DLL Sum and Difference of Two Cubes
DLL Sum and Difference of Two Cubes
DLL Sum and Difference of Two Cubes
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mr. Jayree M. Gnilo Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST
II. CONTENT Factoring the Sum of Factoring the Factoring the Sum or Factoring the Sum Common
Two Cubes Difference of Two Difference of Two or Difference of Two monomial factor,
Cubes Cubes (Board Work) Cubes (Board Work) difference of two
squares, sum and
difference of two
cubes (Long Test)
A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Mathematics
Module Module Module Learner’s Module Learner’s Module
p34 - p35 p34 - p35 p34 - p35 p34 - p35 p27 – p35
4. Additional http://lmrds.deped.gov.ph. http:// http:// http:// http://
Materials lmrds.deped.gov.ph. lmrds.deped.gov.ph. lmrds.deped.gov.ph. lmrds.deped.gov.ph
from .
(LR) portal
B. Other Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics
Learning Module Module Module Learner’s Module
Resources laptop, LCD laptop, LCD
A. Reviewing Review simple Factor the following •For the “sum” case, •For the “sum” case,
previous lesson mathematical problems. Polynomials the binomial factor on the binomial factor on
or presenting Simplify the following: 1. 15xy + 5x3 = the right side of the the right side of the
the new lesson 1. 33 = 2. 42a3b – 6ac = equation has a middle equation has a middle
2. (3x)3= 3. 2a + 6b = sign that is positive. sign that is positive.
3. (x3y5)3= 4. 25x2 – 9 = •In addition to the “sum” •In addition to the
4. 43 = 5. 36a2 – 49 = case, the middle sign of “sum” case, the
5. 63 = the trinomial factor will middle sign of the
6. 03 = always be opposite the trinomial factor will
7. (5x)3 = Purpose Setting Activity middle sign of the given always be opposite
8. 6x - 6x = So here are the formulas problem. Therefore, it is the middle sign of the
9. 13 = that summarize how to negative. given problem.
10. 23 = factor the sum of two Therefore, it is
cubes. negative.
Purpose Setting Activity
So here are the formulas Study them carefully
that summarize how to using the following
factor the sum of two diagrams.
•For the “difference”
Study them carefully case, the binomial
using the following factor on the right side •For the “difference”
diagrams. of the equation has a case, the binomial
middle sign that is factor on the right side
negative. of the equation has a
•In addition to the middle sign that is
“difference” case, the negative.
middle sign of the •In addition to the
trinomial factor will “difference” case, the
always be opposite the middle sign of the
Observations: middle sign of the given trinomial factor will
•For the “sum” case, the Observations: problem. Therefore, it is always be opposite
binomial factor on the •For the “difference” positive. the middle sign of the
right side of the equation case, the binomial factor given problem.
has a middle sign that is on the right side of the Therefore, it is
positive. equation has a middle positive.
•In addition to the “sum” sign that is negative.
case, the middle sign of •In addition to the
the trinomial factor will “difference” case, the
always be opposite the middle sign of the
middle sign of the given trinomial factor will
problem. Therefore, it is always be opposite the
negative. middle sign of the given
problem. Therefore, it is
B. Establishing a Factoring the sum of two Factoring the difference Factoring the sum of Factoring the sum of
purpose for the cubes is the reverse of two cubes is the two cubes is the two cubes is the
lesson process of product of reverse process of reverse process of reverse process of
binomial and trinomial. product of binomial and product of binomial and product of binomial
trinomial. trinomial. and trinomial.
2 2
(x + y)(x – xy + y )
= x3 + y 3 (x + y)(x + xy + y )
2 2
(x + y)(x2 – xy + y2) (x + y)(x2 – xy + y2)
= x - y
3 3
= x3 + y3 = x3 + y 3
Factoring the difference Factoring the
of two cubes is the difference of two
reverse process of cubes is the reverse
product of binomial and process of product of
trinomial. binomial and trinomial.
(x + y)(x + xy + y )
2 2
(x + y)(x + xy + y )
2 2
= x - y
3 3
= x - y
3 3
C. Presenting Factor x3 + 27 Factor y3 - 8
examples/ Currently the This is a case of
instances of the problem is not written in difference of two cubes
lesson the form that we want. since the number 8 can
Each term must be be written as a cube of a
written as cube, that is, number, where 8 = (2)(2)
an expression raised to a (2) = 2 . 3
3. 8- v3
=(2–v)( )
G. Generalizing 1. The sum of the cubes 2. The difference of the 1. The sum of the 1. The sum of the
and abstractions of two terms is equal to cubes of two terms is cubes of two terms is cubes of two terms
about the lesson the sum of the two equal to the difference of equal to the sum is equal to the
terms multiplied by the two terms multiplied of the two terms sum of the two
the sum of the squares by the sum of the multiplied by the terms multiplied
of these terms minus squares of these two sum of the squares by the sum of the
the product of these terms plus the product of of these terms minus squares of these
two terms. these two terms. the product of these terms minus the
a³ + b³ a³ - b³ two terms. product of these
= ( a + b ( a² - ab + b² ) = ( a - b ( a² + ab + b² ) a³ + b³ two terms.
= ( a + b ( a² - ab + b² ) a³ + b³
= (a + b ( a² - ab + b² )
2. The difference of the
cubes of two terms is 2. The difference of
equal to the difference the cubes of two
of the two terms terms is equal to the
multiplied by the sum of difference of the two
the squares of these terms multiplied by the
two terms plus the sum of the squares of
product of these two these two terms plus
terms. the product of these
a³ - b³ two terms.
= ( a - b ( a² + ab + b² a³ - b³
) = ( a - b ( a² + ab +
b² )
H. Evaluating Supply the missing Supply the missing Factor the following Factor the following Factor the
learning expression. expression. 1. x + 8 1. 8x3 – 8 Following
1. 𝑚3 - 27 2. y + 27 2. 27y3 - 729x3 Polynomials
3 3
2. 64 + 27𝑛3 = (m – 3) _________ 3. 27y + 729x 3. y3 – 27
= ____(16 – 12n + 9𝑛2 ) 2. 64 + 27𝑛3 4. 27x3 + 64 A. Common
4. 125x3 - 8y3
4. 𝑥6 + 1000 = ____(16 – 12n + 9𝑛2 ) 5. 125x3 + 8y3 Monomial factoring
6. 216y3 + 27 5. 64x3 - 8 1. 2a + 6
= _____𝑥4 - 10𝑥2 + 100 ) 3. _______
= ( 2p + 5q ) ( 4𝑝2 – 10pq 7. 27x3 + 8y3 6. 216y3 – 27 2. 5y – 20y5
+ 25𝑞2 ) 8. 64x3 + 216a3 7. z3 - 8a3 3. 10b – 5
5. ________ 4. 𝑥6 + 1000 9. 343a3 + 8b3 8. 64y3 - 216x3
= ( 6x – 7y ) ( 36𝑥2 + = _____𝑥4 - 10𝑥2 + 10. 64y3 + 729x3 9. 343y3 - 8b3 B. Difference of two
42xy + 49𝑦2 ) 100 ) 11. 1000x + 27 10. 216x3 - 27y3 squares
3 3
12. 125x + 64y 1. x2 – 100
11. 64x3 - 8
13. 216y3 + 343 2. 4x2 – 25
14. 729x3 + 8y3 12. 8y3 – 27 3. y2 – 81
5. ________
= ( 6x – 7y ) ( 36𝑥2 + 15. 27x3 + 512a3 13. 64z3 - 8a3
42xy + 49𝑦2 ) 14. 512y3 - 216x3
15. 343y3 - 27b3 C. Sum and
difference of two
1. 8x3 – 8
2. 27y3 - 729x3
3. y3 – 27,000
1. No.of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
2. No.of learners
who require
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No.of learners
who have caught
up with the
4. No.of learners
who continue to
5. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
6. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?