCTG by
Resources DepEd Cavite Mathematics DepEd Cavite Mathematics DepEd Cavite Mathematics DepEd Cavite Mathematics
2016 2016 2016 2016
● Activity Sheets, Visual ● Activity Sheets, Visual ● Activity Sheets, Visual ● Activity Sheets, Visual
Aids, Laptop, LCD Aids, Laptop, LCD Aids, Laptop, LCD Aids, Laptop, LCD
Projector Projector Projector Projector
A. Reviewing previous Preliminaries Preliminaries Preliminaries Preliminaries
lesson or presenting the INSIDE-OUTSIDE Multiply the following: Fill in the blanks Try to solve this problem.
new lesson Pair the Quadratic Trinomial 1. (2k – 3) (k – 4) 1. To factor x2 + 6x + 8, find • The longest side of a right
inside the circle into its 2. (3x + 5) (x + 1) the two numbers whose triangle is 2 more than the
corresponding factored form 3. (3z + 2) (2z – 3) _____ is 8 and whose shortest side. The middle
outside the circle. _____ is 6. side is 1 more than the
2. To factor x2 + 7x – 8, find
shortest side. Find the
two numbers whose
lengths of the sides of the
_____ is -8 and whose
_____ is 7. triangle.
3. If the last term of the
general trinomial is
positive, then the signs of
the second terms in each
factor are _____.
4. x2 + 9x + 8 =
(x + ___) (x + ___)
5. 2(x – 4)(x – 3) =
__x2 - __x + __
A. Establishing a purpose Introduce to the students ● Recall: Factoring ● The general quadratic Special products and factors
for the lesson that: general quadratic trinomial, trinomials should be can be applied in some real-
● The product of two given factored into its simplest life problems.
binomials is called general a = 1. form.
quadratic trinomial; and ● Introduce to the
● The factors of a students that the value of a
general quadratic trinomial in a general quadratic
are two binomials. trinomial can be greater
than 1
(a > 1) and there are steps
to be followed on how to
get its factors.
B. Presenting examples/ Illustrative Examples Illustrative Examples Illustrative Examples Illustrative Example
instances of the lesson Study the trinomials and their Factor 2k2 – 11k +12 Factor 2x2 – 14k +24 The product of two
corresponding binomial Follow the steps: Follow the steps used in consecutive even integers is
factors. 1. Find the product of the factoring general trinomial. 528. Find the value of each
1. x² + 7x +10 = leading term and the last Step 1: integer.
(x + 5) (x + 2) term (2x2) (24) = 48x2 ● Follow the steps used
2. a² + 7a + 12 = 2k2 – 11k + 12 Step 2: in this problem.
(a + 4) (a + 3) (2k2) (12) = 24k2 (-8x) + (-6x) = -14x Step 1: Have representations

Let n ⟶ the 1st even

3. c² + 2c - 8 = 2. Find the factors of 24k2 Step 3: of the unknowns.
(c + 4) (c – 2) whose sum is -11k. 2x2 – 8x – 6x + 24

Let (n + 2) ⟶ the 2nd even

a. Relate the first term in the (-3k) + (-8k) = -11k Step 4: integer
trinomial to the first term in 3. Rewrite the trinomial as a (2x2 – 8x) + (– 6x + 24)
the binomial factors. four-term expression by Step 5: integer
b. Compare the second term replacing the middle term 2x(x – 4) – 6(x – 4)
in the trinomial factor and with the sum of the factors. Step 6: Step 2: Form an equation
the sum of the product of 2k2 – 8k – 3k + 12 (2x – 6) (x – 4) based on the problem.
the inner terms and outer 4. Group the terms with Step 7: n(n + 2) = 528
terms of the binomials. common factors. 2(x – 3) (x – 4)
(2k2 – 8k) + (-3k + 12) Step 3: Solve the equation by
c. Observe the third term in 5. Factor the groups using applying the appropriate
the trinomial and the greatest common special products and factors.
product of the second monomial factor. n(n + 2) = 528
terms in the binomials. 2k (k – 4) – 3(k – 4) n2 + 2n = 528
6. Factor out the common n + 2n - 528 = 528 – 528
binomial factor and write n2 + 2n – 528 = 0
the remaining factor as a (n + 24) (n – 22) = 0
sum or difference of the
common monomial factors. Step 4: To determine the
(k – 4)(2k – 3) value of the unknown, equate
both factors into 0.
n + 24 = 0 and n – 22 = 0
n = -24 and n = 22

Therefore, if the 1st even

integer n = -24, then the 2nd
even integer n + 2 = -24 + 2
= -22 so the two consecutive
even integers are -24 and -

And, if the 1st even integer n

= 22, then the 2nd even
integer n + 2 = 22 + 2 = 24 so
the two consecutive even
integers are 22 and 24
C. Discussing new concepts 1. What kind of polynomials 1. What kind of polynomials 1. How many factors does 1. What techniques did you
and practicing new skills are the resulting factors? are the resulting factors? the given quadratic use to answer the
#1 2. How will you relate the 2. How will you relate the first trinomial has? problem?
first term in the trinomial term in the trinomial with 2. What factoring method 2. What things did you
with the first terms in the the first terms in the was applied in determining consider in solving
binomial factors? binomial factors? the final answer in the problems in products and
3. How will you compare the 3. How will you compare the given quadratic trinomial? factors?
second term in the second term in the 3. Did you find difficulty in
trinomial and the sum of trinomial and the sum of Note: Since (2x – 6) can still factoring and getting the
the inner and the outer the inner and the outer be factored by its common products of polynomials?
product of the terms of product of the terms of monomial factor, therefore
binomials? binomials? the factors of the quadratic
4. What have you observe 4. What have you observe trinomial
about the third term in the about the third term in the 2x2 – 14k +24 is
trinomial and the product trinomial and the product of 2(x – 3) (x – 4).
of the second terms in the the second terms in the
binomial factors. binomial factors
D. Discussing new concepts Question: What specific Group Activity: The class will Finding the common Solve the problem:
and practicing new skills municipality in Cavite is be divided into 6 groups. monomial factor of quadratic
#2 known as the CITY OF trinomial can be used as the
CHARACTER? Factor the Factor each given quadratic first step,
given expressions in Column trinomial:
A and locate the answer in ● For Groups 1, 3, & 5: 3x2 Step 1:
column B. Write the + 8x + 5 2x2 – 14k + 24
corresponding letter of the ● For Groups 2, 4, & 6: Step 2: jr-pool.com
answer in the boxes 6z2 – 5z – 6 2(x2 – 7k + 12)
provided below. Step 3: Determine the factors A rectangular swimming
of the remaining trinomial. pool in a resort in Tagaytay
2 (x – 4) (x – 3) City is twice as long as its
wide. A small concrete
walkway surrounds the pool.
The walkway is a constant 2
feet wide and has an area of
196 square feet. Find the
dimensions of the pool.
E. Developing mastery The teacher will present the The teacher will present the ● Factor the following Solve the following problems:
(Leads to Formative concept of factoring concept of factoring quadratic into its simplest forms: 1. The side of a cube is
Assessment 3) quadratic trinomial trinomial 1. 2x2 + 10x – 48 represented by x + 1. Find,
ax2 + bx + c, where a = 1. ax2 + bx + c, where a > 1. 2. 12x2 – 20x – 8 in terms of x, the volume of
3. 5a2 + 15ab + 10b2 the cube.
Factor the following: Factor the following:
1. x2 + 8x + 15 1. 2x2 + 7x + 3
2. a2 + 9a + 14 2. 3x2 – 4x – 7 clipartpanda.com
3. x2 – 5x + 6 3. 3x2 – 8x + 4 2. Let an integer be
represented by x. Find, in
terms of x, the product of
three consecutive integers.

F. Finding practical Factor the following: Match the places in column A Arrange the indicated Solve: Write a variable
applications of concepts 1. x2 – 7x + 10 with their products in column solutions following the steps expression for the area of a
and skills in daily living 2. b2 + 13b + 30 B by factoring the given in factoring general quadratic square whose side is x + 8.
3. x2 + 6x + 8 quadratic trinomials trinomial.
4. x2 – 8x + 12 represented by each place.
5. x2 + x – 6 Method A
a. 2(a + 6) (a + 3)
b. 2a2 + 18a + 36 classroomclipart.com
c. 2(a2 + 9a + 18)

Method B
a. 2a(a + 3) + 12a (a + 3)
b. 2(a + 6) (a + 3)
c. (2a2 + 6a) + (12a + 36)
d. 2a2 + 18a + 36
e. 2a2 + 6a + 12a + 36
f. (2a + 12a (a + 3)
G. Making generalizations In factoring Quadratic In factoring Quadratic In factoring Quadratic Steps in Solving Word
and abstractions about Trinomials Trinomials given a > 1: Trinomials: Problems
the lesson 1. Factor the first term of the 1. Find the product of the 1. Find the product of the 1. Read the problem carefully
trinomial and write these leading term and the last leading term and the last and decide what numbers
factors as the first terms of term. term. are asked for.
the factors; 2. Find the factors of the 2. Find the factors of the 2. Choose a variable to
2. List down all the factors of product of the leading term product of the leading term represent the unknown
the last term; and the last term whose and the last term whose and the other quantities
3. Identify which factor pair sum is equal to the middle sum is equal to the middle needed in terms of a
sums up the middle term; term. term. variable.
then 3. Rewrite the trinomial as a 3. Rewrite the trinomial as a 3. Form the equation or
4. Write each factor in the four-term expression by four-term expression by inequality showing the
pairs as the last term of replacing the middle term replacing the middle term relationships given in the
the binomial factors. with the sum of the factors. with the sum of the factors. problem.
4. Group the terms with 4. Group the terms with 4. Solve and find the
common factors. common factors. solutions of the equation or
5. Factor the groups using 5. Factor the groups using inequality.
greatest common greatest common 5. Check your results with the
monomial factor. monomial factor. requirements stated in the
6. Factor out the common 6. Factor out the common word problem.
binomial factor and write binomial factor and write
the remaining factor as a the remaining factor as a
sum or difference of the sum or difference of the
common monomial factors. common monomial
7. If possible, simplify the
factors using common
monomial factor.
H. Evaluating learning A. Factor the following: A. Factor the following: Factor the following: a. Think of a number.
1. m2 + 14m + 33 1. 2x2 + 3x + 1 1. 6m2 – 6m – 12 Subtract 7. Multiply by 3.
2. x2 – 13x – 14 2. 2x2 – 3x – 2 2. 6x2 – 20x + 6 Add 30. Divide by 3.
3. a2 – 7x – 18 3. 25a2 – 10a + 1 3. 3x2 + 6x – 24 Subtract the original
B. Answer the following: B. Answer the following: 4. 5z2 – 15z – 50 number. The result is
4. One of the factors of x2 4. One of the factors of 5. 4a2 – 28a + 48 always 3. Use polynomials
+ 5x – 24 is (x + 8). 11x2 + 23x + 2 is to illustrate this number
What is the other (x + 2 ). What is the trick.
factor? other factor?
5. Find the missing terms: 5. Find the missing terms:
x2 – 11x + 30 = (x - ___) 3x2 – 4x – 15 = (x - ___)
(x - ___) (___ + 5)

b. The length of a rectangular

window is 5-feet more than
its width, w. The area of
the window is 36 feet.
Which equation could be
used to find the
dimensions of the window?
a. w + 5w + 36 = 0
b. w2 – 5w – 36 = 0
c. w2 – 5w + 36 = 0
d. w2 + 5w – 36 = 0
I. Additional activities for A. Follow up Follow up Follow up Solve the following problems:
application or Factor the following: Factor the following: Answer the following: 1. The square of a positive
remediation 1. x2 – 7x + 6 1. 2x2 + x – 6 1. There are two consecutive integer is 98 less than
2. b2 – 6b – 27 2. 6x2 – 20x + 6 integers. If the first integer twice the square of the
3. x2 + 2x – 24 3. 6m2 – 6m – 12 is x, what is the second next consecutive integer.
B. Study 4. 8x2 + 22x + 9 integer? Find the integers.
4. Factoring quadratic 4n + 12nx + 9x2
2. There are two consecutive 2. Find two positive
trinomials ax2 + bx + c, odd integers. If the first consecutive integers
where a > 1. odd integer is x, what is whose product is 132.
5. What are the steps in the second odd integer?
factoring quadratic 3. There are two consecutive
trinomials given a > 1? even integers. If the first
even integer is x, what is
the second even integer?
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the formative
2. No.of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
3. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared By: Checked By: Monitored By: Monitored By:


Teacher I Head Teacher I PSDS

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