Lesson Exemplar
Lesson Exemplar
Lesson Exemplar
Use the appropriate oral language, stance, and behavior when giving
C. Learning Competency
information, and instructions, making explanations, and narrating events
in factual and personal recounts
I. CONTENT Writing the report survey/field report laboratory/scientific technical report
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages English Quarter 3 – Module 2
2. Learner’s Manual pages English Quarter 3 – Module 2
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://vennage.com/blog/how-to-summarize/
Learning Resource (LR) https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-line-graph-definition-
portal examples.html
Google and Youtube
B. Other Learning Resources www.google.com
C. Subject Integration Empowerment Technology and Mathematics
A. Reviewing the previous lesson The teacher will ask students about their previous Make sure to set
or presenting a new lesson lesson. They will be asked using the following the classroom
(REVIEW) questions: environment
conducive to
*What is a survey? learning before
starting the class by
a prayer, checking
attendance, and
setting classroom
etiquette for
learners to follow.
Set classroom rules
for them to follow.
B. Establishing a purpose for the (Jean Piaget)
lesson explains how
internal and
external factors
influence an
mental processes
to supplement
The cognitive
theory of
learning assumes
that the human
mind is a dual-
channel, limited-
capacity, active-
system, and that
presenters must
messages to
manage all three
types of cognitive
load accordingly.
As a continuation of the motivation, the students will
Match the non-prose text in Column A with its Let the students
answer by matching
COLUMN A COLUMN B Column A with its
__1. Bar Graph A. smaller picture represents adefinition in Column
__2. Histogram certain amount of an item andB and give their
__3. Pie Graph the picture in the graph are
ideas about those
__4. Line Graph stacked up one after another.
B. display comparisons between presented
2 graphs to
__5. Tables assess what they
variables, line graphs involve an
__6. Pictograph already know.
x-axis horizontally and a y-axis
vertically on a grid.
C. represent statistical information
by way of bars to show the
frequency distribution of
continuous data.
D. represents the parts of a whole.
E. graphically represents the
comparison between categories
of data. It displays groupedAnswer
data Key:
by way of parallel rectangular
bars of equal width but varying
1. E.
2. C.
C. Presenting F. Present a great deal of
3. D.
numerical information in a very
examples/instances of the
clear and concise way, with4. B.
new lesson very minimal space to occupy.5. F.
definition in Column B. 6. A.
>The facilitator of
Compare the following materials. Then answer the learning will use
questions that follow. literacy in
D. Discussing new concepts and instructing students
practicing new skills Material A.
to read the
directions carefully,
Nine Percent of Filipinos Aged 6 to 24 years are Out of School (Results
from the 2017 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey)
it is an activity
2018-06-06 where students will
Based on the 2017 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS), about nine read and test their
percent of the estimated 39.2 million Filipinos aged 6 to 24 years old were
out-of-school children and youth (OSCY). comprehension.
Reference Number:
Release Date:
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 >Social
Almost ten percent of the estimated 39 million Filipinos 6 to 24 years old
were out-of-school children and youth (OSCY), according to the results of Theory is
the 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS). In this report, OSCY
refers to family members 6 to 14 years old who are not attending formal employed. Students
school; and family members 15 to 24 years old who are currently out of
school, not gainfully employed, and have not finished college or post-
obtain literacy when
secondary course. According to the results of the survey, less than two the teacher actively
percent of children aged 6 to 11 years were OSCYs; which is twice lower
than the 3.5 percent of the total children aged 12 to 15 years who were not supports students’
attending school.
Of the 3.8 million OSCYs, 87.3 percent were 16 to 24 years old, 7.7
percent were 12 to 15 years old and 5.0 percent were 6 to 11 years old. The
proportion of OSCYs was higher among females than males (Table 1). The
most common reasons among OSCYs for not attending school were marriage > Notify students
or family matters (42.3%), high cost of education or financial concerns
(20.2%), and lack of personal interest (19.7%). Among females, marriage or
that through
family matters was the main reason for not attending school with 59.3 gathering
percent; while it is the lack of personal interest among males with 36.5 information from the
percent (Table 2). Nationwide, about 53 percent of OSCYs belong to families
whose income fall at the bottom 30 percent based on their per capita income internet, especially
(Table 3). the given report,
The APIS is a nationwide survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics they will be
Authority (PSA). Around 11,000 sample households are covered in the
survey nationwide. The survey is designed to provide non-income indicators
redirected to the
related to poverty at the national level. It aims to gather data on the socio- ideas related to the
economic profile of families and other information related to their living
condition. topic.
Material B:
E. Developing mastery The teacher presents the slides and discusses the Catechize the
(ANALYSIS) lesson. following questions
to encourage
1. What is a non-prose text? students’
2. What are examples of non-prose text? engagement during
3. How do the pictures show connections or the discussion. The
discussion will also
show subject
4. Why is it important to know what non-prose text integration in
should be used in conducting research and even Empowerment
surveys? Technology and
Assess students’
critical thinking and
comprehension by
asking HOTS
questions with the
guidance of MELC.
G. Finding practical applications DIRECTION: After you have answered all the Answer Key:
of concepts and skills in daily activities in the lesson, let us see what you have
living learned. Complete the statement below based on 1. Non-prose text
(APPLICATION) your learning from the previous activities and 2. Histogram
discussion. 3. Numerical
1.________ texts consist of disconnected words and 4. Relevant
numbers instead of sentences and paragraphs. 5. Percentage
2.________ is a type of bar chart that is used to
represent statistical information by way of bars to
show the frequency distribution of continuous data.
3. Tables are used to present a great deal of
____________ in a very clear and concise way, with
very minimal space to occupy.
4. Non-prose materials provide only the useful and
____________ data.
5. A pie chart represents the ____________ of each
H. Evaluating learning The questions will
(ASSESSMENT) This is a result of a survey of answers to the test students’ ability
questions. “On what do students in your high school to apply what they
like to spend the biggest portion of the money?” have learned from the
lesson in daily living.
The students will make a pie chart of the result.
Food 25
Clothes 15
Communication 0
Allowance 18
School Supplies 20
Personal Needs 17
Others 10
Total 105
The students will conduct a survey and gather The teacher will
answers to the question: Who are the people who remind the students
helped you cope with the challenges brought by the that the assignment
new normal in education? will be submitted or
I. Assignment
collected at the next
The students will then present their answers or results
in any of the non-prose materials discussed. They will
present it on a piece of paper
(Writing Activity)
G. Narrative Reflection
Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher
Checked and observed by:
Teacher II